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How to handle a Day-game cock-block?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 21, 2021
I guess you're referring to my originally question. Yes, this would be the best solution in relation to cock-blocks - inline with the general principle of avoiding an issue instead of resolving it.

BTW, @Chase a completely out of the context question: Could you create an article (or a book if an article is too limited to capture everything) of your dating journey? I guess I'll be the first one to buy it and am sure there'll be others who'd like to buy that. What helps me in general when learning anything is, anecdotal evidence more than research and data. From some of your articles, I remember reading about situations you were in and it's much easier to relate than anything else. A few examples I can think off the top of my head are:
- Time when you got out of the train and met the girl again
- How your chaffed thighs helped you make your walk sexy
- Time when you actually became non-needy after the girl friendzoned you and started chasing you later
- Time when you didn't talk about yourself much with the manila chic etc

So, these examples are very relatable and if you could provide examples for each step of dating from approach to bedding and all other scenarios, that would give a framework for the thinking behind a certain action.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

Yeah, that's an idea I've been tossing around a bit for a few years.

Writing my own The Game-type book, basically. Where it's a series of anecdotes plus techniques thrown in, so it's predominantly storytelling rather than what How to Make Girls Chase was, which was largely straight how-to.

I think it'd be a help for getting guys into Girls Chase in a more visceral way.

I haven't committed to it... but I might do it.
