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Get Pussy Or Die Tryin'


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
Confirmed that when I drink for multiple days in a row (when I decide to do the Tuesday - Saturday benders) I'm still feeling the dulling effects by the tuesday afterward. Imagine that. And I still have FOMO partly because of women and partly because I like to party.

A large part of me is saying "hang up your spurs and get serious about other things in life" because I've done so well recently and been neglecting other areas. I think it may be a good choice. At the same time, I fell like if I stop now I won't hit true abundance. I have abundance mentality, and this past month has been abundant. But, if I pull back and stop this near-constant meta-cognition both about myself and others, will I fall off?

Perhaps yes, but perhaps I'll come back with something to bring after being out of game for a bit then starting the engines again. Boy do those first approaches suck, but they get the rust off your sword and sharpen it.

After this semester I'll have graduated and I can choose to either:

A). Get a job as a paid research assistant and work a 9-5
B). Keep researching for free and go full time at my bar
C). Start saving now (and going out less) to focus on traveling for a month or two

A would set me up the most for the next few years professionally and I can't deny the opportunity if it presents itself.

B would be the very fun and give me the most social experience, and be a true last "hurrah" before entering an arena where this partying and going out all time time stops. But I always tell myself "this will be the last time" so.. :p

C would probably be the most fun but also require the most amount of discipline since there's always a hole in my wallet and I always have FOMO.

Just some thoughts I wanted to get down, as I've been thinking a lot about my Grand Strategy recently. I've proved to myself that I can get high quality women if I work hard enough, which means that I can do a lot of things if I set my mind to it. So, I feel the need to set my mind to another area of growth that I haven't gone deeply in yet. I suppose my intellectual spear needs sharpening, so I may begin to grind out my psych and philosophy muscles before graduate school to make me a contender in the classroom since it's competitive from the application process to graduation. Kinda feel like an imposter intellectual whenever I'm around actually intelligent people and their recall is far superior to my recognition skills.

Classroom Game
Sooo, my target is really cold recently and might be friendzoning me. But I noticed she doesn't really talk to other girls in the class. I think she's kind of awkward, but I can bring out the social part of her if I try hard enough - I can't let that be an excuse for me not fucking her, she's hot.

The plan b chick as a boyfriend and once I started to make harder moves her ASD spikes up and she's skeptical so I'm going to back off with her for a while.

There's two other girls I'm eyeing and one really hot brunette I've noticed has her eye on me.

Sent her this article I found yesterday with a teasing text and got a good response back. I'm trying to make her my girlfriend (open) so I'll be reading up on that.

She flaked on Sunday and was a slow respondee today. Wants to hang Friday. Won't respond until tomorrow then I'll try to fuck her before I go out. If I can make her cum without me cumming I will so that I can keep my T super high (lol wow that would sound so bizarre to anyone outside of this community).

Party tomorrow, work parts of Fri, Sat, Sun but will still be going out. Let's finish September strong!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 28, 2017
Hue said:
I'll try to fuck her before I go out. If I can make her cum without me cumming I will so that I can keep my T super high.

Haha, fucking legend! Let us know if you manage to do it.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
@Alcman I did not unfortunately because of the STI :p


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
Okay couple updates.

Girls in general

Girls are opening me, looking at me, being nicer at work, being touchier at work, and going closer to my proximity. Really crazy how this shit works. Must be careful with letting my ego get into it, but I do enjoy it.

At the same time with all this supreme court shit going on I'm kind of scared to go and be a hound. Also my friends have expressed their annoyance with me leaving them at the bar to go talk to girls. I honestly get more energy and have more fun with talking to chicks then some of the guys I hang out with who would rather sit at a table and enjoy our drinks. Don't get me wrong I have fun doing that, but I'm far more vivacious when I'm off chatting up a group of chicks, I just am!

So all this has my mind telling my instinct to calm down... during the time that I've more or less never had so much momentum.

A bit chaotic and confusing.

STI. She said she slept with one other person, so it either came from that guy, or it came from Venice. This means I also might have given it to Bomber, who I now have no way of telling. Used a condom with that girl from the festival, so no biggie there.

We met at the bar and she took forever to meet up with me. Before this I talked to two of my coworkers hot friends and got one of their numbers. Asked for the number in a slightly weird way, but was "macking game" according to my other coworkers. I had a good time. Texted one of them the next day but never set things to meet up.

After I finally met up with her I was kinda drunk, and she was being a little less than receptive because of the STI situation. Was being weird about me kissing her at the bar. Eventually bounced to another bar then invited her home but she said she wouldn't have sex with me - and I said it was fine that we hang out and not have sex (which I get why is bad, but she's never had and STI and obviously wants it gone asap).

The weird thing is, and I'm still wrapping my head around this because I'm not good at relationships I've come to realize, she didn't want to go home so I said "okay, I'm gonna go home then" and she started chasing and saying that I was pissed and blah blah blah. Like the same dynamic of pulling a new chick works with this, even though she didn't want sex. Girls are weird, tryna figure it out.

I call myself and uber and she latches on to me and demands she comes. We get back to my house and hang, make out, move to the bed and get into foreplay but no sex.

A lot of shit testing. She says she wants to take it slower. I don't understand because we've already had sex. She calls me a man whore and that I sleep with sluts. I tell her "please don't talk about the other women I sleep with like that I really don't appreciate it", right before we fall asleep. Same morning more or less the same thing. I think the reason she wouldn't have sex really is the STI - she was horny as hell and I had her wet, but why is she saying things about taking it slower?

Guys in relationships or past relationships, if you understand, halp?

Texted her yesterday. Want to see her this week. May type up texts if significant things happen.

Texted her yesterday to meet weak replies and ghosting :p

Got a girls number after telling her she had a great smile. Texted them after I got off but asked to meet up waaay to quickly and botched it. Making a note of this. Have to get them comfortable with me first and play with the idea of meeting me outside of work, then strike.

Target isn't interested. Plan B chick approached and sat down with me, and we flirted the whole class. I saw one of the other girls in my class out and looking hot and made plans to go up to her after for an insta date.

My dumb ass didn't go where the wind was blowing with Plan B chick and instead floated around after class, letting Plan B girl slowly walk away (and totally waiting for me to walk with her, playing with her headphones, swaying her hips, all HUGE IOI's) but I stuck with my plan for this other girl.

I was really sloppy because I was walking through the doors to find her, then she walked out, and I just 180 and start walking with her. She tells me she has mono and is acting all awkward, I try to put a positive spin on it before changing subjects and right when I'm about to this hot blonde dude rides up on a skateboard and she gets excited and starts talking to him instead, telling me that she'll see me later.

If you're more or less "in a set", go with your gut next time.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
A week ago today I went out with my buddy and we had a pretty great time to start with. I was talking with a lot of people making friends, and had a lot of people being submissive to me.

One girl who I met at essentially the same party last month was talking to me, then I stopped to talk to her hotter friend. Meanwhile the first girl starts talking to my friend and telling him a crazy bullshit story about what she does for a living. It was incongruent, had holes all over it, and was clearly a pile of shit falling out of her mouth.

My buddy tells me and I move us inside. Later on I'm more drunk and making fun of the girl while she was like 15 ft from me, laughing. Something I almost never do. I say shit to your face. But, I decided not to last week. The girl heard me and gave me a strange look.

Later on I go up to her friend to try and pull her to another bar and this bullshitter girl makes a super uncalibrated attempt to shoo me off, and I handle it cool and calmly and stay. Then she says that my girl (who I know is single from our converstaion earlier) has a boyfriend. Okay bitch, methinks you saw me talking shit and are trying to sabotage me now. We do end up leaving to another bar with me leading, but along the way I can tell that my girl isn't gonna do anything tonight so I back off.

My buddy then starts to try and pull her. He eventually was somewhat isolated with her and touched her shoulder, then her necklace. The girl goes, "stop. you're sexually harassing me and touching my boobs". Didn't. Fucking. Happen.

So my buddy gets scared/upset because of everything in the news, finds me and tells me, and we leave. Fuck that shit.

Fast Forward

Yesterday I'm serving my tables, and my old coworker (fucking love the guy) shows up with the "sexually assaulting me" bitch and I treat both of them very well and exchange hugs before getting their drinks. While we chit chat, she BRINGS UP a guy trying to sexually assault her last week, while looking at me weird. And she twisted the story further.

Bitch. You're trying to impress my old coworker, by crying sexual assault. Fuck you.

I almost told her off, but instead kept charming them, got my tip, talked to my homie, then they left.

Scary times we live in. Be careful dudes.

Going out tonight, we'll see what happens.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 31, 2017
You're a monster Hue! Wish I'd been this productive while I was in college.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016

Lost you for a sec bro!! Glad you're alive for fucks sake.

If by productive you mean insane I'm 100% in agreement with you.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 31, 2017
Hue said:

Lost you for a sec bro!! Glad you're alive for fucks sake.

If by productive you mean insane I'm 100% in agreement with you.

I settled down with a girl for around a year and drifted out of the community. My level of involvement tends to be directly proportional to how single I am at the time.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
I settled down with a girl for around a year and drifted out of the community. My level of involvement tends to be directly proportional to how single I am at the time.
That.. tends to happen.

Been thinking a lot recently about that exact phenomena - people that, as soon as they get good, they disappear completely from seduction everything.

I'm watching my meta-cognition all the time and see myself drifting as well.. mostly out out of

A). finding a girl I really like
B). acknowledging how much work I've put in and what I could turn that sort of productivity to
C). my friends are getting pissed at me for being such a slut and having a "let's talk to chicks" attitude
D). consistent pussy (unless it's all new pussy) satisfying my sex drive

I've also spoken enough "radical" ideas (unfamiliar ideas / unconventional lessons you learn from doing this stuff) now that I have had a few people have question my origination of thought. A bit of sloppiness on my part, but nonetheless I'm seeing the consequences of growth that exists in any generation of growth. Slightly paranoid, of recent.

Anyway, glad to see you back here brotha. Hope to see the insights you've gained over the past year.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
Texts have had less investment since the STI thing - which wasn't me despite 4 different partners last month. And I don't have it, still, which is great.

But it sorta.. taints the FB development I was going for. She's in another state right now but will be returning next week when I'll try to set her coming over up.

Guarantee some of her friends don't approve of me, though.

She flaked on me Saturday without explanation, then texted me to meet on Sunday. I gave less investments with my texts, but was out anyways so agreed. Then she flaked again, because her kid was sick - which is a legit reason.

But gah, I so dislike putting up with flakes. It's one of those things that I'd rather just next the girl, but I don't want to next her. I know that I could though.. which is the important part. Her reason was a good one, so there's that.

To text her casually this week or to not text her at all, since she should be the instigator of our next meet up... and I think she leaves for vacation soon, so... hard tight rope to walk. :p

After she flaked I went out with industry people, had a fun time, made some favorable impressions on some gals I had formerly creeped out back... 2ish years ago when I was just starting to go out alone on occasion. Had the bartender assume the hottest girl in the bar was dating me - but that could have been a flirtatious banter so who knows.

Have an easy week ahead of me. May go for the insta-date with Plan B girl in class, despite so obviously missing my window last monday.

Also just ordered some fresh ass clothes I can't wait to wear.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
Wrangled her back in with some persistence. Stayed the night last night.

She shit tests me a lot because she's so used to boyfriend screening. Again, she's been a serial monogamist until me, and then she tried having a ONS and got an STD haha. So, it sounds like it might take a second before she does that again.

One shit test in particular was her bringing up a guy from out of state that she met who keeps texting her. I just told her "get itttt" and she laughed and said no she wasn't interested. Then after sex, and after a story I told about this girl I know who was all over every guy at the party, who clearly wanted to fuck me but I knew her boyfriend and wasn't down, she shit tests me with this high sexual value bad boy guy.

She just met this guy from yoga who just got out of prison, with gang symbols and all this shit, jacked good looking black dude, and expressed she would love to talk to him more. Lol. I just kinda went "yeaa... " and told her about a guy I know who just got out of prison, and that it's dope when people can make it out and be successful.

I got her to invest in me in several ways, and I do like her. She's very cute and bubbly, and is quite the yogi so she's all zenned out. I enjoy her calm energy and she really likes my vibe as well (=

Good texting conversation, but she's a busy one. Lost's example text really helped me out, and did exactly what he said it would do.

I want to take her on a "real" date this Saturday. Gonna throw a post in General as to be sure I'm not looking at this the wrong way.

So, I want her to be my girlfriend. Perhaps with a side piece or two, but yea, I like her like that.

That said, I've been investing a lot with texting her, especially of recent. I send like 3 texts and only get 1-2 back, typically.

Potential problem is I have two tickets for a big game coming up, and I wanted to take her. But, I feel like this could either:
A). Give me too much provider value
B). Put attainability too high and cement the chasing position I might be inching towards (though she knows I have other women and I've ghosted her unintentionally a few times)
C). She might already be going to the game which would be a terrible frame for me

So I dunno.

Have noticed a dip in my T, which I'm low key addicted to lol. I can tell when I'm peaking my cycle (which is determined by orgasms) and it's definitely gone down since I've stepped back a bit from game.

I've gotten back to drinking too much because a few of my responsibilities have disappeared, so I have to create new responsibilities or else I'll lose focus, composure, and professional momentum. Been partying a LOT recently.

Gotten some bad reactions from some of my social circles because of arguments and/or being an asshole, too. People are talking shit on me again, apparently. Though, not giving a fuck is really the only option I have, along with taking how I come off without meaning to into consideration.

Wanna go back to strict schedules with
-dance lessons
-exercise, guitar
-possibly starting a club / joining a debate team

Strict schedules are literally the only way I can truly stick to things, and not make excuses. Will write mine up for the week right now.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
Haven't journaled for a bit. Been crazy busy and wanted a little break from game.

As I've found though - I can't stay away haha.

Went to a seminar where the speaker was a feminist talking about masculinity in our culture and I was the only guy in attendance. I raised my hand after and spoke some of my thoughts which got a lot of praise from the girls in the class. Then one girl brought up sexual preferences between sexes and I played devil's advocate suggesting that girls are just as sexual as guys and then made a sex joke and you could feel the energy in the room - alotta girls giving me the eye after that.

Turned into an instadate with one of them where all I did was lead and let her tell me all about her life and family. Got her back to my house for a hookup but didn't get sex - and before she left she was pushing for a second date. She's been texting me almost nonstop since then.

Got a few leads with Tinder as well.

She booty called me last week and I ravaged her. She's still shit testing me like crazy. I pass it most always but I might have said some dumb, too drunk shit, bad calibration last time because I told her she was my slut outside the bedroom right after sex and she wasn't okay with it.

Now that I'm getting to know her as a person I actually remember some of the romance from our first night together. She's so cute and feminine.

Won't hit her up to fuck until next week.

I suck dick at texting. Might start a new journal soon to develop my skills, specifically for that.

Flakes, ghosts, etc. Just got a day-long response from her today. I'm gonna call her - fuck this shit. It's been weeks and I need to inject some actual conversation and emotions into whatever this relationship is (as of now, it's looking like a fling more than anything).

Got a lot on my mind with my future though. Hard to focus on game but the obsession of the female mind keeps me coming back ;P


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
Barely texting me back. Threw a hail mary and cold called her on Friday to try to meet up for Halloween - nothing.

Gonna have to ghost her now - it may have just been a fling :p

I cold called her on Saturday and had a very fun little chat on the phone, with loose plans of meeting up. Later in the night she called me, but I was seriously wasted and handled it poorly. Ended up calling her back hit/miss like 4 times like an idiot.

She texts me Sunday morning,
Her: Haha ooopps
Me: lol

6 hours later

Me: never got to see your costume
Her: Haha I knoww
Her: And I have zero pictures
Me: it would have just come off anyways(;
Her: Guaranteed

I wonder if she has an issue with the booty calling exuding my expectation to have sex if we're gonna see one another, her being new to the FB situation / dynamic.

I remember Hector saying once, "the day you feel entitled to pussy is the day you stop getting pussy". When we fuck we dirty talk with me saying "who's pussy is this?" and she tells me it's mine. She's a huge shit tester which shows me that she doesn't always mean what she says - and I could see this carrying over to her striking some level of issue with me coming off as entitled.

Or I'm overthinking it, perhaps.

Instadate Girl
She's inexperienced as hell. Double, triple texting me. And then there's this:
Her: And you do smell nice (inside joke) but you act and think a lot with your second head. Granted I don't have a serious problem with it and I think it's sexy as hell, you haven't warranted or earned the right responses from me yet. Good night *eye roll emoji*
Like, wtf lol.

Saw Lighter over halloweekend. She's fucking this punk with a jew fro. I can't believe it, honestly lol the kid is such a dweeb. Had to eject from the party - I just can't find my footing at college-age parties most of the time since I've mostly outgrown that scene. It's the people at the party that make it fun, and I wasn't enjoying conversation with underclassmen too much.

Basically got trashed with my homies in ridiculous costumes, it was really fun. A lot of approach invitations and almost pulled this HB6 but these other girls started hovering around her skeptically and it fucked up my vibe.

Went to an industry party last night with my gay friend. Was fun, and there was a lot of cool people. I want to hang with this scene more, because industry people are very socially aware and I'll grow from being with them - as well as the sexual market that's there. Everybody seems to know everybody at these things. I'm a new fish in the pond, so we'll see how this goes in the future. To be honest though, I feel like a lot of people are only friendly to me / try to pull my company because I'm good looking / sexy. Especially the gay guys. Idk though, I may just be attributing their behavior to the wrong things along with a little discomfort. So long as I'm confident in who I am and growing then it matters not.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
Me: happy halloween ;P
Her: You too muhaha ;P *ghost emoji*
Me: are we round 2ing the costume?
Her: Haha no, but I did go to a great Halloween yoga class! Did you?
Me: almost haha
Me: didn't want to rep the full pimp
Me: just doggin around for now

Her: *picture of Kanye's kid, in the outfit I showed her to open, two months back*
Her: Maybe west's son dressed up as him for Halloween *cheesing emoji*
Me: amazing
Me: I think I want one
Her: Want one as in..
Me: lmao
Me: the costume
Her: I was gonna say..
Me: not that kinda daddy
Her: ;P

Me: holaa (=
Her: Hueee
Her: I'm in [city] for the weekend visiting college friends
Her: *picture of her ass* Don't miss me too much
Me: *selfie* miss who?
Her: Haha ;P

I noticed she started using my favorite emoji, ;P , now that we've been talking for 2 months. Could be coincidence. Starting to like her more. Wish she would stop with the shit testing, but I wonder if some of what she's doing is boyfriend-pulling tactics. If it is, I hate to say it but it's working. Will check back into some Black Dragon stuff on remaining independent.

Okay so the past few weeks have been rough. I don't know why, but I've been more depressed, paranoid, and negative. Insecurities are coming back. I get the feeling a lot of people dislike me for how polarizing I've become. The girls at work went from being all over me and highly flirtatious to cold, bitchy, and seeming more fake around me in the past two months.

So what the fuck? Perhaps it's because I stopped being so attuned to social interactions once I walked away from game for a little bit, and that I've been drinking so heavily. I've also "had" to cut back on working out because of doing stuff for graduate school.

I think part of this too is similar to what Hector described in his podcast.. having the player reputation has high highs and low lows. People talk shit. A LOT of shit. And if you say something long enough, it becomes true.

Makes me want to leave my job and start over - that's always worked for me in the past! But I know that's not the answer. I need to correct my maintenance and reengage healthy habits. I might take shrooms soon and do a little soul searching, there's an abundance of psychological utility in doing that, actually.

Almost had a threesome with two alleged pornstars last night. FR coming.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
Got my groove back, outlook-wise.

Everytime I relapse in depression it gives me more emotional intelligence as I exit it.

Considering making a video of myself speaking to future me to try and help with relapses. It's not about where you are, it's about where you're going.

Insta-date girl is kinda crazy. She may or may not literally think we're soul mates. Would type the texts but they're long and drawn out. I like texting her about intellectual shit though, but just a moment ago she stopped replying to me because it got into polygamy and now she's upset with my explanation her saying that "I'm a part of someone's heartbreak.

Began approaching again and I'm rusty haha. I've been relying on fundamentals so much that I forget some of the process I've been fucking with. Thinking back to my old lays and rereading LR's to recognize what I need to do. Hector put it perfectly in his recent reply to my fuck up, about what I'm usually missing: "Be a fucking savage".

I'm not using touch nearly enough, so change that. Also, I'm going for hotter girls so I noticed that I get locked into inaction sometimes or I'm nervous and trying to hide it. I've noticed more competition with the looks, humor, and fundamentals of the guys who are also going for these dimes.

Drinking less when I'm out too, which helps. Really getting sick of blacking out.

No work / class tomorrow because of Vet's day, about to turn up on a Sunday and see what happens.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
It's crazy how the same behaviors can appear so differently to people, and thereafter trigger such different reactions. For instance, if I run out of things to say in a conversation to someone who sees me as higher value than them - they'll likely place the blame on them and become insecure or uncomfortable then invest in conversation in an anxious way. If I run out of things to say in conversation to someone who sees me as lower value than them, they'll likely just move along, or perhaps invest into the conversation to try to bring me up in a helpful way. Goes back to the quality / value thing. Like Chase writes, high quality people usually are prosocial and bring value/good emotions to other people. Contextually high value people usually either have much bigger fish to fry or don't see themselves as having time for "bottom feeders".

I've had people who don't know me be dismissive or rude but then see me with people they think as higher value or talking to girls and then they turn all nice and friendly. I guess I can't blame them if I came off a certain way? Rather than just see them as fake or something.. because they were operating from the information they had infront of them.

I went out last night and didn't see any girls worth approaching. There was a girl in my group who I had been flirting with who was giving me touch and we grinded for a little bit but then I didn't make a suggestion to fuck and she found some other dude she stayed with. She was only kinda cute so whatever. But again, I wasn't being savage enough. Gotta lead more aggressively when I know she's interested. What's been holding me back a lot from doing that is I worry that I'll give up the mystery if I'm into them or not and start chasing. No. Not when she's giving you compliance and reciprocal touch. Be a fucking savage.

Our schedules haven't been lining up, but we're fucking tomorrow. Been doing more phone calls, less texting.

On Wednesday I tried to meet up with her and she couldn't, suggesting the weekend instead. I wanted to go out instead, so simply said that I couldn't do the weekend. She got upset and tried to say that as soon as I'm free I need to find her and we'd fuck. I told her that tonight was all I had for her and she fucking threatened to bang other guys. I told her "I hope you do" even though I was kind of upset at how childish that was of her tried to not appear even slightly phased. She's the older one, and she's pulling that shit? I get that it's literally a tactic to fuck me, though. She seemed very surprised when I didn't react or yield to fucking her over the weekend. So I passed the shit test (if you can even call it that) and remained outcome independent verbally, then I steered the conversation back to a good place and hung up.

I'm a bit torn as to whether I should "put up" with shit like that. In one way it's good experience, but in another it was pretty disrespectful. Maybe some orgasm anchoring would be helpful, gonna read up on that.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
She flaked again. I sent a rather cold text back, "ah that's too bad". Sorry not sorry. You pick Tuesday after flaking 2 times before, you get a cold text about flaking. Not mad at her, just the flake. Hope she gets it :p

May try again next week since she's finally done getting certified in yoga after Friday.

Bus Game
Forgot to type this up. On the way off my friends couch yesterday and onto the bus to my apartment, there was a super cute blonde standing there. I asked her when the next bus going where I needed to go was coming and then started talking to her. We're both 5th years and talked a little about our futures. When we got on the bus I asked her in an assuming way, "wanna sit over there?" and she said "yea".

Once I locked in a started flirting with her a little more and touching her lightly. I screened for logistics then asked if she wanted to get coffee. She said she would but she had a boyfriend and I just laughed and did the "is he cute?" and then a "he can come too" and she was giggling and smiling. Also good chase frame,
Me: What? Am I hitting on you?
Her: Yes!!
Me: Haha! You're hitting on me I'm all boxed in here! *looks down and turns hands to direct to our seating arrangement*
Her: Hahahaha

When she got off she asked, "are you getting off here?" and I looked and couldn't really tell if it was my stop and said, "sure". We walked out and talked some more. I thought about getting her number but then she went to the other side of the street still beaming at me, since now she knew where I was headed to my house, and I just asked her name again and said I'd see her around.

We do live close, so :p

It was fun.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
Texted Koala a warm text to lessen blow of her flake text on Tuesday. It had nothing to do with meeting up so it was good.

LR: Nerdy Introvert
Had a Bumble date, semi lay up. HB6 nerdy introvert. Just got out of a LTR. I nailed the Bumble convo because I adapted to her needs with what she wanted to establish before actually agreeing to the date (connection and similarity) and then hit her with the 2nd ask to get drinks in a way that smoothed conversation topics, all while putting in flirtatious jabs to never make things too serious / boring. I'd type it all but she unmatched me.

The day of the date she says she's nervous in the bumble chat and I send her a selfie to show her it's me. She says something about "no touching until prompted" lol so I say "I"ll be on my best behavior (; " and she says something about how she'd be able to take me. I say we'll have to arm wrestle to figure it out to make it playful and ease her weirdly serious concerns.

She get's there before I do. She looks just like she does in her picture, cute but kinda average brunette. Innocent looking. I had brushed up on 8 things to ask on a date, and adapted my frame around her answers as needed. She wanted to fuck a guy since she's newly single but didn't want to feel like a slut for doing it. She's had a pretty simple life so far so going to a city to meet some guy is somewhat adventerous for her. She's intellectually competitive so we actually talked about some topics I would never speak on with some other girls for similarity / attainability reasons. It seemed the way I applied the "brolosipher" frame was very attractive to her.

The date goes on for about 1.5 hrs as I slowly lead us to more and more fun topics - ending on my go to topic, music. I say that we need to show each other some music and ask if she's having fun and wants to keep having fun. All very simple to the process at this point. She's down, so we split the bill and start walking to my house. I tease her on the way over about getting hit by a car. She goes, "you're the guy you have to stand here and be my human shield", so I laugh and stop in the middle of the road with oncoming traffic and yell to the cars, "she's right here, come get her" as I hold her in place. Playful fun and ramped touch.

She says she's cold so I take her arm. We make it in my house and she explores my apartment, taking high detail of everything I have and asking me about it. I think she was confirming my house to the frames I set earlier - something to think about down the road about how telling a person's house actually is of them. We sit and watch musics videos and I slowly escalate, saying something smooth or joking before I kiss her until we start making out. Or I'd frame things in a qualifying way saying I like people for their traits more than anything. She says that we shouldn't go any further but her body language is clearly wanting to do more, so I say okay and back off, then ramp up again. The 3rd time I do this she gets' on top of me and I lift her up to my bed and it was basically game, set, match.

Simple escalation with a push and pull and leading, before I finally ask her if she wants me to fuck her then tell her to beg for my cock and she does. She eventually goes, "you know what I think? I think you're a decent guy" before I started being more aggressive, as this is essentially her saying "I think I'm okay with fucking you". I slip on a condom and we start fucking. One thing that was pretty funny about this was her friend was on her way to pick her up so I had to move kinda quickly towards the end, and by the time I'm fucking her her phone goes off with my cock inside her. I start fucking her harder and have her beg for my cum (though I'm wearing a condom) and finish like RIGHT when she picks up her phone lol. She tries to play it cool on the phone but it's sorta obvious.

When she quickly dresses then starts walking out she scrambles to get my number and I tell her just to use the Bumble texting. Almost immediately she starts blowing me up about how cool she thinks I am and wants to do a second date - all of which was too much commitment to so immediately want from me so I slowed her down and said I am really busy but that we should meet again. I wasn't totally opposed but she was pushing aggressively from the get go. She gives me her number and I save it. Then, oddly enough, she deletes the conversation. I text her and the phone number was a landline. So, I either took down the wrong number or.. idk? Really weird. Probably autorejected because I wasn't reciprocating her interest to the same degree post sex.

I'm totally cool with this because in the beginning of the date she said that there was a psychopath (and a tried murderer) that wanted to fuck her who just made bail. RED FLAG. I hope I'm not already having endangered myself by how this played out...


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
Friday Part Two
I go out with Tuna and his girlfriend. Got denied by a bisexual chick because despite it being ON with me, her lesbian girlfriend comes up and starts making out with her. I go out solo and try to game chicks, strike out, can't get compliance at one bar, then moved to a club. Same thing, bad compliance.

My buddies are out and a girl on this sports team is kinda giving me IOI's so I say we should go get a drink and while doing so try and grab her ass (I wasn't that drunk, more just trying to be more savage) and don't get a great response. I ditch these people and get down on the dance floor with some hip hop moves I've been practicing and see Catfish looking fine as hell. This thicc girl ropes me into her and I get a free drink, but ultimately decide she was too drunk and too thick for my taste, and go home.

Went out with Clam and his friends. Drank slower and not with hard liquor and felt WAAAY more in control of myself and much better at holding conversation than when I drink straight tequila. More calories but definitely worth it. Feeling great by the time we're out.

We go to a campus bar and I immediately open two 19 y/o's and they're interested. I got compliance and was escalating touch with one of them, but they want to stop back to their friends and I don't rekindle the fire. If I had, I am confident I could have fucked the one, easily. My other friends want to go to this really trashy club and I'm not interested and head downtown. I'm in a fantastic mood with a lot of social momentum, really feeling that "Rogue King" fire spirit again. I was exuding a lot of confidence.

I go to my bar, then to a club with Day One. He's newly single so we go to game. He's very good looking and doesn't even need game to get laid. Lol he just goes up and they're down - it's insane. I ended up competing with a couple dudes for this brunette with a REALLY solid ass, but ultimately lose to the guy she came with who was in her social circle. I went home alone.

Koala and I had booty texted but she flaked AGAIN so I'm ghosting her until Nov. 24th. On the calendar. She should hit me up, I've invested with this so damn much. At the very least I need a more consistent FB than her, it's driving me crazy because my testosterone is back to being high and I'm so damn horny.

Have a Tinder date tomorrow with a freshmen after my exam ;P