Here's what Svengali posted at on age (all credit to him):
> Joe Smith <nmg***0@ya***.com [ safemail ] > wrote:
> ... If she calls and some how my age becomes a question (I’m 36 and she’s 21), during a
> conversation, how should I handle that?
In this group, I’ve implied my years, but haven’t stated them.
In real life,
no one learns of my years and puts me into an assumed
category of this how I’ll be, and why don’t I look like, and all the
rest that goes into a defined age category that has been promulgated
upon the public by the media.
Go after the women you want. If your years are going to be an issue
for her, she will let you know it with her response towards you.
However, men of advance years, when they’re not trying to pick her up
(as she sees it), can get away with "murder", figuratively speaking,
because you’re just conversing with her. Yeah, right. Next thing you
know, she’s feeling this, and that, and this, and it all feels really
great to her, and you’re providing it---
boom! In like Flint. {Remember the movies?}
If she brings up age, you say "same as you--21. Isn’t it great now
that you know that neither of us is either too old or young for the
other, and we can just be as we are without all the bullshit that goes
with someone being of this age, or that, or this age?" [Immediately
change the topic with a question after this.]
Should she bring up the subject again, repeat what you said and did.
If it happens one more time, you say "I’ll tell you after our time
together, okay?". If she comes after you for your years after this, it
obviously bothers her, so you say "whatever years I am, you seem to
have a problem with my being so. That tells me we are not right for
each other. So good-bye." Then leave her.
If she drops the subject, don’t bring it up again. If she does, repeat
and do what I said above.
Having said all this, you are going to have to give up having and
celebrating birthdays --hers, yours and everyone’s-- because if you
don’t, you are going to pigeon-hole yourself into a place you don’t
want to be. {Become a sometimes Jehovvah’s Witness, or Druid, or
something else that doesn’t celebrate years.}
Over 21, as you are, is the only place to be...
and the only place you can be!
One other thing, as a mature man with experience, you can show her
things that guys of her own generation cannot, simply because they
haven’t had the experiences yet. Also, because your body parts don’t
respond as fast as they did when you were a teenager, you can, if
you’re good enough, have her experiencing sexual things that blows her
away and will have her coming back to you when --not if-- she strays
with that beefcake guy. {How older guys blow it with the younger women
they’ve acquired every time: she thinks, based on his young and beefy
looks, that he’s probably better for her, but once in the sack she
discovers otherwise. Older guy somehow learns of it, and instead of
taking a moment to realize what has happened --she learned what she
needed to learn-- becomes an idiot and blows it with his acqusations
and actions from that point on. BTW, I like to take this opportunity
to credit the late John Derek for teaching me that fastest, easiest way
to keep a younger woman wanting you, is by going after and having her
see that even younger women then her are interested in being with you.}
> JMR <speedyseducer@aol.comkillspam> wrote:
> OK, totally hypothetical situation here, since this one has never happened to
> me before, but, hey, what the heck... what about the reverse? I’m 23, so say
> I meet a GORGEOUS 32-year-old HB9 somewhere, and everything is going great,
> until she finds out that I’m 23, and she thinks that I’m too young for her.
> Since I couldn’t say "You’re probably not mature enough for me", and saying
> "Yeah, you’re probably too old to handle me" would most likely get me
> slapped... any thoughts?
In a reverse situation, you do as I said above. Only in this case you
do it with a little twist: you take her to places where you go, because
she is looking to capture some of her lost youth, and you never put her
down or let any of your friends/acquaintances put her down via her
years. Additionally, you allow her to show you the things she has
learned as a result of her years, and you make sure that she knows,
that you will not accept any type of put downs of your less-then-their
years from her friends/acquaintances.
Generally speaking, women with older guys want to learn and are willing
to acquiesce, whereas women with younger guys want to re-experience
youthful things and teach too.
As a younger guy, her friends are going to want a piece of you and your
pole too. If you go for it, be very discreet and hope to hell she
never finds out, because the very moment she discovers that you
accepted being with one or more of her friends/acquaintances, is the
very moment she will hate and dismiss you. Having said this, she can
and will be forgiving if she learns you’re doing it with women of your
own generation, just not of hers.
As the older guy, your friends/acquaintances are going to act like real
dickheads and feel because you got her, she really digs older guys, and
therefore they can get, and are entitled to have, some of that young
stuff too. So they will, not might, will do their best to buy her away
from you with things, and/or put you down every chance they get, just
so they can get to and have her. And don’t be surprised if some just
start grabbing (molesting) her because they feel "entitled", since
that’s the kind of woman they think she is, because she is younger and
with you. In other words, AFC behavior in the worst possible ways.
Other caveats:
If you’re an older guy, don’t try being a younger guy with her or her
friends. Just be as you are and roll with the punches, and you’ll soon
find yourself accepted for who you are.
If you’re a younger guy, don’t try being a an older guy with her or her
friends. Just be as you are and roll with the punches, and you’ll soon
find yourself accepted for who you are.