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Game style for ugly guys

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 8, 2022
Just going by people I know in real life who are 'ugly' (don't like that word, but in reality I think it's at least somewhat objective) and at least do OK (although certainly aren't competing with my good looking friends) I think they tend to play a more social circle orientated game. They play the long game. I've never seen them pull girls from cold approach, but i've seen them pull fairly hot girls who they'd known for some time from various groups and clubs and courses and stuff. They also have maxed out other areas such as finances and lifestyle etc.

I guess if they were to do cold approach it would have to be very indirect and fly under the radar so as not to get an instant rejection


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 13, 2016
Hey @Sully ,

Do you have an approach to lay ratio? I think you mentioned you'd slept with a couple or a few women from cold approach, did you keep track of how many approaches you had to do? I used to do online dating but now doing cold approach, my ratio not good.
Also do you do daygame or nightgame?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 24, 2021
Hey @Sully ,

Do you have an approach to lay ratio? I think you mentioned you'd slept with a couple or a few women from cold approach, did you keep track of how many approaches you had to do? I used to do online dating but now doing cold approach, my ratio not good.
Also do you do daygame or nightgame?
I don’t keep track of my approach to lay ratio as of now because I am still learning. Seems like we share the common thing of having a bad approach to lay ratio. Online dating doesn’t work well for me so all the lays I got were through college or social circle and mutual friends. I do daygame as in approach people in malls when I am buying clothes and coffee shops and street stops some times.

I don’t do night game, if I do the teasing and cocky funny a lot girls get bored and if I don’t, there isn’t much for me in getting women’s attention.

I basically have to rely entirely on my personality to attract women and that requires me to spend time with women talking and in a club it is difficult because of all the stimilus around.
(I face a lot of AMOG attempts in clubs, mostly from guys who get emboldened to see a skinny non-white guy talking with women)


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 8, 2022
I don’t keep track of my approach to lay ratio as of now because I am still learning. Seems like we share the common thing of having a bad approach to lay ratio. Online dating doesn’t work well for me so all the lays I got were through college or social circle and mutual friends. I do daygame as in approach people in malls when I am buying clothes and coffee shops and street stops some times.

I don’t do night game, if I do the teasing and cocky funny a lot girls get bored and if I don’t, there isn’t much for me in getting women’s attention.

I basically have to rely entirely on my personality to attract women and that requires me to spend time with women talking and in a club it is difficult because of all the stimilus around.
(I face a lot of AMOG attempts in clubs, mostly from guys who get emboldened to see a skinny non-white guy talking with women)
what are we calling a bad approach to lay ratio out of interest?
Apparently even Paul Janka (Hall of fame PUA daygamer) claimed only about a 3% approach to lay ratio, and i'd imagine it's similar for all the other top PUA's (I have some vids where Tom torerro and Todd V speak about their numbers. I'll try to find them. Probably somewhat similar in reality, though)

Warped Mindless

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 20, 2012
what are we calling a bad approach to lay ratio out of interest?
Apparently even Paul Janka (Hall of fame PUA daygamer) claimed only about a 3% approach to lay ratio, and i'd imagine it's similar for all the other top PUA's (I have some vids where Tom torerro and Todd V speak about their numbers. I'll try to find them. Probably somewhat similar in reality, though)
People really need to stop thinking Janka is some god at daygame. Dudes whole approach was to walk up, spend about 60 seconds hitting on her in a lame way, and then using his looks to get a bunch of numbers and mass texting those numbers every night. Huge numbers game that worked for him because of his looks and location (NYC).

Tom T was a fraud who had to hire models to be in his infield videos.

Todd V is legit though.

Your approach to lay ratio is going to vary dramatically depending on your location, your looks and fundamentals, the type of women your approaching, how good your “game” is, how good you are at converting flaky numbers into meet ups, how good you are at converting meet ups into lays, even the time of days and what’s days you approach will all skew your ratios. So going by other peoples ratios really isn’t going to tell you much.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 10, 2022
Hey, I'm not gonna win no beauty pageants myself right now.

Lately I've been people watching a lot. From my estimation, very few people are actually 'ugly.'

Now some people are fat (me), and some people are old (kinda also me), but still.

Here's whats worse. If you go around believing you are shit ugly, you will interpret the world in that way.

I was just thinking about this. Lately as I've been going out, multiple times girls have been stopping near me, with their back turned, talking very loudly to other people. And they keep elbowing me! Bumping me with their elbows. Multiple times. This literally has happened twice in the last three times I went out.

It kinda hurt my feelings a little bit. It's like-- I'm so fuckin' worthless to them, so unattractive and invisible and not mattering, people think they can come up and bump their elbows into me and not even apologize. Its their world, and I'm just livin' in it, wtf.

Then someone brought up the point-- hey, maybe they wanted you to talk to them? I'll never know, but I like that thought better. If I had better assumptions about myself, perhaps I would've interpreted those actions differently.

Point being we make our own reality somewhat, and everything you love is going to die one day.