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Game Alchemy: Girls, Cash, and Ballin’


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 25, 2019

Oh nothing turned out as I had planned. 2020. Wild a** year.

Progress though.

Processing. Catharsis. Release. Grief.

Like a year-long Aya ceremony perhaps.

I want to write a full on year recap. Probably don't have much to say that's relevant to this forum. Currently on my longest celibate streak (~10 months) since the almost 2 years that passed between my 1st lay at 18 years old and 2nd one at 20. Do I hear someone saying I should go post this on an incel forum?

Inner voices continue to whisper.

Identities. Pitcher. Seducer. Meditation coach. Hero. Renaissance Man. POOF.

I feared the depths.

At the bottom. I am still worthy.

Leaning into something greater. Interbeing. A reverence based lifestyle.

The feminine will return when she's ready. For now I'll make love to the moon.

200hr Yoga Teacher Training (IN-PERSON!!!!!!) begins this upcoming weekend.

"Transformation is not accomplished by tentatively wading at the edge" - Braiding Sweetgrass

Dive in.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 25, 2019
2021. A year that felt like it contained 5 years of personal growth and new experiences. The transformation fully happened.

Har Haray Haree. Wahe Guru.

200hr yoga teacher certified now. In a beautiful relationship with the Queen of my life. Headed to Costa Rica for a year-long permaculture/natural building/homesteading apprenticeship. Beaming with gratitude. Brilla brilla brilla :)

Gained clarity on what I stand for in this world. Stayed true to my principles in a world that increasingly feels like it puts pressure on us to acquiesce and capitulate. High on integrity right now.

I'm more excited about the adventure I'm embarking on in a few days than any other experience of my life. That says a lot given the places I've lived and the dream I pursued in my earlier 20s.

Living in the gift more and more these days. Abundance flows all around. Salud. Felicidad. y Prosperidad.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 25, 2019
Struggling and thriving.

2022 was the best year of my life and also one of the most challenging. Experienced the most effortless well-being for 11 months in an intentional community in Costa Rica as an apprentice. Was long distance with my Queen during those months, only seeing her 3 times. Proposed on Dec. 14th a few hours after landing back home. Against a sacred old white oak tree. Grandmother oak.

Now, 30 years old, it’s tough being here in the United States.

The concrete. The humans around in the city who I know so little about. The plants, struggling to survive. All the fooking fossil fuels. Heart feels pain for gaia. Cravings to escape, into food binges, alcohol intoxication, masturbation/porn, anything to numb this pain.

Porn still an addiction…seeking support. Community. Being honest. Vulnerable. Healing.

Turning the page. Sacred moments of action to co-create the beautiful world my heart knows is possible. Being guided by the divine. Infinite to be grateful for. Many gifts to share. Focus the energy. Guide the chi. Magic. Manifestation. Salud. Felicidad. y Prosperidad.

My Queen and I have a beautiful life to look forward to. Love love LOVE her. And all the sexy passionate adventurous intimate moments to come.

Quality of relationships. Always.

Pura Vida,
Lucas Brilla


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 25, 2019
2023...going deeper into relationship, reciprocity, mutual thriving, interbeing, community.

Still struggling in the US culture. My balm is being out on the land, tending to life, growing food.

Farming, what are the odds?! A city kid like me grown up into a country man. And not farming like its portrayed stereotypically. I'm talkin' small-scale diversified vegetable market garden farming in the most ecologically sound ways possible. Seducing that landscape baby!!

What better way to stay on top of the fundamentals: outdoors 8+ hours a day, getting plenty of sun, some barefoot time on the earth, eating food straight off the plants, physically active everyday. Gosh, if I combine this with my old meditation/yoga/tai chi daily routine, look out! It has been challenging to go to the next level and go deeper into the energetic disciplines. Definitely one of my goals for 2024. At least 20 minutes a day of something meditation/yoga/tai chi/tantra related.

Socially, I've put my confidence and charisma to good use. Co-creating joyful, just, harmonious community with a strong agrarian vision. Another full year of meeting new people and growing a strong network in a new place. Only this time I got a heart feeling that this is where I'm gonna be for the next 5 decades.

And my Queen...we're still madly in love. The maddening thing is all the external life stressors that make it more challenging to turn the so many mundane moments into their true magic infinite potential. We're in survival mode in some respects, body pain, big life changes, grief, yet we support each other so beautifully, communicating from the heart. There's a core of bright red embers that keep pulsing warmth into our lives. More tantra and more time out in wild nature together are two pathways for us together, King and Queen, to seduce the world again.

With reverence, for all the love in the world, in spite of all the suffering.

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake