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Socializing  Hot Blonde came out of nowhere in the gym (never happened before)


Staff member
Nov 13, 2019
This is a brief post of something unusual that happened this weekend...maybe you guys can give me some pointers.
Some context first:
- this is my regular gym unit, the one closer to my place. It's sometimes packed in the weekends.
- the crowd is roughly 50-60% gay dudes (not kidding). The only regular pussy there is from the over 40 crowd, or training with a bf. Very hard to find single young chicks there.
- currently I have zero social proof in this place (not that I care). The only people I know are 2 guys who used to train with me in my old gym... but they train at night (I train first thing)....plus one of the teachers, who is a coll dude but just an acquaintance.

Anyway, Sunday I was there with the main to train legs.
So there I was setting up the leg press when this beautiful super fit blonde came out of nowhere.
She was definitely my type.

She approached me and said "can we split the machine?" with a big smile on her face.
I slowly took my headphones aside, smiled back and said "Sure, hop on!".
As we started doing the sets, she joked
"Are you gonna keep increasing the weights?"....
"No, just a little bit...do you need help taking the weights off?"...
"I'm fine, just keep the weights and do your sets"

As I finished my first set, she continued talking to me
"I like the way you train" and kept helping me with the 40lbs plates
If it had stoped there, no problem.
But she kept checking on me from top to bottom in a way everybody begin to notice.
And I was genuinely giving her short stoic answers so I would not get in trouble with the main!
After one more set, she touched me in the shoulder, close to my neck, and said something I can't remember (a clear sign of "touch me back you fool").
I kept it friendly, but did not respond.

Another set went by.
She went to the side of the machine to do some step work.
One of the other guys said to her "are you an athlete?", clearly hitting on her
She gave him a short dismissive answer and came back to the machine.

After another set I said "I'm done, do you need me to take off the weights?"
"No, thx. Do you wanna join me and do some lighter sets?"
I joked: "Thx for the invitation...I think I'm ok" (looking gassed, they were really heavy sets)
She insisted: "C'mon, don't be like that...join me, just a couple more sets...it's gonna be fun" giving me the widest smile possible
I joked: "Lol, I like your enthusyasm, but it's Sunday...still gotta finish my leg session...have fun"

My main apparently didn't notice anything, but she was like 20 meters away from us all this time!
28 years in the gym and this kinda of shit never ever happened to me.

Usually I keep side chicks as far away from us as possible (one of our "rules").
But in this situation, I was clearly caught with my pants down.
The whole thing took maybe 15 minutes.
Don't know if I could've done anything different here, with the main so close and in a place I go pretty much 4-5 times per week.
Any points for helping me with this type of lightining in the bottle scenario?
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 8, 2014
Holy shit, that's incredible. How do you think you did it? Pre selection maybe? Or are your fundamentals, body language down that tight?


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

You'll get these "lightning strikes" super persistent girl-won't-take-no-for-an-answer approaches once in a blue moon. Like, BLUE blue moon... maybe it's different for really good-looking guys or something but if we're talking stone-sober chicks and not in nightlife or at a vacation spot for me it's like once a decade (or less?). I'm 40 and it's only happened to me a handful of times... not counting drunk chicks or revelers.

When it does I just always assume it is a girl who REALLY likes your look for whatever reason, and for whatever reason is strongly on the prowl.

Doesn't necessarily mean she wants to bang then and there... she might... with the drunk ones and revelers they often do... with the sober ones it seems like they usually have you pegged as "potential dream guy" for some reason.

Several ex-girlfriends of mine met some of their former boyfriends this way (not me; I did the approaching... but with some of their ex-BFs, it was the other way around), though they were social circle and not total random stranger unknowns. Seems to happen with very assertive personality type women who are highly confident and know what they want.

These are like 1% of 1% of 1% of the girls who like you. They are the rare chick who will approach you themselves and not immediately run off if you give them a lukewarm response because you weren't expecting it.

- the crowd is roughly 50-60% gay dudes (not kidding).
Anyway, Sunday I was there with the main to train legs.

In your case, maybe your main preselected you... could also be the gay dudes there made the girl feel a lot more comfortable being assertive.

Who knows if you'll ever see her again, and if she'll be as friendly. Sometimes these are "limited time only" offers, and the next time you see the girl she's already got a guy -- she was hot on the market and on the prowl and found a guy who snapped her up.

For dealing with it in-the-moment, my strategies:

For these very persistent girls, I'd be lying if I said I had a worked-out method for it, given how infrequently I've encountered it.

The few times I've run into it, I've been as taken off-guard as you... usually not super hot girls, but I did have one complete stunner street stop me to invite me to her place as I was en route to meet a girlfriend who was waiting for me at a train station. Talk about terrible timing...

In your case, there is also the "don't shit where you eat" issue. Maybe you're kicking yourself now because she was so hot and it was seemingly served up on a platter for you, but those can be the kinds of slips that come back to bite you.

(if you were obviously there with your main, there's also the chance she is the home-wrecker type... there are chicks who actually get off on picking up other women's men. I knew a chick who used to always get off on hooking up with older married fathers until she "grew out of it" in her mid-20s [or so she claimed!]... she said she could just tell if a guy was a dad, and if he was she would just seduce him right away. Etc.)



Staff member
Nov 13, 2019

You'll get these "lightning strikes" super persistent girl-won't-take-no-for-an-answer approaches once in a blue moon. Like, BLUE blue moon... maybe it's different for really good-looking guys or something but if we're talking stone-sober chicks and not in nightlife or at a vacation spot for me it's like once a decade (or less?). I'm 40 and it's only happened to me a handful of times... not counting drunk chicks or revelers.
Yes, never had this kind of scenario before.
When it does I just always assume it is a girl who REALLY likes your look for whatever reason, and for whatever reason is strongly on the prowl.

Doesn't necessarily mean she wants to bang then and there... she might... with the drunk ones and revelers they often do... with the sober ones it seems like they usually have you pegged as "potential dream guy" for some reason.
Yeah, I have no clue why she did it.
I was not even in my best gym clothes to be honest.
Several ex-girlfriends of mine met some of their former boyfriends this way (not me; I did the approaching... but with some of their ex-BFs, it was the other way around), though they were social circle and not total random stranger unknowns. Seems to happen with very assertive personality type women who are highly confident and know what they want.
She exuded confidence...which made her even more attractive.
These are like 1% of 1% of 1% of the girls who like you. They are the rare chick who will approach you themselves and not immediately run off if you give them a lukewarm response because you weren't expecting it.
100% agree.
In your case, maybe your main preselected you... could also be the gay dudes there made the girl feel a lot more comfortable being assertive.
I dunno if she saw my main.
I was alone when we met.
Think she figured I was single and proceeded from there.
Who knows if you'll ever see her again, and if she'll be as friendly. Sometimes these are "limited time only" offers, and the next time you see the girl she's already got a guy -- she was hot on the market and on the prowl and found a guy who snapped her up.
Have no idea.
She's definitely not a regular, at least in the mornings when I'm there.
For dealing with it in-the-moment, my strategies:

I'll check it out, thanks!
For these very persistent girls, I'd be lying if I said I had a worked-out method for it, given how infrequently I've encountered it.

The few times I've run into it, I've been as taken off-guard as you... usually not super hot girls, but I did have one complete stunner street stop me to invite me to her place as I was en route to meet a girlfriend who was waiting for me at a train station. Talk about terrible timing...
Usually I have gay dudes and war pigs eyeballing me in the gym lol
Not a stunner like that one.
In your case, there is also the "don't shit where you eat" issue. Maybe you're kicking yourself now because she was so hot and it was seemingly served up on a platter for you, but those can be the kinds of slips that come back to bite you.
For sure, felt that was not possible to even secretly slide a number without being a total a-hole to my girl.
(if you were obviously there with your main, there's also the chance she is the home-wrecker type... there are chicks who actually get off on picking up other women's men. I knew a chick who used to always get off on hooking up with older married fathers until she "grew out of it" in her mid-20s [or so she claimed!]... she said she could just tell if a guy was a dad, and if he was she would just seduce him right away. Etc.)
Yeah, I thought of this...or someone filming and fishing for a prank...but I didn't get those vibes from her (and she looked like a late 20s early 30s yo girl).

Thx a lot Chase!


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
I had this happen too in the gym so find this not to be very surprising. Usually very confident bombshell kind of girls... The moment one came in other girls started to call her "haughty" and a "bitch" it was ridicilous. This one was very forward with me this was before covid she was definitely an 8 or 9.

I noticed with her that she had sensed my sensual vibe and she picked up on it. This is what drew her to me.

I recall when I was a student, I was a huge rebel, the dark knight, and there was another girl also blonde very fit tall tigress who was just as agressive and I suspect she came up to me because of that hellraising reputation I had. There were more girls like this but these two were very forward and very hot as POB describes. Man I miss studying for this fucking reason 😂. I always drew a lot of interesr.

@POB if I have to guess this chick saw some trademark of you that she definitely values in a man. This is probably beyond looks, it was not about looks with the girls who approached me I recall that pretty vividly.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 8, 2014
What trademarks are these? Is it sexual body language? The way you hold yourself? Also would it be possible to get these approaches by getting your looks to an insane level? @DarkKnight


Staff member
Nov 13, 2019
I had this happen too in the gym so find this not to be very surprising. Usually very confident bombshell kind of girls...
This was her type for sure.
I noticed with her that she had sensed my sensual vibe and she picked up on it. This is what drew her to me.
Not sure if I have this kind of "aura" when I'm in the gym lol.
I usually put my phones on, make a mean face and go to work.

Gym is kinda of my sanctuary, so I don't mess around.
Maybe that's what drew her in.

I really enter some kind of trance when I'm training...
Sometimes I can come across as a douche, just because I never talk to people there.
And if someone comes to me, it's just very short yes or no answers, and on to the next set.
I recall when I was a student, I was a huge rebel, the dark knight, and there was another girl also blonde very fit tall tigress who was just as agressive and I suspect she came up to me because of that hellraising reputation I had. There were more girls like this but these two were very forward and very hot as POB describes. Man I miss studying for this fucking reason 😂. I always drew a lot of interesr.
hahahaha, epic
@POB if I have to guess this chick saw some trademark of you that she definitely values in a man. This is probably beyond looks, it was not about looks with the girls who approached me I recall that pretty vividly.
Yeah, I never bullshit lifting weights.
I go, I put in the work, and fuck everybody else if the rest of the world don't get it lol.

I def think some women get turned on by this kind of primal atitude...especially in an era where everybody is more interested in taking fucking mirror selfies instead of lifting.

I know my girls loves it.
She hates when she trains with me (because I get her sore for days lol), but she loves filming me when I'm not looking.
She says it turns her just to look at it.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
What trademarks are these? Is it sexual body language? The way you hold yourself? Also would it be possible to get these approaches by getting your looks to an insane level? @DarkKnight
One girl it was indeed not sexual body language but rather sensual and low brimming player vibe
Other girl it was simply my reputation as a bad boy I think a loong long time ago.

Not sure if I have this kind of "aura" when I'm in the gym lol.
I usually put my phones on, make a mean face and go to work.
She must have caught something :)

This was her type for sure.
Yeah... thought this was no coincidence :D


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
This reminds me…

A couple of years ago, I was fresh from reinjuring my back due to going skiing too soon after successfully reaching no pain after the surgery. I had a tan and was decked out in stylish sporty attire, and I was at this higher-end supermarket where I used to do all my shopping.

It was a weekday morning, and there weren’t many people around. It was April. I had just been at a friend’s having a small glass of wine. Anyway, I arrive at the vegetable stand in the supermarket and I would do this thing where I’d leave my basket somewhere and go weigh all the fruit and veg before coming back.

As I was weighing the items I noticed from my peripheral vision a total dime standing near my basket. When I returned to my basket this blonde 10, probably in her last year of high school, was still standing there waiting for me. She smiled at me, and I was like “wtf?” internally. I just put my recently weighed acquisitions in my basket and went to look for other produce, nervous af.

I simply couldn’t process what had just happened. She was probably ovulating. Contrarily to you POB while I may have had a main she wasn’t anywhere near me when this transpired, and I subsequently beat myself up to no end about it.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
This reminds me…

A couple of years ago, I was fresh from reinjuring my back due to going skiing too soon after successfully reaching no pain after the surgery. I had a tan and was decked out in stylish sporty attire, and I was at this higher-end supermarket where I used to do all my shopping.

It was a weekday morning, and there weren’t many people around. It was April. I had just been at a friend’s having a small glass of wine. Anyway, I arrive at the vegetable stand in the supermarket and I would do this thing where I’d leave my basket somewhere and go weigh all the fruit and veg before coming back.

As I was weighing the items I noticed from my peripheral vision a total dime standing near my basket. When I returned to my basket this blonde 10, probably in her last year of high school, was still standing there waiting for me. She smiled at me, and I was like “wtf?” internally. I just put my recently weighed acquisitions in my basket and went to look for other produce, nervous af.

I simply couldn’t process what had just happened. She was probably ovulating. Contrarily to you POB while I may have had a main she wasn’t anywhere near me when this transpired, and I subsequently beat myself up to no end about it.
yeah this happens sometimes i explain it here:

"scenario 1.- women opening you, when they do this they are taking the masculine role that you are used to take, we are the ones suppose to open(other than the blackpill fantasies), women game is to make it easy for you to open by her placing herself next to you, bumping into you, giving you approach invites.... But when they open you out of the blue you get totally thrown out and lost, cause now you are in a position you are not used to which is taking the feminine role, you also get suspicious "is this a prostitute?" "does she want something from me?" "is she doing this for validation?" "is she trying to pump up value with a bf/hubby/date?"(this one is very common and causes 90% of club fights)."


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
Skills is correct, you need to experience this a couple of times before you get used to it. And ofcourse sometimes girls DO come up to you for attention, but what I have noticed is that these types tend to be a bit too bubbly a bit too easy going and relaxed, you can sense the superficiallity. Also the girls who really like you despite being very confident come in with a certain enthusiasm and anticipation. You can see the dissapointment in their eyes when you fuck up (I learned this lesson a very long time ago), or they can go into autorejection the next time you see them with anger or defiance. It is a gut feeling thing. But I totally understand how this can blindside you, we just seem to have to experience this one.

I recall with girls from my own social economic group they looooove to play hard to get (social circle reputation concerns). And then there was another girl also from the same group who was very forward with me she was also an easy 8-9. But because I expected her to play hard to get and fuck around ... I played the slow game (mind you I was very young). She even gave me 3 chances after this, but simply because I expected her to be like the other girls despite that there were obvious differences in behavior and clothing I fucked up.

We all need to fuck up once.


Staff member
Nov 13, 2019
This reminds me…

A couple of years ago, I was fresh from reinjuring my back due to going skiing too soon after successfully reaching no pain after the surgery. I had a tan and was decked out in stylish sporty attire, and I was at this higher-end supermarket where I used to do all my shopping.

It was a weekday morning, and there weren’t many people around. It was April. I had just been at a friend’s having a small glass of wine. Anyway, I arrive at the vegetable stand in the supermarket and I would do this thing where I’d leave my basket somewhere and go weigh all the fruit and veg before coming back.

As I was weighing the items I noticed from my peripheral vision a total dime standing near my basket. When I returned to my basket this blonde 10, probably in her last year of high school, was still standing there waiting for me. She smiled at me, and I was like “wtf?” internally. I just put my recently weighed acquisitions in my basket and went to look for other produce, nervous af.

I simply couldn’t process what had just happened. She was probably ovulating. Contrarily to you POB while I may have had a main she wasn’t anywhere near me when this transpired, and I subsequently beat myself up to no end about it.
I'll do you one better...or worse lol

One time I was with my wing LP doing carnaval street runs.
This is how it works: You just go out and sarge women on the streets....during this party days girls are totally receptive to being approached and kissed in the middle of the street (think spring break on steroids, because this shit lasts forever - sometimes it goes on for the whole month).
Anyway, after a whole day of partying, me and LP went to a japanese joint to get a temaki and chill. This was around 7pm.

We went in, socialized with the whole crew (after all they were working on a holyday) and got at table to wait for our meals.
After maybe 15 minutes sitting, two gorgeous twins entered the place.
I'm not kidding, I though twins like that didn't existed outside the porn realm lol.
They were absolutely gorgeous, tanned, green eyes, perfect bodies, and had faces that looked like disney princesses.

As we were in a social mood, we joked with them too, not even realizing how beautiful they were.
Our temakis arrived, and after they placed their orders, they just came in and sat literally by our side.
We kept the vibe going and asked about their party day.
Anyway, we kept at it for maybe 10-15 minutes, just having a good time with them.

After a while, they finished their meals, said goodbye and left with a kiss on our cheeks.
Me and LP just kept talking and laughing about our day.
30 seconds later the bomb dropped:
"What the fuck did we just do???"

"We had those fucking stunners right next to us, giving us every possible oportunity to pull them somewhere else, and we didn't even fucking got their numbers??? Gtfoh bro!!!

This was maybe 6-7 years ago.
To this day we recall this episode and kick ourselves in the butt for being such amateurs.
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Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Ah man, do you really wanna start?

I could give you two stories of 10s who I am almost 100% sure I could have smashed (this excluding the dozens of HBs I didn't pork from my tours when I was a tour guide...I swear they could fill a small stadium), one a Danish Blonde Princess with a body and a face to die for, that I direct street approached running after her in September 2017, who I pulled to a nearby bar where some clients from a tour I had just finished were chilling with me having a beer, and then after the social proof I extracted from the bar but instead of taking her straight home to smash I prevaricated, thinking she couldn't be "this easy", and instead took her to the riverside for another drink and then just left there on the street before proceeding alone to my house...

The other was a Perfect Flemish Brunette who came on a tour I did in 2015, and I took her out for a drink. Then I didn't extract her to my apartment a 5-minute walk away even though she didn't ask where I was taking her once we left the first venue, which I knew to be a sign of maximal compliance...

One of the reasons I wanna heal my back permanently is so I can go back to strength, and simultaneously go back into the game and fuck 10s, then do threesomes, get 10s in love with me, and then and only then, start thinking about longer-term relationships, and settling down and shit.