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How to Draw Orgasms up Your Spine


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
Draw Orgasms Up Your Spine For Self Mastery, Well Being, And Pleasure

I have been receiving a number of questions regarding the cultivation and circulation of sexual energy in the body, so I have decided to make this post in hopes that it can serve as a practical primer on the subject, and those who are interested in this practice will walk away with solid grounds to start a well-rounded practice routine

The more exercise-oriented part of this document starts in the section called The Big Draw Method

My background

I was introduced to Chinese body practices about 19 years ago. Some martial arts forms, as well as medical Qi Gong forms. Over time my practice has leaned more heavily into the medical forms, which are basically a series of movements designed to align and restore the body, creating vitality and well-being. The practices are very potent when done well, but also require a great deal of discipline to learn. I am no master by any means but, with the help of very knowledgeable teachers, I have cultivated a fairly deep understanding of some of the fundamental principles. While this practice serves me well, I am hardly the most comprehensive scholar on the matter. So please understand that what I share here is how I have come to understand these practices through my own lens. There are many far more knowledgeable sources on the matter out there. Also, while these practices were taught to me through a Taoist lens, I am no scholar on the matter. I am not claiming to share this information as if it is traditional Taoist practices. This is just my take on things. In fact, I tend to filter all the information I have learned through a more modern western lens. If I happen to use some Taoist terms or metaphors it is simply because they feel useful to my own understanding and perspective. That said I am happy to share what I have learned and cultivated over the years of practice

While all the many forms of these practices are related, sexual qi gong is it’s own rich practice. This is what we will focus on in this post.

Beyond No Fap

We live in a culture where men are constantly at odds with their sexual identity. Constantly being bombarded with messages of sexual stimulation, as well as messages of sexual repression. Polar opposites always tugging at his sense of identity. In an effort to reclaim male sexual identity, no fap arose.

I am not the most versed in the no fap movement, so I won’t speak on it too much here, but it seems to me that these sexual kung fu practices are missing from a lot of the mainstream information out there. I have seen some mention of these sexual kung fu practices, but it seems to still be somewhat of a fringe concept.

A lot of advice I have seen seems to be more directed toward suppressing the sexual urge rather than cultivating and redirecting it. Sure there is advice about just channeling it into your business, or your workouts, or this endeavor, or that. While there is some truth to this, I believe that it is ultimately running away from the issue. It is only through confronting our sex drive and cultivating a deeper, more broad sense of our sexuality, that we can truly master this aspect of our lives.

A lot of advice out there leaves men in this perpetual state of ping-ponging between polar opposites. Feeling either completely helpless in the face of their sexual urges. Or, after having beat back all urges with extended periods of no fap, a complete lack of sex drive at all.

There also seems to be a lot of shame around the sexual urge in general and specifically ejaculation. A lot of these no-fap guys are miserly with their seed. As much as it is not wise to just spend all your money on frivolous things, you cannot generate and harness this natural flow if you just hold onto it all the time like Scrooge McDuck with his coins. You have to learn to make wise investments with these precious resources so that they can generate themselves in abundance and enrich your life tenfold. Invest in your sexuality, cultivate it, spend it wisely, and reap the rewards.

These sexual practices I am going to outline, I believe offer a potent alternative to just white-knuckling through some of your most fundamental human drives. It is not necessarily an easy route. It requires a great deal of discipline and can feel frustratingly impossible at first. With diligent practice you will start to uncover the profound treasures already with you, hidden in the depths of your body.

So instead of No Fap, this is Yes fap. And you are about to become a fap master!

Men Like To Cum

In our culture men are commonly thought to only have one form of orgasm. That is to say, a man splooges and that is that. Stimulate the penis. Good feelings in the genital region. He ejaculates. What’s done is done. This notion, however, is entirely false. There is another type of orgasm a man can accomplish. This is an orgasm that is directed up the spine and through the whole entire body. It is an orgasm without ejaculation. No semen is spilled, and yet the man has still had a full-blown orgasmic experience. This can also lead to multiple orgasmic experiences in a row, or even prolonged orgasms sometimes upwards of 6 or 7 minutes.

This is done through a series of practices that involve contractions in the pelvic floor, pumping in the spine, as well as a focused mind. This practice is often referred to as The Big Draw Method

What are the benefits of learning this method?

While many men may scoff at this notion as if it is trivial, I think it is safe to say that most of us on the forum here understand just how vital libo is to the male drive. Not only in his sex drive but his drive in life. That vital sexual energy is the drive to go out in the world and be a man. To create, to do, to be. It is a drive that helps to shape his character and how he relates to the world. His existence

For most men the sexual urge is untamed. Like a wild horse. The thing is, this is a wild horse we must always live with. This average man's relationship to his sex is either very repressed or uncontrollably intoxicated. Often times vacillating between both. But rarely at peace, or in his command. This can lead can lead to all sorts of psychological, physical, and social pathology. Maybe this man has stunted social relationships based solely on his own personal gain of pleasure. Or maybe he represses his drive and hides from any sort of meaningful accomplishment, always letting others lead him by his nose. Maybe his constant dick swinging, and frequent ejaculations leave him drained, lethargic, unmotivated, agitated, and insecure. Lower back/hip problems from tense repression. Back problems lead to stomach problems, stomach problems, and so on. I think you get the point. In a holistic sense, our sexuality is tied to our greater well-being.

In order to understand what the benefits of this practice are, is important to understand that there is a fundamental worldview that shifts during these practices. Your sense of self, and who you are in the world changes. This wild force that has been pulling you this way or that, your entire life, is now in your command. Now when it screams “We are going this way” you calmly command it “No my friend, this is the way we are going.” You are now able to wield this powerful force in your life with intention and will. Channeling its expression into a dynamic range of experiences. It is no longer something you have to push back, or quickly release. Only to have it come knocking again. You learn to live with it, be at peace with it, manage it, and direct it. What was once a narrow view of the human sexual experience broadens. The erotic nature of all existence becomes more and more apparent.

So, what are some more concrete benefits to learning and cultivating a deeper more dynamic sense of sexuality? Well, I will say that many of these points may seem anecdotal. And perhaps they are. But I believe them to be true and have seen similar results in others who have cultivated a similar practice.

Some reported benefits of this practice include but are not limited to
-Increased willpower
-The ability to focus for extended periods
-Increased mental function
-Increased motor functions
-A pervasive sense of peace and calm
-More psychical drive
-Better sleep
-More self-confidence
-A stronger intuition
-The evaporation of pathological insecurities and anxieties
-A profound sense of presence
-Better posture
-The evaporation of physical aches and pains
-Glowing skin and hair
-Better social relations
-A profound magnetism with women. They are drawn to you in seemingly magical ways.
-Better relations with women in general
-Deeper more profound intimacy with women
-Insane levels of libido. Erections that last hours. Multiple orgasms in a row and still hard.

Even if you are skeptical about some of the items on this list I am sure you can understand that last one.

The mind-body connection

The mind and body are in a constant psychological, emotional, and physiological feedback loop. The emotions affect breathing, the breathing affects our posture, the flow of fluids in our body, our organs, our thoughts, and our emotions. Our thoughts and emotions affect our actions, our social reality, and our choices. Witch is reflected back to us and affects our thoughts and our emotions. A constant feedback loop.

Our sexual drive is a major input/output factoring into this feedback loop. It is a deeply potent psychological, emotional, and physiological element affecting human life. The more we are able to observe in ourselves, through deep internal practice, the interconnections between all of these elements. The more we are able to harness and direct the body's natural powers. The practice of drawing an orgasm up your spine is about direct experience of this interconnected continuum.

Ultimately it is your mind, in collaboration with your body, that will draw the orgasm up your spine. In this practice, we learn to not only control subtle pulsing, breathing, and contractions related to sexual experience as a whole body phenomena, but we also learn to manage our psychological and emotional responses in regards to the sexual experience. If we cannot expand our minds understanding of our sexual experience beyond it’s most basic outward ejaculatory response, then we will have trouble drawing an orgasm up our spine. The moment that sweet orgasmic wave hits, our emotions take over, and instead of using our mind to induce the functions necessary to pump that orgasmic experience back into our nervous system and up the spine, we lose control of ourselves and just let that load free into the world. As our understanding of our sexual experience and functions deepens, our conception of what it means to be a sexual being broadens. This broadened perspective, along with diligent physical practice, makes it easier and easier to calm our emotions in the face of the sexual experience, and focus our mind to direct the sexual energy up the spine.

The sexual experience is not confined to our genitals. It lives in our whole body. Every moment is a sensual experience. A sensory exchange with all of existence. All of existence is erotic. Sometimes when I am most consistent with my practice I will experience moments where I feel like I am just fucking the universe. No joke. One time I was driving down the freeway. Because I had such a sensuous sensitivity built up in my body from semen retention, I could feel every single bump in the road, every little rumble in the engine. I was overcome with a profound sensual experience not too dissimilar from sex (though obviously with it’s own unique quality. Nothing like that na na ;) ). I suddenly grew a rock-hard erection. But instead of the typical desperate emotional urge to ejaculate, and the deep longing for the company of a woman, I felt totally at peace. I performed the big draw method. A subtle toned-down orgasmic feeling arose. And I wasn’t even touching my genitals. It was sensual bliss. I felt completely at peace. Completely at home. And connected to my environment. Even the way the light bounced off of the objects of the world and hit my eyeball, turned me on. When I arrived at my hotel room I masturbated. My mind was clear and not clouded with longing and desperation for that intoxicating high. All of those emotions that typically lead me to lose control/focus and just splooging, were just not there. As I already felt deeply sexually satisfied. The typical urge to project my sexual energy outward was far less compelling than the sensation of projecting it inward, towards myself and up my spine. I focused my mind, and performed the big draw method. Up it went. One of the best orgasms I ever had. I did not ejaculate. Lasted what must have been 5 straight minutes. This continual feedback loop of waves of pleasure.

This is the primary shift in worldview I described earlier. While projecting our sexual experience outward is a valid form of sexual expression. We do not always have to be projecting our sexual energy outward. There are other avenues available to us. We can project it inward too. This is crucial to your success in this practice. Know that it is possible to have command over the projection of your sex. And it starts, first and foremost with cultivating a sexual relationship with yourself. Then it can be extended to the world around you with command and intention.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022

Let’s talk about spanking the monkey. Does a sexual kung fu practitioner do it? Yes, that his part of the training regime. Does he ejaculate when he strokes his meat? Sometimes, but he is very economic with it.

The goal is to cultivate your sexual energy. Not run and hide from it. Masturbation is a crucial exercise in this process. This said the sex kung fu master masturbates with intention. Let us take a look at the different masturbation practices he routinely engages in.

Masturbation with ejaculation

Learning the big draw method definitely helps circulate your sexual energy, thus eliminating as frequent of a need for ejaculation. However, ejaculating from time to time is still a healthy and important practice that releases excess energy. It is a good practice that offers release. It is actually unhealthy to withhold ejaculation for too long. This can lead to prostate cancer, amongst other ailments. Beyond that, it is a fun and important practice in cultivating a personal sexual relationship with yourself. When is the last time you looked in the mirror and said “I wanna make you cum, baby?”. Okay, maybe don’t do that, but do learn how to seduce yourself. Pleasure yourself. Make love to yourself.

In general it would be advised you only practice this form of masturbation rarely. Eventually this will be a very minor note in your life.
that said, when you practice it. practice with intention. Instead of the usual careless fap fest so common in our culture.
This will be the form of masturbation you practice the least. Working it into your routine only once a week, or every two weeks, or once a month, or once every month and a half. The frequency all depends on your goals and practices at the moment. Also, if you are getting laid frequently, which tends to involve ejaculation, you may opt-out of this form of masturbation entirely.

When you practice this form of masturbation, make a little ritual out of it. Think of it like you are seducing yourself. Maybe light some candles and incense, or take a hot bath beforehand. Get deep into the silence of the moment, and maybe stretch or meditate a little beforehand. Get yourself in an altered mood. Now, have some body lotion on hand and start by rubbing down your whole body. Taking your time. Really caressing and massaging your body. Give it the love it deserves.

Once you have really activated a whole-body sensuality, then you start to activate your cock. Start stroking it, but go slow. Build up. Savor the moment. Build then cool off a little then build some more. Waves rising and crashing. Start bringing yourself closer and closer to orgasm, then back off. Getting closer, and backing off. Let the energy build until it reaches a sensual crescendo, and let it fly.

I can’t stress enough just how profound this sort of intentional masturbation ritual is. How often to we explore ourselves in this way. Learn to make love to yourself. You may find that in time, you are not so desperate for women. You can approach them with the knowledge that ultimately you each are the ones who hold the key to your individual pleasure. You don’t need her to unlock the door, only to share in what you have already cultivated.

Masturbation without ejaculation

There are two forms of masturbation without ejaculation. Both of these are used to practice the big draw method. Since we have not covered the ins and outs of the big draw method yet, I am just going to give a brief overview of these masturbation practices, and we will cover them more in-depth when we learn how to big draw

Masturbating and withholding orgasm

In this practice, you bring yourself as close to orgasm as you can get, and pull back. You then use the big draw method to draw the sexual sensations up your spine. This is remarkably easier than drawing an orgasm up your spine but still takes a great deal of practice. When you start to get really good you can get closer and closer to orgasm and pull it back. It is a great way of easing yourself into the management of sexual energy at its most wild, orgasmic state.

Orgasmic Masturbation Big Draw

This is when you bring yourself to orgasm and pull it up your spine.

Once you have mastered these forms of masturbation you will be well-equipped to bring what you have cultivated to practice with a woman. The two of you can explore profound new levels of sexual experience together. But this is a whole other subject for another time.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
Technical difficulties

Scroll down a few posts below for

Big Draw Method Theory and Exercises

Or click this link to go straight to it

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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
First of all, thanks for making this thread. It inspired me to take a fresh look at the practice, and take it more seriously rather than simply as a method to limit ejaculation while avoiding sexual frustration.
The feet
There are 9 points on your feet you want to feel connected to the earth.

Your 5 toes
the two balls of your feet
The outer edge of your foot
And your heal

There is a point in your foot just below the two balls. The Taoists call it the bubbling well. This is the point in your foot where you will feel the most transfer of energy between your feet and the earth. This is an important point because it allows you to ground and be supported by the earth. There is actually a sort of pressing down into the earth that actually helps you to draw energy upward.

Try this. Sit in the posture. Get comfortable. Now, ever so slightly ( be subtle about it) press your feet into the earth. Feel the connection to the ground. Now feel how that connection transfers into your knees, your hips, your lower back, up your spine, to the top of your head. See if you can feel the support of the earth through your feet, all the way through your entire body.

Remember this. This rooting down will help support you in drawing orgasmic energy up your spine. It will keep you grounded.
I hadn't been taught this part. Thank you!
Now that you are all trained up. Go find some hunnies to practice this stuff with. Doing this with a partner is of course a whole other practice in itself
That is the next step, isn't it? I'd better get cracking.

Funny enough I've told three women about it. All virgins, and didn't quite appreciate it. One is an online gal pal, and the other two were Asian international students, one on a friend date that became a bit more, and one on an insta-date.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
First of all, thanks for making this thread. It inspired me to take a fresh look at the practice, and take it more seriously rather than simply as a method to limit ejaculation while avoiding sexual frustration.
right on. glad you found some inspiration in this. it is actually a rather simple practice. clench your taint, guide the sexual sensations up your spine.

The info available on the practice is often surrounded with a bunch of esoteric concepts that feel impenetrable. some of it feels more helpful then others. But it can be tricky to decipher. But really it is a physical exercise like any other. The info is all in your body. Consistent practice makes and a smart structure to your practice routines will make things clear. The key to it all is having strong control over your taint
I hadn't been taught this part. Thank you!
This is Newton's third law of physics: for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Imagine a glass full of water. now take a large marble and drop it in the glass. what happens as the marble sinks to the bottom? The water rises

Now, when you press your feet into the earth what happens? The earth does not yield to your feet like water would to the marble. So, equal and opposite reaction. The pressure applied down is transferred back up into the structure of your body and nervous system. Down into the earth to support rising up.
That is the next step, isn't it? I'd better get cracking.

Funny enough I've told three women about it. All virgins, and didn't quite appreciate it. One is an online gal pal, and the other two were Asian international students, one on a friend date that became a bit more, and one on an insta-date.
Haha trying to teach the newbies about grandmaster things. They'll be begging to learn some day.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 25, 2012
I skimmed through this and plan on reading it more thoroughly. I'm currently reading the Multi-Orgasmic Man by Mantak Chia.

I've got a few questions though.

1. How do you achieve greater mind muscle connection with the PC muscles?

It seems like it's just a matter of time and practice.

2. How important is "pumping" with the PC muscles to the process of drawing the energy up the spine?

In the book I'm reading it says eventually you won't have to rely on the pump. However it also seems that learning what the pump does and getting a feel for it is essential to some aspects of the practice, like spending time very close to your "edge" and something called "the big draw".


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
I'm currently reading the Multi-Orgasmic Man by Mantak Chia.
I bought that book in pre-seduction days at a wonderful used bookstore. From a tall girl in a summery dress who flirted with me. I lacked the skills to flirt back effectively, but I did ask her if she had added the "and worth it! 😁 " annotation below the price. She hadn't.
In retrospect, that was an important step in my journey.

Also, the "finger lock" technique is not recommended. But the "Million-Dollar Point" is super useful. Also best place to stimulate prostate if you're too squeamish (like me) to touch the anus.
1. How do you achieve greater mind muscle connection with the PC muscles?

It seems like it's just a matter of time and practice.
More or less. But relaxing helps.
2. How important is "pumping" with the PC muscles to the process of drawing the energy up the spine?
Overall, pretty important. Also the main way to "cool draw" the energy up.
In the book I'm reading it says eventually you won't have to rely on the pump.
Eventually. I use it less than at the beginning but I still need to.
like spending time very close to your "edge"
That's more about awareness and relaxation. At least for me.
and something called "the big draw".
I wouldn't worry too much about that. Start with cool draws and increasing relaxation and awareness of your arousal.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
@Wick @Surveyor
Well gents, after a debacle regarding a malfunction with the editing function. I accidentally removed my original post of this section.

This was a blessing in disguise as it caused me to rethink much of the material and revise it. I am actually quite proud of what I came up with.

If either of you gents decided to reread it I think you will find it to be far more comprehensive, clear, cohesive, holistic, and insightful than the original post I provided of this section. Hopefully you glean new clarity and insights from the information herein. I am confident you will.

Big Draw Method Theory and Exercises

The big draw method is the practice of drawing orgasmic sensations up the spine. You do this by syncing the rhythms of your breathing, with the pumping of your spinal column, contractions in your pelvic floor and testicles, and the use of your mind to guide your attention up your spine and down the front of your body.

A word of caution

These are physical and psychological practices so do approach them with the same caution you would any other exercise of that nature. Do not push too hard to fast. If you notice pains in the body or emotional disturbances, back off from the practice. Re-evaluate. Correct course. Look for guidance. Don’t break your cock, and don’t lose your mind from 5 consecutive 10-minute orgasms in a row.

In this method, we exercise the muscles on our pelvic floor. These are muscles, and just like any other muscles you, overdoing it can lead to injury or unhealthy pathologies in your gentle region (Yikes). Actually, many men already have a pathology of clenching these muscles all the time, way too much. which is a major culprit in premature ejaculation. Go slow, be wise. Balance your practice with restorative practices to relax and unwind tension in your body.

Also, be aware that these practices may bring up psychological and emotional responses you were not anticipating. I have heard many (anecdotal) stories of people whipping themselves up into extreme manic episodes after going overboard with these practices. Go low, be wise. give yourself time enough to process any new or challenging emotional experiences should they arise in practice.

The mind directs the sensations in your body
There is a quality of mind the Taoists call our wisdom mind. It is a clear mind. Non-emotional. Calm, present, and aware. It is also capable of profound focus. It is capable of an attention directed all the way down in the deepest parts of the body we can feel into. Feeling deeply into the bone marrow, the organs, the nervous system, and so on. As you cultivate this practice you will discover that this mind has a natural ability to know how to direct the flow of sensation in the body. It is the aspect of our mind that tames our emotions and directs our physiology.

It is the attention of this wisdom mind that moves the energy in your body. Where you focus, the energy goes. So, if you want to draw an orgasm up your spine, you lead it with your attention: Your attention starts in the orgasmic experience of your genitals and moves up your spine to the crown of your head. This leading attention combined with pelvic floor contractions and spinal pumping motions leads the orgasmic convulsions into your central nervous system and up your spine.

So in its most basic sense, the big draw method has two basic factors. A calm, steady, focused mind that leads the process, and the physical practice of contracting your pelvic floor while pumping your spine.

There are three types of sexual energy
Cool: This is the sexual energy that resides in your genitals when they are not sexually stimulated. While this sort of sexual energy might seem mundane, it is actually a prominent facet of our sexual experience. The more we practice semen retention, and sexual kung fu routines the more this energy builds. It can be felt more strongly. This, just like the other forms of sexual energy can be managed. The sensations it produces in our body can be drawn up the spine, just as an orgasm can. It is a more subtle sort of sensation, and also easier to manage than an orgasm. You can circulate the sensations of cool energy anywhere at any time. Doing so produces a sort of erotic, though not explicitly sexual, the experience of everyday life.

Hot: Hot sexual energy is the sensations that are produced when your genitals are sexually stimulated. We all know what this feels like. This energy leads to a more excited state and is somewhat trickier to manage as it is harder (these fucking puns, man) to focus.

Explosive: I think you can guess what this is (hint: orgasms). This is by far the hardest sensation to draw up your spine as the typical state it induces is one of great intoxication. All of the energy wants to explode out the front end of your 12 gauge.

In our practices, we will learn to engage with and manage all 3 of these different sensational qualities.

Sitting posture
This practice can be done in various positions. Laying down, sitting, or standing up. For the sake of simplicity, we are going to focus on developing these practices in a sitting position.


Find a good solid chair. Sit with a straight back. Your legs are open to the width of your hips or maybe even slightly closer together. Your thighs are parallel with the ground and your knees are bent 90 degrees. You want to feel your feet firmly on the ground. Knees directly above your ankles. Sit with a straight spine and your hands on your knees. Feel your arms reaching out like extension cables from your shoulders to your knees. Relax your elbows. Relax your shoulders. Feel the connection of your feet on the earth all the way up to the crown of your head.

Key points on the body

The feet
There are 9 points on your feet you want to feel connected to the earth.
-Your 5 toes
-the two balls of your feet
-The outer edge of your foot
-And your heal
There is a point in the center of the sole of your foot, just below and between the two balls. The Taoists call it the bubbling spring. This is the point in your foot where you will feel the most transfer of energy between your feet and the earth. This is an important point because it allows you to ground and be supported by the earth. There is actually a sort of pressing down into the earth that actually helps you to draw energy upward.

Try this. Sit in the posture. Get comfortable. Now, ever so slightly ( be subtle about it) press your feet into the earth. Feel the connection to the ground. Now feel how that connection transfers into your knees, your hips, your lower back, up your spine, to the top of your head. See if you can feel the support of the earth through your feet, all the way through your entire body.

Remember this. This rooting down will help support you in drawing orgasmic energy up your spine. It will keep you grounded.

The Perineum
This is the space between your balls and your anus. More specifically we will focus on a small muscle group located in this region, called The

Levator Ani

This muscle group is the first of three pumps in your body. The other two are your lower back and your neck (more on them in a moment). This pumping is used to stimulate the genital region, pump sensations up the spine, and if you hold the contraction lock the ejaculator experience from leaving your penis. This Lock is known as the power lock.

Right, now before you read any further, drop your pants and find your taint (granted you are not in line at Starbucks). Take two fingers. Feel just past the scrotum but before your anus. Now try to flex that muscle. It might be tricky at first. It takes practice. When you start to get good at it you might even be able to make your testicles dance, slightly pulling up in your stomach and dropping again. Or when You have an erection you may be able to make your penis ‘hop’. Later in this document, we will get deep into training exercises for this muscle

One last note on the Levator ani. This is is the muscle group clenching when you are pissing and stop your urine midstream. If you are having trouble feeling it flex, try finding it when you are taking a leak.

The Sacrum/ The Cranium

The Cranium and the Sacrum are at polar ends of your spine from one another. There is a constant ebb and flow between these two poles. A pulsing and pumping in your spine. Every breath, every step. Even in your most still moments, if you pay attention you will feel the ebb and flow of your spine. Pumping the cerebral spinal fluids. Activating the central nervous system. Stimulating our lymphatic system, stimulating our organs. This pulse and rhythm are central to the functions of our body. It is a pulse we will learn to tap into as the major pumping mechanism for the big draw method.

The Sacum
This is essentially your ‘tailbone.’ This is where all the nerve fibers from your central nervous system connect in, from your spine to your genital region. This is the point where the orgasmic sensations will enter your spine. This is where we are drawing the orgasmic sensations from

The Cranium
Basically the back and top of your skull. This is where your brain stem connects to your central nervous system. This is is where you are drawing the orgasm towards.

The Tongue
Do you really need a wikipedea link for this?

Place your tongue on the roof of your mouth and ever so lightly press. This is where you want to keep your tongue. the language on the roof serves as a grounding mechanism for the mind. Just like your feet slightly pressing into the earth serves as a means of grounding,

This might sound esoteric at first, but try this: Get in the sitting position. Keep your tongue at the bottom of your mouth, instead of touching the roof. Scan your attention from your butt, up your, spine over the top of your cranium, down the front of your body, and down to the center of your belly. Now place your tongue on the roof of your mouth and do the same scan up your spine over your cranium and back down. Notice how when your attention falls over the top of the cranium and down, your tongue serves as a bridge for your attention to travel down. Do it again without the tongue touching the roof. Notice the difference?

Cervical vertebrae (Neck portion of your spine) and Lumbar vertebrae (lower back portion of spine)
Surrounded by your hips, ribs, and skull, your neck and lower back are the two most flexible areas of your skeletal structure. They are also the two main pumps in your spine.

Lumbar: The Lower pump. Also the main pump, due to how large it is. The Taoists call the point on your body where your lumbar meets your rib cage the gate of life. They call it this because it is the point where the energetic sensations are pulled from the lower half of your body and transferred upward.

Cervical: the upper pump. Sitting above the pump of the lumbar this pump helps draw the energy all the way to the top of your head.

So the perineum pumping helps generate and stimulate sensations in your genital region. The lower back (the largest pump) makes the first big draw from the genital region, up the spine, handing it off to the neck which draws the energy all the way up.

Putting it together

Let’s take a look at how this all functions in action

You are in your sitting position. You have been stimulating yourself. You are about to cum. You ground your feet, lightly pressing. Make sure your tongue is on the roof of your mouth

You feel the energy about to build and build. You start pumping or locking the muscles in the perineum. You draw your attention upward, along with your whole spine pumping. This draws the orgasmic sensations upward. First within your lower back. then up to your neck which pumps the sensations to your cranium. You then Draw your attention down the center line of the front of your body. The spine still pumping. Rest your attention for a moment in the center of your body just below and behind the naval. Back down to your pelvic floor. and repeat.

The Microcosmic Orbit

This is actually a rather large and important concept in qi gong practices. We will only touch on it briefly here.

Remember how you just scanned your attention up your spine, over your cranium, down the centerline of the front of your body, down to the center of your belly 2 inches below your navel, down to your pelvic floor, then repeat? This is the microcosmic orbit. It is the sensations of the central nervous system pulsing up the spine and down the front. When you bring your awareness to the natural pumping and pulsing sensations of your body, and draw your attention up and down these channels, you start to generate a feeling of energy drawing up your spine and washing down the front. In the same way that the front of a wheel turning is falling simultaneously with the back rising. The more you practice this the more you will be able to feel that simultaneous falling and rising.

The Dan Tien
The Dan Tien (as the Taoists call it) is the absolute center of gravity in your body. It is located two inches below your navel, and back into the center of your belly. It was where movement in your body is generated from, as well as where all movent revolves around. In Taoist meditation practices it is also considered to be the place where the mind is most at rest. Holding your attention here is known to produce a deep sense of centeredness, balance, and tranquility.

The whole body

Now that we have looked at the major points involved in the big draw, it is important to note that really this is a whole-body endeavor. This is not one isolated point and another isolated point. Everything is working in unison. The orgasm rises up your spine and washes over everything. This is not mechanistic. It is about inducing a psychological state and guiding it, the way an aquifer guides water. There is no strong-arming this. Yes, you will train certain mechanisms, but ultimately it is about creating the right conditions and letting the rest unfold. These conditions are whole body. A continuum. Each piece relates to the next.

A world of orgasms

In a fair amount of literature on this subject drawing the explosive ejaculator energy up your spine, while not ejaculating outward through your cock, is often held to be a sort of holy grail. Practicing this definitely has its place, as it helps you cultivate the dynamic range available to us in this practice. However, It is not some sort of end goal. Just one element. You may even be underwhelmed the first time you achieve this. In my experience, it may not even be as pleasurable as other forms of orgasm. I have had far more pleasurable experiences doing the big draw method at a highly stimulated state close to ejaculation, but not quite there. This is when I have been able to keep riding that wave again and again. So, I think it is important to be open to changing your perception of what feel the orgasmic experience is, and understand that more subtle forms can be just as pleasurable (if not more) as the ejaculatory experience

As you experiment and unlock the dynamic range and spectrum of orgasmic experiences. The more you will cultivate a richer sense of your sexual and erotic potential.

A lifelong practice

This is just the beginning of a lifelong practice. not something you will master overnight. It is something that will become richer and richer the more you cultivate it, over your many years. A practice that will age like fine wine.

A rich tapestry of orgasmic sensations awaits you

All right gents, time to take action!

Hold that Cum

In order to get the most out of these practices, it is highly recommended you refrain from ejaculation for extended periods of time. This will increase your sensitivity to the more subtle sensations of this practice. Thus allowing, your more opportunity to refine your practice and explore it's depths

Hot/cold showers

Aside from all the benefits of hot/cold showers, I am sure you are all aware of, they are also an incredible way to prime the body for a big draw practice session.

For one they activate the central nervous system. For two they induce the expanding and contracting pulse of the tissues and cells of your whole body that you will tap into for the big draw method.

When I am doing these showers to prepare for a practice session I set my interval timer for 4 rounds of one minute cold, 20 seconds hot.

Testicle Massage

This is a crucial routine for a healthy holistic practice. Do not underestimate its importance for a well-rounded training routine.
I recommend doing this for a quick 1 to 2 minutes before and after each practice session. With the occasional longer massage session something like 5 minutes

Massage gently, yet deeply around the base of your cock, down into the muscles of your pelvic floor back closer to your prostate and anus. Maybe even massage the insides of your thighs near your crotch. Grab your testicles along with the base of your penis, all in one grip. Gently pull down, stretching the tissues in your genitals. Be gentle, no need to hurt yourself. Repeat this routine, back to massaging, stretching cock and balls, massaging, and so on.

Sitting mediation/ Microcosmic orbit

This is fundamental in Taoist mediation practices. Practicing it will be invaluable to advancing your practices.

Sit in the basic sitting posture we outlined above. Tongue on the roof of your mouth, feet gently pressing into the earth. Start to breathe deeper and deeper. Hands-on knees Staying alert, with a straight spine, but letting your muscles relax. Everything relaxing down into the earth, but also pressing upward from your feet. A simultaneous relaxing down and pushing up. Don't tense, but also don't become floppy like a wet noodle. Aler and energized, but also relaxed.

Start breathing as such: Your diaphragm is the main billow. When it contracts it pulls air down into your belly. When it relaxes the breath falls out

Try not to let other muscles in your neck or back or chest do the work, they just yield to the flow of air pumping of your diaphragm and lower belly. Filling up with air like a glass filling with water, from the bottom up. Allow your entire body to inflate and deflate with each breath. Just like a fleshy balloon filling up from the inside and expanding out. Keep your spine straight and alert the whole time. Feet on the ground. Tongue on the roof of your mouth. See if you can feel your breath reaching all the way through your body. To the top of your head all the way to the bottom of your feet. The whole body expands and contracts from your center.

Keep your breath long, soft, and deep. This is the quality of breath you want. Long, soft, deep. The muscles in your belly yield to your breath like a sheet in the wind.

Breathe in. Filling all the way up. Then just let the breath fall out on the exhale. Diaphram relaxing. The breath falling out like a rock rolling down a hill. Notice how far the breath falls out naturally, on its own, before it reaches the bottom. Cycling seamlessly back into an inhale. Long, soft deep. The billow of your diaphragm pumping.

Now, as you are breathing, begin to feel the natural rhythms of pulsing in your body. Just naturally occurring with no intervention on your part. All of the micro-adjustments in your joints. The breath between each vertebra of your spine. Expanding, contracting. Pulsing.

Now as you sense this expanding and contracting in your whole body. Begine to notice the waving in your spine. The cranium and sacrum pumping at the pole ends of your spine. The whole spine expanding and contracting at the same time. A wave rippling through it as the diaphragm pumps the breathe of life into your body.

Now that you are more in tune with waves in your spine, begin to hold your attention two inches below your navel, in the center of your belly (dan tien). Just rest your attention here for a few moments. Feel centered, calm, present, and tranquil.

You will now perform the microcosmic orbit. Slowly drop your attention down to your pelvic floor. Into your sacrum(tail bone), up your lumbar (lower back), up your thoracic vertebrae (mid-spine) and rib cage, up your neck, into the base of your neck, into your cranium, up to the crown of your head, down the center of your brow, past your third eye, down the ridge of your nose, the roof of your mouth, down your tongue into your throat, down to your sternum (breast bone), into your stomach, and resting back at the dan tien. Repeat.

As you are drawing your attention through the body in this manner, notice the natural pulsing in each part of the body, that happens with your breathing.

The more you get the hang of this, you can start to play around with the speed and rate of which you scan your body. a first start slowly and over time it will be able scan your attention quicker. Without breaking attention. The whole cycle happening in a smooth continuous, and connected manner.

Eventually, you may even be able to broaden your awareness to the whole body at once as you perform the scanning up your spine and down your front. This is when you may begin to notice that simultaneous rising in the back and falling in the front, like a wheel. As I described earlier
As you hone this practice you will begin to notice a syncing up of your breathing, the pulsing waves in your body and spine, and your mind scanning up the back down the center. These three elements will happen all in unison. A feedback loop.

You may even notice how your mind leads the process. It guides breathing. It leads the attention up the spine. scanning your awareness through the body is light shining a spot light on the sensation in that part of your body. Leads your sensation in the body. It starts to feel as though energy is following your awareness. The sensations in your body rise up the spine with your awareness and wash down the front as you drop your awareness down. As the sensations rise and fall through your central nervous system, all them to wash over your entire body. Like streams flowing off from the main river. A spring rises out of the earth, and up to the crown of your head, then cascades down like a waterfall washing over you. The microcosmic orbit, baby! What a wonderous experience :)

The dance of the testes

In this exercise, you will learn to cultivate the muscles in your perineum at the base of your cock. As well as sync up the pulsing of these muscles with your breath. The basic gist is you breathe down into your balls while contracting your pelvic floor, which raises your balls upward towards your abdomen to meet your breath. Then you exhale. Letting your pelvic floor relax, your balls gently drop down and your breath falls out.

Here we go

Wear loose-fitting pants or take them off entirely. Sit close to the front of the chair so your balls can hang freely over the edge.

Remember that deep belly breathing we just learned? Start doing a few rounds until you get into a flow.

Now give yourself a moment to tap into the flow of the microcosmic orbit.

You will now begin the dance of the testes

Draw a breath down deep into your belly. Allow the expansion and contraction of the breathing to reach all the way down to your pelvic floor. The easiest way to do this is by relaxing

As you draw breath into your testicles, lightly contract the muscles in your perineum, pulling your testicle upward into your stomach.

When you first start this practice you may have trouble feeling the contractions in your pelvic floor. You may or may not be able to notice movement in your scrotum. You are welcome to cup your balls with one of or hands while you learn to do this dance. In time the movements will become less subtle and more apparent.

When you are contracting your perineum, it should be a soft sort of contraction. Have you ever seen the way snails draw their eyeballs into their head? Everything just kind of gently pulls in. Over time the contractions may become stronger, but even then you want there to be a soft sort of quality at the core of it. In these practices' strength' is not about how intensely you can manipulate one muscle. It is about how it is supported by and connected to the whole system.

The more you practice the more you will sync the pumping in your pelvic floor and testicles, with the natural pulsing rhythm of the breath. They will be one and the same.

So this dance of the testes.

Inhale: Draw your breath all the way down to your balls, gently contract your perineum raising your testicles to meet your breath.
Exhale: Let your breath slowly fall out of your body, relax your perineum letting your balls gently drop down. As you relax, feel everything sinking down into your testicles. Like a stone dropping through the ocean.

Once you have gotten the basic hang of this you can start contracting your perineum and hold your perineum for longer periods of time. Time to keep your breath in sync with it, making your breath longer and deeper to match the hold time on your balls. Keep the calls and breath in sync

Eventually, this mechanism becomes so strong that you will be able to hold it during ejaculation, which allows you to draw the explosive orgasmic energy inward. Again, this is not the end goal of this practice, just one element to it.

Big Draw with cool energy

With regular practice of the dance of the testes, along with extended periods of not ejaculating, you will start to feel a 'cool' sensation that resides in your genital region. This sensation will feel more and more present the more you cultivate these practices. This is when you can begin the practice of drawing these 'cool' sensations through the microcosmic orbit.

This routine is basically combining the microcosmic orbit, with the dance of the testes.

You breathe deep into your testicles, perform the pumping mechanism in your pelvic floor by contracting your perineum and raising your testicles. As you do this draw your attention from your genitals, into your sacrum (tailbone), up your lumbar (lower back), up your thoracic vertebrae (the portion of the spine connected to the ribs), up your neck, into the base of your skull, up to your cranium, into your the crown of your head. Now down the front of your brow, down your nose, the roof of your mouth, your tongue, into your throat, down your sternum (breast bone), down the center line of your abdomen, into the dan tien (the center of your belly). Hold your attention here at the center for a moment, then repeat. Down into the genitals and so on.

Drawing your attention through the microcosmic orbit, along with the rasing in the testicles, and the pumping of the spinal column, all synced up with a long, deep, soft breath. This is what allows you to draw the 'cool' orgasmic sensations from your testicles up your spine. As your awareness draws up, the sensations follow.

The pumping in your genital region transfers the orgasmic sensations into the lower back, the lower back pumps the sensations upward, passing them off to your neck which completes the draw by bringing the sensations to the crown of your head. The Sensations now cascade down the front of your body

You may find that by the time the orgasmic sensations have reached your head, they have a distinctively different sensational quality to them. It is a bit hard to describe but it feels more 'refined.' The Taoists often refer to this as a sort of transmutation process. The essence of the sensation is the same but the felt quality is palpably different than when those sensations are experienced in the lower regions.

Once you start to get the hang of this process play around with how slowly, or quickly you can run through each cycle without breaking focus or awareness. Whether you are going faster or slower, big sure to keep the breathing, pumping, and body scanning, all synced up to the same rhythm and pace.

Big Draw with warm energy

The basics of this process are pretty much the same as it is with 'cool' energy. The only difference is you are running through cycles of genital stimulation while you are doing it.

Assume your basic sitting position

Stroke your cock to get it nice and stiff. Pleasure yourself for a good moment. Now stop stroking and perform the big draw with the warm orgasmic sensations you have generated in your genital region. Same process as with 'cool' energy, only now it is warm

Now, remember when I say warm orgasmic sensations, I am not talking about ejaculatory (explosive) sensations which we tend to associate with the orgasmic experience. Warm orgasmic sensations exist on the spectrum just being erect, to just about to cum. But not the ejaculatory experience itself.

Common experience men will have while practicing this, is that the state of arousal will go down after the big draw is performed. Sometimes even the erection itself will lose firmness or go down entirely.

So the basic practice of this is stroke yourself to arousal, stop stocking, do the big draw, let the warm energy cool down a bit, start stroking again to build the energy back up, stop stroking, do the big draw, let the energy cool down, start stroking again, and so on.

You can start to play around with the frequency of cycles of stimulation, big draw, cool down, and stimulation. Is each stage drawn out, or are they happening at a rate closer together? You can also bring these peaks and valleys in a spectrum that is closer and closer to a full-blown ejaculator orgasm. You are not going all the way, but you are hanging out closer and closer to that space. This is the range on the spectrum of stimulation where you are most likely to experience the feeling of multiple orgasms in a row. Wave after wave. The closer you are to ejaculation the more intense these sensations will be. It is like catching a wave. If you catch it right as it crests it is quite the ride.

Play around with the pumping in your perineum, is it short and frequent, or longer? What about a very long hold?

It is important to note here is that when you are in a sexually aroused state your breath becomes faster and more shallow. Remember to breathe long, deep to help guide the stimulated 'war' energy upward. Your breathing, pumping, and attention all in sync.

Also, play around with doing the big draw while you are still stroking your cock. Genreting 'warm' energy while you are drawing it upward.

This practice can be very fun and exploratory. Experiment with different states of arousal.


Now that you have learned how to cultivate 'cool' 'warm' orgasmic sensations, you are well equipped to big draw during the moment of ejaculation.

This is the exact same process as with 'warm' energy, except you bring yourself to orgasm, and hold the contraction in your perineum tight while you draw upward. Allow the bucking orgasmic sensations to find their way into your spine and ripple through your body. The pumping in your spine may be more pronounced as the explosive orgasmic state is somewhat convulsive. Keep your mind focused and your breath long. hold the perineum in a state of contraction.

At first, you may only be able to hold back outward ejaculation for a second or two. This is good. You are making progress. Eventually, you will be able to separate the outward ejaculation from the orgasmic experience. Drawing the explosive orgasmic sensations up your spine.

I want to note here that your semen does not move up your spine. there is no way for it to do that. Your semen is discharged in your bladder and you pee it out. There argument as to how beneficial this practice is to semen retention. I for one believe that it is important to learn if only to hone the dynamic range of orgasmic experiences available. Learning to manage 'explosive' energy makes it far easier to draw warm energy up your spine right at the peak of it's stimulation.

Congrats Boys, you are ready to hit the training dojo equipped with knowledge.

Structuring your training Regimen

First off. Cut porn from your life. It will not help with this process whatsoever. However, this process will help with cutting porn. So that’s cool

The frequency with which you practice taming your orgasms, or ejaculate depends on your general routine around these elements. It is okay to ejaculate from time to time. Especially as you are first learning. When you do so you will need some time to recover your sexual energy so you are not just draining it all the time. So maybe you take two days off? Three days off? A week? A month? All depends on your goals. The thing is, you need to allow yourself the opportunity to confront the orgasmic energy, or you will never tame it. If you are too miserly with your seed at the phase of the practice you will shy away from the practice and never cultivate the skill. Practice too much without success and you will drain your sexual energy. Find a balance

This all depends on your goals but as a general rule you want to be cultivating ‘cool’ energy the most. Then, warm. And lastly Explosive.

The better you get at the practice the more control you will have over whether you ejaculate at all. Remember that it is okay to allow your self the ejaculatory experience from time to time. Revel in the occasional ejaculatory date night with your self. Be willing to share your seed with a woman form time to time.

Here is a template for a basic beginner routine. Feel free to modify it. In this training regimen, you slowly build up from the foundation of sitting meditation all the way to draw explosive energy, over an 8-week period.

5 days pratice, 2 days rest

Week 1- Pratice

-5 minutes hot/cold shower
-2 minutes testicle massage
-10 minutes sitting meditation/ microcosmic orbit
-5 minutes dance of testes
- 2 minutes testicle massage
Week 2

Week 3
-5 minutes hot/cold shower
-2 minutes testicle massage
-5 minutes sitting meditation/ microcosmic orbit
-7 minutes dance of testes

Week 4
-5 minutes hot/cold shower
-2 minutes testicle massage
-5 minutes dance of testes
-10 minutes big draw 'cool' energy

Week 5
-5 minutes hot/cold shower
-2 minutes testicle massage
-5 minutes dance of testes
-10 minutes big draw 'cool' energy
Plus a deep testicle massage after your session on Friday
-5 minutes hot/cold shower
-2 minutes testicle massage
-5 minutes dance of testes
-10 minutes big draw 'warm' energy

Week 6
Same as 5

Week 7
-5 minutes hot/cold shower
-2 minutes testicle massage
-5 minutes dance of testes
-10 minutes big draw 'Warm' energy
Plus a deep 5 minute testicle massage after 3 of your practice sessions this week

Week 8

-5 minutes hot/cold shower
-2 minutes testicle massage
-5 minutes dance of testes
-10 minutes big draw 'cool' energy
-5 minutes hot/cold shower
-2 minutes testicle massage
-5 minutes dance of testes
-10 minutes big draw 'warm' energy
-5 minutes testicle massage
-5 minutes hot/cold shower
-2 minutes testicle massage
-5 minutes dance of testes
-10 minutes big draw 'eplosive' energy
-5 minutes hot/cold shower
-2 minutes testicle massage
-5 minutes dance of testes
-10 minutes big draw 'cool' energy
-5 minutes hot/cold shower
-2 minutes testicle massage
-5 minutes dance of testes
-10 minutes big draw 'warm' energy
-5 minutes testicle massage
-5 minutes hot/cold shower
-2 minutes testicle massage
-5 minutes dance of testes
-10 minutes big draw 'explosive' energy

After this point, it is up to you how you would like to structure your practice

Now that you are all trained up. Go find some hunnies to practice this stuff with. Doing this with a partner is of course a whole other practice in itself

Happy Wanking!
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
I skimmed through this and plan on reading it more thoroughly. I'm currently reading the Multi-Orgasmic Man by Mantak Chia.
I've got a few questions though.

1. How do you achieve greater mind muscle connection with the PC muscles?
The dance of the testes. I outline this in the exercise section of this thread
It seems like it's just a matter of time and practice.
And knowledge and intention, yes
2. How important is "pumping" with the PC muscles to the process of drawing the energy up the spine?
It is one of many mechanisms in the practice, but it is important in it's own right. Read the Big Draw Method Theory and Exercises section of this post and I believe you will gain a better understanding of how the PM muscles pumping play their roll in the pulsing and pumping of the entire body.
In the book I'm reading it says eventually you won't have to rely on the pump. However it also seems that learning what the pump does and getting a feel for it is essential to some aspects of the practice,
True. Eventually, you are able to produce the same sensations but with more subtle movements in your body.

I am confident a through reading of the (revised) document I provided will demystify a lot of this practice for you
like spending time very close to your "edge"


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 25, 2012
Any recommendations for tai chi? I imagine the practices are good to learn together.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Awesome post on what can be a very esoteric subject - but as you showed with your well-written and very approachable posts here, it doesn’t have to be!

A few members of the forum, myself included, have also been exploring these areas - taking inspiration from resources like The Multi Orgasmic Man book and some other things, too. For example it feeds into some of Bacchus’ recent articles discussing subjects like Body Wisdom, explorations/applications to high levels of state control, etc., and various concepts in his Magnetic Man series.

Overall, the cultivation of sexual energy certainly has many applications that go under the radar but don't need to. The orgasm control becomes a natural component of those high levels of state control/channeling of sexual energy, but as StrayDog wonderfully outlines, there's an array of benefits to it that people can test with their own experiences.

Also, and this is obvious, but just noting that if you're a seduction beginner reading these words without much sexual experience and not yet having consistent sex… remember to get that down and develop your seduction skills to have that before you dive super deeply into this - that would be my recommendation for a nice process, at least!

Getting your seduction in a good place and building some baseline of sexual experience first will additionally help you hit the accelerator on these areas - though you can of course dabble, just make sure the focuses are aligned to bang girls you want AND experiment with interesting things like this as you bring those women to your bed!

Then from this point, another use case is that you’ll also be able to dexterously integrate taoism/tantra from a verbal/SOT/sexual prizing/sex talk/sex tech/etc standpoint as well - of course more talking about the intense, intimate, energetic sexual experiences that she can experience with this, as well.

Hmm, perhaps when deep in immersion with her and things are getting really liminal, introducing a discussion of how much of a shame it is that your friend Sophia tells you how most guys in bed just flop around like fish, cum quickly, roll over, and fall asleep without her being able to truly feel the pleasure she deserves… which is even more sad because if they just learned some little secrets… they’d know how to last however long they want while giving her endless orgasm…. after orgasm… after orgasm… ;)

And I'd also like to contribute to this great thread with a suggestion that goes hand in-hand here.

Between general day-to-day friction, fucking, and you know, getting hands-on with Taoist practices, we often don’t think about sexual health in the form of our skin down there, but caring for it does make a difference - field tested on that.

I noticed fantastic results in the feel, aesthetic, and overall health of my guy (and received comments from girls on how smooth it was, etc) after using this cream, which is a really great product. It increased sensitivity in a kinda different (and good) way, especially because with these practices skillfully described in the thread, you have a stronger command over your sexual energy and can channel it really well, too. So there's some nice benefits and value there that I'd recommend testing out, especially if you've ever experienced dryness or irritation down there.

Again, great post and distillation of some deep concepts through your own lens - certainly an interesting subject to play around with and cool to pick up on more things from your years of experience and knowledge.

Thanks for sharing!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 30, 2020
This forum is deep! This thread exemplifies the intellectual draw to it for me.

I plan to use this thread as the starting point of an investigation into spine/cock connection, which should include kundilini, I would imagine. I've been putting this off for a while. I will report back once I'm off the block.
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you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
Any recommendations for tai chi? I imagine the practices are good to learn together.
Made this for you, buddy



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
Any tips on how to communicate about this to potential partners in a way that's both effective and seductive (sexual prizing)?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 25, 2012
Any tips on how to communicate about this to potential partners in a way that's both effective and seductive (sexual prizing)?

If you study and practice this stuff you become adept at sex. It will naturally come across in your conversation when the topic comes up, being knowledgeable about sexuality and that you basically know a secret about sex that almost no men know about.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
Any tips on how to communicate about this to potential partners in a way that's both effective and seductive (sexual prizing)?
I have had a good deal of success running gambits based on these concepts. the basic structure of the gambit is something like

-Make an observation about a mundane sensual phenomenon
-Highlight how there are more dimensions to these mundane experiences, that the average person takes for granted
- Describe ways that we can begin to access deeper dimensions of mundane sensual reality
- Move the conversation to tantric/Taoist practices and concepts
- Set a frame about how that sort of tantric chemistry is a rare thing to have with someone

Here is a rough template for how this sort of convo might go

You: (observing how the late afternoon sunlight is pouring through the window of the cocktail lounge you are both in. The light is specifically directed on her due to the angle of the sun) Oh my god, you are just dropped in sunlight right now
Her: Yeah I am
You: Mmm, I bet that feels good. soak it up
Her: Haha, you know it
You: Isn't amazing how simple experiences can be so sensual? It's amazing how much we tend to take those things for granted. I mean it is a little easier when the sun hits at just the right angle and the light is so cinematic, but the truth is every moment is an opportunity to revel in the more subtle sensory aspects of life. I mean, that's why just taking a deep breath is such a good feeling. Always such as simple reminder we are just here feeling life. I have always connected with people who seem to more easily be tapped into that aspect of life. You know, some people are always just running around, never taking the time. It's so crucial.
Her: Totally, do you connect with your breath often?
You: I try to. Whenever I really get into it, I am always amazed so how deep it gets. I mean, how are you supposed to savor the real juicy parts of life, if you can't even enjoy peeling back the layers to get there? Anyway, how's that drink? Looks citrusy.

Fractionate at this point. You have laid some solid groundwork you can come back to later. Then, when the next moment presents itself

You: (observing a couple at a table just looking at their phones not really talking to each other) You think this couple is going to have mind-altering cosmic sex tonight? This is their version of foreplay?
Her: Haha, you never know. Could be there thing
You: Yeah, maybe. I don't know I've always been of the mind that a slow unfolding of intimate experience always leads to greater depts. You know, I think that's why a lot of couples end up having sex more as a maintenance thing. It's this idea that sex is limited to genitals touching in the bedroom. That has its allure at first and is fun in its own blunt sort of way. But there are dimensions to sex around us at all times that can be accessed. It's not what we tend to think about sexual experience. It's kind of like earlier when you are sitting in the sun. It was this nice moment and it was sensual, but you probably didn't really find it to be particularly sexual.
Her: That's way different than sex.
You: It isn't though. That's the thing. Watch, here's an exercise I know you'll understand. I am going to have to touch you, nothing too crazy just your arm, maybe your neck.
Her: Alright
You: Okay scootch closer
She scootches close
You: Okay, now close your eyes. Listen to the sounds in the room. Take a few slow deep breaths (you slow your speech, make it soft and sensual, leaning closer towards her ear). Really feel them. Now, listen to the room. Feel yourself in the room. The air on your skin, the weight of your body. Your feet on the ground. Feel your thighs, your stomach (you are speaking closer to her ear at this point, more hushed). Feel up your spine, your head. Down your body, up your body. Down your body (run your hand slowly down her neck and arm) Up your body (your your hand slowly up her arm and neck). Now stop. Listen to the room. Feel the air on your skin. Open your eyes.

Give her a moment

You: You see, sensual and sexual are all on a spectrum. It's all connected. The sounds in the room, the wind on your sweat, the touch of another human, all part of the same experience. Those are the dimensions often missing from sex. And you know how you tap into them more?
Her: How?
You: Become more and more sensitive. Learn how to dial up your sensitivity, or turn it down. Learn how to be so sensitive to the sensual it becomes sexual, learn how to see sex as just another piece of a larger tapestry of experience. Then when you share real intimacy with someone you are sharing everything. But you can't just share that with anyone. It's too powerful. Do you know how you know you should share that with someone?
Her: No, how?
You: Well if you don't know I can't help ya with that one (said teasingly). Any way, could just be a silly theory the whole thing. It's fun to play with though. Come on let's get some fresh air. The night is young. (or change the subject)

Again, this is just the basic template, and how you approach this depends on the woman's disposition and receptiveness. Some women will be more open to heady intellectual concepts, and some more playful and experiential. Not all women will bite right away when you drop this sort of stuff, so you have to just lightly pepper it into the convo and slowly build. That exercise I outlined where you have her closed eyes is only used in circumstances where she is very receptive, and also it wouldn't be giving away too much too soon. So yeah basically CALIBRATE.

The basic idea is taking the mundane and showing how there is more to it than meets the eye, then tying it into the sensual, and the sensual into the sexual. Frame this it with a welcoming sort of authority, like you are leading her into hidden realms of experience.

Some ideas, and phrases to sprinkle into convo and keep building on
-The mundane is actually deeply sensual
-There are dimensions to our bodily experience
-How does the body relax, open up and unwind. (read about bodywork and healing touch)
-Everything is always relating to everything else, it's all a sensual relationship
-People often overlooking simple yet profound sensual experiences
-Sex is more than just physical, it engages our entire being
-Fast cheap sex misses the real potential of sexual fullfillment
-Technical breakdowns of tantric/taoist sexual practices.
-The physiological aspects of the sensual experience
-Most people don't know how to access those aspects of their body (multiple orgasms, whole-body orgasms, and so on)
-The first step is becoming sensitive to the subtle sensual aspects of life
- The beauty of the breath
-The whole body is breathing
-All of life is breathing
-Breathing with another person
-Mind sex, connecting without touching
-Tantric sex is powerful and only to be practiced with the right partners
-The power of intention and presence in life- leads convo to the power and importance of presence and intention in sex
-The many rhythms of life from subtle breathing to wild abandoned.
-The rhythms in the body
-Being in sync with other people's rhythms. Mentally, physically
-The healing power of human touch
-The emotional quality of sex lives inside of us/ defines our form
-Sex as an archetypal experience (This is a big concept)/ embodying archetypal sexual forms
-Creating a space where you can just let go
-Wild abandon
-Being held and supported
-Peak sexual experience is not just about orgasm, but connection and communion
-Sexual communion is everywhere at all times

There are tons of angles you can come at these concepts from in convo. All of these things you can frame both implicitly or explicitly. All depends on the context. The more you sneak these concepts into convo in subtle implied ways, the easier it is to later bring the convo into more explicit terrain. For example, the concept of rhythms in everything (the sound of the cars passing, the pace you are walking, the way the wind blows) later becomes two people deeply in sync rhythmically (literally. Bow chica bow wow). And so on

The thing is, all of these concepts are things we already know on an intuitive level since it is fundamental to our bodily experience. Your role is to simply highlight them in a way that helps her easily access this sort of awareness. Just turning on the switch, so to speak.

Also, be sure not to make these convos feel too heavy like a workshop or something or like it is all super serious. Make it fun and breezy while still being intriguing. Let it unfold at a natural pace. The only times I have gone straight to tantric sex on a first date was when she was already versed in the whole thing. Otherwise, I would recommend just peppering in tantric elements into the convo/the sex you have, otherwise, it could feel like too much pressure/expectation. Eye fucking, and a nice quick massage to open up her body those are good starting places. As your connection deepens, the more the two of you can explore these practices together. Finding deeper and deeper dimensions.

I highly recommend anyone serious about tantric sex learn some massage techniques. The biggest orgasms I have helped induce in women have always come after I give them a potent massage to open up their nervous systems. These women damn near lost their minds.

Lastly, as @Wick mentioned, the more you cultivate these practices the more the will naturally unfold. The way you manage and project your sexual energy will be palpably felt by her, so when you are talking about how good that breeze feels she will almost immediately sense that there is something more behind your words. The more you tap into this sensual reality, the more you will be able to casually and succinctly convey the experience.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
Once again, thanks for a phenomenal post!

This one is going to help me go places like nothing else (once I've regenerated) 🚀


You: Isn't amazing how simple experiences can be so sensual? It's amazing how much we tend to take those things for granted. I mean it is a little easier when the sun hits at just the right angle and the light is so cinematic, but the truth is every moment is an opportunity to revel in the more subtle sensory aspects of life. I mean, that's why just taking a deep breath is such a good feeling. Always such as simple reminder we are just here feeling life. I have always connected with people who seem to more easily be tapped into that aspect of life. You know, some people are always just running around, never taking the time. It's so crucial.
So THAT's why I've been getting certain responses from sets re:phones, looking out the window, etc. 😂

Maybe I should be a little more emphatic about it tho
Fractionate at this point. You have laid some solid groundwork you can come back to later.
I definitely need to work more on fractionation. Seems like it's particularly powerful here.
You: (observing a couple at a table just looking at their phones not really talking to each other) You think this couple is going to have mind-altering cosmic sex tonight? This is their version of foreplay?
Her: Haha, you never know. Could be there thing
Another lightbulb moment! lol. Commenting on third parties in a calibrated way can be really powerful. Also helps bring the girl herself more into the moment.
You: Okay scootch closer
She scootches close
You: Okay, now close your eyes. Listen to the sounds in the room. Take a few slow deep breaths (you slow your speech, make it soft and sensual, leaning closer towards her ear). Really feel them. Now, listen to the room. Feel yourself in the room. The air on your skin, the weight of your body. Your feet on the ground. Feel your thighs, your stomach (you are speaking closer to her ear at this point, more hushed). Feel up your spine, your head. Down your body, up your body. Down your body (run your hand slowly down her neck and arm) Up your body (your your hand slowly up her arm and neck). Now stop. Listen to the room. Feel the air on your skin. Open your eyes.
Wow. As soon as I'm in state enough to have energy and stronger frames, I need to get more liminal.
the touch of another human
Yeah, definitely something girls often don't get enough of day to day.
But you can't just share that with anyone. It's too powerful.
This line is (almost) too powerful ;)
It's fun to play with though. Come on let's get some fresh air. The night is young. (or change the subject)
Again, this is just the basic template, and how you approach this depends on the woman's disposition and receptiveness. Some women will be more open to heady intellectual concepts, and some more playful and experiential.
Not all women will bite right away when you drop this sort of stuff, so you have to just lightly pepper it into the convo and slowly build. That exercise I outlined where you have her closed eyes is only used in circumstances where she is very receptive, and also it wouldn't be giving away too much too soon. So yeah basically CALIBRATE.
The basic idea is taking the mundane and showing how there is more to it than meets the eye, then tying it into the sensual, and the sensual into the sexual. Frame this it with a welcoming sort of authority, like you are leading her into hidden realms of experience.
The thing is, all of these concepts are things we already know on an intuitive level since it is fundamental to our bodily experience. Your role is to simply highlight them in a way that helps her easily access this sort of awareness. Just turning on the switch, so to speak.
Eye fucking, and a nice quick massage to open up her body those are good starting places. As your connection deepens, the more the two of you can explore these practices together. Finding deeper and deeper dimensions.

I highly recommend anyone serious about tantric sex learn some massage techniques. The biggest orgasms I have helped induce in women have always come after I give them a potent massage to open up their nervous systems. These women damn near lost their minds.
Got it
Lastly, as @Wick mentioned, the more you cultivate these practices the more the will naturally unfold. The way you manage and protect your sexual energy will be palpably felt by her, so when you are talking about how good that breeze feels she will almost immediately sense that there is something more behind your words. The more you tap into this sensual reality, the more you will be able to casually and succinctly convey the experience.
I think that's the keystone to all of this for me personally. And probably for a lot of the other guys reading this, in their own individual ways.

Again, thank you!!


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
Once again, thanks for a phenomenal post!

This one is going to help me go places like nothing else (once I've regenerated) 🚀


So THAT's why I've been getting certain responses from sets re:phones, looking out the window, etc. 😂

Maybe I should be a little more emphatic about it tho

I definitely need to work more on fractionation. Seems like it's particularly powerful here.

Another lightbulb moment! lol. Commenting on third parties in a calibrated way can be really powerful. Also helps bring the girl herself more into the moment.

Wow. As soon as I'm in state enough to have energy and stronger frames, I need to get more liminal.

Yeah, definitely something girls often don't get enough of day to day.

This line is (almost) too powerful ;)





Got it

I think that's the keystone to all of this for me personally. And probably for a lot of the other guys reading this, in their own individual ways.

Again, thank you!!
Right on dude, glad you found this helpful. Thought I would throw in one other quick reality pace that can be a great way to start introducing these ideas into the convo.

Let's just say you two are on a park bench together, hanging out. The moment is medium energy and yall are just chilling.

You: Do you have this experience where you can almost feel the whole world moving together at once. Like there is a breath in everything. Like the waves of the ocean pulsing together at once. Like look at this, the wind in your air blowing past to the leaves in that tree, and those birds flying out past that man on a bike who is ridding this way, and the breath in our bodies breathing and the wind and the trees... (change the subject) so hows your ice cream?

Also sometimes, with the right kind of gal, you can just be straight up instead of changing the subject and just be like "That's that tantric shit. You know much about tantra?"

Her: Isn't that kind of like sex yoga or something?
You: Well kind of, but not really. that's that sort of just one aspect of it...(and so on)


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
Differences/Similarities between Tantra and Sexual Qi Gong

When one is first learning about these concepts and digging into a bunch of different sources of information, it can sometimes get rather daunting. There are tons of different concepts and traditions surrounding these practices and it can be really tricky to get a sense of how it all fits together.

This post is for anyone who is interested in digging deeper into the traditions and philosophies behind these practices. It is more of a historical/ conceptual look at how all these practices relate to each other and also differ. Hopefully, this post can offer a bit of direction for those you just beginning to engage with many different resources on these practices, but are unclear on how all of these different systems might relate/differ from one another.

For anyone looking for more practical sensual/ sexual exercise-oriented info, feel free to skip this post. For those of you trying to sort out the different approaches and traditions as you engage with all the material surrounding these practices, read on.

Once again, before we get into it. I am no scholar of eastern philosophies/ religions so this is just my basic understanding.

A lot of the concepts in eastern religion/philosophy can often feel foreign or esoteric to those raised with a western mindset. Since many of these concepts arise from our lived experience there is certainly means to bridge our understanding of eastern practices to the western experience of things. These practices are rich and deeply rooted in eastern traditions. However, many of the practices and concepts are universal and can have a lot of benefits to one's life. While all of the real knowledge of this stuff is already with us in our bodies and minds, it can be immensely helpful to learn from traditions that have developed methods of accessing these body/mind states for centuries. By understanding some basic similarities and differences in these traditional practices you will be better equipped in navigating a vast body of knowledge and building a practice that best suits your purposes.

Yogic practices come from India and were originally very closely tied to the polytheistic religion of Hinduism with its myriad of archetypal gods. Traditionally yoga isn't just stretching/body practices as we know it, but the practice of living in accordance with the tenets of the Hindu religion. This yogic wisdom was passed through Vedas (religious texts) and mantras (chants or prayers). So yoga is basically praying and living in accordance with those religious tenants. The concept of yogic practice can also be found in Jainism, Sikhism, and Buddhism (other Indian forms of religion).

Buddhism came out of India long after Hinduism. Sidhartha (who would later become known as the Buddha) was raised in Hinduism, but would later become an iconoclastic figure. Rejecting many tenants of traditional Indian religions, and forming his own religious sect. There is no need for us to get into all the differences between Hinduism and Buddhism here. Just know that Hinduism tends to focus on worship of deities, while Buddhism is nontheistic and tends to focus on the concept of ‘awakening’ or 'transcendence'. They are both yogic traditions in that they use chanting and scripture, mediation practices, and body practices that all fall under the umbrella of yoga. There is also an overlap in certain concepts like Chakras

I am not sure when exactly stretching became a yogic form in the whole scheme of things, but it is only considered one form in the broader practice of yogic traditions. Each posture was seen as a different expression of worship and prayer, that tied into the larger system of yogic practices. The concept of chakras comes out of yogic traditions. It is a symbolic representation of spiritual concepts, as manifest in the body. Anytime you read about chakras it is likely coming from one form or another of yogic traditions.

Tantric Yoga
Tantric practices are a form of yoga that focuses on the sensory/sensual experience of the body. So, because tantric practices are yogic, they often include chanting, prayer, breathing, meditation, and assuming different body postures. These practices are designed to awaken our selves to ‘divine realities’ of our embodied experience. In Buddhist forms of tantra, the practices revolve more around the concept of "awakening" or "enlightenment." Hindu forms tend to revolve more around concepts of spiritual worship. Often in tantra, there is mention of uniting the cosmic divine forces of male and female energy as personified in the Hindu deities Shakti and Shiva.

In the west, Tantric yoga is often thought of as a ‘sex yoga.’ While sexual practices are an aspect of tantra it is only one aspect. Tantric yoga is generally broken into two categories. White Tantra, and Red Tantra. White tantra focuses on your personal sensual experience. It is your attention focused inward to the many felt/sensual dimensions of your body, as well as your sensual relationship to the world at large. White tantra is a sensual practice, not a sexual one. White tantra is often seen as a fundamental practice to Red Tantra, which is focused on sexual experience. You practice white tantra to strengthen and support red Tantra, and vice versa. Red tantra is tantric practice that focuses on sexual arousal and stimulation. Both with yourself and with a partner. White and red tantra both exist on a spectrum of sensual to sexual, but come from the same set of principles of practice.

Kundalini is often considered a form of tantra but is also it’s own school of practice as well. As a tantric practice, it veers more into red tantra territory as the kundalini energy resides at the base of your root chakra. Kundalini is the orgasmic force, thought it is not always stimulated through sexual acts. In this sense Kundalini practices can be seperate from red Tantra practices, but when practicing red tantra you are engaging with the kundalini energy.

Kundalini is said to be a ‘red sleeping serpent’ that resides at the base of your spine down by your tailbone. It is the fundamental primordial cosmic force of consciousness. It is said that by awakening this serpent energy and raising it up your spine you are able to awaken to your divine nature/the divine nature of all things. It is also said that this raising of the kundalini, when practiced correctly, will harmonize your mind and body, creating well-being and vitality. From a western perspective, this notion might look something like: These practices engage and direct the psychological, and physiological phenomena of your body. It focuses on integrating your lived awareness with the functions of your central nervous. With this awareness, you begin to strengthen and direct your mind and physiology towards vitality and an expanded sense of consciousnesses. Whether that includes concepts of deities or enlightenment or whatnot all depends on the school of thought you are coming from with these practices.

The practices of Kundalini mostly revolve around chanting and intense vigorous breathing exercises. These practices are often in sitting positions. You breathe rapidly and vigorously for extended periods, then perform ‘body locks’ where you use contractions in your body to push all the energy upward towards your head. It is often said that tantra practices are like water pushing it’s way through the cracks in a dam and breaking it open, whereas tantric practices (and qi gon practices for that matter) or more like the sunlight enticing a flower to open. That is to say that Kundallini is a means of moving a lot of energy very fast. It is a practice of rapidly expanding your body awareness and mind. Because of this Kundalini is also considered to have dangers associated with it, if practiced poorly (too much too soon). Like madness and bodily dysfunction. That said it can be a very powerful practice in expanding one's awareness.

When practicing red tantra (sexual tantric practices), raising kundalini up your spine to the crown of your head is a fundamental element.

Qi Gong
I already touched on the many facets of Qi Gong practices of china here. Not to mention this current thread, which is of course extensive in its explorations of sensual/sexual practices in the Qi Gong system. so I won’t go too deep into it, other than to highlight how these systems are unique from or similar to Yogic systems.

Qi gong was originally formed from Taoist traditions. Taoism is a nontheistic philosophy of ancient china, that lives on to this day. In China the three main philosophies would be Taoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism (which made its way to China via India). While Qi Gong is traditional a Taoist practice, aspects of the practice would later be adopted into Buddhist and Confucian systems of thought. Buddhist Qi Gong focuses mostly on meditative practices aimed at achieving ‘enlightenment,’ but using Qi Gong systems to achieve this state, instead to yogic systems as seen in the traditional Buddhist practices of India.

Taoism is more of an observational philosophy. Rather than a theistic view of the universe involving many manifestations of deities, or a Buddhist view revolving on awakening to your divine nature and reaching a state of nirvana (Buddhahood), it focuses on the concept of aligning yourself with the ’Tao’ (which means ‘the way’). Basically the idea is that once you are able to understand, through observation and participation in, the natural order of things, you are then able to live in accordance with the natural order of things. Living in accordance to the Tao results in a balanced, harmonious, and vital mind, body, and life.

While there are certainly some more esoteric branches of Taoism, in general the philosophies behind the systems of Qi Gong tend to be less concerned with concepts of deities and spiritual other worlds, and revolve more around concepts of the interplay between natural/spiritual elements or substances (wood, fire, water, metal, earth. Yin Yang, wuji the state of nothingness). When it comes to Qi gong body practices, the theories tend to revolve more around a sort of ‘medical’ frame work. Concepts of meridians (channels of energy) in the body are often very closely related to the functions of our physiology and carry a bit less of a sort of psycho-spiritual framework than you might find in yogic concepts like the chakra system.

So what are some basic ways these systems might vary in the sensual/sexual practices?

Qi Gong, like yoga, is a holistic system of thought, not just physical exercises. All of these traditions come from the melting pot of ancient Asian culture and have influenced one another to varying degrees. While one can find a lot of similarities between these traditions and practices the core philosophies and approaches beneath them can be distinctly different. The systems of thought around them use rather different language and conceptual systems for understanding what might be similar phenomena. They also have somewhat different philosophical and spiritual ‘goals,’ and in that have a somewhat different approach to these sort of practices.

I’d say in it’s most basic sense Tantric practices tend to have more emphasis on a psycho-spiritual element. You will see more concepts about divine awakening, or archetypal sensual/sexual embodiment of deities or divine states of being. More concepts about using these practices to access, commune with and pray to the divine. There will often be a strong emphasis on chanting in these practices. These practices will tend to use the chakra system and other yogic concepts. The words used will be of Sanskrit origin (Asana, prana, so on…).

In its most basic sense Taoist sexual Qi Gong will have more of an emphasis on natural/spiritual elements (Yin and Yang, fire, water, and so on). You will also see a lot of talk about different energetic qualities (Dense, hot, cool, thin, rising, falling). There will also be a lot of talk about transmuting or reshaping energetic qualities through a sort of internal alchemy process. There will be a strong emphasis on the many different energy channels in your body (meridians) and a somewhat ‘medical’ approach to the practices. The words used will be Chinese (Bugua, Taichi, Wu chi, Dan Tien). There is a strong emphasis and using these practices to harmonize the body and mind with the natural elements of existence. There will be more of an emphasis on using these practices for living a balanced life, rather than concepts of transcendence or worship as found in a lot of tantric practices.

What are some similarities between Tantric and Qi Gong sensual/sexual practices?

While having somewhat different frameworks from one another, Tantric and sexual Qi gong systems are used to access the many experienced dimensions of the body and mind. They both utilize observational meditative exercises, deal with concepts of the flow of energy in your body, have breathing exercises, body exercises, exercises to stimulate your sensual and sexual experience, sexual exercises to practice with partners, concepts about engaging your central nervous system and drawing energy up your spine, concepts of well-being, harmony, longevity. They both have methods of relating to and directing the orgasmic experience. The physiological methods around drawing orgasms up your spine are very similar in both systems. Both of these systems have concepts and practices surrounding more mundane sensual experiences as fundamental erotic realities of existence, as well as concepts and practices around hypersensual states of sexual experience.

All this said, at this point in time there are many branches of these systems, as well as each system over time influence one another. So, you will probably find exceptions to these generalities I have put forth. Also, in the West a lot of schools/students practicing this stuff have really picked and chosen different elements from these systems that suit their personal or commercial purposes. There isn't anything wrong with this per se, but it could serve as a barrier for a student looking to take their practice to a deeper level. especially if they happen to use elements of different systems that seem to be a bit at odds with one another. Kind of like in pickup/seduction. You can always pick and choose from different systems but if you really want to get deep with your skills it is generally wise to have at least one system that suits your style and that you are remarkably proficient in. Then when you plug tech from other systems in, you understand how it benefits your practice in a more holistic sense.
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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Great outline. It is actually more clear than many ive read. I like the structured plan for training too. Its doable and provides a good model to have some perspective in ones head about what is needed. And a plan of action for execution. Great long form post.

One little thing i wanna add is that while the orgasm draw is a great goal - i believe just learning about sexual energy in your body and becoming more body attentive is a huge goal and benefit to be focussed on initially. just to explore daily what happens and what doesnt. This is basically your cock and its extended weaponry we are learning about which can be a key for many. Let your body inform you. Sense new dimensions you normally dont see. experience more dead energy days and others full of potency that will make your body feel nice and delicious. Explosive warmths. Start noting those dimension that arise when you do less etc. In sum just realise the potent intelligence at play. I know you get this, just wanted to emphasise it cause it was a good motivation for me when i got started.

this increased body awareness has many health benefits. But even more importantly as a seducer it gives an array of potent skills like spacial seductive awareness, groundedness, body intelligence and just a whole other level of presence and vibe management. especially if extended to seductive fields, and related to other forms of embodiment practices like tai chi etc. to bring it more to the full body level and movement level in non sexual contexts.

You could consider to add a list of pitfalls to help people stick to the plan and prepare ahead mentally and proactively for pitfall management along the training structure.

Also its mosly recommended to do some sort of rejuvination at the end like yoga nidra or savasana at the end to let the body rebalance everything after a practice like this. didnt see this in your outline but maybe i missed it.

Im a lil uncertain if Cold Bath Effects has the right energy to enter taoist practices from but will try it for some weeks and see if it makes sense. i find theres a logic in using cold showers for the energy boost, body reactions and cognitive clarity gain that doesnt fit with the practice in my world. It does however help with a strong focus. awakened body and mind and nervous system activation. Im just a lil puzzled with the logic of the fit. Could you elaborate a bit more on your thoughts?

Heres a lil deep dive on the cold shower usage - ill review it myself and try to connect dots a little:

Anyways good solid well-written outline. thanks.
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