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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
There's a girl I know liked me in the middle of the school year, but I was unable to capitalize on it because we were both taking AP classes and far too busy. But I could probably find any excuse and try to rationalize why it didn't happen.
Anyway, the escalation window was missed, and once summer started, I tried to rewarm the iron so I could try to strike it.
My situation was: Missed escalation window, a 11 month boyfriend I had to get around, and a very awkward barrier that came about after the flirting between her and I stopped. Still, I figured I should at least give it a shot, and the very least for the learning experience.

My fundamentals: Black dress shirt unbuttoned thrice with a red t-shirt underneath, silver necklace with 3 eagle wings, levi's jeans with a black leather belt, black leather shoes, and Victoria's Secret cologne sprayed on my neck, wrists and chest.

The date: Started off with me hugging her trying to break the awkward touch barrier as fast as possible, and taking her to Caribou for a chat. In the car, I mentioned that I was kinda bummed that it was going to rain and that we wouldn't be able to see the stars. I mentioned that there was one good thing about rain (implying kissing in the rain) and said I'd show her later. (She caught on and called it, taking away the surprise factor. Also it didn't rain like it forecasted.)

The conversation went fairly uneventful with many awkward pauses. I tried to bring relationships up, but those threads never got deep until it was too late. So the issue there was a failure to dive deep and move out of small talk.

It was only when I had about 15 minutes left before I had to drop her off again that the conversation got somewhere. I remembered a game where every time you spot a red car, each person raced to hit the roof of our car, and whoever lost had to make a sex noise. I seriously should have used that in the beginning to get a better vibe going, but I guess it is what it is. It lead the conversation to the issue of sex, and she began trying to pry from me who I last had sex with.

Had the conversation steered in that direction earlier, I'm sure I'd be able to capitalize on it to get something going, but I had to drop her off, and all that came of the date were 2 hugs...

Though progress was made at the end, and I somewhat hinted at my intentions, I'd assume it'd be a waste of my time trying to persist with her considering my first date flunked, and the escalation window was missed a long time ago.

On the bright side, the conversation about sex got me into a flirty mood again, and I'll probably try to schedule something else soon.

Lessons learned: 1) Escalation window is sacred; never miss it, no matter what.
2) Get the good vibe going early with the suggestive game
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers