Just a heads up, this FR is mostly just me venting
Here's the backstory:
So I go to Lounge X. Not the first girl I talked to, but for the purposes of storytelling, this girl goes first. So I head to the bathroom and I run into an old friend. I met this girl here at Lounge X previously. Very nice pretty girl and a lot of fun. However, every time I see her (3 times) she is so drunk that she never remembers our previous encounters. This time is no exception, she's leaning on the security guard's shoulders. I open her and say "hey Aileen!" and she says "How do you know my name?!" so I tell her and she grabs me and starts playing/dancing with me. She says she's totally sloppy...of course. I talk to her for a bit, use the restroom and leave when I can't get her to join me on the dancefloor.
So I'm walking around, I haven't opened any girls yet and I feel like I should get started soon before I get too in my head. So I go to the bar and order a drink. I see a girl next to me, who looks good from an angle. I figure I might as well and open her asking her what she's drinking. She turns around...and just my luck she's quite gorgeous, her name's Andrea. So I talk to her for a bit. It goes well but eventually one of her friends arrives and she gets all excited and distracted from me. I'm at the bar, people want to order and she's distracted so I leave, figuring I'll come back to her later. I go mingle, come back about 15 min later and see her standing with her friends in a circle. I go up to her and open her again, telling her I need another drink and she should order me the drink she was telling me about previously. She agrees and goes to the bar with me and we chat. This time I don't even try to trick her and offer to buy her one too. I then move her to the dance floor, we dance for maybe 2-3 songs and then I move her to sit down. I deep dive her and...she's actually really cool and I like her a lot. So I try to move her outside and tell her to get some fresh air with me. She says she has to use the restroom....yikes. I actually do too so I get her number and then walk her over to the restroom. While she waits in line I go to talk to Aileen. She looks worse than before so I go to get her a glass of water (and one for myself) while Andrea waits in line.
While I'm at the bar ordering some waters, I see a girl in a black dress I've wanted to talk to all night and figure I might as well now. I talk to her and it goes well, but her breath isn't great so I just get her number and leave. I'll give Nellie the benefit of the doubt, maybe it was something she ate that night. But I liked my chances with Aileen and Andrea more. However by the time I get back to the bathroom Andrea has used it and gone since I took so long talking to Nellie. I give Aileen the water and go back to look for Andrea. I find her on the outside patio with one of her friends and I talk to them for a few minutes. I try to move Andrea again but no luck this time as she needs a rest/fresh air/doesn't want to leave her friend alone. I tell her I'll find her later then.
I'll flashforward a bit here to finish this story. I see Andrea once more later in the night as she heads towards the bathroom, I tell her to find me later and she agrees. Unfortunately, later I see her friends ask them where Andrea is...and they say she's left to meet up with other friends...just great.
So I text Nellie...and turns out she gave me the number of a landline....maybe she was drunk, maybe she didn't want to talk to me again. I look her up on facebook...and it turns out she's really good friends with Andrea. Oops...I hope they didn't talk about me after. Nellie was probably the friend Andrea left with. So I text Andrea a couple days later and she replies later agreeing to meet up with me next week, so we'll see how it goes.
That is from my st patty's day Fr found here: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=1316
Okay, so we agreed to meet up for coffee, but had trouble nailing down a time due to her working nights as a nurse. I ask when she's free....and she just flat out stops replying. A couple days later I get a text telling me that it's a work phone and it has switched owners. New owner tells me she'll tell Andrea to text me....but it never occurs. I wait a couple weeks, look her up on facebook and message her....no reply. a shame....because I actually liked her a lot, way more than most girls I meet at bars/clubs
So now, tonight almost a month later, I go to a club....and happen to run into her. She is with Nellie and I really hope she doesn't remember me. They are also with a couple of guys. I see Andrea, hesitate a few minutes and then approach her at her booth. She remembers me but not my name...she's pretty drunk by now. We start chatting....and then Nellie who's sitting next to her gets up and drags Andrea away with her. Andrea says bye but promises to find me later in the night. The rest of the night I look for chances to talk to her but fail....she's on the dance floor with a guy, shes rushing her way through the crowd, she's talking to someone else (a friend of mine actually) and I fail to re-open her. I really should have in hindsight, although I'm not sure how much of a difference it would make. Eventually I find her making out with some guy I saw her with earlier (probably not her boyfriend). They dance closely and make out on the dance floor. So I can't approach her there.
So the night draws to a close and I manage to find her with just Nellie (who turns out is her roommate). Nellie says they are leaving and drags Andrea away (yeah, she probably remembers me...), Andrea says bye and I say I'll walk her out, take her by the hand and lead her out. Halfway out, Nellie breaks us up and tells me while she appreciates it, it isn't needed for me to walk them out. I play dumb and ask her name and she says it doesnt matter (icy cold). We get outside, the guy Andrea has been with all night catches up to them. I try to talk to Amanda one last time, telling her to come talk to me for 2 minutes.....and she just walks away with Nellie and the guy. Disheartened I just start walking around. I see Andrea making out with the guy and make sure to avoid them and stand further down the block. Nellie fsr starts walking in this direction, sees me I say hi and she turns around and walks away. I eventually see Nellie/Andrea/the guy walking away together (she lives nearby...). So they probably fucked....
I guess I should just give up on her, I might try sending her one more FB message then giving up....a shame since I really did like her, and I try really hard not to get attached.
Since this topic isn't all me whining, here's the rest of the night:
Went in....my contact forgot to put me on the guestlist so I had to pay. Ran into my contact and he bought me a drink to make up for it. Then I run into Jenna (also in my st patty's day FR) and she gives me a drink from her VIP booth. She ends up leaving early unfortunately (and mentions a steady boyfriend...), but not before introducing me to one of the owner's of the place. we chat for a bit, I move around to mingle and he finds me again. We talk some more, he's a cool guy and I seem him looking at a girl. Since he seems like a good person to know, I approach said girl and introduce them...and they seem to hit it off. I'll fast forward a bit here to finish the story. I leave them alone a bit, find them later and they seem to really have hit it off. The guy is pleased with me and I get his number as he's a good person to know. Later I find him leaving with the girl to go to an afterparty....unfortunately he doesn't invite me, but no hard feelings, I don't think any of the other girls were single. So at least I was able to hook him up, and the girl was REALLY good looking.
I talk to a ton of girls, striking out a ton, and only getting one number (and I'm not sure it's a "reliable" one either). Run into a girl I know from school and chat, run into a few other people I know and chat. Didn't do too well with new girls unfortunately.....
Just kinda pretty bummed out atm but I'm sure it will pass....
Here's the backstory:
So I go to Lounge X. Not the first girl I talked to, but for the purposes of storytelling, this girl goes first. So I head to the bathroom and I run into an old friend. I met this girl here at Lounge X previously. Very nice pretty girl and a lot of fun. However, every time I see her (3 times) she is so drunk that she never remembers our previous encounters. This time is no exception, she's leaning on the security guard's shoulders. I open her and say "hey Aileen!" and she says "How do you know my name?!" so I tell her and she grabs me and starts playing/dancing with me. She says she's totally sloppy...of course. I talk to her for a bit, use the restroom and leave when I can't get her to join me on the dancefloor.
So I'm walking around, I haven't opened any girls yet and I feel like I should get started soon before I get too in my head. So I go to the bar and order a drink. I see a girl next to me, who looks good from an angle. I figure I might as well and open her asking her what she's drinking. She turns around...and just my luck she's quite gorgeous, her name's Andrea. So I talk to her for a bit. It goes well but eventually one of her friends arrives and she gets all excited and distracted from me. I'm at the bar, people want to order and she's distracted so I leave, figuring I'll come back to her later. I go mingle, come back about 15 min later and see her standing with her friends in a circle. I go up to her and open her again, telling her I need another drink and she should order me the drink she was telling me about previously. She agrees and goes to the bar with me and we chat. This time I don't even try to trick her and offer to buy her one too. I then move her to the dance floor, we dance for maybe 2-3 songs and then I move her to sit down. I deep dive her and...she's actually really cool and I like her a lot. So I try to move her outside and tell her to get some fresh air with me. She says she has to use the restroom....yikes. I actually do too so I get her number and then walk her over to the restroom. While she waits in line I go to talk to Aileen. She looks worse than before so I go to get her a glass of water (and one for myself) while Andrea waits in line.
While I'm at the bar ordering some waters, I see a girl in a black dress I've wanted to talk to all night and figure I might as well now. I talk to her and it goes well, but her breath isn't great so I just get her number and leave. I'll give Nellie the benefit of the doubt, maybe it was something she ate that night. But I liked my chances with Aileen and Andrea more. However by the time I get back to the bathroom Andrea has used it and gone since I took so long talking to Nellie. I give Aileen the water and go back to look for Andrea. I find her on the outside patio with one of her friends and I talk to them for a few minutes. I try to move Andrea again but no luck this time as she needs a rest/fresh air/doesn't want to leave her friend alone. I tell her I'll find her later then.
I'll flashforward a bit here to finish this story. I see Andrea once more later in the night as she heads towards the bathroom, I tell her to find me later and she agrees. Unfortunately, later I see her friends ask them where Andrea is...and they say she's left to meet up with other friends...just great.
So I text Nellie...and turns out she gave me the number of a landline....maybe she was drunk, maybe she didn't want to talk to me again. I look her up on facebook...and it turns out she's really good friends with Andrea. Oops...I hope they didn't talk about me after. Nellie was probably the friend Andrea left with. So I text Andrea a couple days later and she replies later agreeing to meet up with me next week, so we'll see how it goes.
That is from my st patty's day Fr found here: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=1316
Okay, so we agreed to meet up for coffee, but had trouble nailing down a time due to her working nights as a nurse. I ask when she's free....and she just flat out stops replying. A couple days later I get a text telling me that it's a work phone and it has switched owners. New owner tells me she'll tell Andrea to text me....but it never occurs. I wait a couple weeks, look her up on facebook and message her....no reply. a shame....because I actually liked her a lot, way more than most girls I meet at bars/clubs
So now, tonight almost a month later, I go to a club....and happen to run into her. She is with Nellie and I really hope she doesn't remember me. They are also with a couple of guys. I see Andrea, hesitate a few minutes and then approach her at her booth. She remembers me but not my name...she's pretty drunk by now. We start chatting....and then Nellie who's sitting next to her gets up and drags Andrea away with her. Andrea says bye but promises to find me later in the night. The rest of the night I look for chances to talk to her but fail....she's on the dance floor with a guy, shes rushing her way through the crowd, she's talking to someone else (a friend of mine actually) and I fail to re-open her. I really should have in hindsight, although I'm not sure how much of a difference it would make. Eventually I find her making out with some guy I saw her with earlier (probably not her boyfriend). They dance closely and make out on the dance floor. So I can't approach her there.
So the night draws to a close and I manage to find her with just Nellie (who turns out is her roommate). Nellie says they are leaving and drags Andrea away (yeah, she probably remembers me...), Andrea says bye and I say I'll walk her out, take her by the hand and lead her out. Halfway out, Nellie breaks us up and tells me while she appreciates it, it isn't needed for me to walk them out. I play dumb and ask her name and she says it doesnt matter (icy cold). We get outside, the guy Andrea has been with all night catches up to them. I try to talk to Amanda one last time, telling her to come talk to me for 2 minutes.....and she just walks away with Nellie and the guy. Disheartened I just start walking around. I see Andrea making out with the guy and make sure to avoid them and stand further down the block. Nellie fsr starts walking in this direction, sees me I say hi and she turns around and walks away. I eventually see Nellie/Andrea/the guy walking away together (she lives nearby...). So they probably fucked....
I guess I should just give up on her, I might try sending her one more FB message then giving up....a shame since I really did like her, and I try really hard not to get attached.
Since this topic isn't all me whining, here's the rest of the night:
Went in....my contact forgot to put me on the guestlist so I had to pay. Ran into my contact and he bought me a drink to make up for it. Then I run into Jenna (also in my st patty's day FR) and she gives me a drink from her VIP booth. She ends up leaving early unfortunately (and mentions a steady boyfriend...), but not before introducing me to one of the owner's of the place. we chat for a bit, I move around to mingle and he finds me again. We talk some more, he's a cool guy and I seem him looking at a girl. Since he seems like a good person to know, I approach said girl and introduce them...and they seem to hit it off. I'll fast forward a bit here to finish the story. I leave them alone a bit, find them later and they seem to really have hit it off. The guy is pleased with me and I get his number as he's a good person to know. Later I find him leaving with the girl to go to an afterparty....unfortunately he doesn't invite me, but no hard feelings, I don't think any of the other girls were single. So at least I was able to hook him up, and the girl was REALLY good looking.
I talk to a ton of girls, striking out a ton, and only getting one number (and I'm not sure it's a "reliable" one either). Run into a girl I know from school and chat, run into a few other people I know and chat. Didn't do too well with new girls unfortunately.....
Just kinda pretty bummed out atm but I'm sure it will pass....