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Draw Orgasms Up Your Spine For Self Mastery, Well Being, And Pleasure
I have been receiving a number of questions regarding the cultivation and circulation of sexual energy in the body, so I have decided to make this post in hopes that it can serve as a practical primer on the subject, and those who are interested in this practice will walk away with solid grounds to start a well-rounded practice routine
The more exercise-oriented part of this document starts in the section called The Big Draw Method
My background
I was introduced to Chinese body practices about 19 years ago. Some martial arts forms, as well as medical Qi Gong forms. Over time my practice has leaned more heavily into the medical forms, which are basically a series of movements designed to align and restore the body, creating vitality and well-being. The practices are very potent when done well, but also require a great deal of discipline to learn. I am no master by any means but, with the help of very knowledgeable teachers, I have cultivated a fairly deep understanding of some of the fundamental principles. While this practice serves me well, I am hardly the most comprehensive scholar on the matter. So please understand that what I share here is how I have come to understand these practices through my own lens. There are many far more knowledgeable sources on the matter out there. Also, while these practices were taught to me through a Taoist lens, I am no scholar on the matter. I am not claiming to share this information as if it is traditional Taoist practices. This is just my take on things. In fact, I tend to filter all the information I have learned through a more modern western lens. If I happen to use some Taoist terms or metaphors it is simply because they feel useful to my own understanding and perspective. That said I am happy to share what I have learned and cultivated over the years of practice
While all the many forms of these practices are related, sexual qi gong is it’s own rich practice. This is what we will focus on in this post.
Beyond No Fap
We live in a culture where men are constantly at odds with their sexual identity. Constantly being bombarded with messages of sexual stimulation, as well as messages of sexual repression. Polar opposites always tugging at his sense of identity. In an effort to reclaim male sexual identity, no fap arose.
I am not the most versed in the no fap movement, so I won’t speak on it too much here, but it seems to me that these sexual kung fu practices are missing from a lot of the mainstream information out there. I have seen some mention of these sexual kung fu practices, but it seems to still be somewhat of a fringe concept.
A lot of advice I have seen seems to be more directed toward suppressing the sexual urge rather than cultivating and redirecting it. Sure there is advice about just channeling it into your business, or your workouts, or this endeavor, or that. While there is some truth to this, I believe that it is ultimately running away from the issue. It is only through confronting our sex drive and cultivating a deeper, more broad sense of our sexuality, that we can truly master this aspect of our lives.
A lot of advice out there leaves men in this perpetual state of ping-ponging between polar opposites. Feeling either completely helpless in the face of their sexual urges. Or, after having beat back all urges with extended periods of no fap, a complete lack of sex drive at all.
There also seems to be a lot of shame around the sexual urge in general and specifically ejaculation. A lot of these no-fap guys are miserly with their seed. As much as it is not wise to just spend all your money on frivolous things, you cannot generate and harness this natural flow if you just hold onto it all the time like Scrooge McDuck with his coins. You have to learn to make wise investments with these precious resources so that they can generate themselves in abundance and enrich your life tenfold. Invest in your sexuality, cultivate it, spend it wisely, and reap the rewards.
These sexual practices I am going to outline, I believe offer a potent alternative to just white-knuckling through some of your most fundamental human drives. It is not necessarily an easy route. It requires a great deal of discipline and can feel frustratingly impossible at first. With diligent practice you will start to uncover the profound treasures already with you, hidden in the depths of your body.
So instead of No Fap, this is Yes fap. And you are about to become a fap master!
Men Like To Cum
In our culture men are commonly thought to only have one form of orgasm. That is to say, a man splooges and that is that. Stimulate the penis. Good feelings in the genital region. He ejaculates. What’s done is done. This notion, however, is entirely false. There is another type of orgasm a man can accomplish. This is an orgasm that is directed up the spine and through the whole entire body. It is an orgasm without ejaculation. No semen is spilled, and yet the man has still had a full-blown orgasmic experience. This can also lead to multiple orgasmic experiences in a row, or even prolonged orgasms sometimes upwards of 6 or 7 minutes.
This is done through a series of practices that involve contractions in the pelvic floor, pumping in the spine, as well as a focused mind. This practice is often referred to as The Big Draw Method
What are the benefits of learning this method?
While many men may scoff at this notion as if it is trivial, I think it is safe to say that most of us on the forum here understand just how vital libo is to the male drive. Not only in his sex drive but his drive in life. That vital sexual energy is the drive to go out in the world and be a man. To create, to do, to be. It is a drive that helps to shape his character and how he relates to the world. His existence
For most men the sexual urge is untamed. Like a wild horse. The thing is, this is a wild horse we must always live with. This average man's relationship to his sex is either very repressed or uncontrollably intoxicated. Often times vacillating between both. But rarely at peace, or in his command. This can lead can lead to all sorts of psychological, physical, and social pathology. Maybe this man has stunted social relationships based solely on his own personal gain of pleasure. Or maybe he represses his drive and hides from any sort of meaningful accomplishment, always letting others lead him by his nose. Maybe his constant dick swinging, and frequent ejaculations leave him drained, lethargic, unmotivated, agitated, and insecure. Lower back/hip problems from tense repression. Back problems lead to stomach problems, stomach problems, and so on. I think you get the point. In a holistic sense, our sexuality is tied to our greater well-being.
In order to understand what the benefits of this practice are, is important to understand that there is a fundamental worldview that shifts during these practices. Your sense of self, and who you are in the world changes. This wild force that has been pulling you this way or that, your entire life, is now in your command. Now when it screams “We are going this way” you calmly command it “No my friend, this is the way we are going.” You are now able to wield this powerful force in your life with intention and will. Channeling its expression into a dynamic range of experiences. It is no longer something you have to push back, or quickly release. Only to have it come knocking again. You learn to live with it, be at peace with it, manage it, and direct it. What was once a narrow view of the human sexual experience broadens. The erotic nature of all existence becomes more and more apparent.
So, what are some more concrete benefits to learning and cultivating a deeper more dynamic sense of sexuality? Well, I will say that many of these points may seem anecdotal. And perhaps they are. But I believe them to be true and have seen similar results in others who have cultivated a similar practice.
Some reported benefits of this practice include but are not limited to
-Increased willpower
-The ability to focus for extended periods
-Increased mental function
-Increased motor functions
-A pervasive sense of peace and calm
-More psychical drive
-Better sleep
-More self-confidence
-A stronger intuition
-The evaporation of pathological insecurities and anxieties
-A profound sense of presence
-Better posture
-The evaporation of physical aches and pains
-Glowing skin and hair
-Better social relations
-A profound magnetism with women. They are drawn to you in seemingly magical ways.
-Better relations with women in general
-Deeper more profound intimacy with women
-Insane levels of libido. Erections that last hours. Multiple orgasms in a row and still hard.
Even if you are skeptical about some of the items on this list I am sure you can understand that last one.
The mind-body connection
The mind and body are in a constant psychological, emotional, and physiological feedback loop. The emotions affect breathing, the breathing affects our posture, the flow of fluids in our body, our organs, our thoughts, and our emotions. Our thoughts and emotions affect our actions, our social reality, and our choices. Witch is reflected back to us and affects our thoughts and our emotions. A constant feedback loop.
Our sexual drive is a major input/output factoring into this feedback loop. It is a deeply potent psychological, emotional, and physiological element affecting human life. The more we are able to observe in ourselves, through deep internal practice, the interconnections between all of these elements. The more we are able to harness and direct the body's natural powers. The practice of drawing an orgasm up your spine is about direct experience of this interconnected continuum.
Ultimately it is your mind, in collaboration with your body, that will draw the orgasm up your spine. In this practice, we learn to not only control subtle pulsing, breathing, and contractions related to sexual experience as a whole body phenomena, but we also learn to manage our psychological and emotional responses in regards to the sexual experience. If we cannot expand our minds understanding of our sexual experience beyond it’s most basic outward ejaculatory response, then we will have trouble drawing an orgasm up our spine. The moment that sweet orgasmic wave hits, our emotions take over, and instead of using our mind to induce the functions necessary to pump that orgasmic experience back into our nervous system and up the spine, we lose control of ourselves and just let that load free into the world. As our understanding of our sexual experience and functions deepens, our conception of what it means to be a sexual being broadens. This broadened perspective, along with diligent physical practice, makes it easier and easier to calm our emotions in the face of the sexual experience, and focus our mind to direct the sexual energy up the spine.
The sexual experience is not confined to our genitals. It lives in our whole body. Every moment is a sensual experience. A sensory exchange with all of existence. All of existence is erotic. Sometimes when I am most consistent with my practice I will experience moments where I feel like I am just fucking the universe. No joke. One time I was driving down the freeway. Because I had such a sensuous sensitivity built up in my body from semen retention, I could feel every single bump in the road, every little rumble in the engine. I was overcome with a profound sensual experience not too dissimilar from sex (though obviously with it’s own unique quality. Nothing like that na na
). I suddenly grew a rock-hard erection. But instead of the typical desperate emotional urge to ejaculate, and the deep longing for the company of a woman, I felt totally at peace. I performed the big draw method. A subtle toned-down orgasmic feeling arose. And I wasn’t even touching my genitals. It was sensual bliss. I felt completely at peace. Completely at home. And connected to my environment. Even the way the light bounced off of the objects of the world and hit my eyeball, turned me on. When I arrived at my hotel room I masturbated. My mind was clear and not clouded with longing and desperation for that intoxicating high. All of those emotions that typically lead me to lose control/focus and just splooging, were just not there. As I already felt deeply sexually satisfied. The typical urge to project my sexual energy outward was far less compelling than the sensation of projecting it inward, towards myself and up my spine. I focused my mind, and performed the big draw method. Up it went. One of the best orgasms I ever had. I did not ejaculate. Lasted what must have been 5 straight minutes. This continual feedback loop of waves of pleasure.
This is the primary shift in worldview I described earlier. While projecting our sexual experience outward is a valid form of sexual expression. We do not always have to be projecting our sexual energy outward. There are other avenues available to us. We can project it inward too. This is crucial to your success in this practice. Know that it is possible to have command over the projection of your sex. And it starts, first and foremost with cultivating a sexual relationship with yourself. Then it can be extended to the world around you with command and intention.
I have been receiving a number of questions regarding the cultivation and circulation of sexual energy in the body, so I have decided to make this post in hopes that it can serve as a practical primer on the subject, and those who are interested in this practice will walk away with solid grounds to start a well-rounded practice routine
The more exercise-oriented part of this document starts in the section called The Big Draw Method
My background
I was introduced to Chinese body practices about 19 years ago. Some martial arts forms, as well as medical Qi Gong forms. Over time my practice has leaned more heavily into the medical forms, which are basically a series of movements designed to align and restore the body, creating vitality and well-being. The practices are very potent when done well, but also require a great deal of discipline to learn. I am no master by any means but, with the help of very knowledgeable teachers, I have cultivated a fairly deep understanding of some of the fundamental principles. While this practice serves me well, I am hardly the most comprehensive scholar on the matter. So please understand that what I share here is how I have come to understand these practices through my own lens. There are many far more knowledgeable sources on the matter out there. Also, while these practices were taught to me through a Taoist lens, I am no scholar on the matter. I am not claiming to share this information as if it is traditional Taoist practices. This is just my take on things. In fact, I tend to filter all the information I have learned through a more modern western lens. If I happen to use some Taoist terms or metaphors it is simply because they feel useful to my own understanding and perspective. That said I am happy to share what I have learned and cultivated over the years of practice
While all the many forms of these practices are related, sexual qi gong is it’s own rich practice. This is what we will focus on in this post.
Beyond No Fap
We live in a culture where men are constantly at odds with their sexual identity. Constantly being bombarded with messages of sexual stimulation, as well as messages of sexual repression. Polar opposites always tugging at his sense of identity. In an effort to reclaim male sexual identity, no fap arose.
I am not the most versed in the no fap movement, so I won’t speak on it too much here, but it seems to me that these sexual kung fu practices are missing from a lot of the mainstream information out there. I have seen some mention of these sexual kung fu practices, but it seems to still be somewhat of a fringe concept.
A lot of advice I have seen seems to be more directed toward suppressing the sexual urge rather than cultivating and redirecting it. Sure there is advice about just channeling it into your business, or your workouts, or this endeavor, or that. While there is some truth to this, I believe that it is ultimately running away from the issue. It is only through confronting our sex drive and cultivating a deeper, more broad sense of our sexuality, that we can truly master this aspect of our lives.
A lot of advice out there leaves men in this perpetual state of ping-ponging between polar opposites. Feeling either completely helpless in the face of their sexual urges. Or, after having beat back all urges with extended periods of no fap, a complete lack of sex drive at all.
There also seems to be a lot of shame around the sexual urge in general and specifically ejaculation. A lot of these no-fap guys are miserly with their seed. As much as it is not wise to just spend all your money on frivolous things, you cannot generate and harness this natural flow if you just hold onto it all the time like Scrooge McDuck with his coins. You have to learn to make wise investments with these precious resources so that they can generate themselves in abundance and enrich your life tenfold. Invest in your sexuality, cultivate it, spend it wisely, and reap the rewards.
These sexual practices I am going to outline, I believe offer a potent alternative to just white-knuckling through some of your most fundamental human drives. It is not necessarily an easy route. It requires a great deal of discipline and can feel frustratingly impossible at first. With diligent practice you will start to uncover the profound treasures already with you, hidden in the depths of your body.
So instead of No Fap, this is Yes fap. And you are about to become a fap master!
Men Like To Cum
In our culture men are commonly thought to only have one form of orgasm. That is to say, a man splooges and that is that. Stimulate the penis. Good feelings in the genital region. He ejaculates. What’s done is done. This notion, however, is entirely false. There is another type of orgasm a man can accomplish. This is an orgasm that is directed up the spine and through the whole entire body. It is an orgasm without ejaculation. No semen is spilled, and yet the man has still had a full-blown orgasmic experience. This can also lead to multiple orgasmic experiences in a row, or even prolonged orgasms sometimes upwards of 6 or 7 minutes.
This is done through a series of practices that involve contractions in the pelvic floor, pumping in the spine, as well as a focused mind. This practice is often referred to as The Big Draw Method
What are the benefits of learning this method?
While many men may scoff at this notion as if it is trivial, I think it is safe to say that most of us on the forum here understand just how vital libo is to the male drive. Not only in his sex drive but his drive in life. That vital sexual energy is the drive to go out in the world and be a man. To create, to do, to be. It is a drive that helps to shape his character and how he relates to the world. His existence
For most men the sexual urge is untamed. Like a wild horse. The thing is, this is a wild horse we must always live with. This average man's relationship to his sex is either very repressed or uncontrollably intoxicated. Often times vacillating between both. But rarely at peace, or in his command. This can lead can lead to all sorts of psychological, physical, and social pathology. Maybe this man has stunted social relationships based solely on his own personal gain of pleasure. Or maybe he represses his drive and hides from any sort of meaningful accomplishment, always letting others lead him by his nose. Maybe his constant dick swinging, and frequent ejaculations leave him drained, lethargic, unmotivated, agitated, and insecure. Lower back/hip problems from tense repression. Back problems lead to stomach problems, stomach problems, and so on. I think you get the point. In a holistic sense, our sexuality is tied to our greater well-being.
In order to understand what the benefits of this practice are, is important to understand that there is a fundamental worldview that shifts during these practices. Your sense of self, and who you are in the world changes. This wild force that has been pulling you this way or that, your entire life, is now in your command. Now when it screams “We are going this way” you calmly command it “No my friend, this is the way we are going.” You are now able to wield this powerful force in your life with intention and will. Channeling its expression into a dynamic range of experiences. It is no longer something you have to push back, or quickly release. Only to have it come knocking again. You learn to live with it, be at peace with it, manage it, and direct it. What was once a narrow view of the human sexual experience broadens. The erotic nature of all existence becomes more and more apparent.
So, what are some more concrete benefits to learning and cultivating a deeper more dynamic sense of sexuality? Well, I will say that many of these points may seem anecdotal. And perhaps they are. But I believe them to be true and have seen similar results in others who have cultivated a similar practice.
Some reported benefits of this practice include but are not limited to
-Increased willpower
-The ability to focus for extended periods
-Increased mental function
-Increased motor functions
-A pervasive sense of peace and calm
-More psychical drive
-Better sleep
-More self-confidence
-A stronger intuition
-The evaporation of pathological insecurities and anxieties
-A profound sense of presence
-Better posture
-The evaporation of physical aches and pains
-Glowing skin and hair
-Better social relations
-A profound magnetism with women. They are drawn to you in seemingly magical ways.
-Better relations with women in general
-Deeper more profound intimacy with women
-Insane levels of libido. Erections that last hours. Multiple orgasms in a row and still hard.
Even if you are skeptical about some of the items on this list I am sure you can understand that last one.
The mind-body connection
The mind and body are in a constant psychological, emotional, and physiological feedback loop. The emotions affect breathing, the breathing affects our posture, the flow of fluids in our body, our organs, our thoughts, and our emotions. Our thoughts and emotions affect our actions, our social reality, and our choices. Witch is reflected back to us and affects our thoughts and our emotions. A constant feedback loop.
Our sexual drive is a major input/output factoring into this feedback loop. It is a deeply potent psychological, emotional, and physiological element affecting human life. The more we are able to observe in ourselves, through deep internal practice, the interconnections between all of these elements. The more we are able to harness and direct the body's natural powers. The practice of drawing an orgasm up your spine is about direct experience of this interconnected continuum.
Ultimately it is your mind, in collaboration with your body, that will draw the orgasm up your spine. In this practice, we learn to not only control subtle pulsing, breathing, and contractions related to sexual experience as a whole body phenomena, but we also learn to manage our psychological and emotional responses in regards to the sexual experience. If we cannot expand our minds understanding of our sexual experience beyond it’s most basic outward ejaculatory response, then we will have trouble drawing an orgasm up our spine. The moment that sweet orgasmic wave hits, our emotions take over, and instead of using our mind to induce the functions necessary to pump that orgasmic experience back into our nervous system and up the spine, we lose control of ourselves and just let that load free into the world. As our understanding of our sexual experience and functions deepens, our conception of what it means to be a sexual being broadens. This broadened perspective, along with diligent physical practice, makes it easier and easier to calm our emotions in the face of the sexual experience, and focus our mind to direct the sexual energy up the spine.
The sexual experience is not confined to our genitals. It lives in our whole body. Every moment is a sensual experience. A sensory exchange with all of existence. All of existence is erotic. Sometimes when I am most consistent with my practice I will experience moments where I feel like I am just fucking the universe. No joke. One time I was driving down the freeway. Because I had such a sensuous sensitivity built up in my body from semen retention, I could feel every single bump in the road, every little rumble in the engine. I was overcome with a profound sensual experience not too dissimilar from sex (though obviously with it’s own unique quality. Nothing like that na na
This is the primary shift in worldview I described earlier. While projecting our sexual experience outward is a valid form of sexual expression. We do not always have to be projecting our sexual energy outward. There are other avenues available to us. We can project it inward too. This is crucial to your success in this practice. Know that it is possible to have command over the projection of your sex. And it starts, first and foremost with cultivating a sexual relationship with yourself. Then it can be extended to the world around you with command and intention.
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