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How does Chase find these girls?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 6, 2021
I think I need to move to NYC. But again I run into the problem of the "crazy NYC party lifestyle". It just seems as if, in today's society, if a woman is tall and beautiful, she is funneled into the "model pipeline" where she enters this lifestyle that's conducive to drug use and promiscuity. Let's face it - if you're born 5'10" with a sublime body and a pretty face, it's going to be hard to be "traditional" in any way when you can make money and meet rich men through the model lifestyle.

And leaving the country isn't really an option (due to established career and owning a house), although it is an interesting idea.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 6, 2021
Fashion malls, universities, locales close to model agencies (they usually tend to be around the same neighborhoods)…

Also consider moving to countries were average height is higher (Sweden, Finland).

But overall, unless you feel you are already a very experienced fella, I would suggest relaxing your height standard.
If you still need more experience, you’d be well served by dating a bigger number of shorter girls to speed up your growth.

Well, see, here's the thing - I am pretty experienced, have met and slept with women that I was very physically attracted to, BUT, they were, in the end, drug users and promiscuous women. Women with 50,000+ instagram followers who have been on the cover of magazines! Lots of fun, of course, but I want a LTR with someone who meets my physical standards but isn't so wild. And that brings me back to my initial question - do they exist? How are people (Chase) finding them? Or does Chase just have much lower standards than me and I'm shooting for a unicorn?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
Or does Chase just have much lower standards than me and I'm shooting for a unicorn?
Did you even read what he is writing? Chase is screening superhard on women. In one article he was absolutely brutal on looks lol. That was a bit too much for me, but the dude has absolute abundance so..

But I want a LTR with someone who meets my physical standards but isn't so wild -> this is do-able you do not need to go to New York for this.

Every time I read comments like this I become very skeptical.. is this guy even in-field? Each time it regresses to far fetched stories in one way or the other. Usually there is something omitted in the story.

Do you cold approach or are you a dating app kind of guy?
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Jul 3, 2020
Dude, you literally just need to read what was posted in this thread.

Get out of the "I can't find them" headspace and get into "these guys have some ideas that I obviously haven't tried yet" headspace.

Get curious, put together a plan, and then go and try some of what has been said in here.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Jul 3, 2020
I guarantee you and please ask them (don't take my word for it), that they have at one point or another gone to a party, or bar, or wedding etc...

Having gone to a party, bar, or wedding at one point in their lives is very different than "the difference between women in clubs and else is NOTHING!"

Like Chase said, I'd love to hear it if you have a gameplan on how to find low notch count girls in bars/clubs, since, as you said, at some point, a lot of girls who almost never go to those, go once in awhile or once in their lives.

That's vastly different than the claim that there's no difference between these girls though, so I'm not sure that's even something you'd do.

My experience with girls in bars/clubs is that they are very different than women I've met in daytime situations or in university... the girls are very different, generally speaking. Do club girls go to church... I'm sure some do.

Is some random girl I meet on the street going to be a girl who guzzles dicks for fun? I've never met one like that but it's definitely possible.

I'm pretty sure in a previous thread, you said that you like girls who are experienced, which is the opposite of what I like and what the OP is asking about.

My experience says that you're far more likely to find those low-notch count girls in daytime. You claim they're the same women.

Not sure that there's much to say more about it unless you or I have actual proof outside of your personal experiences, which I don't think there really is any... just other people and what their experiences also are... which as you pointed out on your blog, there are a lot of people who think the same as me.

I've met guys who think the same as you and point out that they'd meet girls in bars who don't drink or whatever. But that's just experiential evidence, like what we're stating here.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
The criteria in your post are all good. This thread isn't about "what to screen for" though... it's a guy saying "I don't know where to find girls who will PASS these screens."


I made a TikTok video noting that if anyone wanted to start a new religion, I can teach them. The Muslims were angry. Hilarious.

but sad. I wasn't even criticizing them even at the bit. I guess We all operate from our own mental states. And my post on here in response to uriel, solidify this.

as this post which is a sidenote, solidify itself.

p.s: I will use this powers that I first got from GC, for good. At least this is what I will say for now.

"God" bless me. The universe depends on it.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
if a woman is tall and beautiful, she is funneled into the "model pipeline" where she enters this lifestyle that's conducive to drug use and promiscuity. Let's face it - if you're born 5'10" with a sublime body and a pretty face, it's going to be hard to be "traditional" in any way when you can make money and meet rich men through the model lifestyle.

This is global I guess.

The super legit pretty ones in my nation, keeps low profile or go into modelling.

If she makes it, she becomes something more, a higher level of influencer where people pay her for ads.

The ones that don't make it, still becomes an influencer but more of like fitness influencer that keeps flashing booty at my face, I mean my handphone 24/7!



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019

I'm not sure what the difference is between "you are a KJ" and "the things you are saying are KJ." Maybe it means "You are not always a KJ, but in this particular instance you are a KJ"?

I don't want to speculate on why the girls you're meeting via the daytime are the same as the girls you're meeting on apps and the same as the girls you meet in nightclubs, because then I really WILL be KJ'ing :p However... recognize you are in a minority of seducers who hold this opinion that "girls you meet in the club are exactly the same as girls you meet everywhere else" and "girls you meet online are exactly the same as girls you meet everywhere else."

When I read your post, you seem to be focused on exceptions -- "I've met virgins at a nightclub", "You can meet psychos during the daytime", etc. To which -- no disagreement there.

But if we want to nail it down to "where are you more LIKELY to find X?" we can see some differences...

Are you more likely to find a virgin...

  • Grinding on guys in the nightclub?
  • Or reading books quietly in the corner at the library?

Are you more likely to find a horny, lustful nympho...

  • Relaxing on a park bench soaking in the sun at midday?
  • Or by hopping on Tinder and swiping till you get a match?

We're not talking about "can you." You CAN find the virgin who's tired of being a virgin grinding on guys in the club, ready to finally get fucked. You can find a nympho chilling on a park bench.

But odds are 19-out-of-20 or more that girl grinding on guys on the dance floor is NOT a virgin. And I don't know what the odds are the girl on the park bench is a nympho, but they're probably no higher than the odds a woman pulled at random from the overall population is a nympho. On dating apps, the likelihood she is a nympho is HIGHER... much higher.

This is the difference.

It's like me saying "Don't move to Wyoming if you like Latinas. You'll be much happier in SoCal, Miami, or South Texas," and you saying, "Chase, that is borderline KJ, I have been to Wyoming and you can of course find Latinas there."

I am saying "you are more LIKELY to" and you are saying "you CAN" -- these are very different things.

A lot of it has to do with when a girl starts, too.

Girls who start hooking up early (like the 15 y/os in your example) tend to be over it earlier in life than girls who start later (like say at 19).

I wasn't only talking about clubrats in that article. It's a matter of degree... the more often she's in bars, clubs, parties, the higher risk she is for club-related problems.

The girl who's in a club once a month is obviously lower risk of club-related problems than the girl who's in clubs eight times a month.

The girl who doesn't go clubbing AT ALL is lower risk still for club-related problems (her risk is nearly zero for those specific problems).

So, it depends on your risk tolerance / how much you care about or don't care about the problems clubs offer to relationships.

As for girls falling into your frame once in a relationship, yes BUT... that is only so long as they remain emotionally associated to you:

When relationships get rocky, and the woman begins checking out, that is the point where she begins REJECTING your frame, and begins to dissociate herself from you emotionally. This is the point where the various risk factors a girl has that were subsumed while she was under your sway emerge and become problems again, which compounds the tumult you're already going through during a rocky period.

Rocky periods aren't always death knells for relationships. If the girl is going out clubbing in the midst of your rocky period though, relationship death may be coming on swift wings.

This is the old "always enter a marriage planning for divorce", refactored as "always enter a relationship planning for it to get rocky."

Or the older still "hope for the best, plan for the worst."

That is based, by the way, not on "KJ", but on experience. Both my own, and a slew of friends I've observed firsthand in similar situations.

If she likes to party, and things between you get rocky, she will probably begin partying again at some point if it goes on long enough, without you. So get ready for all the mind games, jealousy, sleuthing, obsession, and suspicion that comes with that. Or just don't date girls who party much or at all.

I don't tell every guy to switch to day game.

But a guy who's looking for low partner count girls who aren't partiers... and he is looking on apps and in bars and clubs... well, yeah.


It's more like saying, "I really need a lot more protein in my diet so I can build some muscle, should I go paleo or vegan?" and somebody else saying, "It's all a matter of opinion, there are vegan bodybuilders, you can definitely do it."

Just because it's possible doesn't mean one of those paths is not going to be a lot easier than the other for a specific, particular goal.

@Vision was simply saying he has hooked up with virgins via day game, that you are more likely to meet them here, as a support for the point that "the girls you meet via day game will tend to be lower count girls with more conservative sexual histories." The OP was claiming that every hot girl is essentially an attention whoring nymphomaniac.

The criteria in your post are all good. This thread isn't about "what to screen for" though... it's a guy saying "I don't know where to find girls who will PASS these screens."

That's why we're telling this guy don't despair, there are plenty of girls who are not validation junkies on social media, who are not in the club every weekend, and who are going to match the criteria you're looking for.

You are of course free to make a post in the thread on how to find girls in nightclubs or on Instagram who are low count loyal non-partiers -- I'm sure the OP would get value out of such a post as well ;)

Chase I am Sorry, but:
- red pillars.- women are fucked up because of their female nature. Total nonsense
- black pill.- you are not attracting the right type of women because of looks.
- seducers.- to meet the right low count girl good for relationship higher odds day game nonsense.

Here is my point I believe you have done a lot of clubs, I really doubt that you have been to clubs in the last couple of years cause what you experience is not like that now a days..
Online dating is not tinder, online is Facebook, Instagram, bumble, hinge, okkupid etc... this tinder is online dating is totally off, most quality woman don't even go on tinder.

I know a natural or some player that support " women in day game better than club narrative" men, I got a go by my own experience and critical thinking...

Some points

- I don't think you or vision have been to clubs in a while, I don't care if you did it years ago.

- I have seen for 10 years in the community how a dude that is good at online rationalize how online is the greatest cause he sucks or stop doing or never done Night game, same with day game guys.

I have even seen former Night gamers that now suck In Night game say how day game or online game superior with all types of rationalizations.

You will attract what you are, if you are drinking and doing drugs chances you will attract that type of women.

My 2 cents every couple of years same thing pops out..this type of post for me cringe and maddona whore and doesn't match my experience.... those girls grinding all over the place that is 5 years back.... there 0 Factual data on day game women better for relationships than fill in the blank game... by this rationale let's do cristhian church game, which I have done lol...

Here is my point meet girls, date them all, fuck them all and screen on how she treats you any other silly rational is a waste of time



Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
, if a woman is tall and beautiful, she is funneled into the "model pipeline" where she enters this lifestyle that's conducive to drug use and promiscuity. Let's face it - if you're born 5'10" with a sublime body and a pretty face, it's going to be hard to be "traditional" in any way when you can make money and meet rich men through the model lifestyle.

The fuck you get this from?

When I was younger and I was in my “I must only date super hot girls” beginner days (less than 5 lays), I was obsessed with tall girls.
Back then I dated 5 or so super cute, 6’5” model worthy women in their 17s-22s… couldn’t land any of those, I admit… but none of them, absolutely none of them were drug users, promiscuous or anything like that… and yes, they were all models.

Which honestly is not even a big deal, modeling pays really badly and it’s a pretty inconsistent source of income.
You get popular points, but for most girls that’s all.

A lot of tall girls go into modeling, see mediocre results and drop it.
Many of them also don’t like what you have to do to be successful there and drop it.
For every successful model you’re thinking of, there are at least 10 amazing girls who didn’t make the cut in the modeling world.

I suggest you spend more time with girls who are in the modeling/Instagram world but are not heavily invested.
Survivor bias is taking you to unproductive conclusions.
Last edited:


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
The fuck you get this from?

When I was younger and I was in my “I must only date super hot girls” beginner days (less than 5 lays), I was obsessed with tall girls.
Back then I dated 5 or so super cute, 6’5” model worthy women… couldn’t land any of those, I admit… but none of them, absolutely none of them were drug users, promiscuous or anything like that… and yes, they were all models.

Which honestly is not even a big deal, modeling pays really badly and it’s a pretty inconsistent source of income.
You get popular points, but for most girls that’s all.

A lot of tall girls go into modeling, see mediocre results and drop it.
Many of them also don’t like what you have to do to be successful there and drop it.
For every successful model you’re thinking of, there are at least 10 amazing girls who didn’t make the cut in the modeling world.

I suggest you spend more time with this kind of girls. You’re reaching wrong conclusions.

I think there's hyperbole in his post.

He's trying to get a message across where girls will utilize whatever to put themselves in the best position.

I have seen this enough to know that this has become hyper due to social media.



Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

Or does Chase just have much lower standards than me and I'm shooting for a unicorn?

Haha, I mean who knows, maybe my standards are secretly crap!

That said, if you’re talking slim, shapely women who take care of themselves, there’s a certain baseline you can expect. If she has a slim waist, good butt, good boobs, nice hair, and is not a total slob, unless her face is outright ugly most guys will look at that package and consider her “good-looking”… so you can have disagreement on faces and still have general agreement on looks there. e.g., a lot of models, even a lot of supermodels, if you look at their faces in isolation, aside from their hair/clothes/bodies, are pretty plain. But guys will generally consider them attractive.

Where you really get in trouble is with the guys who like “average” or “curvy” or “girls with some meat on their bones” women. If a guy says he likes that, he might mean “skinny little waist with a great big butt” or he might mean he’s into BBWs.

Height-wise… I don’t care about height generally, but I had a girlfriend who was as tall or a bit taller than I am (I’m 6’00”), beautiful face, incredible body (D-cups with a super slim waist and a nice butt). She worked as an architect, had never modeled, didn’t drink. Though I did meet her in a club… she’d only started going a year earlier though after breaking up with her fiancé. She was 28 and getting family pressure about still being single, so she started going to bars sometimes with her coworker. When I met her, she was the only dressed-down girl in the club. Had you met her when younger she never went to nightlife then.

You know, the thing with modeling is generally they want these coat hanger girls. If she has a butt and boobs she normally won’t make the cut, even if the rest of her is very slim. They aren’t really looking for “most beautiful girls” or “most banging bodies” for models… they are looking for “tall, thin girls with a statuesque face or an interesting look” that their clothes will look good on.

As for finding these girls… I don’t know man. I’m from the Philly suburbs too, but I’ve never picked up there. The girls in my hometown weren’t much to look at, and always heard how unattractive the women in Philly proper were, so I’ve never made it a priority to head there and sample the goods. Is it possible Philly just sucks for hot girls? It’s possible.

I will say it’s odd to me if you can find hot girls from online or clubs but you can’t find them during day game. Even if 100% of hot girls where you live are drunk high count Instagram validation junkies, you should still be running into hot drunk high count Instagram validation junkies by day. They’re not vampires. They do go out in the sunlight. If you’re not seeing them at all that probably tells me you’re not going to the right places.

I will tell you the big ones for me…

  • You need to canvas the town and explore constantly: neighborhoods, shopping areas, tourist areas. Check at different times of day and different days (weekdays vs. weekends) as well. Crowds can really vary
  • Some spots are hot girl meccas within a given town. I have been in lots of towns where you walk all over town, and the good-looking girls are few and far between, and you start to think that town must suck, then you stumble on the right trendy shopping area and it’s like you’re drowning in beautiful women
  • Yes, trains are awesome, if you’re in a city with a good train network and it isn’t a totally trashy, horrifying experience riding the train there (e.g., if women feel comfortable riding the train). Where trains are good, they’re ideal spots to approach — stationary targets, easy things to open on, no real distractions aside from trains/stations arriving, high volume/turnover. I used to know a guy who was fixated on hot women over 6’1” (he was quite tall himself) and he was almost exclusively a train game guy — he would get on trains and ride them from one end of the line to the other, with all his girls coming from train approaches that way
  • Easiest way to find the best spots is to ask people. PM the other guys on the boards here who are in Philly and ask them for their spots. Talk to people in your day-to-day life in general and ask them “Where in town do the hot girls congregate?” Not everyone has the same tastes you do, but you will start to recognize patterns in terms of which places get recommended the most. Maybe one is the best place for ghetto queens, maybe one is the best for hot college girls, maybe one is the hot professionals area, maybe one is the hot slutty club girls area, etc. You need to venture to all the ones that sound interesting, usually a couple times each at least, and see if you can’t get a feel for them and get some approaches in there and see what types of girls you meet

Also, I’ll again note — whether you can meet conservative or conservative-ish hot girls is highly dependent on how you define hot. There are two definitions:

  • Looks-focused validation-chasing girls with gorgeous hair, great makeup, plunging necklines showing off their cleavage or other kinds of sexy clothes, sexy/pouty facial expressions, aloof/sexy behavior, perfect posture, etc.
  • Non-validation chasing girls with raw natural good looks — a beautiful girl with nice hair and normal posture, but pretty ordinary clothes, not very flashy, just good genes but not a lot of time spent trying to look her absolute best because for whatever reason that is not a need she has

The more looks-focused she is, the more she is going to be drawn toward the stage. The club is a stage. Instagram is a stage. The runway/catwalk/studio is a stage. Chad’s dick (for some girls) is a stage.

So if for you “hot = looks-focused”, then your original position is correct — you are really not going to find those girls and have them not be clubbing, posing on Insta, or hooking up a lot for validation.

If you’re just talking “I like tall girls with good bodies and beautiful faces”, then you can find those girls without “+clubbing” or “+modeling” or “+many partners” attached (and in fact are more likely to… given hotter girls behave more conservatively on average, have fewer partners on average, etc.).


You have not addressed my point of odds/likelihoods/percentages at all.

I’m not sure you even grasped that point. You are still talking about “you can” and not “how likely are you to.”

Sure, I haven’t been in clubs really the last 20 months. My last club run was in very late 2019 before the lockdowns. Have been in bars a lot since then but not really any clubs. Things were the same then as always then though. Maybe clubs have changed radically in the past 20 months though and I’m just totally in the dark?

If I’m not mistaken, Vision has been in clubs numerous times over the past several months. But maybe the clubs did a 180 over the past several weeks :D

Anyway dude, when I say “girls grinding on you” it’s just a silly hyperbolic remark, I don’t really mean everyone is grinding non-stop or that is even a popular dance anymore. It’s like if I say “Ring a girl up”; you don’t need to correct me that phones haven’t had rotary dialers or mechanical bells in 45 years and I need to “get with the times”; it’s just a euphemism.

See, why are we having this pedantic debate? The whole thing is pedantic.

Then you are talking about factual data… again, it’s getting pedantic.

I can do the whole “nerd cites a bunch of scientific papers” thing. The science supports my assertions, if you want to dismiss my experience and others’ and just trust that. Should I post those? But I don’t think that will matter though because you’re not talking probability, you’re talking “can”. And even if a woman in XYZ environment is 5x more likely to be something than a woman in ABC environment, you are still going to say “can”: “But you CAN find her if you blah blah.”

(only to not post a guide for the OP — seriously dude, quit debating with me and post a guide for the OP on how he can find low count girls who don’t like to party by going to nightclubs! This thread is supposed to be “help the OP”, not “argue with Chase” :p)

And then you throw in Madonna/whore, talk about “guys who used to be night game guys but now suck” (is that aimed at me? Because if it is it’s wrong), a bunch of other ad hominems.

Look dude: I am not casting shade on night game. You don’t have to take it so personal.

I understand you have girlfriends who come from night game. You probably feel like this is some indirect slight by me against your women, and thus you as a man for having/retaining those women.

It is not intended that way at all. There is no need to defend. I am also NOT casting judgment.

I like night game. It is the most ENJOYABLE form of game, IMO. It is fun, you get to socialize with lots of cool people, there is cool music at the places you go, and the vibes are cool. You get a lot more fast lays from it than you do with day game (I mean, it is just really not common to find a girl already in a sexual state who is ready to be pulled minutes after you meet her, while she’s seated on a park bench or riding around in a train during the day). Plus you get the hyperorgasmic nymphos, which I don’t know I’ve ever picked up during the daytime but you will get some FREAKS at night.

But things have uses, right? And people sort themselves into different environments.

Would you also say “Look Chase, the same type of people who live in the Hamptons also live in Camden. Talking about feeling safer walking through the Hamptons than you do walking through Camden is KJ”?

Skills said:
Here is my point meet girls, date them all, fuck them all and screen on how she treats you any other silly rational is a waste of time

Did you not just post an article on screening women in your last post?

Now you’re saying “Don’t screen women, just take whatever you can get and go by the feels?”

I am so confused RN..!

Anyway, I don’t really want to debate this further unless we are going to stop talking past each other.

If you want to talk about likelihoods and want to argue that you’re just as likely to meet a freak from your first 3 day game approaches as you are from your first 3 night game approaches, and here’s how you know that, I’m listening.

Also, if you want to share your strategy for consistently meeting low count faithful girls who don’t actually like to party via nightclubs, I know OP would be interested in that, and I’d actually find that fascinating as well, not having seen anything like that before.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019

Haha, I mean who knows, maybe my standards are secretly crap!

That said, if you’re talking slim, shapely women who take care of themselves, there’s a certain baseline you can expect. If she has a slim waist, good butt, good boobs, nice hair, and is not a total slob, unless her face is outright ugly most guys will look at that package and consider her “good-looking”… so you can have disagreement on faces and still have general agreement on looks there. e.g., a lot of models, even a lot of supermodels, if you look at their faces in isolation, aside from their hair/clothes/bodies, are pretty plain. But guys will generally consider them attractive.

Where you really get in trouble is with the guys who like “average” or “curvy” or “girls with some meat on their bones” women. If a guy says he likes that, he might mean “skinny little waist with a great big butt” or he might mean he’s into BBWs.

Height-wise… I don’t care about height generally, but I had a girlfriend who was as tall or a bit taller than I am (I’m 6’00”), beautiful face, incredible body (D-cups with a super slim waist and a nice butt). She worked as an architect, had never modeled, didn’t drink. Though I did meet her in a club… she’d only started going a year earlier though after breaking up with her fiancé. She was 28 and getting family pressure about still being single, so she started going to bars sometimes with her coworker. When I met her, she was the only dressed-down girl in the club. Had you met her when younger she never went to nightlife then.

You know, the thing with modeling is generally they want these coat hanger girls. If she has a butt and boobs she normally won’t make the cut, even if the rest of her is very slim. They aren’t really looking for “most beautiful girls” or “most banging bodies” for models… they are looking for “tall, thin girls with a statuesque face or an interesting look” that their clothes will look good on.

As for finding these girls… I don’t know man. I’m from the Philly suburbs too, but I’ve never picked up there. The girls in my hometown weren’t much to look at, and always heard how unattractive the women in Philly proper were, so I’ve never made it a priority to head there and sample the goods. Is it possible Philly just sucks for hot girls? It’s possible.

I will say it’s odd to me if you can find hot girls from online or clubs but you can’t find them during day game. Even if 100% of hot girls where you live are drunk high count Instagram validation junkies, you should still be running into hot drunk high count Instagram validation junkies by day. They’re not vampires. They do go out in the sunlight. If you’re not seeing them at all that probably tells me you’re not going to the right places.

I will tell you the big ones for me…

  • You need to canvas the town and explore constantly: neighborhoods, shopping areas, tourist areas. Check at different times of day and different days (weekdays vs. weekends) as well. Crowds can really vary
  • Some spots are hot girl meccas within a given town. I have been in lots of towns where you walk all over town, and the good-looking girls are few and far between, and you start to think that town must suck, then you stumble on the right trendy shopping area and it’s like you’re drowning in beautiful women
  • Yes, trains are awesome, if you’re in a city with a good train network and it isn’t a totally trashy, horrifying experience riding the train there (e.g., if women feel comfortable riding the train). Where trains are good, they’re ideal spots to approach — stationary targets, easy things to open on, no real distractions aside from trains/stations arriving, high volume/turnover. I used to know a guy who was fixated on hot women over 6’1” (he was quite tall himself) and he was almost exclusively a train game guy — he would get on trains and ride them from one end of the line to the other, with all his girls coming from train approaches that way
  • Easiest way to find the best spots is to ask people. PM the other guys on the boards here who are in Philly and ask them for their spots. Talk to people in your day-to-day life in general and ask them “Where in town do the hot girls congregate?” Not everyone has the same tastes you do, but you will start to recognize patterns in terms of which places get recommended the most. Maybe one is the best place for ghetto queens, maybe one is the best for hot college girls, maybe one is the hot professionals area, maybe one is the hot slutty club girls area, etc. You need to venture to all the ones that sound interesting, usually a couple times each at least, and see if you can’t get a feel for them and get some approaches in there and see what types of girls you meet

Also, I’ll again note — whether you can meet conservative or conservative-ish hot girls is highly dependent on how you define hot. There are two definitions:

  • Looks-focused validation-chasing girls with gorgeous hair, great makeup, plunging necklines showing off their cleavage or other kinds of sexy clothes, sexy/pouty facial expressions, aloof/sexy behavior, perfect posture, etc.
  • Non-validation chasing girls with raw natural good looks — a beautiful girl with nice hair and normal posture, but pretty ordinary clothes, not very flashy, just good genes but not a lot of time spent trying to look her absolute best because for whatever reason that is not a need she has

The more looks-focused she is, the more she is going to be drawn toward the stage. The club is a stage. Instagram is a stage. The runway/catwalk/studio is a stage. Chad’s dick (for some girls) is a stage.

So if for you “hot = looks-focused”, then your original position is correct — you are really not going to find those girls and have them not be clubbing, posing on Insta, or hooking up a lot for validation.

If you’re just talking “I like tall girls with good bodies and beautiful faces”, then you can find those girls without “+clubbing” or “+modeling” or “+many partners” attached (and in fact are more likely to… given hotter girls behave more conservatively on average, have fewer partners on average, etc.).


You have not addressed my point of odds/likelihoods/percentages at all.

I’m not sure you even grasped that point. You are still talking about “you can” and not “how likely are you to.”

Sure, I haven’t been in clubs really the last 20 months. My last club run was in very late 2019 before the lockdowns. Have been in bars a lot since then but not really any clubs. Things were the same then as always then though. Maybe clubs have changed radically in the past 20 months though and I’m just totally in the dark?

If I’m not mistaken, Vision has been in clubs numerous times over the past several months. But maybe the clubs did a 180 over the past several weeks :D

Anyway dude, when I say “girls grinding on you” it’s just a silly hyperbolic remark, I don’t really mean everyone is grinding non-stop or that is even a popular dance anymore. It’s like if I say “Ring a girl up”; you don’t need to correct me that phones haven’t had rotary dialers or mechanical bells in 45 years and I need to “get with the times”; it’s just a euphemism.

See, why are we having this pedantic debate? The whole thing is pedantic.

Then you are talking about factual data… again, it’s getting pedantic.

I can do the whole “nerd cites a bunch of scientific papers” thing. The science supports my assertions, if you want to dismiss my experience and others’ and just trust that. Should I post those? But I don’t think that will matter though because you’re not talking probability, you’re talking “can”. And even if a woman in XYZ environment is 5x more likely to be something than a woman in ABC environment, you are still going to say “can”: “But you CAN find her if you blah blah.”

(only to not post a guide for the OP — seriously dude, quit debating with me and post a guide for the OP on how he can find low count girls who don’t like to party by going to nightclubs! This thread is supposed to be “help the OP”, not “argue with Chase” :p)

And then you throw in Madonna/whore, talk about “guys who used to be night game guys but now suck” (is that aimed at me? Because if it is it’s wrong), a bunch of other ad hominems.

Look dude: I am not casting shade on night game. You don’t have to take it so personal.

I understand you have girlfriends who come from night game. You probably feel like this is some indirect slight by me against your women, and thus you as a man for having/retaining those women.

It is not intended that way at all. There is no need to defend. I am also NOT casting judgment.

I like night game. It is the most ENJOYABLE form of game, IMO. It is fun, you get to socialize with lots of cool people, there is cool music at the places you go, and the vibes are cool. You get a lot more fast lays from it than you do with day game (I mean, it is just really not common to find a girl already in a sexual state who is ready to be pulled minutes after you meet her, while she’s seated on a park bench or riding around in a train during the day). Plus you get the hyperorgasmic nymphos, which I don’t know I’ve ever picked up during the daytime but you will get some FREAKS at night.

But things have uses, right? And people sort themselves into different environments.

Would you also say “Look Chase, the same type of people who live in the Hamptons also live in Camden. Talking about feeling safer walking through the Hamptons than you do walking through Camden is KJ”?

Did you not just post an article on screening women in your last post?

Now you’re saying “Don’t screen women, just take whatever you can get and go by the feels?”

I am so confused RN..!

Anyway, I don’t really want to debate this further unless we are going to stop talking past each other.

If you want to talk about likelihoods and want to argue that you’re just as likely to meet a freak from your first 3 day game approaches as you are from your first 3 night game approaches, and here’s how you know that, I’m listening.

Also, if you want to share your strategy for consistently meeting low count faithful girls who don’t actually like to party via nightclubs, I know OP would be interested in that, and I’d actually find that fascinating as well, not having seen anything like that before.

@Chase first you are assuming I am attacking you and calling you stuff. I am not attacking you I am attacking your point and I think from a seduction stand point is just a horrible idea... is not about me and you... I am saying this mindset is not good for anyone. Listen the other day I met a girl from day game at supermarket, she turned out to be some Instagram type, next day I see her posting how she is so excited of the baby comming ribbing her belly, thank the pick up gods that my stupidity of not getting wassup and making a mistake getting ig paid off...

I have a problem with the trade com type mentality I personally think is silly, and anti secret society and I do believe there is some maddona whore complex, cause I was one of the guys like op till, the guys on nextasf like nwp, teevester, bd, jws, franco and the likes open my eyes...

I meet women and seduced them and fuck them, during that time my Goal is for them to open up sexually and invest day game, Night game, online, social circle... once they open up and are on rotation I start getting to know them fast, then I screen depending on what I am looking for Fast, if ltr my goal, as they open up I find out sexual history, character, and my strict laundry list... again it seems you keep comparing extreme cases just like I have seen for the last 10 years, which is the typical party girl aka I call them club rats, and now a days is very few women with day game girls on bookstore...

I can compare for day game a hood rat from wallmart and flea market with the manager of bank of America in a happy hour... see what I am doing which likely has lower partners??

I am not fighting with you, I just find in a seduction forum this to be a bit ridiculous...
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Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

I've used a few extreme examples, yes (not all my examples have been extreme). That's just to make the point clear and the conversation more colorful. Otherwise it's just a long dull "two guys talking past each other" debate. Regardless, such examples I use in service of a more balanced point.

The difficulty in discussing with you is you have mostly clung to an all-or-nothing position:

"Women everywhere are exactly the same, no matter how and where you meet them."

There's no middle ground to be reached there. There's either "Skills is right and women are equally attracted to and equally populate all environments in equivalent numbers regardless those women's individual differences" or "Chase is right and women are attracted more or less to varying environments based on their personalities and dispositions."

Now, if you will say, "Yes, there may be some difference between girls you meet in X place and girls you meet in Y place, I just don't think it's that great," then we can talk degree. Maybe I claim there's a 47% difference and you claim there's a 13% difference, and then we can try to figure out why our impressions are so different.

Aside from that, you have this other point: "Yes, there are women in those places but don't pay attention to them because there are also girls who aren't like that."

Which actually seems like you are saying there are differences between the women venues attract, however those differences don't count because there are also similarities.

Skills said:
I meet women and seduced them and fuck them, during that time my Goal is for them to open up sexually and invest day game, Night game, online, social circle... once they open up and are on rotation I start getting to know them fast, then I screen depending on what I am looking for Fast, if ltr my goal, as they open up I find out sexual history, character, and my strict laundry list...

Sure, that's what you should be doing with chicks you've brought into your rotation (whom you're considering possibly keeping around longer).

HOWEVER... it's beside the point here.

Your and my discussion is, "Are there some places where you are significantly more likely to meet women who meet the OP's requirements?"

You are arguing, "No, everywhere is exactly the same."

I am arguing, "Yes, places attract different types of women."

Further, you are dismissing the very real fact that most of the guys asking for screening are not in positions to have 4-10 girl rotations. They are laying new girls perhaps once or twice a month, getting hooked on a girl they sleep with if she's good-looking and charming enough, then getting depressed/discouraged if it turns out she fails to meet their criteria.

Neither are most men experts at screening for low count conservative girls in environments where those girls are in short supply, which it sounds like(?) you say you are.

You're a skilled guy. You can throw together your rotation of a bunch of girls and screen them all simultaneously for LTRs. Further you can (apparently?) wade into any environment and walk back out with girls likely to be LTR-grade. Most guys can't do that.

You may not realize how far you are from the average guy asking for this kind of advice.

Like, me personally... I could throw together a rotation of 7 or 8 girls I met via nightlife, picked because they meet early screens (good-looking, positive, not obviously personality disordered, etc.) and probably from that group find one or more I decide is actually qualified as an LTR. Perhaps it turns out she doesn't really club that much and I met her on a rare night. Of course you have to vet her for a while if you met her in a club because people lie... how many girls will tell you, "Oh, I've only clubbed a little bit," only for you to realize later on, "Damn, this girl is a club fiend!"? And maybe you never really know for sure. So you will just always have a question mark there while you're with this girl.

Do I want to do that? Do I have time to do that? No. But I could do it if I had no other choice.

Can ph40 do that? Or other guys do that? Do they want to do that?

That's the thing, man. This method you're following... it's not efficient on the front-end. You're back-loading a lot of your screening.

Screening by venue / game-type front-loads a lot of the screening to raise the efficiency of the mate selection process.

Don't want to have to screen 10-15 girls? Pick your venues more carefully, and you only need to screen 3-4.

If you like having a large rotation, and you have the TIME for it, and you're not in any rush to find a serious LTR, maintaining a big rotation may well be ideal.

However if you're like a lot of guys, and you don't have the time or inclination to run a large rotation, and you're tired of chicks who don't meet your standards and you really just want a great girlfriend, you don't want to have to go through screening a bunch of girls in a rotation.

You just want to quickly, efficiently, easily, reliably find a few girls who are most likely to fit your LTR standards, and choose from among them.

That's what we're talking about here.

If you think the club is as good for that as somewhere else, that's an argument you can make -- but it's an argument that goes against common sense and the experience of the majority of men out there, so the burden of proof is on you to argue convincingly that it's the case. You can't just dismiss the opposing argument as KJ or M/W and wash your hands of it: "Called the other guy's argument 'KJ'. DISCUSSION OVER. Argument won. Period."

If you really believe the club is an equally good place to find a serious, low count non-partying LTR, like what the OP is looking for, you need to explain how that is the case. You're in the minority here, man. Most people don't think clubs are a good place to look for LTRs. If you do, you've gotta really lay out why that is.

Again, nobody here is hostile to CLUBS or CLUB GIRLS (I love 'em, for my part). The argument here is simply is this a good place to LTR-hunt?

Maybe make a thread for it? Here's a thread title idea: "Why Nightclubs Are Just as Good a Place for Finding LTRs as Anywhere"

Then you could post your full, fleshed-out argument in favor of nightclubs being equally good LTR-hunting locations compared to the beach, the park, the street, trains, coffee shops, etc.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 6, 2021
Again, more amazing insight, Chase. I love how you break something down that's so emotionally charged as seduction / attraction into logical bits that are easier to digest without getting so inflamed over it.

I definitely that at this point in my life what I'm looking for is the "Non-validation chasing girls with raw natural good looks". It's going to be harder to find and attract these types of women than the "Looks-focused validation-chasing girls", for sure. It will require more of a focus on day game, less time spent on apps, less time spent at nightclubs / bars. I don't think there's a magic bullet for finding this type of women - it will just require persistence and effort looking in the right places.

As much as I value your expertise - this thread has been an eye-opener for me - and I know you have a lot on your hands as it is - but I initially posted an inquiry about a situation at work that I'm struggling to decipher / approach with the right mindset. Do you think that you could just gloss over it and give me your two cents on it at: https://www.skilledseducer.com/threads/question-about-woman-at-work.24848/?


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019

I've used a few extreme examples, yes (not all my examples have been extreme). That's just to make the point clear and the conversation more colorful. Otherwise it's just a long dull "two guys talking past each other" debate. Regardless, such examples I use in service of a more balanced point.

The difficulty in discussing with you is you have mostly clung to an all-or-nothing position:

"Women everywhere are exactly the same, no matter how and where you meet them."

There's no middle ground to be reached there. There's either "Skills is right and women are equally attracted to and equally populate all environments in equivalent numbers regardless those women's individual differences" or "Chase is right and women are attracted more or less to varying environments based on their personalities and dispositions."

Now, if you will say, "Yes, there may be some difference between girls you meet in X place and girls you meet in Y place, I just don't think it's that great," then we can talk degree. Maybe I claim there's a 47% difference and you claim there's a 13% difference, and then we can try to figure out why our impressions are so different.

Aside from that, you have this other point: "Yes, there are women in those places but don't pay attention to them because there are also girls who aren't like that."

Which actually seems like you are saying there are differences between the women venues attract, however those differences don't count because there are also similarities.

Sure, that's what you should be doing with chicks you've brought into your rotation (whom you're considering possibly keeping around longer).

HOWEVER... it's beside the point here.

Your and my discussion is, "Are there some places where you are significantly more likely to meet women who meet the OP's requirements?"

You are arguing, "No, everywhere is exactly the same."

I am arguing, "Yes, places attract different types of women."

Further, you are dismissing the very real fact that most of the guys asking for screening are not in positions to have 4-10 girl rotations. They are laying new girls perhaps once or twice a month, getting hooked on a girl they sleep with if she's good-looking and charming enough, then getting depressed/discouraged if it turns out she fails to meet their criteria.

Neither are most men experts at screening for low count conservative girls in environments where those girls are in short supply, which it sounds like(?) you say you are.

You're a skilled guy. You can throw together your rotation of a bunch of girls and screen them all simultaneously for LTRs. Further you can (apparently?) wade into any environment and walk back out with girls likely to be LTR-grade. Most guys can't do that.

You may not realize how far you are from the average guy asking for this kind of advice.

Like, me personally... I could throw together a rotation of 7 or 8 girls I met via nightlife, picked because they meet early screens (good-looking, positive, not obviously personality disordered, etc.) and probably from that group find one or more I decide is actually qualified as an LTR. Perhaps it turns out she doesn't really club that much and I met her on a rare night. Of course you have to vet her for a while if you met her in a club because people lie... how many girls will tell you, "Oh, I've only clubbed a little bit," only for you to realize later on, "Damn, this girl is a club fiend!"? And maybe you never really know for sure. So you will just always have a question mark there while you're with this girl.

Do I want to do that? Do I have time to do that? No. But I could do it if I had no other choice.

Can ph40 do that? Or other guys do that? Do they want to do that?

That's the thing, man. This method you're following... it's not efficient on the front-end. You're back-loading a lot of your screening.

Screening by venue / game-type front-loads a lot of the screening to raise the efficiency of the mate selection process.

Don't want to have to screen 10-15 girls? Pick your venues more carefully, and you only need to screen 3-4.

If you like having a large rotation, and you have the TIME for it, and you're not in any rush to find a serious LTR, maintaining a big rotation may well be ideal.

However if you're like a lot of guys, and you don't have the time or inclination to run a large rotation, and you're tired of chicks who don't meet your standards and you really just want a great girlfriend, you don't want to have to go through screening a bunch of girls in a rotation.

You just want to quickly, efficiently, easily, reliably find a few girls who are most likely to fit your LTR standards, and choose from among them.

That's what we're talking about here.

If you think the club is as good for that as somewhere else, that's an argument you can make -- but it's an argument that goes against common sense and the experience of the majority of men out there, so the burden of proof is on you to argue convincingly that it's the case. You can't just dismiss the opposing argument as KJ or M/W and wash your hands of it: "Called the other guy's argument 'KJ'. DISCUSSION OVER. Argument won. Period."

If you really believe the club is an equally good place to find a serious, low count non-partying LTR, like what the OP is looking for, you need to explain how that is the case. You're in the minority here, man. Most people don't think clubs are a good place to look for LTRs. If you do, you've gotta really lay out why that is.

Again, nobody here is hostile to CLUBS or CLUB GIRLS (I love 'em, for my part). The argument here is simply is this a good place to LTR-hunt?

Maybe make a thread for it? Here's a thread title idea: "Why Nightclubs Are Just as Good a Place for Finding LTRs as Anywhere"

Then you could post your full, fleshed-out argument in favor of nightclubs being equally good LTR-hunting locations compared to the beach, the park, the street, trains, coffee shops, etc.

Oh I see, yes for me all women are women in all environments, obviously to a degree like a rave full of drugs or a day festival in the hood or a girl on only fans... but other than the extreme samples for me they are all the same but as you say maybe I know what to look for vs the newer guy, so I will just ask in a post to see if there are huge differences from guys that cross game...