Hey, I'm not gonna win no beauty pageants myself right now.
Lately I've been people watching a lot. From my estimation, very few people are actually 'ugly.'
Now some people are fat (me), and some people are old (kinda also me), but still.
Here's whats worse. If you go around believing you are shit ugly, you will interpret the world in that way.
I was just thinking about this. Lately as I've been going out, multiple times girls have been stopping near me, with their back turned, talking very loudly to other people. And they keep elbowing me! Bumping me with their elbows. Multiple times. This literally has happened twice in the last three times I went out.
It kinda hurt my feelings a little bit. It's like-- I'm so fuckin' worthless to them, so unattractive and invisible and not mattering, people think they can come up and bump their elbows into me and not even apologize. Its their world, and I'm just livin' in it, wtf.
Then someone brought up the point-- hey, maybe they wanted you to talk to them? I'll never know, but I like that thought better. If I had better assumptions about myself, perhaps I would've interpreted those actions differently.
Point being we make our own reality somewhat, and everything you love is going to die one day.