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How To Bounce Back From A Dead Night - New Gambit Developed The Naughty Language Teaching Gambit - Meeting African Delight


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 16, 2024
This one is from last Saturday.

The First Part Of The Night​

So, I put on my raver/drug dealer outfit (I don’t actually deals drugs, it just looks like I do in this outfit), along with the “Kiss me” glasses, and go out to my usual spot. At this point, I know the regulars, so I know I am going to meet someone I know, and as I thought I meet like 2-3 naturals there, so now even when I go out alone, I am never alone.

Now, from the start I really wasn’t feeling it. I was spazzed out on energy drinks and I did not see much quality girls worth approaching. However, this natural would just lean on the wall and get approached like two or three times in the span of about an hour, until he finally met a girl he liked. For comparison, I only got approached once by a semi-attractive girl and I had one whale bumping into me wanting me to approach, which I tried to avoid.

Now, this got me thinking. The natural isn’t particularly attractive, however he has that, what I call, standard player fit that I bet most guys here know it works, and wear it frequently. And that is: dress shirt, jeans, coat, dress shoes and he was wearing like a black cowboy hat to top it off.

I bounce to this other place, walk around for a bit looking for sets, it was getting pretty late (it was around 2am most bars close here at 3am) and then decide to just call it a night and go home. Luckily, I live pretty close to the bars, my logistics are solid, so it only takes me a few minutes to get there.

The Bounce Back​

Now, I was just about to jerk off and call it a night. But I thought to myself: “Vibe, you are not getting any younger. Fuck it. There is still one hour left before the clubs close and if not try the streets.” I changed my clothes from the raver to the standard player fit, and head out.

Quick guide on how to bounce back:

This hasn’t been the first time I went home, chilled for a while and then went back out. It really helps me recollect my bearings. It really works for me and I recommend it if you live close by, or have quiet place you can go to away from the action, that’s not the club bathroom or something. Just doing something else and changing the clothes can really do wonders to take me out of a negative thought loop. And this is good because…

Second Part Of The Night​

I walk outside of my apartment and like about 20 meters away I see this short cute little black girl walking by herself.

An opener starts to bubble up in my mind from all the infield I saw.

She was wearing an orange dress.

BOOM! Open.

“Hey, I am sorry, but you look adorable! You are like a pomegranate.”

“Hehe, thaaank you.”

So I immediately start giving her sexual EC and fluff talking just to keep the conversation going and establish some familiarity.

At a certain point I felt I had to bounce her, cause it was getting too late for us to be just standing in the street talking. It felt right.

“Hey you want to grab some drinks? I am right here.”


I walk her to my apartment while I am making sure to talk some gibberish just to kill the awkwardness, but then I think to myself:

“Wait a second Vibe. This was TOO easy. Is she… Is she a working girl? Oh, fuck.”

The moment I put in the code to the building, and we walk in, she turns around to me and says:

“Ok, where is the bar?”

“Oh, there is no bar here, I just live here. Let’s go up for drinks.”

“No. Please. Can we go?”

“I mean, we CAN go to a bar if you feel uncomfortable, there is this afterparty place right next to my street.”

“Ok, let’s go.”

I think: “Well, at least I know she is not a working girl. Phew.”

So, I take her to the afterparty place that is one street away. It’s like a three-story rock bar with pool tables. Very chill place.

Unfortunately, the only seats available are those long chairs next to a small round table so we sit there.

Here are some gambits I ran on her:

Warped’s – I am a virgin and ordained minister and you are trying to seduce me
Teevster’s – Doesn’t it suck that a man who sleeps a lot is a player but a girl is considered a slut (I find this one super easy to transition too by talking about how some countries have a more liberal culture while others have a more conservative one)
Basic comfort building through establishing familiarity and exchanging logical information about each other. “What do you do?” “Any brothers and sisters?” etc.

They all worked very well, but this is the one I developed on accident…

Sexualize Your Interaction and Establish a Chase Frame With The Naughty Language Teaching Gambit​

Basically, if she is from another country, which this girl was, she was African, ask her to teach you some naughty words in her language. I got her to teach me how to say “Big dick” in her local language.

So, I just started spamming and repeating “Big dick” in her language.

Then I flipped it around on her and said: “So you see me and you instantly think off “Big dick” (in her language)”.

“Noooo, you asked me to teach you that.” (playful/smiley)

“Nuh-uh. You saw me and instantly thought to yourself, this guy equals “Big dick” oh, you dirty girl.”

Then, I kept that going for a while.

This got her asking me about my dick. Is it big? How thick it is? Etc.

She also pulled out an image on her phone on what she considered to be a big dick.

I kind of stumbled into this gambit. But it gets her thinking about dick, about MY dick, and by blaming her I establish a soft chase frame.

Final Part Of The Night​

I tried pulling her back to my place several times throughout the interaction at the afterparty place, but no dice. No matter, how much I sexualized or how much comfort I established with her or time I spent with her.

So, I just bounced her from those tall chairs to a couch once it was available. There, I kiss closed her, smelled her neck – this really turned her on. But still, she did not want to go with me.

I figured, it has to be one of those stupid girl things where she didn’t shave her legs, or her pussy and she was feeling self-conscious. Cause, I didn’t know what other move I could pull.

We stayed at that place till it was closing time at around 6:30am. Then she called an Uber home, we exchanged numbers and that was it.


She started acting like we are bf/gf and I was supposed to see her this week, but she kept moving the time up, till it was way late, and apparently she showed up without sending me a message first that she is coming and then her phone died. So, she stayed at the place we were supposed to meet up in for about an hour by herself. At first, I thought she was lying, because it was way passed the agreed upon time, but she gave me a video call when she got home, and she was all dolled up. Then we were supposed to see each other yesterday but she wasn’t feeling well. I really can’t tell if she is capping or not, or if she is like a pathological liar or something. There was another red flag imo, that not once did she ask me what I do for a living throughout our entire interaction.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 16, 2024
I forgot to mention that at the time I thought that long form interactions like this are really good for practicing your gambits/stack, so that is what I did. Just stacked all the gambits I could think off, but I realized I need to read up and actively memorize some new ones so that I would remember them once in set.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
So, I just started spamming and repeating “Big dick” in her language.

Then I flipped it around on her and said: “So you see me and you instantly think off “Big dick” (in her language)”.

“Noooo, you asked me to teach you that.” (playful/smiley)

“Nuh-uh. You saw me and instantly thought to yourself, this guy equals “Big dick” oh, you dirty girl.”

Then, I kept that going for a while.

This got her asking me about my dick. Is it big? How thick it is? Etc.

She also pulled out an image on her phone on what she considered to be a big dick.

I kind of stumbled into this gambit. But it gets her thinking about dick, about MY dick, and by blaming her I establish a soft chase frame.

Great report. This is clevr. I remember using something similar back when I was travelling more or dealing with foreigner. We would ask them to teach her words in their language and escalate it lol.

Teev: I was wodnering how do you say.... father in in your language

Her: ottsovskoye (Russian: отцовское)

Teev: and milk?

Her: Moloko (молоко)

Teev: and father's milk?

Her: hahaha WTF?

Teev: say it with a cute voice:

Her: ottsovskoye moloko (отцовское молоко)

I mean... Romanian it is laptele tatăluim, in Dutch it is [darth] vaders melk but nothing beats Italian: latte dei padri.

Always a fun one.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 16, 2024
Great report. This is clevr. I remember using something similar back when I was travelling more or dealing with foreigner. We would ask them to teach her words in their language and escalate it lol.
Hey Alek, I appreciate you reading through!

Good to know the elders were using something similar.

I sort of stumbled into it on accident. Going forward, I will make it a part of my stack and use it when I meet a foreign girl.
Teev: and father's milk?
Very freaky. Good stuff.

I guess you gauge how open she is too by saying stuff like that, and also use it to build compliance and dominance by telling her to say that?
I mean... Romanian it is laptele tatăluim, in Dutch it is [darth] vaders melk but nothing beats Italian: latte dei padri.
There is potential in latte dei padri. It sounds like it could be a name for a place or a band (as long as they don't know what it means), haha.
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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
Hey Alek, I appreciate you reading through!

Hey, you are welcome.
Good to know the elders were using something similar.

Yeah a sign, people usually come to similar material. Just the nature of things. But good sign for you. You seem like a young lad, and tis type of material is really ideal for men your age.
Very freaky. Good stuff.

I guess you gauge how open she is too by saying stuff like that, and also use it to build compliance and dominance by telling her to say that?

Sure build compliance... not sure how much impact that has. However, it allows me to gauge her and test her compliance towards sexual stuff based on her respond to this silly gambit. If she is not fully onboard, you know you got work to do. So yes, this is a spot on observation.
There is potential in latte dei padri. It sounds like it could be a name for a place or a band (as long as they don't know what it means), haha.

Oh god, don't get any ideas now.

Well in spanish it might get a bit too obvious: leche de papi. Ditto for german: vätermilch. Lol

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take

Atlas IV

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
May 21, 2023
Great field report. You show a lot of persistence, going home at 3am, getting changed, then heading out again for more. I need that sort of energy!

As for the girl, you definitely got her sufficiently aroused with the gambits and physical escalation, but she was resisting your compliance.

It sounds like she may have had some logical objection to sex that you didn't uncover. Perhaps you could have found that by probing her dating history (e.g. is she recently out of an LTR or from a sexually conservative culture?)
I tried pulling her back to my place several times throughout the interaction at the afterparty place, but no dice. No matter, how much I sexualized or how much comfort I established with her or time I spent with her.
This sounds like you built up a negative compliance ladder, which no amount of persistence will reverse. It would have been better to just seed the pull and deal with her objection first.

I faced a similar situation in this LR of mine with a girl who strongly resisted my attempt to pull. I got around it by assuming the sale and moving things forward anyway (said "let's get out of here", got the check, stepped outside, said "let's get another drink", walked her to 7-11, bought the drinks together, then walked her back to mine - all without really verbalizing it, bypassing her ASD). Something like this might have worked in your situation.

In any case, this was a bold outing and a good seduction. Nice job!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 16, 2024
Great field report. You show a lot of persistence, going home at 3am, getting changed, then heading out again for more. I need that sort of energy!
Thanks, I appreciate it! I called it a night one too many times and just told myself 'it's not happening again!'
It sounds like she may have had some logical objection to sex that you didn't uncover. Perhaps you could have found that by probing her dating history (e.g. is she recently out of an LTR or from a sexually conservative culture?)
She said she has been out of a LTR for 1.5 years but hasn't dated anyone since. And yeah, she is from a sexually conservative culture.
This sounds like you built up a negative compliance ladder, which no amount of persistence will reverse. It would have been better to just seed the pull and deal with her objection first.
I tried not to be too pushy, but man, I was getting tired. :ROFLMAO: It was just getting late at one point, so I was thinking, it's either now or never. But I will try to watch out for that in the future. It is always hard ime to balance persistence and neediness.
I faced a similar situation in this LR of mine with a girl who strongly resisted my attempt to pull. I got around it by assuming the sale and moving things forward anyway (said "let's get out of here", got the check, stepped outside, said "let's get another drink", walked her to 7-11, bought the drinks together, then walked her back to mine - all without really verbalizing it, bypassing her ASD). Something like this might have worked in your situation.
I read that LR. Fun stuff! Yeah, I'll make sure next time to assume the pull. Good tip!
In any case, this was a bold outing and a good seduction. Nice job!
Again, appreciate it a lot bro.