It's pretty simple... she is a shitty person. Shitty people in your life make a shitty life. In fact, they can make you a shitty person by you absorbing their shittiness.
Is that clear?
It's true but that's the same with men as well. There's two people who play a part in every situation. If you're not getting your needs met from one girl, you may cheat on her. That doesn't excuse you for cheating though... you're still responsible for your actions. You're not immune to cheating... you could leave the relationship and then hookup... therefore, not cheating. Or you could cheat, which just says something about your values and morals as a person.
And he's not even talking about being a relationship with her, he's talking about making her a fwb so he doesn't necessarily need to worry about her cheating or not cheating... if she's a fwb, it's really none of his business who she's banging unless they have an exclusivity agreement.
Towards the end of relationships, men shop around too... in fact, men are more known to cheat in good relationships that are fine if they come from a cultural background of it being okay that they cheat.
Still doesn't make it okay, healthy, or excuse his behavior.
If someone cheats, it's a reflection of their values as a human being. A lot of people, men and women, don't cheat. A lot of people, men and women, do cheat.
Cheating people have fucked up values... if you're a cheater, you should question your values. If you're with a cheater, you should question their values.
Lol, there are plenty of women who don't cheat. You can "secret society every woman is a hoe with the right man" bullshit me all you want... I mean, most people, in the right circumstances will break their values... the question is... what are her values and when does she break them?
You know now that she'll break them with YOU, at the very least. Which means that it's pretty safe to bet that if you slack off, if you aren't on top of your game all the time, if there are any challenges in your relationship, she'll break them with someone else when she's with you.
In my opinion, you shouldn't be in a relationship with someone who will do that with you. I know I certainly won't be in one.
Why do you think guys don't want to be in relationships with girls who bang on the first night? Because if she's willing to do it with me, she's willing to do it with other people.
If you choose to believe that ALL women will do that with the right man, that's fine... there's no evidence to suggest that true though... just that some women will... just like some men will cheat and some men won't.