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Hi everyone,
This will be my last post for a few months as I'll be going deep into business building mode.
With that said I wanted to leave a process that's been helping me have a lot of fun & get new girls quickly.
What makes me qualified to write this?
4 lays from 5 dates during the month of April 2021 in London and 49 lays overall from a mixture of avenues.
**Full disclaimer** - daygame is still king of quality and I wrote a guide here but last month due to semi-lockdown and bad weather I hit online and got good results.
Why am I making this?
Online dating is a absolute shit show. I took a break to focus on daygame but was forced back into it. I struggled for a while but through trial and error I made it happen. If you just want an *easy process* honestly talk to girls in real life... A lot went into this.
To make online dating work for you - you need 4 components:
1. Live in densely populated area. You need both a large population I.E 1-2 million+ and ideally dense like a London or NYC as it means girls will be close to you.
2. High quality pictures taken by a professional (some guys are good looking enough not to need it but I'm not in that category lol)
3. Paid plans of 2-3 apps > Cost me about $70 for the month across the 3 apps (bumble, tinder and hinge)
4. Automation tools > this was the game changer for me (swiperino and screen-mirror go)
1. Live in a densely populated area
Self explanatory - another condition I'll add is you need to have good living arrangements. House mates and student dorms are fine but parents are a no-go
2. High quality pictures taken by a professional
I used Airbnb experiences for this. Look at the reviews and see if you can claim a free coupon online. I happened to have one so my booking ended up being free. Going rate seems $30 - $300. Find a photographer with high quality photos that look natural and show them pictures you like within their portfolio to guide them.
For inspiration look at popular guys on instagram and imitate their postures and looks. It will feel weird and awkward but the game is the game.
Carry different outfits with you and make sure you change locations so the photoshoot doesn't look like it all happened in one day.
Get a haircut 1 day or 2 before and basically take a ton of pictures for a few hours as you'll sift through and take the best 2 or 3 anyway.
If you need anymore guidance look at girlschase online dating post. A lot of his advice is timeless and still relevant.
2.1 Test your photos on photo-feeler
Once you and your photographer have picked out your best pictures - upload them on the site photo-feeler to get ratings and pick the best ones. You ideally want 8+
3. Pay for apps
Apps are undoubtedly now pay to play. The best apps depend on the area. For the most part choose the app that is deemed "most acceptable" or at least most well known as it means there'll be enough girls to sift through. I went with Tinder, Bumble and Hinge. Funnily enough got a lay from each with 2 from Tinder.
APPS TO AVOID --> POF, BADOO and OKCUPID. I'm sure guys have gotten laid but in London they were a complete waste of time. The main reason is because you can't pin down exact locations e.g. X neighbourhood in London but instead have to just choose London. Which means you match with people hours away. Bumble is the exception to the rule because the sheer number of girls on it means you'll get someone close while the other apps mentioned don't have enough volume.
4. Automation tools
This is where I go geeky but the competition is so high that I sadly think this is now compulsory. With online dating the biggest amount of time wasted is on swiping and messaging. Both of which can be automated to a certain degree but to make it work... You will be using your laptop more than your phone.
Swiperino > This is a chrome extension that allows you to automatically swipe profiles. There's also a messaging feature but I couldn't get it to work
Screen Mirror Go > This is online software that allows you to control your iPhone from a PC. Android has their own software versions of this too
Tiny Task > This is a "Macro" tool that allows you to "record" actions and then press play so it repeats on auto-pilot. Example of this is automatically clicking like and messaging "Hi, how are you?"
4.1 Automations tools process
I would get tinder and bumble online up on my laptop then let swiperino match people on my behalf. You can't add preferences it's done on just a %. You want to make it 60% because if you swipe right on everything dating apps reduce your visibility.
Then for Hinge I would connect my iPhone screen to my laptop then play the macro to swipe and message people within my area. Another tip is within your iPhone you can use text short cuts so that typing txt1 = "Hi! How's your week been?" which streamlines the whole process.
From here I would let my personal laptop match and message girls while I go do something else with my life like lift weights or work on my main job or side project.
5. Bonus 1 - your mindset is critical
Online has a lot of timewasters and the vast majority of your conversations and messages will go nowhere. Just accept that it is a numbers game and keep playing the field until you get a green light girl. When you do, you can move very quickly with her.
6. Bonus 2 - running dates
It's outside the scope of this post to go into date technique but I'll give a few pointers
Best of luck!
And remember that online should be part of a varied balanced diet of seduction lol
This will be my last post for a few months as I'll be going deep into business building mode.
With that said I wanted to leave a process that's been helping me have a lot of fun & get new girls quickly.
What makes me qualified to write this?
4 lays from 5 dates during the month of April 2021 in London and 49 lays overall from a mixture of avenues.
**Full disclaimer** - daygame is still king of quality and I wrote a guide here but last month due to semi-lockdown and bad weather I hit online and got good results.
Why am I making this?
Online dating is a absolute shit show. I took a break to focus on daygame but was forced back into it. I struggled for a while but through trial and error I made it happen. If you just want an *easy process* honestly talk to girls in real life... A lot went into this.
To make online dating work for you - you need 4 components:
1. Live in densely populated area. You need both a large population I.E 1-2 million+ and ideally dense like a London or NYC as it means girls will be close to you.
2. High quality pictures taken by a professional (some guys are good looking enough not to need it but I'm not in that category lol)
3. Paid plans of 2-3 apps > Cost me about $70 for the month across the 3 apps (bumble, tinder and hinge)
4. Automation tools > this was the game changer for me (swiperino and screen-mirror go)
1. Live in a densely populated area
Self explanatory - another condition I'll add is you need to have good living arrangements. House mates and student dorms are fine but parents are a no-go
2. High quality pictures taken by a professional
I used Airbnb experiences for this. Look at the reviews and see if you can claim a free coupon online. I happened to have one so my booking ended up being free. Going rate seems $30 - $300. Find a photographer with high quality photos that look natural and show them pictures you like within their portfolio to guide them.
For inspiration look at popular guys on instagram and imitate their postures and looks. It will feel weird and awkward but the game is the game.
Carry different outfits with you and make sure you change locations so the photoshoot doesn't look like it all happened in one day.
Get a haircut 1 day or 2 before and basically take a ton of pictures for a few hours as you'll sift through and take the best 2 or 3 anyway.
If you need anymore guidance look at girlschase online dating post. A lot of his advice is timeless and still relevant.
2.1 Test your photos on photo-feeler
Once you and your photographer have picked out your best pictures - upload them on the site photo-feeler to get ratings and pick the best ones. You ideally want 8+
3. Pay for apps
Apps are undoubtedly now pay to play. The best apps depend on the area. For the most part choose the app that is deemed "most acceptable" or at least most well known as it means there'll be enough girls to sift through. I went with Tinder, Bumble and Hinge. Funnily enough got a lay from each with 2 from Tinder.
APPS TO AVOID --> POF, BADOO and OKCUPID. I'm sure guys have gotten laid but in London they were a complete waste of time. The main reason is because you can't pin down exact locations e.g. X neighbourhood in London but instead have to just choose London. Which means you match with people hours away. Bumble is the exception to the rule because the sheer number of girls on it means you'll get someone close while the other apps mentioned don't have enough volume.
4. Automation tools
This is where I go geeky but the competition is so high that I sadly think this is now compulsory. With online dating the biggest amount of time wasted is on swiping and messaging. Both of which can be automated to a certain degree but to make it work... You will be using your laptop more than your phone.
Swiperino > This is a chrome extension that allows you to automatically swipe profiles. There's also a messaging feature but I couldn't get it to work
Screen Mirror Go > This is online software that allows you to control your iPhone from a PC. Android has their own software versions of this too
Tiny Task > This is a "Macro" tool that allows you to "record" actions and then press play so it repeats on auto-pilot. Example of this is automatically clicking like and messaging "Hi, how are you?"
4.1 Automations tools process
I would get tinder and bumble online up on my laptop then let swiperino match people on my behalf. You can't add preferences it's done on just a %. You want to make it 60% because if you swipe right on everything dating apps reduce your visibility.
Then for Hinge I would connect my iPhone screen to my laptop then play the macro to swipe and message people within my area. Another tip is within your iPhone you can use text short cuts so that typing txt1 = "Hi! How's your week been?" which streamlines the whole process.
From here I would let my personal laptop match and message girls while I go do something else with my life like lift weights or work on my main job or side project.
5. Bonus 1 - your mindset is critical
Online has a lot of timewasters and the vast majority of your conversations and messages will go nowhere. Just accept that it is a numbers game and keep playing the field until you get a green light girl. When you do, you can move very quickly with her.
6. Bonus 2 - running dates
It's outside the scope of this post to go into date technique but I'll give a few pointers
- If a girl has shown up than her buying temperature is high. She's already chosen to hang out with you from a dozen other guys - just don't fuck up
- You can easily have sex first dates as long as you're chill, non-creepy and just escalate things. Girls from online are some of the most open low asd girls out there
- No big deal if you don't sleep with her right away. Out of the 4 girls, 2 where 1st time, 1 took 2 dates and the final one 3. Most of the time they'll stall because they see you as bf candidate because in online girls standards go up.
Best of luck!
And remember that online should be part of a varied balanced diet of seduction lol