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OR  Great convo, didnt pull trigger, set up 1-on-1 for later


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 28, 2013
So, after meeting this girl out at a bar one night, I found out she lived about 45 minutes away from me, out in the country. I also found out she has 5 horses, which I enjoy riding so I set up a meet with her to ride horses. We did this a couple times in the following weeks, but I learned that the house I was going to was her parents house, with whom she lived. So I decided, next time we met up, if I ever wanted anything out of this girl, we were going to have to meet up in my town.

She is seldom just "passing through" my town, but last Monday she was here. She texted me to see if I wanted to go out for a drink. I said sure, and we went out for a couple drinks. While the conversation we had was GREAT (I had just read What Does She Want? The 8 Things You Must Ask Her and was eager to try it out), I was still unsure about pulling the trigger. I think it's because the first 2 times we met up, nothing sexual happened, and the longer you wait, the more tension gets involved until it's just too much, at which point, nothing EVER happens.

But back to the 8 things you MUST ask her, WOW, these questions are so great! I was really able to mirror what she valued and I could tell she was definitely into me as a result. One of the most useful and easily applicable posts I've ever read on GC.

The bar closed, so I asked her if she could give me a ride to my car, thinking maybe I'll muster up the courage to ask her home with me between the bar and my car. Nope. But I DID decide that I should at the very least make it clear that I wanted to meet up with her again, on a weekend night, since I was busy during the week and it's tough for me to stay up too late (it was one o'clock at this point). She said she'd love to come back into town on a weekend.

So a couple days later, I texted her asking if her schedule was free that weekend. She said she was free Friday but not saturday because she was going to a party to celebrate her friend's birthday. She invited me to the party on saturday, claiming there would be tons of girls there and only 1 other guy. Since my goal was to get her one-on-one, in a place where I could escalate things physically, I told her that as much as I would love being surrounded by lots of girls, i'd have to pass and that Friday worked for me as well.

Unfortunately, I asked if she wanted to go out for a few drinks on main st, which we had already done. And I felt like i would be making logistics necessarily complicated if we started on main st. So I suggested we start with a few drinks at my place, then go from there. She had no problem with this.

Future post to come on how it all goes...
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake