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How do you get the absolute stunners?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 21, 2024
With this kind of definition, I'm not sure if you're talking about girls that project hotness or girls that are naturally beautiful. I've seen plenty of girls walking around who I think are very beautiful, but they are dressed in normal work clothes or homebody clothes and not wearing a whole lot of makeup, and no one is gawking at them or throwing them compliments.

Look at pictures of models with and without makeup, if they walked around looking like they're going to a photoshoot in some sexy little dress and heels with that coquettish 'look at me' body language, I'm sure everyone would be gawking and drooling. But without makeup, plenty of them look rather ordinary (or at least a lot more ordinary than you'd expect). Same goes for actresses that a lot of guys fawn over - some of their paparazzi photos look downright ugly imo.

The more that your interests are related to girls who want attention and know how to get it, rather than your particular ideal of natural beauty, the more egoistic and status conscious the girl is going to be, and the more that factors like your own status and your IG follower count are going to matter.

Beyond that, the general case for all women seems to be that they tend to date guys in their social circles. If she's a model, she'll probably be dating a model or a photographer. If she's an actress, she'll probably be dating an actor or a producer. If she's a psychologist, she'll probably be dating a psychologist. If she's a veterinarian .. you get the picture. That's how most people date, because that's the pool of options readily available to them. Doesn't mean you can't walk up and present yourself, but that's where the question of your self-image in relation to her can either help or hinder your frame control.
Will V has a good point.
I'm sure what I gotta say probably has been said already on this popular post, but I only had time to catch this page.
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" What exactly is a Stunner??

Case in point, back in the spring my East L.A. buddies grabbed me an dais - "Bro, you won't believe the new Stunner working in Make-Up. She's like an 11..." Low and behold I saw her. About 5'6 heavy set, dyed red hair, and all tatted up. Pretty face, BUT... Not my type of quote "Stunner." Perfect for my East L.A. Kats who are also tatted up. Love thick girls, and are about 5'8, 5'9 in height. So I was happy for them, and agreed that she was a Stunner for them, but she didn't do anything for me.

Similar deal today. I met a quote "Stunner." She just got back from being in Europe for 2 months doing modeling for Prada, Gucci, etcetera Almost 6 feet tall. Very thin. Nose job. Premature face lift. And what I call "collagen duck lips." She was in sweat pants, sweatshirt, wearing flip-flops. We crossed paths as we were both leaving an apartment place, where I had to drop off something for a buddy, and I guess she lived. We talked about photography. She said it was some kind of synchronicity, and we exchanged info. I hope she doesn't call - WHY??
Again, she's not my kind of "Stunner." Perhaps is what you are considering a "Stunner," if she was all dolled up in the Prada Dress, heels and etcetera that she modeled for in Europe.
But I got a thing about plastic surgery which just turns me off, so I can say she's technically "pretty." But not what I would call a "Stunner."
In-fact I am kinda having anxiety that a Model acquaintance from my past, who I was creative with and had a personal connection with, who was au-naturale with no plastic surgery, and was what I considered a 9 or a 10 - I'm afraid she's "done and gone messed up the Mona Lisa," by getting that premature facelift, and God-forbid "duck lips" since she's now in her 30's and whatnot. What a shame...

Finally there's the Undercover Hott Russian from yesterday at the stop light. Oversized Glasses, Ponytail, Headphones on. Way oversized t-shirt even covering her ass, so you couldn't see he voluptuous bust and figure. White socks and tennis-shoes. She was screaming - "DON'T NOTICE ME." Didn't help that we were walking next to each-other in a rough neighborhood near downtown which ironically has several thousand dollar apartments towering above it... I debated on whether or not to open her. I got cold feet, and then the homeless guy on her left spooked her so she darted across the street. I began walking too, only to notice it was still red - Oh... Shit I don't want to get hit. Is she a Stunner - Yes. Probably. But how would anyone know unless they got that close? And, how would you break that wall of "DON'T NOTICE ME - I DON'T want to be hit on..." It was painful to let her go, but....

YES, I stuggle with 9's and 10's. People who read my posts know that.
From what Chase said on a post in June, with 9's and 10's you can't really be "Mr. Nice Guy" with them. You have to give them a hard time. Another guy said use "Negs." I tried using "Negs" on a couple of quote "9's" and they basically told me to Fuck Off, so I'm not exactly a fan of "Neg's." I like Push-Pull instead - "Hey, I gotta say, you got this whole 80's thing going on. Did you time travel from 1989? Did they have cell-phones back then??"
Another guy who has realllly good in-field says you gotta be polarizing with 9's and 10's and you have to initiate "Shit Tests." If you are not getting "shit tests" from 9's and 10's you are in a bad spot. Especially if they are ultra nice to you...

It's so funny, on set, with these really high-end actresses, you'll totally see it with scruffy crew guys, and overly nice beta guys. The really high-end (and I'm not exactly saying hott) but recognizable actresses with be extremely, overly nice to these guys. And they'll think that she's like into them. But from afar it's kinda patronizing. Really. See like the 9 or 10 on the street - she has to be nice. So she has a good work image. So the Producers hire her again, and say - "she's very nice to work with, hire her again..."
NOW, with how extremely politically correct TV and Film set are, you can't be polarizing. Or even do push pull. In-fact you aren't even supposed to talk to talent unles spoken to because of Legal Liability TMZ typa reasons. But you get me.

The Youtube Guy says "you gotta play to win, with 9's and 10's, and you can't be afraid to lose them by really pushing their buttons." You also have to be able to survive and pass serious rounds of Shit Tests. He has this one video with this Russian Model down in Miami where she Shit Tests him for like 20 minutes. And then finally he pulls her back to her Hotel after rolling through the Shit Tests, and then deep Dives her...

Hope this helps and makes sense.
Stuff I'm learning and using too, to get what I (for me) THINK is A "Stunner!"


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
- People offer her to make 2 weeks of salary to just stand at a door and greet people at an event, but she's like (naaaaah, I have higher ambitions in life, not that kind a girl, I don't like easy money, I like to struggle).

I think you’re greatly overestimating the amount of money these events pay… or the number of events which pay these amounts.

Generally speaking, modeling and acting gigs don’t pay particularly well.

I mean… 2 weeks work? Yeah sure, if your alternative is a McJob.

James Cruse

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 5, 2020
Flame War: this post has been rated a "Flame War post" by forum members
Male models? Now we have to be careful with this one. Most “male models” are decent looking dudes with photoshop, lighting, makeup (yes for men too), etc just like most female models.

As another poster mentioned, you said that you were/are a male model.

Can you tell us about your experiences as a Male Model, how that helps (or doesn’t) with other female models and how that affects seduction.

I think that would be interesting and eye-opening for others here.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Feb 2, 2019
Not going to get involved in the debate about what is a 9 or 10 or how subjective it is. Imo, there is still a lot of objectivity to beauty and I think we can still talk about top-tier girls looks-wise.

It's hard to answer the question of "How to get the absolute stunners?" What does that even mean? Where do you find them? How do you approach them? How do you game them? How do you close them?

Moreover, this is hard because not all stunners are the same. They can have very different lives and personalities and demand very different approaches to succeed. A lot of this is the same as with less hot girls just with a higher bar.

I personally still haven't haven't closed a girl that I thought was a top-tier "10" for me looks-wise. I've approached them, had dates with a couple, made out with them, etc, but not closed yet. Still have closed a lot of hot girls though.

Ime it's really hard to get these girls out on dates. It's really tough getting them from cold approach and online. I know some guys who have more success with these girls by inviting them out to social things and group events instead of ordinary dates. Persistence is also important here.

Girls like this usually have a lot of good options with men. You have to ask yourself what would make her choose to get ready and go on a date with a random guy who met her on the street for 10 minutes when she has multiple attractive, confident, fun, successful guys in her social circle. Hotter girls generally have pretty developed social lives and a lot of opportunities. That doesn't mean you can't find the really introverted stunner that only ever talks to her 2 girlfriends and her parents. Or the girl who wants to explore something casual with a guy outside her circle with no repercussions. There are plenty of field reports here about those situations. You are realistically not going to fuck hot status girls (models, actresses, socialites, etc) from cold approach with no social/status elements or dating apps.

In the end, you just have to compete. How can you make yourself a worthwhile option to her. Are your looks and fundamentals good enough? Are you her type? Is your game good enough? Can you figure out how to put yourself around her and get her to show up? Are you approaching stunners whenever you can? Can you make yourself a more intriguing option than other guys?


Aug 20, 2024
Yeah, I think banging stunners frequently requires you to be extremely handsome and/or somewhat famous with a high follower count.

Regarding Instagram, are there any go-to IG game posts here or on Girls Chase that give you tips on how to set up an attractive profile, take pictures, etc?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 13, 2024
Yeah, I think banging stunners frequently requires you to be extremely handsome and/or somewhat famous with a high follower count.

Regarding Instagram, are there any go-to IG game posts here or on Girls Chase that give you tips on how to set up an attractive profile, take pictures, etc?

i have seen some of my wings date models and semi famous people off cold approach personally i haven't but i've seen it been done before from cold approach - the guy was good looking around a male 8/9 and very well dressed but he approached with a lot of confidence and charisma too .

and i managed to get an semi famous German actress out on a date one time - kiss closed but she didn't follow up for the second date originally she stated i was brave for approaching her and she appreciated it a lot- approaching can go a long way - more than a lot of people realise if done well and if you have a decent amount of SMV of course.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 13, 2024
As another poster mentioned, you said that you were/are a male model.

Can you tell us about your experiences as a Male Model, how that helps (or doesn’t) with other female models and how that affects seduction.

I think that would be interesting and eye-opening for others here.
i gamed with two male models in London - one got a lot of attention off instagram and converted a fair few female models- daygame wise he had really strong stats often scoring instant dates with stunners too. He approached with a lot of confidence too though and dressed immaculately .

I had another male model wing that was pretty timid and shy in conversation and he got blown out just as much as my average looking friends - he didn't take rejection well compared to my other wings and you can see it affected him mentally quite a lot and women could pick up on that. So yeah good looks do matter but they don't guarantee everything - there needs to be a degree of persistence , work ethic, mental strength, good dress and charisma behind those good looks to optimise the results.


Aug 20, 2024
i gamed with two male models in London - one got a lot of attention off instagram and converted a fair few female models- daygame wise he had really strong stats often scoring instant dates with stunners too. He approached with a lot of confidence too though and dressed immaculately .

I had another male model wing that was pretty timid and shy in conversation and he got blown out just as much as my average looking friends - he didn't take rejection well compared to my other wings and you can see it affected him mentally quite a lot and women could pick up on that. So yeah good looks do matter but they don't guarantee everything - there needs to be a degree of persistence , work ethic, mental strength, good dress and charisma behind those good looks to optimise the results.
Regarding good looks, I think it’s first order effects aren’t all that important (girls who are immediately attracted due to looks), but rather it’s second and third order effects.

Good looks gets the first step though the door. Some girls will open up to you just because of looks. This, in turn, creates pre-selection, which boots value and gets other women interested.
Pre-selection also breeds confidence which is also an attractive trait.

So the thing about looks is its snowball effect, but you have to capitalize on that too, it doesn’t act on its own.


Aug 20, 2024

i have seen some of my wings date models and semi famous people off cold approach personally i haven't but i've seen it been done before from cold approach - the guy was good looking around a male 8/9 and very well dressed but he approached with a lot of confidence and charisma too .

and i managed to get an semi famous German actress out on a date one time - kiss closed but she didn't follow up for the second date originally she stated i was brave for approaching her and she appreciated it a lot- approaching can go a long way - more than a lot of people realise if done well and if you have a decent amount of SMV of course.
Good guide, thanks.

I think many of the older guys underestimate the importance of good social media game, especially when going after younger girls born after mid 90s.

These girls were basically born into social media. Communicating through these apps is often more comfortable for these younger girls. It’s also a huge part of how they gauge a man’s value.

When being introduced to someone new they build a puzzle in their heads of the man’s life and his value.

When some of these men lack a strong social media presence it’s like a big part of the puzzle is missing for them.

Sometimes that can add some mystery and excitement, but I think more often than not, they end up defaulting to ghosting/flaking when not presented with enough information. Women are more conservative and risk averse by nature, so it’s understandable.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 13, 2024
Good guide, thanks.

I think many of the older guys underestimate the importance of good social media game, especially when going after younger girls born after mid 90s.

These girls were basically born into social media. Communicating through these apps is often more comfortable for these younger girls. It’s also a huge part of how they gauge a man’s value.

When being introduced to someone new they build a puzzle in their heads of the man’s life and his value.

When some of these men lack a strong social media presence it’s like a big part of the puzzle is missing for them.

Sometimes that can add some mystery and excitement, but I think more often than not, they end up defaulting to ghosting/flaking when not presented with enough information. Women are more conservative and risk averse by nature, so it’s understandable.
Yeah i gamed with a lot of wings in their 40s 50s and lack of social media was a big issue - relying on whatsapp photos might not be enough to entice a girl having an instagram can be a great way of showing that you're not a weirdo- not a rapist and can be someone to be trusted i guess older daygamers have some trouble relating to the younger generation and convincing them to tkae a few model shots with a decent camera can be a difficult adjustment for them to make.

Its ironic when i was in my early 20s i always wondered why the women around me would invest money in model photo shoots the reality was they were doing it to beef up their social media and find more attractive guys something i was too naive to understand


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 13, 2024
Regarding good looks, I think it’s first order effects aren’t all that important (girls who are immediately attracted due to looks), but rather it’s second and third order effects.

Good looks gets the first step though the door. Some girls will open up to you just because of looks. This, in turn, creates pre-selection, which boots value and gets other women interested.
Pre-selection also breeds confidence which is also an attractive trait.

So the thing about looks is its snowball effect, but you have to capitalize on that too, it doesn’t act on its own.
looks matter and can be a fantastic tool - looks maxing , going to the gym and improving dress are key components to dating why make life difficult for yourself. Between the ages of 15-20 i didnt have a decent outfit and never dressed well thinking it was "gay" to spend money on clothes once i changed my dress the amount of blow outs i got almost instantaneously went down - my dress had been handicapping myself for a while

But the most vital traits to good daygame are persistence , a strong work ethic, a burning desire to get to know people and socialise are crucial - sounds like cliche self help nonsense but its true