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How do you get the absolute stunners?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 7, 2015
I have noticed that there’s a certain level of attractiveness I seem to be unable to get.

I might number close these stunners at the mall, or on the streets, but it’s usually the same outcome —either they text back a bit and ghost, or they never text back or pick their calls.

I have a triple digit lay count so I don’t know if it could be a “game” problem as I am not a novice.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying I know it all —if I did, I would be getting those stunners.

So my question to you guys, those who have actually done it —how did you get the 9s and 10s?

You know, those girls that you walk with and everyone stares…

She gets compliments from strangers every single day…

Every woman wants to be her friend…

Men, complete strangers, are nicer and go out of their way to please…

When you walk with her you feel like a god.

How did you get these type of women?

Better fundamentals (suit and tie)?

More successful (got the dollar bill$)?

Better game (some advanced technique that hypnotizes them and makes em drop their panties)?

Better venue (maybe some locations just makes it easier to lay hotter women than some)?

Social circle?

Would love to know.

I just recently resumed gaming after taking some time off (was mostly getting laid from IG) and my no 1 goal is to get the stunners this time around


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2024
I've honestly never seen anyone consistently get stunners without being a male stunner himself, or perusing status/influence to do so. There's guys on the internet claiming to be a 6 and banging 10s, but it's just "people on the internet" claiming that. In the rare cases that they show proof, it's mostly girls who are sixes (or at best 7.5s) just dressed like hoes (half-naked or in tight clothing with porn-like makeup).

If she can't make a comfortable living off of modelling she's not really a 10. And I mean real modelling for brands. Even sixes can make a living off of "only fans modelling".

Status-game, influence (connections, social circle), stuff like that is the only situation where I've seen guys consistently banging actual stunners (without being male models themselves).
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 28, 2021
I'm not an expert in the topic as I only had occasional success with the hottest girls, but I've done a similar research myself and working on this aspect, so I'm gonna share my few cents.

First of all, it seems to me that you have an incorrect assumption about these girls.


Let me bring your own words here:

"You know, those girls that you walk with and everyone stares…

She gets compliments from strangers every single day…"

I would argue that only the first sentence is true, with the emphasis on STARES. I would argue that most of the guys are as clueless and as unbelieving in their own ability to actually achieve anything with this type of girl, that THEY NEVER APPROACH. Just stare.

Think about it. Absolute majority of men are unable to approach ANY girl in any environment, how the fuck they would find the courage to appraoch the hottest one. I think the hottest girls actually get approached LESS than 6s or 7s.

"Every woman wants to be her friend…"

As a matter of fact, every woman is JELOUS of her. They don't want to be friends with her because she makes them FEEL LESSER ABOUT HERSELF.

Most women ignore them, most women talk shit about them and try to undermine them behind their back. This I know from experience.

"Men, complete strangers, are nicer and go out of their way to please…"

Yeah, kind of. It's a bizarre type of pleasing though. This type of pleasing which makes us gross. It's like when someone is super friendly towards you for no reason. You don't know why, so you are suspicious. You start to think what is the true intention of that person. What does he/she wants from me? You see, going defensive instead of opening yourself up.

They would rather be treated normally, respectfully, they would like to be treated like everyone else.

"When you walk with her you feel like a god."

Most of guys who walk with her feel INADEQUATE. Your description tells it all. Why the hell do you imagine you feel like a god when you walk with her? Because in your mind she is a god and you a human. When she APPROVES of you and let you walk with her, you feel like a god because the goddess accepted you as her peer.

This is a slightly convoluted way of putting women on pedestal. Pretty well known concept in the seduction. In your case, you don't apply it to all women, just the hottest ones. Read up about this concept again. The solution is the same for you. You need to readjust your fantasy in your head with reality. She is a human being. She shits. She farts. She is sometimes scared, sometimes tired, sometimes (or rather more often than others) lonely. She has ambitions. She wants acceptance. And she wants to prove herself to the first (especially proving that she is not only about beauty, which doesn't even deserve so much).


Let's get back to your own words. You are asking what can you do to get these girls.

"Better fundamentals (suit and tie)?
More successful (got the dollar bill$)?
Better game (some advanced technique that hypnotizes them and makes em drop their panties)?
Better venue (maybe some locations just makes it easier to lay hotter women than some)?"

See what is common in all these questions... BETTER BETTER BETTER. All these questions assume that you feel NOT GOOD ENOUGH in these areas, and this is why you are wondering if you become better, would it help you.

This is just a confirmation of what I previously mentioned. You treat her like a goddess, you are beneath her, so in your eyes, the way to reach her is to become better at (whatever your assumption is). THE ASSUMPTION are critical HERE. Read up the next paragraph to see why. And why your assumptions are wrong.


In my opinion, better fundamentals and being more succesful won't help you. These are the masculine assumption of what men think women want. First of all, these will vary between girls. Some indeed will prefer hotter guys, or richer guys or whatever, but it won't work for others, because it's not the main reason.

In my opinion, the main solution is in your head. It's your ASSUMPTIONS. These assumptions make you unable to SEE and CONNECT with an INDIVIDUAL HOT GIRL. These assumptions STRESS YOU OUT. When you are in the stress response, you are in the tunnel vision, and what you mostly see is your own thoughts.

The first thing you need to do is to GET COMFORTABLE being around them. Forget game, forget leading her to your outcome. Instead, be OUTCOME INDEPENDENT, make yourself RECEIVE RECEIVE RECEIVE information with the curious mind. Basically the self-talk should be like this. Oh, the hot girl, let's approach and see what this INDIVIDUAL is like. Just focused on getting to know her. Be open and let her invalidate your own assumptions. This is a good approach, because you don't need to internally drop your assumptions first. You allow reality to test them.

It's better if you go scientist mode and just treat the approaches as experimentation, information gathering. Then once you've collected enough information, do not hold to your assumptions, let the reality decide whether they are true or not. But you will only be able to collect information if you RELAX FIRST. And being outcome independent is great for that. Just be happy with any outcome. Talk, be playful, join them for they like to do. And accept whatever happens.


Coming back to your questions about the venue. Yes, you can help yourself with getting hot girls by changing venues. But in my experience, you will struggle to consistently attend these venues if you go there to pick them up. It will be just too stressful. Instead go to these venues to SPEND FRIENDLY TIME WITH THEM. This will help you to achieve what I mentioned in the previous paragraph about the scientist experiment. Go where the hot girls are and befriend them. Avoid clubs however. Because people don't go there to make friends, and they will be in a wrong headspace for that.

Yoga classes, art classes, social circles (if you have access to social circles of that caliber), gyms, special interest meeting groups, etc. These are the best venues for that.

Day game is kind of ok, but it will only work if you are indirect. You've got to approach socially, and stay in the social for long time. Which is ok, because remember, you are trying to befriend not to bang.


There is also a hard way. It's the same way as for everything else. You have to be a fierce, persistent, constantly approaching ork with the focus on banging stunners. Just keep approaching massive numbers of hottest girls, always moving forward.

Expect HUNDREDS of rejections of failures. But things will finally click.

For that mentality, 60y of challanges series of books is the best.


Hector has a good video on the topic. It's more the inner game not the ork game path if you are interested.

I also read a small interesting book about this topic from some old school pua. Can't find it now, but will paste it here if I find it.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 7, 2015
I've honestly never seen anyone get stunners without being a male stunner himself, or peruse status/influence to do so. There's guys on the internet claiming to be a 6 and banging 10s, but it's just random people on the internet claiming that. In the rare cases that they show proof, it's mostly sixes (or at best 7.5s) dressed like hoes (tight clothing or half-naked, porn-like makeup). Not actual girls who could make a comfortable living off of modelling (I mean real modelling for brands. Even sixes can make a living off of "only fans modelling").

Status-game, influence (connections, social circle), stuff like that is the only situation where I've seen guys banging actual stunners (without being male models themselves).
Very interesting observation. I’ve noticed this too.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 7, 2015
I'm not an expert in the topic as I only had occasional success with the hottest girls, but I've done a similar research myself and working on this aspect, so I'm gonna share my few cents.

First of all, it seems to me that you have an incorrect assumption about these girls.


Let me bring your own words here:

"You know, those girls that you walk with and everyone stares…

She gets compliments from strangers every single day…"

I would argue that only the first sentence is true, with the emphasis on STARES. I would argue that most of the guys are as clueless and as unbelieving in their own ability to actually achieve anything with this type of girl, that THEY NEVER APPROACH. Just stare.

Think about it. Absolute majority of men are unable to approach ANY girl in any environment, how the fuck they would find the courage to appraoch the hottest one. I think the hottest girls actually get approached LESS than 6s or 7s.

"Every woman wants to be her friend…"

As a matter of fact, every woman is JELOUS of her. They don't want to be friends with her because she makes them FEEL LESSER ABOUT HERSELF.

Most women ignore them, most women talk shit about them and try to undermine them behind their back. This I know from experience.

"Men, complete strangers, are nicer and go out of their way to please…"

Yeah, kind of. It's a bizarre type of pleasing though. This type of pleasing which makes us gross. It's like when someone is super friendly towards you for no reason. You don't know why, so you are suspicious. You start to think what is the true intention of that person. What does he/she wants from me? You see, going defensive instead of opening yourself up.

They would rather be treated normally, respectfully, they would like to be treated like everyone else.

"When you walk with her you feel like a god."

Most of guys who walk with her feel INADEQUATE. Your description tells it all. Why the hell do you imagine you feel like a god when you walk with her? Because in your mind she is a god and you a human. When she APPROVES of you and let you walk with her, you feel like a god because the goddess accepted you as her peer.

This is a slightly convoluted way of putting women on pedestal. Pretty well known concept in the seduction. In your case, you don't apply it to all women, just the hottest ones. Read up about this concept again. The solution is the same for you. You need to readjust your fantasy in your head with reality. She is a human being. She shits. She farts. She is sometimes scared, sometimes tired, sometimes (or rather more often than others) lonely. She has ambitions. She wants acceptance. And she wants to prove herself to the first (especially proving that she is not only about beauty, which doesn't even deserve so much).


Let's get back to your own words. You are asking what can you do to get these girls.

"Better fundamentals (suit and tie)?
More successful (got the dollar bill$)?
Better game (some advanced technique that hypnotizes them and makes em drop their panties)?
Better venue (maybe some locations just makes it easier to lay hotter women than some)?"

See what is common in all these questions... BETTER BETTER BETTER. All these questions assume that you feel NOT GOOD ENOUGH in these areas, and this is why you are wondering if you become better, would it help you.

This is just a confirmation of what I previously mentioned. You treat her like a goddess, you are beneath her, so in your eyes, the way to reach her is to become better at (whatever your assumption is). THE ASSUMPTION are critical HERE. Read up the next paragraph to see why. And why your assumptions are wrong.


In my opinion, better fundamentals and being more succesful won't help you. These are the masculine assumption of what men think women want. First of all, these will vary between girls. Some indeed will prefer hotter guys, or richer guys or whatever, but it won't work for others, because it's not the main reason.

In my opinion, the main solution is in your head. It's your ASSUMPTIONS. These assumptions make you unable to SEE and CONNECT with an INDIVIDUAL HOT GIRL. These assumptions STRESS YOU OUT. When you are in the stress response, you are in the tunnel vision, and what you mostly see is your own thoughts.

The first thing you need to do is to GET COMFORTABLE being around them. Forget game, forget leading her to your outcome. Instead, be OUTCOME INDEPENDENT, make yourself RECEIVE RECEIVE RECEIVE information with the curious mind. Basically the self-talk should be like this. Oh, the hot girl, let's approach and see what this INDIVIDUAL is like. Just focused on getting to know her. Be open and let her invalidate your own assumptions. This is a good approach, because you don't need to internally drop your assumptions first. You allow reality to test them.

It's better if you go scientist mode and just treat the approaches as experimentation, information gathering. Then once you've collected enough information, do not hold to your assumptions, let the reality decide whether they are true or not. But you will only be able to collect information if you RELAX FIRST. And being outcome independent is great for that. Just be happy with any outcome. Talk, be playful, join them for they like to do. And accept whatever happens.


Coming back to your questions about the venue. Yes, you can help yourself with getting hot girls by changing venues. But in my experience, you will struggle to consistently attend these venues if you go there to pick them up. It will be just too stressful. Instead go to these venues to SPEND FRIENDLY TIME WITH THEM. This will help you to achieve what I mentioned in the previous paragraph about the scientist experiment. Go where the hot girls are and befriend them. Avoid clubs however. Because people don't go there to make friends, and they will be in a wrong headspace for that.

Yoga classes, art classes, social circles (if you have access to social circles of that caliber), gyms, special interest meeting groups, etc. These are the best venues for that.

Day game is kind of ok, but it will only work if you are indirect. You've got to approach socially, and stay in the social for long time. Which is ok, because remember, you are trying to befriend not to bang.


There is also a hard way. It's the same way as for everything else. You have to be a fierce, persistent, constantly approaching ork with the focus on banging stunners. Just keep approaching massive numbers of hottest girls, always moving forward.

Expect HUNDREDS of rejections of failures. But things will finally click.

For that mentality, 60y of challanges series of books is the best.


Hector has a good video on the topic. It's more the inner game not the ork game path if you are interested.

I also read a small interesting book about this topic from some old school pua. Can't find it now, but will paste it here if I find it.
Hey man, I appreciate you taking the time to write this…

But I’ll have to point out that you’re more focused on theories as opposed to something more practical.

How about you tell me how you have laid these stunners?

Forget about advising me or telling me what to do or not to do…

Just tell me how you yourself have done it.

If you have really shagged and kept multiple stunners, then I’ll be genuinely happy to hear all about your stories…

How you moved from laying average girls to laying stunners.

Everything I wrote in my post is what I have noticed in real life…

Not some fancy theory or an article or video I watched.

Anyone can sit down and make up theories from now till tomorrow…

But what really counts is real world experience.

Now granted, I will still keep gaming these stunners and hopefully I figure out how to lay and keep them (I have laid, maybe 2 stunners and couldn’t keep any —I met them on instagram and they thought I was some rich baller).

My only plan right now is to get more volume.

Also working hard to have more resources so I can explore, travel and experiment more.

And of course, if being more successful/rich is the answer to getting them… then having more resources would come handy.

And just to clarify, while I tilt more towards what the first commenter said (more status, influence and success = getting stunners) because of what I have noticed irl…

I am open to hearing from others who have laid these stunners leveraging something else.

I am just curious and want to hear abour real world experience, not theories.

I am a student, and always curious to learn


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 31, 2023
I'll offer a slightly different perspective.

I am not there at all, but this is where I am aiming towards, to be able to choose between what in my eyes are stunners.

I am at a point though, that I am comfortable and could give or take a large number of cute girls.

And the thing is, it wasn't always like that.

When I slowly started this seduction journey I used to pedestalise women that were just cute.

I had nothing then, I was a STEM student and the scarcity of attractive girls around made each one of them seem like a goddess.

Then I moved abroad, and after few months I visited my old university and saw one of these girls.

My reaction?

"Wait... she is just... cute?"

A bit further down as I was walking proudly, I noticed another fairly cute girl checking me out.

"Huh? Something has clearly changed here..."

At that time of my life, the stunners of the world did not even exist in my reality, there were just magazine covers.

Then I started meeting some of them, acting in all kind of unattractive ways around them and losing them.

And here is where I am at, the stunners now are the cute girls of my early university years.

And in the future they will be these cute girls few years later.

As long as I keep finding ways to meet them I am sure of that, since I have already experienced the transition before.

Until this fully happens, maybe I'll also get some by purely going for them.

And when it does, oh boy... they will be the cutest little girls around for me :)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 28, 2021
"How you moved from laying average girls to laying stunners."

I didn't move from laying average girls to laying stunners. I kept laying regular girls and occasionaly I laid a stunner.

Every stunner I banged I banged exactly the same way as every other girl. You can read any of my field reports if you are curious. When I recall these experiences (two times from club game, once as the aftermath from a tennis camp) the only difference between times I was able to do that and when I wasn't, was my state of mind and self-belief.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2024
"How you moved from laying average girls to laying stunners."

I didn't move from laying average girls to laying stunners. I kept laying regular girls and occasionaly I laid a stunner.

Every stunner I banged I banged exactly the same way as every other girl. You can read any of my field reports if you are curious. When I recall these experiences (two times from club game, once as the aftermath from a tennis camp) the only difference between times I was able to do that and when I wasn't, was my state of mind and self-belief.
I think the OP was asking to hear from guys who consistently bang stunners... Or at least a decent sample size to draw conclusions from. Everyone gets to bang the occasional stunner if he has enough volume. It's very easy to backwards rationalize "what was different" with the occasional stunner you laid, but unless you consistently bang stunners, it might as well be post-hoc rationalization.

Is it possible that "improved self-belief gets you stunners consistently"? Sure... but getting the occasional stunner "when I felt more confident" isn't a form of evidence because everyone lays the occasional stunner with the same volume. Another guy might say it's because he wore his lucky shirt on that day.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 28, 2021
"So my question to you guys, those who have actually done it —how did you get the 9s and 10s?"

I don't know. I understood it as if he is asking how to get them in the first place.

I don't have consistency in banging stunners, but every consistency I ever developed was done the same way.

Repeateadly do things which work, when something doesn't work, test different strategies for that particular area until you can add one more thing which works. Basically the same as most people who post field reports are doing. Post your experience. Get feedback. Try with feedback. Rinse and repeat.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 28, 2021
Btw, I don't claim that wealth and status doesn't help. Especially with acquisition and with... surpise surpise self-confidence.

If you believe that having wealth and status will get you stunners, then at least on the level of your self-believe it will. How? Through the process which I described.

Imagine that you are already rich and famous. Now think what your self-talk at this point can be: "Only wealthy and popular can get stunners. I'm wealthy and popular now so I can get stunners." It's a long and indirect way thought. If you want to be rich and famous I think you should do for the sake of it. Getting rich and famous to get stunners seems like an indirect and inefficent path to me. Especially if you are already pretty experienced in this game.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2024
Btw, I don't claim that wealth and status doesn't help. Especially with acquisition and with... surpise surpise self-confidence.

If you believe that having wealth and status will get you stunners, then at least on the level of your self-believe it will. How? Through the process which I described.

Imagine that you are already rich and famous. Now think what your self-talk at this point can be: "Only wealthy and popular can get stunners. I'm wealthy and popular now so I can get stunners." It's a long and indirect way thought. If you want to be rich and famous I think you should do for the sake of it. Getting rich and famous to get stunners seems like an indirect and inefficent path to me. Especially if you are already pretty experienced in this game.

Thing is, I don't have to "imagine" anything or theorize. I was a high-status guy before the Corona, where I built a little bit of a name for myself, and threw events and was surrounded by hotties by virtue of what I was doing. I had stunners throwing themselves at me.

I didn't have "solid inner-game", nor did any of this status "boost my confidence". I had shit inner game, and my confidence was bad, but they still threw themselves at me.

And no, getting status and success didn't boost my confidence, at all. Today I have 1000x the confidence now, and much more solid inner-game, it's not even comparable in terms of opportunities you get with stunners. Again, I don't have to theorize, I've been on both sides.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 28, 2021
Great, so why don't you tell op how did you consistently close them back in the days? I guess that's the main topic of this thread.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2024
Great, so why don't you tell op how did you consistently close them back in the days? I guess that's the main topic of this thread.
I didn't say I was consistent. I was responding to you asking me to "imagine" things I have actual experience with. Status and success didn't give me confidence.

I am not making claims about what can or cannot work. As I said, your theory might even be right. I am not claiming it's right or wrong.

I am the agnostic here warning you not to draw conclusions off of tiny sample sizes. Until someone with actual results chimes in, we're just keyboard-jockeying.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
If you could consistently bang them, wouldn't they cease to be stunners?

They'd just be girls. Just like when you get a girlfriend who's a 10, after a couple of years she's just an 8. And the other hotties are a 12 :)


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
You know, those girls that you walk with and everyone stares…

She gets compliments from strangers every single day…

Every woman wants to be her friend…

Men, complete strangers, are nicer and go out of their way to please…

When you walk with her you feel like a god.

With this kind of definition, I'm not sure if you're talking about girls that project hotness or girls that are naturally beautiful. I've seen plenty of girls walking around who I think are very beautiful, but they are dressed in normal work clothes or homebody clothes and not wearing a whole lot of makeup, and no one is gawking at them or throwing them compliments.

Look at pictures of models with and without makeup, if they walked around looking like they're going to a photoshoot in some sexy little dress and heels with that coquettish 'look at me' body language, I'm sure everyone would be gawking and drooling. But without makeup, plenty of them look rather ordinary (or at least a lot more ordinary than you'd expect). Same goes for actresses that a lot of guys fawn over - some of their paparazzi photos look downright ugly imo.

The more that your interests are related to girls who want attention and know how to get it, rather than your particular ideal of natural beauty, the more egoistic and status conscious the girl is going to be, and the more that factors like your own status and your IG follower count are going to matter.

Beyond that, the general case for all women seems to be that they tend to date guys in their social circles. If she's a model, she'll probably be dating a model or a photographer. If she's an actress, she'll probably be dating an actor or a producer. If she's a psychologist, she'll probably be dating a psychologist. If she's a veterinarian .. you get the picture. That's how most people date, because that's the pool of options readily available to them. Doesn't mean you can't walk up and present yourself, but that's where the question of your self-image in relation to her can either help or hinder your frame control.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2024
With this kind of definition, I'm not sure if you're talking about girls that project hotness or girls that are naturally beautiful. I've seen plenty of girls walking around who I think are very beautiful, but they are dressed in normal work clothes or homebody clothes and not wearing a whole lot of makeup, and no one is gawking at them or throwing them compliments.

Look at pictures of models with and without makeup, if they walked around looking like they're going to a photoshoot in some sexy little dress and heels with that coquettish 'look at me' body language, I'm sure everyone would be gawking and drooling. But without makeup, plenty of them look rather ordinary (or at least a lot more ordinary than you'd expect). Same goes for actresses that a lot of guys fawn over - some of their paparazzi photos look downright ugly imo.

The more that your interests are related to girls who want attention and know how to get it, rather than your particular ideal of natural beauty, the more egoistic and status conscious the girl is going to be, and the more that factors like your own status and your IG follower count are going to matter.

Beyond that, the general case for all women seems to be that they tend to date guys in their social circles. If she's a model, she'll probably be dating a model or a photographer. If she's an actress, she'll probably be dating an actor or a producer. If she's a psychologist, she'll probably be dating a psychologist. If she's a veterinarian .. you get the picture. That's how most people date, because that's the pool of options readily available to them. Doesn't mean you can't walk up and present yourself, but that's where the question of your self-image in relation to her can either help or hinder your frame control.
I think this is the reason so many dating coaches online "showing their tens" will show you a 7 who's just dressed like a porn cover. The definition of a 10 has become a girl who gets 10/10 sexual attention.


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
I think this is the reason so many dating coaches online "showing their tens" will show you a 7 who's just dressed like a porn cover. The definition of a 10 has become a girl who gets 10/10 sexual attention.

Yeah, I think a man's ideal girl is a reflection of his self-image. If he defines a girl as things like:

- One who is getting a lot of male attention
- One who is always showing off her body and looking hot
- One with gigantic pouting lips, big thick buttocks, and DDs
- One who has a big ego and makes it hard for guys to approach

Then that's exactly what he's going to get, assuming he figures out how to make himself attractive to her and puts it enough work.

There are some universal standards of beauty, for sure, but I actually think the average guy especially, and many guys who see seduction as a competitive enterprise, don't even know or appreciate real beauty. He is looking rather for something that makes him feel like a winner in the game of life, and makes other guys think of him as a winner in the game they are competing in. Real beauty just seems so otherworldly that he doesn't know what to do with it, it just makes him uncomfortable, and he simply filters it out.

And this means that very beautiful girls (who aren't presenting themselves as hot and attention-seeking), although they are usually somewhat aware of their own beauty, sometimes have a much more ambiguous experience of male attention than might be expected.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 20, 2012
but I actually think the average guy especially, and many guys who see seduction as a competitive enterprise, don't even know or appreciate real beauty.
This is so real.

You see what a lot of dudes consider a ten and are presented with a living blow up doll, teeming with inflatable lips, chest and rear, and a full face of Comanche war paint.

You peer through all the regalia and realize she’s actually just covering up how unimpressive she is - or worse.
Her biggest glaring feature however is her lack of self-esteem which no concealer will hide.

The guys that drool over them seem oblivious to this though.

It’s wild.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
I think this is the reason so many dating coaches online "showing their tens" will show you a 7 who's just dressed like a porn cover. The definition of a 10 has become a girl who gets 10/10 sexual attention.

It is also due to this:

The vast majority of men celebrating over "banging a 10" who will show you their 10s, they will not be 10s to you. They will be 6s, 7s, or maybe 8s to you.

Then if you argue with them over it and tell them, "Dude, I'm sorry but... that is not a 10. THIS is a 10," they will chuckle and say, "You have to be kidding? That girl is maybe a 7. 8 at best." Then you will think they're crazy and they will think you're crazy.

Only rarely are you going to find guys whose tastes sync up very closely with yours.

This thread (which I also referenced in the above post) is a clear example of that:

Anyway, on the main topic:

Yes, that's the tl;dr summary for what you need to do.

Also on-topic:

With getting girls that seem "out of your league" there's a certain breakthrough point where before you land one of them it can feel impossible... then you land the first girl like that and you're walking on air. Then you start to wonder if it was a fluke and you'll never get a girl that hot again. Then you land your second and it's like lightning struck you twice. Then you get a third one. Then you start to expect it.

Thing is, I don't have to "imagine" anything or theorize. I was a high-status guy before the Corona, where I built a little bit of a name for myself, and threw events and was surrounded by hotties by virtue of what I was doing. I had stunners throwing themselves at me.

I didn't have "solid inner-game", nor did any of this status "boost my confidence". I had shit inner game, and my confidence was bad, but they still threw themselves at me.

And no, getting status and success didn't boost my confidence, at all. Today I have 1000x the confidence now, and much more solid inner-game, it's not even comparable in terms of opportunities you get with stunners. Again, I don't have to theorize, I've been on both sides.

Yeah, but you probably didn't lay all those girls throwing themselves at you in social circle, right? Certainly not most of them.

A common point of confusion for guys switching between social circle and cold approach is the drop off in female attention.

Girls will devote a lot of time to charming, flirting, buttering up, etc., in social circle to keep access to a socially valuable men.

Some of those girls may hook up with these guys. But many of them are in "maintenance mode." Typically also the girls who hook up are at the lower end of the hot girl value spectrum (they're still hot, but they're not the highest status über hotties in the group).

OTOH, there's no reason for women to fawn over a total stranger in cold approach, except in rare cases (e.g., you are running "high status man" cold approach where you are just advertising social value like crazy from the drop). Instead you will generally just be getting women who are maybe a bit curious about you, but they don't know you from Jack yet.

The lack of initial attention doesn't really mean anything either. Curiosity is enough to get her on a date. Close her on the date.

The rule of the game is "all those reactions don't mean anything unless your dick goes in the pussy."


To the point of the @Mystique's questions, here are a few specific replies:

So my question to you guys, those who have actually done it —how did you get the 9s and 10s?

You know, those girls that you walk with and everyone stares…

She gets compliments from strangers every single day…

Every woman wants to be her friend…

Men, complete strangers, are nicer and go out of their way to please…

When you walk with her you feel like a god.

How did you get these type of women?

The very first one ever for me was a combination of dumb luck and dogged determination. She probably flaked on me 12 times and I bombed our first date and made her hate me. My fundamentals and game were trash then too. But I just continued to persist because I just wasn't going to let a girl look like that go. Texting, calling, if she ghosted for a while I'd call again, leave a voicemail being as charming as possible so she could hear my voice, call back again next time and she'd answer, 40-minute conversation, talking, laughing, ask her out, get another, "Maybe. We'll see!" Just doggedly kept at it.

Couldn't believe I had her once I finally did. Breakup was an existential crisis: "What if I can never get another girl like that again?" Getting another girl who was even hotter/better was a huge relief. Then another one after that better still and you just go, "Okay, I can get these girls now."

Between first and second girls I massively upgraded my game and fundamentals though, I will say that. Hot girls now will tell me they would not have liked me back then when they see pics of me from when I first landed the first girl. Heck, even SHE didn't like me at the time... I only got her through sheer force of will :D

Better fundamentals (suit and tie)?

Your fundamentals should be tailored to the type of hot girl you want to attract.

Look at the way the guys they go for dress. Model based on that -- then just do it even better than those guys do.

More successful (got the dollar bill$)?

Mystery trumps facts. "I work a high paying job at a prestigious company" does way, way worse for you than excellent dress and grooming combined with "I'm an artist" or "I haven't worked in a while" (charming smirk) -- are you fabulously wealthy? How are you so well-dressed and confident with her if you're just an artist or not working? So intriguing!

Better game (some advanced technique that hypnotizes them and makes em drop their panties)?

Better vibe (confidence, relaxation) + greater familiarity with her type + ability to hook her in without chasing, yes.

Better venue (maybe some locations just makes it easier to lay hotter women than some)?

Yes. "See and be seen" venues are tough unless you want to build up social clout in the venue.

You can get lucky finds in alternative venues / meet markets / quiet shops and streets sometimes -- hot girl will randomly be taken there by one of her friends even though she'd normally not go there; every other guy in the venue is too intimidated to approach. But sometimes you'll go these places and there will be no stand-out hotties at all.

I will tell you my #1 tip for getting the hottest girls though:


I don't know what your approach habits are.

But over the years I have talked to a lot of guys who complain about only getting "6s, 7s, and 8s."

You talk to them and ask them how many super hot girls they approach and they will either tell you they never see these girls or they rarely go up to them because they don't get them.

If you never see them, then unless you are in a small town, it is probably due to the selective attention bias after years of usually NOT approaching the hottest girls in various places (the street, nightclubs, etc.)... after a certain point the mind starts to filter them out and they become effectively "invisible":

Either that or you just never leave the house, or only go to places men go to, or middle-aged women with families, or old people, or something :D

If you see them but rarely ever approach... well then, yeah, sure. Of course you're going to do better with less hot girls if most of the girls you approach are less hot.

You need to be approaching the hottest girls if you want to sleep with the hottest girls, get dates with the hottest girls, get comfortable with the hottest girls and know how to game the hottest girls. If you're not, you're simply not giving yourself the opportunities for those initial lucky strikes to occur that you need for that first 1-3 breakthrough super hottie cold approach lays/girlfriends.

If you want to get super hotties off of cold approach:

  • You need to approach them in clubs. (you can warm-up and build preselection with other girls first. But keep in mind preselection works best when it is from a girl as hot or hotter than the girl you want! Get the super hotties responding well to you to get other super hotties in the venue intrigued)
  • You need to approach them on the street. (just go up and approach)
  • You need to approach them in shops, beaches, train stations, etc.

Don't do the thing where you see a really hot girl, then a more regular cute girl, then say, "I'll go talk to the cute girl because she's the higher odds play", and then you miss out on the really hot girl. If you see both at once and can only approach one, ALWAYS APPROACH THE HOTTEST GIRL!

If you've been at this for 9 years, your game and fundamentals are probably good enough to get stunners off of cold approach if you are approaching them enough (unless you have really let yourself go at some point, acquired a bunch of rust, had long stretches in monogamous LTRs, etc.).

But you need to be making the approaches to do that, and not finding excuses to not approach these girls.

Which is what a lot of guys do.

I did it myself when I was younger and nervous.

I have seen lots of other guys do it when I've been out with them. Group of stunners next to a group of regular girls? I'll be like, "Oh yeah, those stunners are gonna be fun!" and then the guy I am with goes and opens the regular girls. And I'll be like, "WTF dude? Why???"

Has happened more times than I can count. Did he not see the stunners over there? Did he not notice them giving approach invitations? Why would you pick the regular girls over the stunners?

Sometimes I have even talked to guys about this afterwards and they will say, "Oh, I didn't even see those girls."

When the stunners were the ones shooting AIs and the regular girls were stuck in some girl-conversation with their circle all tightly closed up.

I have come to the conclusion most men do not even register the really hot girls around them most of the time due to being too intimidated to approach girls like this or having already mentally written them off as "not viable for me to approach."

You have to overcome this bias, and several others, to get these girls off cold approach.

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake