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How do you deal and game Gen Z women


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Aug 23, 2020
These are good, but I dislike the first two in case you want to take her on an instant date. Also the frame seems to be that you are bothering her a little bit, but no worries, because you will leave her alone in a bit... Instead of believing you are giving her a good opportunity.
Those two are typically used in the context of NG (nightgame) and not DG (daygame).



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
These are good, but I dislike the first two in case you want to take her on an instant date. Also the frame seems to be that you are bothering her a little bit, but no worries, because you will leave her alone in a bit... Instead of believing you are giving her a good opportunity.
Does not matter if you want to take her on an insta date is just to lower her guar then you after hook you can go for an insta date


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Aug 23, 2020
They can be used in both
Perhaps you're right, is why I said "typically" ie most commonly used. I haven't seen much usage of it in DG but can see them working to lower her guard if she's thinking: ""Uh oh... how long do I have to be stuck in conversation with this stranger"



Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 18, 2019
Perhaps you're right, is why I said "typically" ie most commonly used. I haven't seen much usage of it in DG but can see them working to lower her guard if she's thinking: ""Uh oh... how long do I have to be stuck in conversation with this stranger"

What if you just provide value to her? Just feel her out and calibrate.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 3, 2020
Perhaps you're right, is why I said "typically" ie most commonly used. I haven't seen much usage of it in DG but can see them working to lower her guard if she's thinking: ""Uh oh... how long do I have to be stuck in conversation with this stranger"

I use something similar in DG a lot.
"I was just going home (at a train station for example)/going to get food but saw you here..."
Not exactly false time constraint, but showing you had a legit reason to be here and not just hitting on girls. Definitely reduces pressure. And since there is no time constraint, we can continue with an insta date if I feel the vibe, or take number and eject saying I gotta get going if I see an insta date is not possible.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 11, 2023
when you approach “I have to go back to my friends in a second but…”
when you sit with her “I have to go in a minute but…”
when you invite her for a day 2 “I’m going to __ you can come by if you want“
inviting her to your place “I have to get up early tomorrow but I guess you can come buy for a sec”

Basically reduce pressure as much as possible. Even calling it a date is too much pressure for many Gen Z girls. I’ve heard them say they rejected guys they like because they felt like if later they wanted to leave it might be awkward.
Thanks. Any good guides on this?


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 13, 2019
I'm also a Gen Z. These days however ive noticed girls have generally lesser attention spans and cannot focus, hold conversations etc. Many are socially awkward etc. As younger generations have shifted to Tiktok and Instagram, many are very distracted. The place where i study, girls cannot tolerate silence. Many are hooked to their phones. They need constant chattering and start making random noises if the conversation dies down so that things never get silent. Holding their attention is harder. Is this a problem or is it just an issue of weaker game?

I’ve been out on some dates with younger chicks recently I’ve been noticing two things.

- Parental issues/Money Problems. I think we are seeing a massive shift of people who are now expecting to live at home until there thirties. Yikes moments for sure.

- I’m now old enough that I can’t follow conversations about music. Younger people will recognize Lil Mabu, Yachty etc…. I don’t now adays.

- They’ve watched so much media it’s insane.

Date wise though it’s actually very very easy and ridiculously low standards. Some things that I’ve done with younger women and they won’t shut up about it.

- Walking around IKEA, *[Its like going to an Art Gallery with the benefits of *[Cheap Hot Dogs + Cool furniture]

- Checking out Instagram/Tiktok popular spots

- If those fail can just pull back to your place as well and go from there. Lately I’ve kept some art supplies from a store, *[Glue, Artist paper, Pencil Crayons, Old Magazines] and have been using making a 2024 Vision Board as a prompt/screen.

Approach wise I get nothing from online game, and it would seem very common for women to have a minimum of four or five different online dating apps, *[Which I always mention]

In person I just go with the standard, “You have a different energy about you” and move it from there. Out of the last twentyish chicks I’ve approached I’ve gotten five numbers and two of them were in there early twenties.

Hope this helped.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
These days however ive noticed girls have generally lesser attention spans and cannot focus, hold conversations etc. Many are socially awkward etc. As younger generations have shifted to Tiktok and Instagram, many are very distracted
Chase initiated an entire conversation about the topic “How do I get [X] girls?” (where [X] means “insert parameter here”, whether it be blonde bombshells, tall girls, quiet girls, Gen X, Y, or Z girls, American girls, Indian girls, whatever), and the accompanying thread is very helpful, detailed, and informative. Please see below:

The Guide to Getting Hot Girls (of Any Type)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 12, 2024
- I’m now old enough that I can’t follow conversations about music. Younger people will recognize Lil Mabu, Yachty etc…. I don’t now adays.
I'm 24 and I don't know either of these guys. I just don't like most music since 2018 (some of it gives me a headache), but I know most songs from the 2000's.

Luckily, in my experience, a lot of Gen Z either:

  1. Appreciate a nostalgia trip and enjoy learning about the music
  2. Like niche genres and are willing to explore others.
  3. Like a certain sound that older music did better and are still able to discuss emotions.

*That said, I rarely go for the generic Gen Z party girl, so your mileage may vary.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 12, 2024
The short answer is get good fundamentals- specifically, generate intrigue, pattern-interrupt, frame control, and good conversation skills.

I'm Gen Z too, but I've never fit into that stereotype or even most trends by choice. I practice campus game, so I mostly deal with other Gen Z girls. On hard mode. In SoCal.

That said, I go for niche girls rather than generic Gen Z party girls.

The place where i study, girls cannot tolerate silence.
In my experience, these girls are still willing to invest. If you get the ball rolling and set an open ended conversation that can go places, they'll still make conversation if hooked. I've gone silent a few times and still had her ask me questions that were tangentially related.

For example, I talked to women about books and they ask about Netflix shows, my major, or a particular series.

Many are hooked to their phones.
Consider this: Gen Z thinks it can multi-task and focus it's brain on different tasks. Your job is to get her brain to devote more and more energy until your various tactics monopolize her attention.

This is where a good opener and pattern interrupts come into play. Sometimes, Gen Z girls get on their phone to multi-task. It's not a hard disinterest, but it still hurts. Think of it like her watching TV while eating.

Generate intrigue to get her mind off her phone. Use bait and switches. Say things like, "I just noticed something about you" and let tension build. You know, be clickbait.

Pattern-interrupt her as TikTok addicts are constantly looking for something new and good, but won't stop doomscrolling. Kino and some light-teasing will force her to get out of her headspace and think. This thought turns into investment. TikTok can be funny, it can be comforting, and it can be occasionally memorable. Only a person can offer touch, good recommendations, and lead.

They need constant chattering and start making random noises if the conversation dies down so that things never get silent.
What noise?

If it's music, then pattern interrupt. Try to move her to somewhere with music, live a live band or radio. Or ask her to sing for you as a compliance check or joke.

If it is mindless noise, let tension build or tease.

Both are a good oppurtunity for her to qualify herself.

Holding their attention is harder. Is this a problem or is it just an issue of weaker game?
No, it's harder. But there are solutions. If it were easy, there wouldn't be any left for us.
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