Some things I’ve done and do to resensitize and improve my cock strength:
1.) don’t cum at all except around once a month at most
2.) like
@Skills mentioned, use Cialis; this gives you a guaranteed boner
3.) similar to what
@Glow said, but a little bit weirder - rather than jerk off, instead, I’ll put a condom on and lightly hump a soft surface like a pillow or something until I cum, just like a dog haha. This sounds rediculous, I know. But it’s great for sensitizing your cock to very light touch. I never jerk off with hands or do anything rough.
*when I joined SS I was having a rough time and was actually breaking the above (jerking a lot basically) which I think fucked up my boner back in February. But other than that I’ve done these things consistently since last year. Not cumming except once a month has been hard to maintain but is
very powerful