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Hong Kong LR1: January Jones


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
In Hong Kong, my old stomping grounds, for a few weeks.
Wasn't feeling too great recently, having just signed the divorce papers and facing plenty of life challenges.
Good news for me HK is one of the best places in the World to meet hot women of all flavors!
Met, dated and/or laid Brazilian, British, Italian, Chinese, Korean and Eurasian on this trip.
Can't write up everything but I'll do a couple of LR's for now.

Out at a bar on a Thursday night with a married buddy. We sit in the front of the bar, best people watching.
Blonde Blue eyed British HB8 walks in with her pregnant friend and sits down not far away.
She looks like January Jones.
I resist the urge to go chat them up right away, and don't pay any attention until their drinks arrive.
HB is having some kind of pink daiqueri.
I open asking what strange looking drink is, have a chat and a laugh with both of them, teasing them up about their career (teachers) and tell funny story about my kindergarten teacher (whose name was Mrs. beaver, I swear!) and keep calling her January instead of her real name. I tell them I can't stay as my friend is waiting for me. We were seated near the door so when HB goes to exit, I grab her, exchange a few words, hand her my phone to punch in her number. I've already input the name as "January Jones." No resistance.

Text game goes a bit rough. I tease her a lot, but she does not reply in a timely way. Pisses me off, I start to get frustrated. (Later i realized teachers turn their phones off during the school day!) Invite her out to the races following Tuesday with the lure of wearing funny hats...she's busy. Send her mysterious question about primates and an invitation to discover why I'm asking on Saturday (going to go see the Lemurs at Zoological Garden), she accepts than cancels last minute with believable excuse. She asks about rescheduling...I tell her it depends on where she is taking me.

That works and ultimately go for tapas and too much wine on a school night, I pay a lot of attention to my body language and voice tone, totally take charge of the ordering. I tease her about her ears and pretend like she is a ditzy blonde, keep her talking and qualifying herself. One time I validate her self qualification, she says "great, what do I get?" Without hesitation I kiss her. She's surprised and loves it, after that it's on. Ramp up kino, move to two more locations, heavy kissing and groping, walk her back to her house, get LMR which I don't try too hard to overcome because it is now 2am on a school night.

A few teasing text messages in days ensuing, a trip away to Thailand for a week wherein I ignore her, and set up to go on a hike with friends on my return. All day hike, lovely dinner and wine with friends, taxi straight back to hers. Finger her to orgasm, straight sex for a while but we're both tired and don't finish. She was still a bit uncomfortable and would not let me go down on her. Next morning it's on like Donkey Kong! I give her at least a 3 hour rogering. She finishes me off (at my request) with the most delicious BJ I've had in a long while, and we go for a scrumptious breakfast together.

Really nice, sweet girl, I like her and plan to see her again.
She knows I'm just in and out of town for now and this has its limits, and that's all copacetic.
She asks when she'll see me again, I tell her I will surprise her.
And I will.

What worked here, what did not work (IMHO):

1. marching straight up to she and her friend at the right moment, keeping friend involved,
2. teasing, sharing personal stories related to childhood, and finding a nickname early...for some reason this works for me, I try to give them nicknames ASAP
3. Didn't ask for her phone number, I told her to punch it in my phone....assumption of success = swagger/confidence --> success
4. Found interesting things to invite her to: Horseraces, Lemurs, Hike
5. Turned the tables on her and told her she'd have to invite me now if she wants to go out.
6. body language/voicetone awareness, moving locations, no hesitation on the kiss,
7. Taking care of her sexually first, genuine interest in her comfort and pleasure

1. My text game was way off...just couldn't quite find the rhythm...felt like I was chasing (I was.) I felt that she may have been turned OFF by how sexually suggestive some of my messages were, but I wanted to put things on the right track as early as possible.
2. At one point on date 1 we crossed over a red bridge which had locks attached to it (she explained it was a Swedish lovers tradition) I could have gone for the kiss then. Again, I did pull it out later when she asked 'what do I get?'
3. Probably drank too much and stayed out too late, losing the opportunity for first date lay, but that was not expressly my intent. I do like this girl a lot, and intend to see her again.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 9, 2013
Legit work here. If she sincerely looks anything like January Jones, I'm a jealous man. Don Draper may be coming after you for an ass kicking though

What I find is that your game seems very natural. The way you keep calling her January and even hand her your phone with the name it already was impressive. I definitely feel I should incorporate nicknames into my game as well.

As for texting, I too feel like Its my week spot and definitely need improvement. I've read Chase's articles on texting and right way going for the hangout, while I'm sure it works I've spoken to female friends and they've told me they'd feel more comfortable going out with a guy after speaking to him via text for a bit,rather than him instantly jumping to a meetup. Still modifying my game and seeing what works best... I've found different women respond to different variations of texting, so it's difficult to really be one kind of texter. Feel like it's really on adjustment.

Also, I too get pretty antsy when I don't get messages back for a while. I'm currently in a smilar situation, where I was messaging a girl and after some messages she never replied. Want to pursue her, but don't want to seem desperate with double messaging her. What are your thoughts?

Your persistance here obviously paid off. Keep these LRs coming
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
She DOES look like January Jones!
January is a 9.5, this girl is an 8 or an 8.5 but gorgeous anyway.

Nicknames totally work! They ALL get a nickname.

One thing Chase proposes is the "three text sequence."
Something like this:

1. something suggestive/funny that gets her attention
2. Something that reminds her of rapport or gets her thinking about going out with you
3. Ask her out.

Doesn't always work out to be 3 texts but the sequence is right.
There was this hot blonde/blue eyed Ukranian I dated 2 or 3 times, got LMR, couldn't close, then totally got blown off.
Weeks went by after she blew me out, wouldn't answer my calls or text at all. I decided to leverage her Russian name to invite her to see the new Bond movie.
I sent her a message:

Me: "Agent (her Russian name)" I finally figured out where you have been. You're a Russian Spy! No worries, Your secret is safe with me."
Her: "how did you find out?"
Me: "I can't tell you over text. Part of my double agent code of honor."
Her: "I guess you just watched Sky Fall." (NOTE: see? she walked right into that one...totally according to plan!)
Me: "No. Is it in theaters yet? Let's go see it this week!" (NOTE: I damn well knew it was!)
Her: "Let's do it It's out on the 9th!"
Me: "You wear your sexiest red cocktail dress, I wear my tuxedo." (NOTE: building a sense of adventure and playfulness is very natural for me.)
Her: "LOL and we go to Monte Carlo?"
Me: "I'm not taking you to Monte Carlo dear. I don't like you that much yet. But Friday night I'll take you to dinner and the 007 opening." (NOTE: now I got the chance to turn the tables so it seems SHE liked me more than I liked her, and I am the selector. I could NOT have done before I started reading Chase's ideas.)

From there it was on. Full close, lots of fun.

Another thing—Right after I meet a girl I send her a text message with something flirty.

For instance—japanese-American ("Princess Swanky") girl I met a couple nights ago, I wrote
"OK now I have your number, prepare to reply to my smarmy text messages"
(that got suggestive REAL fast by the way...she's good with words.)

When I met January, I wrote:
"Ok, now you've got my number. But please don't start sending me drunken messages late at night, it would totally sully my image of you."
Chase is really good at this...making it seem like SHE is the horny, aggressive one.
you're right though...some women seem uncomfortable with it. It's best to innuendo and leave room for double meaning, see if she picks up on it or not.

Always good to Pick up something funny from the last conversation you can tease her about.
For instance, January said her ears stick out. (they don't) So:

Me: "Wow, just saw something that made me think of you!"
Her: "Oh really...what?"
Me: "A billboard advert for a travel company whose Mascot is an elephant. He's totally got your ears!"


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
This may be a silly question but what is Kino? I've heard people mention it, but there isn't much description about it.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
Kino...short for Kinesthesia

kinesthesia |ˌkinəsˈθē zh ə| ( Brit. kinaesthesia)
awareness of the position and movement of the parts of the body by means of sensory organs (proprioceptors) in the muscles and joints.
kinesthetic |-ˈθetik| adjective
ORIGIN late 19th cent.: from Greek kinein ‘to move’ + aisthēsis ‘sensation.’

it just means "touching"
Examples of kino:

emphasizing a point by touching a woman lightly on the hand or elbow
grabbing her around the waist and pulling her in close when you speak to her
running your hand through her hair

Now if you just met a girl and you suddenly pulled her close to you she might feel scared and think you are a creep
Hence the term: "Kino escalation"
It means starting with light, short innocuous touching and then increasing/intensifying the touching as the conversation goes on and rapport builds

I think "kino" (and a lot of other "PUA lingo") is really a cheesy word.
But I have to say...implementing the described process of kino escalation REALLY REALLY WORKS.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Great turnaround on this one, Landlord. Seems you had a pretty fun trip to Hong Kong your last time there.

Landlord said:
I resist the urge to go chat them up right away, and don't pay any attention until their drinks arrive.
HB is having some kind of pink daiqueri.
I open asking what strange looking drink is, have a chat and a laugh with both of them, teasing them up about their career (teachers) and tell funny story about my kindergarten teacher (whose name was Mrs. beaver, I swear!) and keep calling her January instead of her real name. I tell them I can't stay as my friend is waiting for me. We were seated near the door so when HB goes to exit, I grab her, exchange a few words, hand her my phone to punch in her number. I've already input the name as "January Jones." No resistance.

You seem to have a style of biting-but-playful sarcastic wit coupled with some scarcity game ("I'm leaving soon" "Dance with me now, it's the only chance you'll get") that keeps girls interested, laughing, and mildly off-balance. It's a good and fun combination; an ex-military security consultant I knew who traveled around quite a bit for work had a similar style to this and used to use it to very good effect with a lot of different women. I'm guessing you enjoy yourself a lot and the women are asking themselves, "Who IS this guy?!"

Landlord said:
Text game goes a bit rough. I tease her a lot, but she does not reply in a timely way. Pisses me off, I start to get frustrated. (Later i realized teachers turn their phones off during the school day!) Invite her out to the races following Tuesday with the lure of wearing funny hats...she's busy. Send her mysterious question about primates and an invitation to discover why I'm asking on Saturday (going to go see the Lemurs at Zoological Garden), she accepts than cancels last minute with believable excuse. She asks about rescheduling...I tell her it depends on where she is taking me.

Nice recovery at the end here.

Landlord said:
That works and ultimately go for tapas and too much wine on a school night, I pay a lot of attention to my body language and voice tone, totally take charge of the ordering. I tease her about her ears and pretend like she is a ditzy blonde, keep her talking and qualifying herself. One time I validate her self qualification, she says "great, what do I get?" Without hesitation I kiss her. She's surprised and loves it, after that it's on.

Sounds like she's got some game. Way to take that one in stride, Landlord.

Landlord said:
1. My text game was way off...just couldn't quite find the rhythm...felt like I was chasing (I was.) I felt that she may have been turned OFF by how sexually suggestive some of my messages were, but I wanted to put things on the right track as early as possible.

Happens sometimes, but you set the right tone and bounced back from any initial shock or surprise she might have felt once she got acclimated to your style and accepted it.

Anyway, nice job on the great trip and the new girls laid. Sounds like HK is treating you well ;)



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
thanks Chase, much of this is straight out of your playbook.

Definitely going to keep in touch with January...super nice girl, really laid back about my transient lifestyle.
Stewardess is flying in to meet me in a couple weeks.
Much needed shot in the Mojo 2 weeks after divorce (read: kick in the groin) finalized.