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Growing out of politics and it's discussions

Spyce D

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
I don't know if this post is suitable for this forum .

But , the thing is I just have been having this feeling since a few months that these things and culture/ideological wars have always been there and will always be there .

So , there is no point in getting engaged in it myself unless i can use it to further my purpose , career and access to more women. You know actually doing something substantial rather than just talk .

Feels a bit ashamed now that I wasted my teenage years in all this internet redpill , political crap when I could have laid like crazy cuz of my logistics of that time.

Anyways , a bit curious if it's happening to other folks too who got hooked to politics during 2016ish era .
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