Haha, I mean who knows, maybe my standards are secretly crap!
That said, if you’re talking slim, shapely women who take care of themselves, there’s a certain baseline you can expect. If she has a slim waist, good butt, good boobs, nice hair, and is not a total slob, unless her face is outright ugly most guys will look at that package and consider her “good-looking”… so you can have disagreement on faces and still have general agreement on looks there. e.g., a lot of models, even a lot of supermodels, if you look at their faces in isolation, aside from their hair/clothes/bodies, are pretty plain. But guys will generally consider them attractive.
Where you really get in trouble is with the guys who like “average” or “curvy” or “girls with some meat on their bones” women. If a guy says he likes that, he might mean “skinny little waist with a great big butt” or he might mean he’s into BBWs.
Height-wise… I don’t care about height generally, but I had a girlfriend who was as tall or a bit taller than I am (I’m 6’00”), beautiful face, incredible body (D-cups with a super slim waist and a nice butt). She worked as an architect, had never modeled, didn’t drink. Though I did meet her in a club… she’d only started going a year earlier though after breaking up with her fiancé. She was 28 and getting family pressure about still being single, so she started going to bars sometimes with her coworker. When I met her, she was the only dressed-down girl in the club. Had you met her when younger she never went to nightlife then.
You know, the thing with modeling is generally they want these coat hanger girls. If she has a butt and boobs she normally won’t make the cut, even if the rest of her is very slim. They aren’t really looking for “most beautiful girls” or “most banging bodies” for models… they are looking for “tall, thin girls with a statuesque face or an interesting look” that their clothes will look good on.
As for finding these girls… I don’t know man. I’m from the Philly suburbs too, but I’ve never picked up there. The girls in my hometown weren’t much to look at, and always heard how unattractive the women in Philly proper were, so I’ve never made it a priority to head there and sample the goods. Is it possible Philly just sucks for hot girls? It’s possible.
I will say it’s odd to me if you can find hot girls from online or clubs but you can’t find them during day game. Even if 100% of hot girls where you live are drunk high count Instagram validation junkies, you should still be running into hot drunk high count Instagram validation junkies by day. They’re not vampires. They do go out in the sunlight. If you’re not seeing them at all that probably tells me you’re not going to the right places.
I will tell you the big ones for me…
- You need to canvas the town and explore constantly: neighborhoods, shopping areas, tourist areas. Check at different times of day and different days (weekdays vs. weekends) as well. Crowds can really vary
- Some spots are hot girl meccas within a given town. I have been in lots of towns where you walk all over town, and the good-looking girls are few and far between, and you start to think that town must suck, then you stumble on the right trendy shopping area and it’s like you’re drowning in beautiful women
- Yes, trains are awesome, if you’re in a city with a good train network and it isn’t a totally trashy, horrifying experience riding the train there (e.g., if women feel comfortable riding the train). Where trains are good, they’re ideal spots to approach — stationary targets, easy things to open on, no real distractions aside from trains/stations arriving, high volume/turnover. I used to know a guy who was fixated on hot women over 6’1” (he was quite tall himself) and he was almost exclusively a train game guy — he would get on trains and ride them from one end of the line to the other, with all his girls coming from train approaches that way
- Easiest way to find the best spots is to ask people. PM the other guys on the boards here who are in Philly and ask them for their spots. Talk to people in your day-to-day life in general and ask them “Where in town do the hot girls congregate?” Not everyone has the same tastes you do, but you will start to recognize patterns in terms of which places get recommended the most. Maybe one is the best place for ghetto queens, maybe one is the best for hot college girls, maybe one is the hot professionals area, maybe one is the hot slutty club girls area, etc. You need to venture to all the ones that sound interesting, usually a couple times each at least, and see if you can’t get a feel for them and get some approaches in there and see what types of girls you meet
Also, I’ll again note — whether you can meet conservative or conservative-ish hot girls is highly dependent on how you define hot. There are two definitions:
- Looks-focused validation-chasing girls with gorgeous hair, great makeup, plunging necklines showing off their cleavage or other kinds of sexy clothes, sexy/pouty facial expressions, aloof/sexy behavior, perfect posture, etc.
- Non-validation chasing girls with raw natural good looks — a beautiful girl with nice hair and normal posture, but pretty ordinary clothes, not very flashy, just good genes but not a lot of time spent trying to look her absolute best because for whatever reason that is not a need she has
The more looks-focused she is, the more she is going to be drawn toward the stage. The club is a stage. Instagram is a stage. The runway/catwalk/studio is a stage. Chad’s dick (for some girls) is a stage.
So if for you “hot = looks-focused”, then your original position is correct — you are really not going to find those girls and have them not be clubbing, posing on Insta, or hooking up a lot for validation.
If you’re just talking “I like tall girls with good bodies and beautiful faces”, then you can find those girls without “+clubbing” or “+modeling” or “+many partners” attached (and in fact are more likely to… given hotter girls behave more conservatively on average, have fewer partners on average, etc.).
You have not addressed my point of odds/likelihoods/percentages at all.
I’m not sure you even grasped that point. You are still talking about “you can” and not “how likely are you to.”
Sure, I haven’t been in clubs really the last 20 months. My last club run was in very late 2019 before the lockdowns. Have been in bars a lot since then but not really any clubs. Things were the same then as always then though. Maybe clubs have changed radically in the past 20 months though and I’m just totally in the dark?
If I’m not mistaken, Vision has been in clubs numerous times over the past several months. But maybe the clubs did a 180 over the past several weeks
Anyway dude, when I say “girls grinding on you” it’s just a silly hyperbolic remark, I don’t really mean everyone is grinding non-stop or that is even a popular dance anymore. It’s like if I say “Ring a girl up”; you don’t need to correct me that phones haven’t had rotary dialers or mechanical bells in 45 years and I need to “get with the times”; it’s just a euphemism.
See, why are we having this pedantic debate? The whole thing is pedantic.
Then you are talking about factual data… again, it’s getting pedantic.
I can do the whole “nerd cites a bunch of scientific papers” thing. The science supports my assertions, if you want to dismiss my experience and others’ and just trust that. Should I post those? But I don’t think that will matter though because you’re not talking probability, you’re talking “can”. And even if a woman in XYZ environment is 5x more likely to be something than a woman in ABC environment, you are still going to say “can”: “But you CAN find her if you blah blah.”
(only to not post a guide for the OP — seriously dude, quit debating with me and post a guide for the OP on how he can find low count girls who don’t like to party by going to nightclubs! This thread is supposed to be “help the OP”, not “argue with Chase”

And then you throw in Madonna/whore, talk about “guys who used to be night game guys but now suck” (is that aimed at me? Because if it is it’s wrong), a bunch of other ad hominems.
Look dude: I am not casting shade on night game. You don’t have to take it so personal.
I understand you have girlfriends who come from night game. You probably feel like this is some indirect slight by me against your women, and thus you as a man for having/retaining those women.
It is not intended that way at all. There is no need to defend. I am also NOT casting judgment.
I like night game. It is the most ENJOYABLE form of game, IMO. It is fun, you get to socialize with lots of cool people, there is cool music at the places you go, and the vibes are cool. You get a lot more fast lays from it than you do with day game (I mean, it is just really not common to find a girl already in a sexual state who is ready to be pulled minutes after you meet her, while she’s seated on a park bench or riding around in a train during the day). Plus you get the hyperorgasmic nymphos, which I don’t know I’ve ever picked up during the daytime but you will get some FREAKS at night.
But things have uses, right? And people sort themselves into different environments.
Would you also say “Look Chase, the same type of people who live in the Hamptons also live in Camden. Talking about feeling safer walking through the Hamptons than you do walking through Camden is KJ”?
Did you not just post an article on screening women in your last post?
Now you’re saying “Don’t screen women, just take whatever you can get and go by the feels?”
I am so confused RN..!
Anyway, I don’t really want to debate this further unless we are going to stop talking past each other.
If you want to talk about likelihoods and want to argue that you’re just as likely to meet a freak from your first 3 day game approaches as you are from your first 3 night game approaches, and here’s how you know that, I’m listening.
Also, if you want to share your strategy for consistently meeting low count faithful girls who don’t actually like to party via nightclubs, I know OP would be interested in that, and I’d actually find that fascinating as well, not having seen anything like that before.