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How competitive are you guys?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
@Velasco It's not insecurity I am feeling... Ofcourse I feel insecure AT TIMES.. since I am human.
Generally I am one cocky guy... I think I have been complacent during the total lockdown era... Believing too much in my great athletism... only to get a dosis of harsh truth when I restarted.. It was a hard wake up call :D.

I do believe in the power of FRUSTRATION more than insecurity. Thinking positive is nice and dandy and in some sense help.. like being ambitious. or feeling abundance and not getting desperate.
But harnassing the power of frustration, that's what for instance made Mark Zuckerberg or how the hell you write his name create Facebook. And there are tons of other examples. I WILLFULLY harnass that power. Without frustration the status is fine, hence there is no true impulse to change.


About the immigrant part: Yeah I actually really feel that one.. I have been the outsider by default simply by being an immigrant... This has put me in a disadvantage in lots of areas.. However I have always believed that I am great... and if I am not given opportunites.. than I will take them. This is very relevant... and actually also quite sad.. There is more mixed feelings behind this, I can't explain it wholly.... Also when I look at some of my friends from the same ethnicity who are not as strong and driven... They have lost for all the wrong reasons despite that they are really great people.. It's such a shame. Imagine seeing some golden guys become bitter and broken... Yeah :)
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
Anyway... my competitiveness paid out... and for a great deal I got what I wanted... But I know that that is a way of thought that can make you backtrack.. There are always people who do better.. while we are just chilling around.. It's imporant to keep that in mind..

It's saturday but I haven a grueling course of exercise for myself in mind... You can go through the motions mechanically... or passionately where you feel each movement with purpose... Knowing why exactly you are doing what you are doing instead of habit.

But first.. let me spam some pushups :)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
Hanging around with.. or competing with small fish makes a lot of people overconfident and uncalibrated. In some way it seems they are not able to weigh others based on their hubris.. which is an error you do not want to have.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Hanging around with.. or competing with small fish makes a lot of people overconfident and uncalibrated.

Oh yeah. Guys especially.

When you are young, 22 and below. You like to think that you can beat everybody.

Social media, a lot of them. Real life, people are just uninformed. That's fine. You can just keep quiet or share something that makes them consider another worldview.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
Thats true Zac I was one of those youngsters.. was really cocky... I would really kick the ass of the old me, lol. Felt high and mighty for all the wrong reasons... until I too got a good dose of reality.

What I mentioned though was when others really elevate some guy and are really impressed and keep feeding him with validation.. he starts to think he can take everyone.. little does he know that he didnt have real competition yet. Last Friday there was this guy... Very loud , very talkative and very boastful... I let him be because I didn't care but he acted dominant.. I had to put him in place (was easy).. but it just got me pondering why he was like how he was.. until I saw the massive validation he got from others. They had bloated him up and I was just thinking.. in another environment he would be shredded to pieces.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2019
I've got my soul within me seeking to improve in only areas where it really takes an interest in.

Back in secondary school, I love literature and the arts: my Dad wanted me to be in the sciences but I detest mathematics, the guidance and counselor sent me to the accounting and commerce.

I tried to make him put me in the arts but he simply said that the class was filled. I ended up in commerce and accounting. I wrote letters applying for a change of class but to no avail. I got tired- I simply started attending literature class which was an optional class for geography.

I ditched geography even though it was a necessary requirement for map reading in military training(I went to a military school at age 11).

In my second year studying literature and ditching geography. I was awarded the best boy in the subject. I sure knew I love the course. Boys in art class were surprised that I just came from the commercial class and sat on the throne. :p

I love soccer and love to score goals. I'm fucking competitive when attacking my opponents and making sure I get a doublebrace and make sure they don't score back. I wind up being the highest goal scorer or highest number of assists.

Also, when I was in the University studying mass communication. In my first year: I took psychology, we were few but I knew I'd love the course. It was optional-others chose political science and sociology. I was the best, had 91/100 both tests and exams. The lecturer loved me. I love to read about psychology and human behaviors, I was amazed by how much knowledge it contains.

The funniest part of these different instances I've been highly competitive is that I was totally immersed in whatever I was doing not literally competing. I was enjoying the very moment and loved how I'm improving myself.

I'm competitive in whatever I desire especially if my inner self truly craves this particular thing. :cool:


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
What I mentioned though was when others really elevate some guy and are really impressed and keep feeding him with validation.. he starts to think he can take everyone.. little does he know that he didnt have real competition yet. Last Friday there was this guy... Very loud , very talkative and very boastful... I let him be because I didn't care but he acted dominant.. I had to put him in place (was easy).. but it just got me pondering why he was like how he was.. until I saw the massive validation he got from others. They had bloated him up and I was just thinking.. in another environment he would be shredded to pieces

When I was in school, this was amplified. Especially when I was a dancer.

And I'm not even elite level.

People would kiss my ass even after shit talk me online and I would know from profiles, or friends of friends.

I recommend learning skills to discern, and distinguish, and have many social circles. All of them have different echo chambers. Even Muslims and Christians.

It can happen to anyone, where people validate your ass and they will not allow you to be humble. You will lose people if you try to be too humble. That's what happened to wokeness in society too.

Kids get approval all the way until end of university. Thus disaster.

Again, it can happened to anyone. Especially as you get very high level and good at something, and financially well off. And your momentum is high. And people opposed you are considered annoying and it's true because people are just idiot and have opinions. That's where good coaches and diverse friends come in

That's why avoid showing money to women, too.



Space Monkey
space monkey
May 5, 2020
a lot of guys will sell you out for pussy so that's why I prefer to roll solo when gaming but I have friends who are good at game and we'll chill and exchange tips. Prefer this method because a lot of guys even advanced when there's blood in the water have backstabbing tendencies. Good wings though were invalueble to me when I first started gaming in uni. really helped normalize it for me.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
It seems you can be a bit too competitive for your goodwill:

Here is the premise... There is a certain clique.. full of jocks.. Supposedly the "cool kids" one of them sought to bully and publicly humiliate me because he found me to be cocky (I ruthlessly dressed him down and made him submit).. another tried to act cute with girls and amog me.. he too was overpowered by my rebuff.. Some guys of these clique were on very good terms with me.. That soon came to a change..

One day I joined a certain class where most of them were present.. My body was not as sharp as it normally would be.. but my spirit was ferocious... I totally dominated each and every person who thought of himself as a "top dog"... Went home feeling like a total winner. But it was all still on friendly terms (except for one guy.. the before mentioned bully.. he deserved what was coming to him). Superficially everything was alright.. Not only phsyically but also socially I was really dominating.. Flirting with the girls.. Socializing with guys outside that clique.. It was great..

Then the following happened a few days later: I noticed the clique leader being very cold and combative towards me.. I realized I was being shunned and noticed that the others, also the ones with who I was on very friendly terms started ocstracisizing me. My great gift is that I am rarely stunned.. I knew immediately what was going on and handled accordingly in a law of least effort detached way.. Inadvertently they have shown me where it hurts.. hence this overreaction. Also this is not the behavior of real men.. What baffles me is how sudden and coordinated this is.. As if they had a vote or something.

Basically what has happened is that they all felt they had lost face because I was dominating.. Some others fell in line because the leaders decide the agenda.. and one other guy really likes a girl.. who is really liking me. So he too is pissed. These guys are really invested in eachother and super inflexible.. They keep trying to one up each other with being popular.. For me it seems like needy hell.. Also they keep "working' on the same girls for months.. but we know that girls like guys on the periphery of their social circles.

The ocstrasizing doesnt bother me... since I am already pure sigma. I already have friends outside of them and am gaming girls.. You cannot contain my expansive energy with passive agressive girly tactics. I can imagine the girls of their clique being against me now because of mandatory gossip (not to make assumptions.. maybe some are cool with me, well see)... But when those girls see how I game other girls.. their opinion will be overruled.. Girls care more about the opinion of other girls than some lame guys ..

Also I am higher value than these people.. and am valued by people who are much higher than them in standing.. they just have an inflated bubble within their own social circle. These losing-face prevention techniques are laughable.

Does this stop me from being competitive? In the contrary.. I have become more determined.. and actually feel unshackled.. Now I have to manage less social feelings and can go more sigma.. as is natural to me. Also I have found that adversity always makes me much stronger... I am nofapping right now so I become much stronger... I do not want to be complacent.. I will continue winning and others can either join me, submit, or bow out.

This means long streaks of nofap, meditation and going to my greatest teacher so he can keep instilling strength within me.

In other words.. I am competitive as ever and relish the challenge :p. I want my prize.. and no one's butthurt feelings are going to stop me.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
May 25, 2019
Hey Dk! =)
I'll try to share some insights based on that last post of yours, written in the way I thought most appealing to you...

The outcome of war isn't determined by the outcome of every single battle. On the contrary winning a war needs a more global vision that is flexible. In the same way a solid, hard stick may break under high pressure and a flexible one may graciously bend a general needs to know when to be flexible in order to win the war. The only value that the general provides to people is his enlightened lead, and the only thing the general cares about is about doing his job correctly and winning the war, not reassuring himself after winning some battles.
Be flexible; win the war.

Ps: I just watched some Jackie Chan movie.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
@Klimax I know dude.. its like Robb stark winning every battle but tywin lannister outgaming him with a single maneuvre (the red wedding)

But then again I am no Robb stark but highly experienced... i dont want to lose too hubris.. but I can handle this.. these guys are acting reactive.. probably less experienced than I am.. also in the end it is all about girls in which I outperform them vastly. Again they are one itising hard, lol..

Did you have specific advice , a bit less abstract perhaps?

Trust me I will win this. I wasnt waging a war, still am not.. they must mentally invest in me. Not the other way around.

Also I am not "reassuring" myself or anything. Again I can handle it. Just am baffled how swiftly this happened.. must be because of one of the leaders. Some kind of coordination in the background.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
May 25, 2019
But bro they are not your enemy. Just as you said, you don't care about them and in any case you don't even would acknowledge them as a threat. So what or who are you fighting against?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
Not sure if they are no adversaries after multiple overtly hostile and passive agressive behaviors Klimax. Attempted ocstracism is another passive agressive tactic. You have to see that.

But you do strike a point. It seems as if I am trying to strike.. while it is not really necessary. Probably caused because I have met unnecessary hostility. It is their ressistance towards me carving a bigger piece of the pie.

In that case you propose I simply disregard them and keep outperfoming :)?

Klimax.. you might be just right.