"Look at this chicken that can't even bet. BAWK BAWK."
I just laugh and say 'keep on talking shit and this chicken gonna take all your chips and bawk bawk you the fuck out the table'.
And he just kinda weakly said man don't take my chips.
I don’t think that’s a great example of a response - it sounds like you’re butthurt, emotionally affected and you acknowledged that when you said “talking shit”.
Just IMPLY a frame and make it funny when you do, without saying it with fear or weakness.
Stop trying to “compete” with these dudes and simply refuse to acknowledge their existence.
I agree with this - like I said in my other message, you really shouldn’t need to compete or get in that frame.
Expose his frame in a funny way, cut him off at the knees, then dismiss him and continue what you came to do.
"Keep on talkin and you bout to get yo ass beat by a ugly ass minion (while smiling)"
that’s abit too passive-aggressive and even if you’re being fun, looks really weakly threatening.
“I love minions bro, thanks for saying my muscles are that big. You look like you have a treasure trove of roided up cartoons bro, anime’s cool. Is this your way of coming out of the closet to us with these homo-erotic cartoons lol? C’mon, closets are made for hanging clothes, just come on outWe love you mate”
Take all of the positive’s from it > then make fun of the rest for him while not being direct.
If I don't like someone's behavior or someone in general, I don't talk to them and completely ignore them. It may come across rude but if he talks to me in a group setting, I can simply look through him without uttering a word or even making a tiny facial expression. I don't give them any time of my day.
I think it’s alot easier to get ahead of that behaviour when it starts. I used to have guys I worked with that would be threatened by me and try this when I first started working there but when you easily find their frame and make PUNISHING frames back, trojan horsed in funny jokes, trust me, they don’t try it again.
Then you become the leader that they look up to, rather than someone who’s going to be your enemy.
Guy: blah blah blah
- Everyone: laughs
-You: You know what I would really appreciate if you don’t joke about XY with me again. I am not butt hurt but I just don’t like these jokes.I know you are kidding
- Everyone: come on don’t be so serious.
-You: I am not serious… I just don’t like this kind of jokes
You might not be winning in this situation, but in the long term, you will win. He will definitely stop joking with you. Win for you as no one will be laughing at you.
I’ve seen guys in real life do this - it doesn’t work. No-one wants to be friends with them and they get ostracised.
saying and qualifying that you’re NOT butthurt means you actually are. This is like “taking your ball and going home” and it’s not socially graceful, it’s not fun or clever and it won’t work anyway, not from my experience. Have you actually tried this and it’s worked?
- Suck my dick (with an unamused face)
- Your mom tells me I'm good though (with an I don't believe you look)
- Last night your mom told me you've still not grown up
-- for that minion joke above, you could use the same.. you could've said- your mom said she likes minions.. so cute (with a shit eating grin)
The mum jokes are funny to me but it all sounds butthurt and not socially graceful.
Just find some way to jab back with a minimum of effort.
'Look who's talking!'
'Show me your arms man' do a bicep curl next to him 'dude you should totally armwrestle me I think you'd win, you'd flatten me!'
Finally someone mentions re-framing. Exactly this - reframe him on one of your strengths, this just neutralises him.
Turn it into a win for you - like I’ve said in other posts: if a guy in a group is really popular and you outframe hin - that Social proof transfers to you + more. Always do it in a funny self-amusing way - without spite & bitterness or even a whisper of being butthurt.
I'd take the same route or I'd snap at them like I snap at little kids or treat them as non-masculine with those mom jokes, like I mentioned above. (Imagine two adults talking in a party and kids come running to them asking for something.. then the man would say to the kid.. No, I'm busy talking to X.. go play with Johnny.. I'll come in sometime - that's the frame you need to have)
You can really only use this to ignore them when they first start talking. If they continue and don’t fall into that frame and others are listening, you do need to neutralise them before dismissing them and moving on.
Guys like this make assumptions that you wont retaliate and that bullshit about just being a joke, double down when they do that dont pull back. Just tell them you dont appreciate their jokes and you are losing your patience
Again, this just seems butthurt and really not fun.
Turn whatever this guy says into a joke machine for you to springboard your own fun, while destroying his frames and you and everyone else can have a laugh out of it without even getting near a physical confrontation. Why risk it or need to go near. Just treat him like he’s setting up jokes for you - but the jokes are all on him.
also think that even if you threaten a guy like this, after he's done cowering he'll just regain confidence and start doing it again. And at that point you 100% have to beat his ass, threats wont work anymore.
No no no, that’s a great way to go to jail or just have charges and lose jobs/lack of travel.
Don’t do that and provoke or start a physical or verbal fight - just be more clever and shut down his frames and have fun doing it with jokes.
My overall point is: see this as an
opportunity to have fun making jokes while destroying this guys frames, which then steals his Social Proof, puts you at the top of that social circle, while you and everyone else has a laugh and this guy looks terrible but if you’re funny and indirect, he won’t confront or want to fight you. It also warns other guys that you’ll do the same to them if they try it on - you’ll destroy them in a fun and non-confrontational way then move on.
But you and everyone ELSE wins this way.