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Having Trouble With Daygame

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Thats great luck!! And just outside of her natural habitat.

Those unicorns usually inhabit the internet and dating apps.

Seems like a good luck omen.

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Take her virginity then tell her Ukraine is a part of Russia as you lie there in the afterglow.
I can't with these responses lmao
This is a very good realization, and a great exercise.

If you're not already doing visualization, make sure you put that into the mix too. It's a big help:


I'll check it out, thanks!

Yeah, looking back I'm not sure why that quote popped into my head but it's worth digging into I suppose. At this point I can only assume that I'm doing something that appeals to these types rather than... well... normals but we'll see. I'd rather not change my default go-to, but if I have to then it'll be an adjustment

@Chase @Will_V @ulrich
Any advice on finding your type/niche?
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
@Chase @Will_V @ulrich
Any advice on finding your type/niche?

Define what you like in a woman, personality and looks wise.

Think of the 5-10 most logical places where you can find these kind of women.
(We tend to default to the most convenient places for us, not for the target)

Test those 10 places, at least 5 times in different days and times each and discard the ones where there were not enough targets or the quality was not what you were looking for.

If you did right, you would have solved the volume problem.
With high volume of your desired type, you will have plenty chances to figure everything else.

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Define what you like in a woman, personality and looks wise.

Think of the 5-10 most logical places where you can find these kind of women.
(We tend to default to the most convenient places for us, not for the target)

Test those 10 places, at least 5 times in different days and times each and discard the ones where there were not enough targets or the quality was not what you were looking for.

If you did right, you would have solved the volume problem.
With high volume of your desired type, you will have plenty chances to figure everything else.
Quick note; half talking to myself and half responding directly to you lol. Sorry about that, after writing a little of it out I think I just need to see it and plus I've long given up on doing this crap on my own lmao. So maybe someone will see this and be like "GO HERE NAOW!"


Nerdy, shy/introverted, likes to read, adventurous, tattoos probably slightly hipster-ish leaning. Creative, probably into some kinda art like photography, or drawing/painting. But since I can't draw for shit I like to err on the side of photography to have something to share. Independent and doesn't' ask for help very easily, pretty stubborn. EDIT: and playful to the point of being goofy, doesn't mind laughing at herself/myself DOUBLE EDIT: bit a loner as well
--> unfortunately left leaning to the point of being too far left, but not everything can be good

Physically, I believe the term is "slim and stacked" lol. Slight preference for taller but I don't honestly care that much. Don't care about hair color either

I always loved the idea of picking up in bookstores but... well... no matter what city I've been to it's always been a little slim pickings in bookstores, I think they're kinda dying out other than Barnes and Nobles, but even that's not got a big turnover rate. So I long gave up on that lol. Coffee shops are another good option, but I never realized how difficult it was to find a good coffee shop. As much as I hate Springfield MO, it did have a great coffee shop hangout culture... hmmm...

I always think of the first girlfriend I ever had. I dunno if she imprinted on me super heavily or what, but she's more of an independent type. It may sound kinda dumb, but honestly Instagram would be a great place to meet the exact woman I want. It's why I worked on my IG account. Although maybe there are some photography events I could look up... may give that a try. She also enjoyed being out in nature, plus I do too, so big parks are always a plus

I'd probably feel a little bit fake if I tried to get into art shows/galleries. Plus, I don't think that's where she'd be...

EDITING AGAIN: honestly I also get kinda depressed about 'lust/love at first sight'. Any time I've had that feeling, the girl usually appears to feel it as well but for whatever reason we never end up together. The only exception was probably the first time I ever experienced it and that was with that first girlfriend almost a decade ago. We met off of OKCupid too

Every other girl that I get an instant "I want you" kind of feeling since? It's never happened. A little depressing to tell ya the truth
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
@Regal Tiger, seems like you gravitate to artsy creative girls.

Have you tried picking up in cafes and bars near to art college/schools?
What about art campus?
Also taking photography, crafts or painting classes could lead you to these kind of girls.
I would also consider jazz bars and live music joints.

Acting classes could be an option too but they will tend to attract more extroverted flavors of creatives.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
Also… doesn’t USA have some big art supply chain stores??
Those should be worth a try
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
@Regal Tiger, seems like you gravitate to artsy creative girls.

Have you tried picking up in cafes and bars near to art college/schools?
What about art campus?
Also taking photography, crafts or painting classes could lead you to these kind of girls.
I would also consider jazz bars and live music joints.

Acting classes could be an option too but they will tend to attract more extroverted flavors of creatives.
Art conventions, DIY music venues, concerts, festivals (music, film, etc, etc), book stores, vintage clothing stores, art supply stores, dance parties and or raves, open Mic nights, gallery openings
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Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
@Regal Tiger, seems like you gravitate to artsy creative girls.

Have you tried picking up in cafes and bars near to art college/schools?
What about art campus?
Also taking photography, crafts or painting classes could lead you to these kind of girls.
I would also consider jazz bars and live music joints.

Acting classes could be an option too but they will tend to attract more extroverted flavors of creatives.
I'll look for any kind of jazz bars/lounges. I'm not a fan of night game but I think I'd be fine in a lounge of some kind, the vibe of the night-time venues just doesn't mesh well with me as a human for some reason. Not sure why

Could look into some photography events as well. As far as cafes go there just isn't much of that around here that doesn't close post-3:00 lol

Last I checked there wasn't much for live music other than nightgame but I could give it another try

As far as the big art supply stores, the only one that I can think of is Hobby Lobby. But pretty much everybody that I've ever seen in a Hobby Lobby is married lmao. Although the HL cashiers have never steered me wrong in a secret santa/gift exchange recommendation before I will give them that haha

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Art conventions, DIY music venues, concerts, festivals (music, film, etc, etc), book stores, vintage clothing stores, art supply stores, dance parties and or raves, open Mic nights, gallery openings
Cool, I'll give a few of those a try, shank ya

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Well it finally happened! I'll write it up later. It was the girl that I tried a different approach with from last week. Not gonna lie I didn't think it was going to happen up until I actually picked her up

Kept thinking she was going to cancel again. But yeah!

I was absolutely losing my mind over this. It feels so nice that it finally happened

I have to wake up in 5 hours for a 10 hour shift so it may be a few days but I'll write it up


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 20, 2012
Well it finally happened! I'll write it up later. It was the girl that I tried a different approach with from last week. Not gonna lie I didn't think it was going to happen up until I actually picked her up

Kept thinking she was going to cancel again. But yeah!

I was absolutely losing my mind over this. It feels so nice that it finally happened

I have to wake up in 5 hours for a 10 hour shift so it may be a few days but I'll write it up
Well done mate! Very curious to hear details.
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Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Well done mate! Very curious to hear details.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 23, 2022
@Regal Tiger Hey, I just stumbled across this thread. I love the fact that you kept posting updates on your progress learning daygame so that we could have a realistic idea of how this works.

Would you have any idea what your stats are as of today? Number of approaches, phone number closes, instadate closes, day 2 dates, pulls, lays? Has it gotten easier over time, or is it still inefficient?

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
@Regal Tiger Hey, I just stumbled across this thread. I love the fact that you kept posting updates on your progress learning daygame so that we could have a realistic idea of how this works.

Would you have any idea what your stats are as of today? Number of approaches, phone number closes, instadate closes, day 2 dates, pulls, lays? Has it gotten easier over time, or is it still inefficient?
Got kinda disillusioned and needed a break

I'd say that overall I have a much better idea of what I should aim for and will probably try again when it warms up. But I needed a break after that and found out that apparently I'm in a very hard market and then it got cold after I felt good to try again lol

Wish I could give you a better answer. But I'd say it's dependent on way too much. Your market, your vibe and level of game starting out. And most importantly your grit. Grit is pretty much all I had to get started and push through


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 23, 2022
I'd say that overall I have a much better idea of what I should aim for and will probably try again when it warms up. But I needed a break after that and found out that apparently I'm in a very hard market and then it got cold after I felt good to try again lol
Kansas City sure sounds tough, because it's not a dense walkable city like Miami or New York. I'm in the same situation. I live in a suburb and the usual spots for daygame are tough, not just because it's hard to find sets, but because the women are either unattractive or married.

So I daygame on two university campuses. I think it's hard because I'm not a student, these chicks are young & attractive and many are in sororities (strong social circle barriers). The only saving grace is one college has a 1.3F:1M sex ratio.

At this point getting phone numbers isn't too hard for me, but they almost never reply. My intuition is it's the lack of sexual ttension. I also think polarizing/being more cocky will help by provoking shit tests. My coach believes it's a value issue.

I have 3 weeks before the next semester starts, so hopefully I can come back strong. A break is helpful. I'll be starting online game while I wait so at least I can get some text/date practice, even if the online girls are not the hottest/smartest/highest status.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 2, 2021
Kansas City
I recommend reading this by skills


now here’s what I have to say I loved Kansas while I was there. Halloween night I was extracting a 2-set and then gave up due to lack of persistence and poor objection handling in. Felt pretty damn walkable and dense while I was there as well.

Gonna be fair and say it was halloween…but even so jazz lounges, bars, and just meeting chicks in general was cool.

My material was being eaten up as well…genuinely shocked it’s considered a tough market.

I feel like wherever you have volume + women there’s a way in general to get cold approach working…tbf even in my out of the way country population of 8000 I could make a way… wherever there are women there’s a shot

I’m purposely leaving the midwest to go somewhere harder so everywhere’s easier after that so I won’t say much else on the midwest specifically (warped mindless is in the midwest)

but teev comes to mind “everyone says their city is hard”

I feel like men have a hard on for making more problems for themselves and rationalizing their struggle with women as something everyone will have…idk man but one thing I do know is you can progress in whatever you put your mind to.

hard marketplace, chaste women, Social circle city whatever you’re going through another PUA has worked through it and possibly worse.

this place makes it damn near easy mode even without buying products.

go out, fuck up, analyze, lookup or post your fuck up, see some PUA write about how to work through it and or explain why you are fucking up

maybe survivorship bias…but are we striving to be one of the average, losers, or the survivor…the overcomers

overcomers struggle, lose, get humiliated…and still as long as they breathe they can still thrive.

hard marketplace…someone disagrees and someone’s making it work

could be you

mr. overcomer

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Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Heyooo! Super fast update plus an interesting realization, I think. Both @Chase and @Will_V have both mentioned similar things that I didn't really understand at the time

Both of them have mentioned, in short that it's bad that I don't really feel much at all while gaming. The emotions for me come later, after the interaction. I think Chase even mentioned I should try to picture myself as a charged car battery beneath my skin, basically. Being held back but clearly visible

I've done this on accident a lot during sex I've noticed, but never during an interaction. At least on purpose

When I first started I noticed I found far more success when I clamped down on my emotions. I think now that it worked because my emotions were just so fucking high all the time. But now they're not, but I still have that habit of clamping down anyways

And I noticed the charged battery thing (I'm probably not remembering it exactly right) from two different women I've interacted with recently. One who was so cripplingly shy that her mom had to kind of force her to take my number. A bit of a turn off for me so I just let that one go because group shit that becomes a production never goes well in my experience

But the second: I'm working at a strip club for a family that I know. And long story short (hope to have a story on this in a few months) I'll become a temporary manager

Anywhoo, have some girls come and audition and I'm one of the guys basically grading them. I heard one of em had an attitude so I was basically going into it to be an absolute hard ass. No smoke at all while I watched them and I stared them all down

One of them saw this and reciprocated my eye contact. Later on she approached me and I saw exactly what Will and Chase were talking about through her

She's not my type, cute but not my type physically. Wasn't all that interested but the more she talked to me the more I started liking her. Basically because I could tell how into me she was

So yeah, there's a small update. I've moved and I'm not in a position to do much day game (dreadful logistics plus no time, which will probably change in a few weeks). But I do plan on trying to explore this concept more when I can

Everything is technically good, but nothing sticks because of my habit plus not feeling it

Over the next few months I plan on testing this. Not sure exactly when but it'll be on my mind
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
May 19, 2023
Heyooo! Super fast update plus an interesting realization, I think. Both @Chase and @Will_V have both mentioned similar things that I didn't really understand at the time

Both of them have mentioned, in short that it's bad that I don't really feel much at all while gaming. The emotions for me come later, after the interaction. I think Chase even mentioned I should try to picture myself as a charged car battery beneath my skin, basically. Being held back but clearly visible

I've done this on accident a lot during sex I've noticed, but never during an interaction. At least on purpose

When I first started I noticed I found far more success when I clamped down on my emotions. I think now that it worked because my emotions were just so fucking high all the time. But now they're not, but I still have that habit of clamping down anyways

And I noticed the charged battery thing (I'm probably not remembering it exactly right) from two different women I've interacted with recently. One who was so cripplingly shy that her mom had to kind of force her to take my number. A bit of a turn off for me so I just let that one go because group shit that becomes a production never goes well in my experience

But the second: I'm working at a strip club for a family that I know. And long story short (hope to have a story on this in a few months) I'll become a temporary manager

Anywhoo, have some girls come and audition and I'm one of the guys basically grading them. I heard one of em had an attitude so I was basically going into it to be an absolute hard ass. No smoke at all while I watched them and I stared them all down

One of them saw this and reciprocated my eye contact. Later on she approached me and I saw exactly what Will and Chase were talking about through her

She's not my type, cute but not my type physically. Wasn't all that interested but the more she talked to me the more I started liking her. Basically because I could tell how into me she was

So yeah, there's a small update. I've moved and I'm not in a position to do much day game (dreadful logistics plus no time, which will probably change in a few weeks). But I do plan on trying to explore this concept more when I can

Everything is technically good, but nothing sticks because of my habit plus not feeling it

Over the next few months I plan on testing this. Not sure exactly when but it'll be on my mind
I am kind of a day game beginner (even though I did plenty of night game back in the day) and what I am personally finding in the interactions is that when you somehow manage to mix masculine vibe (calm, grounded, kicked back, deep voice, projecting power) with that bit of playfulness, empathy, emotional expression, and upbeat vibe then the reactions improve dramatically.

Yesterday I had a set in which I was being very grounded, speaking calmly and manly while slightly grinning, playing around and vibing emotionally with her.... she couldn't help giggle the whole time. Fun thing: I never laughed or smiled too much and yet she was giggling all the time. It feels great when she is feminine in reaction to your masculine behavior.

It's as if both those things alone don't really work (only manly comes across as either cold or aggressive while only emotional comes across as either too safe or too clownish) but when you find the right mix, you really see it in their eyes. It's like they respond to a strong a man who also has a happy kid on his shoulder.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013