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Hong Kong LR2: Spicy Kim Chee


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
Here's the second LR of my Hong Kong trip.
The LR part of it is sort of secondary to the general game of it which was 'low on technique' and 'high on energy.'
Just one of those "on" nights, but still might have a few things of use to guys reading this.

Met up with a new friend "S" a 35 yr old tall Indian guy not very secure with his game and "J" a 42 yr old blonde Brit natural.
Started slow with just the boys at an indoor/outdoor bar. I started a few conversations with men and women in the bar just for fun, to be friendly and to warm up.
(I find that if I can get a good energy going early on while I'm still stone sober it snowballs as the evening carries on)

After drinks and dinner we headed to a well attended (but not packed) bar in Lan Kwai Fong. Just chatting with the boys, drinking wine when J points out Chinese HB6 and HB7 standing by the window both about 25 years old. I was kind of keen to set a role model for S who had already professed his struggle earlier in the evening (A bit of racism in Hong Kong, hard being Indian)—so I immediately Walked up to them and started making fun of this big red purse HB7 had. Introduced myself, had a fun chat, don't remember what we said, and decided I didn't want to spend too much time, this was just a "demo" for S.

A few minutes later S expressed interest in this big breasted, fit Filipina HB8 with a Eurasian (Japanese/American)HB7 both about 30 yrs old, so I said 'let's go I'll wing you" and I opened the set with the Eurasian by announcing that they might be in the presence of someone who was fabulously wealthy. (it was a tease—I had 4 lottery tickets in my wallet) That lead to some group fantasizing about where we were going to go and what we were going to do together after I collected the cash. The Eurasian actually turned out to be really interesting, by merit of her personality I changed her to an 8. Can't recall what we talked about but the usual teasing and making them qualify themselves, I learned they were yoga instructors, which was a great "in" for S, being Indian.

Here's where it got interesting: Chinese HB7 from the window saw us chatting and then came over and tried to get me away from Eurasian. Made me feel like a big shot, and I switched back and forth between the two until J jumped in and took over with Chinese HB7. Eurasian somehow offers to buy me a drink. (I'm new to dating again and this is the FIRST time this has ever happened to me, I'm really pumped about that!) S gets a number close with big breast Filipina and I do the same with Eurasian, who I've been enjoying teasing mercilessly by text ever since. Probably won't have time to meet her again this trip but it's good to know her.

Had a 'failed' approach of a 3 set at the bar with American HB9 brunette—tall/thin/hair in a bun— probably a model. Approached by teasing her about taking up all the space at the bar, built rapport by joking about her good taste in wine (same as I was having). Latin music came on, I love Salsa dancing so I grabbed her hand and tried to drag her on the dance floor. She resisted, I said "you won't get another chance" and immediately grabbed her friend HB7 and danced with her. Friend asks me "are you just trying to make her jealous?" I said "Absolutely!" and had a nice, fun dance with her friend, then bid her farewell. The point is —I was just having fun and didn't really care much.

A few minutes later I passed by there again and J grabs me, says "wait a sec—HB9 just tried to get your attention!" (Which is terrific as a proof of what can be done with an "i don't give a fuck" attitude and few Salsa moves!...and also goes to show that American women are lame)...but by that point I had noticed Korean HB9...gorgeous, stylish petite little Korean Air Hostess bedecked in tight silky black leggings, black stilletto heels a tight black cotton top and a classy looking brown scarf. Dreamy! She was on her way or coming back from the bathroom. I just grabbed her physically and moved her over to where J and I were and it was on! Again, sorry boys can't remember what I said, but I think it was "right place, right time, right attitude"—within 10-15 minutes we left to go to another bar. Things were closing and we'd already made out a bit, so I just hailed a cab and put her in before me, went straight to my hotel.

What a gorgeous tight little body this girl has! terrific in bed, likes it rough and from behind. Really sweet open honest creature and We had great chemistry! At one point she asked me (oddly) "what if you fall in love with me?" (because I'm only passing in and out of Hong Kong occasionally) I said some lame thing like "I dont fall in love easily." I had a dentist appointment in the am so I left her with a note in my hotel room saying "if you're here when I'm back I'll cover you with kisses and take you out to a scrumptious brunch, otherwise enjoy the view." When I got back she was just walking out of the hotel. Took her back in and then out to brunch. Then she went home to change then came back to my place again for round two. Gorgeous, gorgeous gorgeous!

An epic night, I love Hong Kong!


1. going out with TWO wings of different backgrounds and abilities....made it easier for us to 'divide and conquer'
2. getting energy up early by 'opening' anyone and everyone around us
3. Being the group leader (even though J is a total natural and I'm quite anxious by nature, I took it it on myself to make most of the approaches)
4. Going straight in on the presumption that the girls would be receptive (they ARE out in a bar, after all!)
5. Not just 'pretending' to not give a damn....ACTUALLY not giving a damn!
6. Teasing, bantering, giving nicknames, going for the close when appropriate
7. Overwhelming Korean HB9 with confidence and presumption

1. i was a little intimidated by American HB9 because of her height and swagger. It must have come through in my body language. Next time I should be more aware of body language when approaching 9's and 10's. I also could have kept the presence of mind to keep an eye out for her after dancing with her friend to give it another chance, but as it happened I really just moved on to something better. I do kind of wish Id at least gotten her number.
2. My note was terrible. I should have operated on the presumption she WOULD wait for me and not even given her an 'out.' It planted the seed in her mind that she maybe 'should' go, when in fact I did not want her to, and she did not want to go.
3. On a similar note, when she asked "what if you fall in love with me?" I could have either turned that around and made it about HER falling in love with ME, or I could have built up the fantasy and joked about how we would run off to tropical places together.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

Fun night, and the girl sounds like a really sweet one. There are a lot of gorgeous girls working as hostesses on the Asian airlines, and their personalities usually tend to be soft and sweet.

Landlord said:
Here's where it got interesting: Chinese HB7 from the window saw us chatting and then came over and tried to get me away from Eurasian. Made me feel like a big shot, and I switched back and forth between the two until J jumped in and took over with Chinese HB7. Eurasian somehow offers to buy me a drink. (I'm new to dating again and this is the FIRST time this has ever happened to me, I'm really pumped about that!)

Well-played on your friend's part... good wingmanship there.

Landlord said:
Had a 'failed' approach of a 3 set at the bar with American HB9 brunette—tall/thin/hair in a bun— probably a model. Approached by teasing her about taking up all the space at the bar, built rapport by joking about her good taste in wine (same as I was having). Latin music came on, I love Salsa dancing so I grabbed her hand and tried to drag her on the dance floor. She resisted, I said "you won't get another chance" and immediately grabbed her friend HB7 and danced with her. Friend asks me "are you just trying to make her jealous?" I said "Absolutely!" and had a nice, fun dance with her friend, then bid her farewell. The point is —I was just having fun and didn't really care much.

A few minutes later I passed by there again and J grabs me, says "wait a sec—HB9 just tried to get your attention!" (Which is terrific as a proof of what can be done with an "i don't give a fuck" attitude and few Salsa moves!...and also goes to show that American women are lame)...

You'll see that with a fair amount of model and model-esque women... they keep the aloof act up turned to high volume even when they're interested in you, simply because maintaining a reputation of selectiveness and exclusivity is so vitally key to their image. You've really got to walk the line between charming and cool / detached very well to get them to start putting more energy into an interaction than you are. Sounds like you made some cracks in her frame, but chances are you'd still have had some work to do - she probably would've gotten your attention only to have you come back to her, abandoning the other girl - still you chasing, and following her lead / signal. Those girls know their game...

Landlord said:
At one point she asked me (oddly) "what if you fall in love with me?" (because I'm only passing in and out of Hong Kong occasionally) I said some lame thing like "I dont fall in love easily."

What she was actually asking there was, "Is there a future for us?" She wants to know if she should guard her emotions carefully or just let them run wild and let herself be free to fall in love with you.

A nicer reply from you might be, "Well then, we'd just have to figure something out," if you intended to see her again, or, "Then it would be a wonderful but tragic romance, torn apart by the distance," if you intended not to.

Landlord said:
I had a dentist appointment in the am so I left her with a note in my hotel room saying "if you're here when I'm back I'll cover you with kisses and take you out to a scrumptious brunch, otherwise enjoy the view."

As you note at the end of the report, better to just leave out the "out." Writing her, "Out at dentist, back @ 11 AM. I'll cover you with kisses and take you out to a scrumptious brunch when I return," would've been perfect.

Overall, great night out, and wonderful it ended as it did with the girl it did. Too bad you missed the tall model girl - but, there are always more girls like that out there.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
actually, no 'too bad' on the tall aloof girl...Stewardess is adorable, coming to visit in a couple weeks (because she can)....and I got a seat upgrade!