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FR  Froze her out, they got up and left: give me feeds


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Apr 10, 2013

Me and my friend see 2 girls at the local bar and we go talk to them. It’s a around 1:30-2:00 and not too many people left, at this time it’s OK to move a bit faster, so I right away ask to sit close to her while I’m actually already sitting and my friend does the same with the other.
She was 30YO and they were drunk, not totally wasted but drunk.

I start to put my arm around her neck pretty soon. She’s OK with it but when I use my hand to stroke her upper arm she kept repeating she’s not comfortable with it.
I make some jokes like withdrawing both hands and having them as far away if she prefers an awkward “berlin wall” between us and get us two laughing.
Then I put my arm again behind the seat and behind her.

The conversation is quite good, I say I’m a ghostbuster to avoid the usual boring stuff, which bring us a more light-hearted spirit –and maybe some mystery from my side (and you won’t believe it, but many girls actually end up believing me)- while I actually get to know more from her.
When she asks again about my job I say “I’m a ghostbuster and I work in IT”, I didn’t want to keep neglecting her request for a serious answer but I didn’t want too much of a boring conversation from my side (I couldn’t be fully honest anyway).

After a while we hold hands a bit. But every time I rest my hand on her shoulder/upper arm she says she’s not comfortable with that.
She never says it too seriously, but she really means it.

They take some pictures of us with them, and when my girl is taking the pic I hold her from behind with my arms on her belly. Some fake protesting but she’s OK with it and actually liking it.

As we leave and they go to the toilet (we stayed there maybe 1h), me and my friend plan to go for the pull as soon as we’re out of there (me to my place, right in front, he going with the girl somewhere else).

It didn’t work though as the girls hold each other once out preventing us from breaking them apart, so we propose another bar.
On the way we cross the metro stop and they half-heartedly say they gotta go and my girl say her husband is waiting for her (no idea if that was a lie a joke or something, I don’t inquire about that at all). But I kinda knew they didn’t want to really leave and indeed a “come on just one drink” is enough to get us going.

On the way I go for holding hands, she protests but I insist and then we are actually walking hand in hand for the most part. But every time we break contact, it’s always a struggle to get her hand back and it’s not just token resistance, I overdo it at times.

We sit in the second bar again one next to the other and my friend is smart enough to sit between “my girl” and her friend.
They get a drink, me and my friend don’t (maybe we should have).

Again some hand holding, I start moving my hand on her body a bit. Some protesting.

My friend is having the other girl’s leg on his leg. He doesn’t go for much kino, he doesn’t go for the kiss. He very rarely does and he mostly talk, I don’t even know how as the girl doesn’t speak English and he’s not really proficient in the local language.

I feel my girl is more distant now, she talks to her friend more often than in the first bar, she meddles between my friend and her girlfriend more than once. When she does this my friend motions with his eyes to get her, to which I gesticulate behind her back “I’m trying man, but she’s being silly” :) .
Still we hold hands at times and my arm is on her shoulder.

More aggressive kinoing and “move”
I start kinoing more aggressively with my hands moving on her legs and her body. She protests and I blame it on her. She doesn’t stop my hands but she means it for me to stop and I do stop, only to resume again a bit later for 2-3 times I guess.

There are some sexually tense moments: her eyes and mouth are very close to me at some points. I let one good kissing occasion go by to raise a bit the tension and tell her instead we’ve got a good connection or something like that. Again a good kissing moment, she stares at me, her mouth is really close, I stare at her and I go for it but she withdraws.

A couple of times like this.

I’m tired of games, refusals, and I’ve been chasing since the beginning.
Why the hell is she still there after all those refusals?

So I decide to freeze and let her do something. I tell her “you’re boring”, I withdraw my arm from her neck and cross my arms on my chest while I move my head away.

She’s taken aback and dumbstruck.
She tells me “oh you silly boy” and something else to start conversation again. But I wanted more and keep it to my own and don’t reply, not looking at her. She moves talking to the other two. I don’t hear and understand anything of what’s happening (and haven’t asked to my friend yet), but after 2 minutes she pulls her friend and drags her away.

After a couple of hours and 2 places together they just got up and left, no bye or nothing.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012
Re: Froze her out, they got up and left: give me feeds


This is a Field Report and should be labeled as such. Please read the rules and regulations for posting on this board here.


a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Apr 10, 2013
Re: Froze her out, they got up and left: give me feeds

Franco said:

This is a Field Report and should be labeled as such. Please read the rules and regulations for posting on this board here.



Sorry, tried to edit the post but I couldn't (maybe an editing cut off time?).

I'll know better next time.