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Fun little gambit to inject a bit of sexual humour when a loud car/motorbike rides past


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 17, 2019
Realized I've used this multiple times now around girls and guys and it never fails to get a laugh and inject fun into sometimes boring conversations so thought I'd share it here.

We've all been there, you're talking to someone when suddenly an obnoxious driver or motorcyclist rides past screaming 1000 decibels ready to tear your poor little eardrums apart. Most people joke about them having small dicks. This is a fun way to flip that around. Most useful in nightgame of course.

When the car/bike has passed, look at it for a couple of seconds and sigh. Then, with the most genuinely defeated tone you can muster (this is important), say:

"It's just sad"
"What is?" they'll usually ask.
"It doesn't matter how much money I earn, how much time I spend in the gym, how funny, smart or driven I am in my life..."
Make sure to really emphasize these, making it out to be a big deal. At this point they'll be hanging on to your every word wanting to find out what your point is. And that's when you deliver the zinger:
"My dick is never going to be as big as that guys"

Enjoy the ensuing commotion.

Works so well because you're clearly tearing the other guy apart in a funny way, while pumping up your own value at the same time by conveying a a little bit of your humour/storytelling ability.
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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
Hahah Nice one!

Nothing to add really. Just wanted to let you know that I like this.

Usually I would just :
"oh his dick just got a bit bigger" whenever I a loud car comes driving by. But I prefer your version because it allows you to DHV without coming of as bragging - since after that you DLV yourself (although you do not). I think this is the best aspect of this. The sexual aspect is still there, but rather light. But hey, it is still a bonus.

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the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake