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FR++  Girl with Boyfriend?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
Hello gentlemen,

I decided to throw this one up here for the hell of it. This happened last weekend so this FR is coming way late and it is going to be a short one.

A usual Friday night, going out to party and what not.

We arrive at this party, not a lot of people there but there are some girls. I strike up a conversation with one of them and it so happens we had met before briefly last semester(she recognized me). We start talking and I suppose I go through what can be described as my usual spiel. I move her to go sit on the couch and we continue talk. I actually ask her if she went on adventures(question from the blog) and she said I asked her that last time(fuck).

Anyway I then move her upstairs where no one else is and we continue to talk as our faces get closer and closer. Eventually I just go for the makeout and we do for a while, I lead her to a chair and we continue kissing there and I try and escalate a little and she then says " I am down with just making out". At this point more people have come to the party and people are coming upstairs. We separate and I begin contemplating what I should of done instead. I then realize there was a bathroom right there near from where we were standing and I get annoyed at myself.

The party then gets busted, but before that I get her number and the rest of the night is irrelevant. The next day my friend would tell me he had also made out with her before and that she has a boyfriend.

I suppose the reason I am writing this as well is because she lives in my dorm, I have seen her twice since last weekend.

Any suggestions?
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers