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Transitions  How to invite college girls home from bars?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 14, 2013
I'm struggling with this lately. Here's an example from last night

I see a cute girl walking by me at the bar i'm at (i'm in college so everyone at the bar is a college student), so I immediately turn to her and direct open her with something like "wow you're so beautiful, blah blah blah." 5-10 minutes of BS later, i'm making out with her.

I don't like to make out with girls that much at parties/bars so I only do it for like 5 minutes. She starts to get more and more into it and I stop. She's clearly into me and seems like she's down to fuck so making out more could only make things worse by making her too satisfied just with the kissing and grinding. HERE is where I'm lost though. I wanna take her back to my place and this is basically what I ask her: "let's go back to my place?"

She says something along the lines of her visiting my school with her friends but needing to go back to her college later that night. It's still kinda early so we probably would have had time for sex anyway, but i don't care about pushing it that much. I make one or 2 more stabs at her going back with me, but she won't ditch her friends so I get her number and leave her.

This has been happening a few times lately. I'll approach a girl, talk to her, make out with her a bit, talk more, but then when I invite her back to my place it all falls apart. Someone help me out, what am I doing wrong?? Am I being too direct? Should I ask her if she wants to grab some late night food and then when we're away from her friends invite her back?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 11, 2013
You shouldn't make out with her before she is at your place, doing so will set off alarms in her head (e.g., Omg we're making out here. If we go back to his place, then what will happen?)

"let's go back to my place?"

You shouldn't phrase it as a question unless you use a yes ladder beforehand. And you should be using plausible deniability, aka let's go back to my place and watch a movie.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 14, 2013
NaturallySmooth said:
You shouldn't make out with her before she is at your place, doing so will set off alarms in her head (e.g., Omg we're making out here. If we go back to his place, then what will happen?)
I disagree with this. I know that a lot of people say not to make out with girls until you get back to your place, but I try to use it to my advantage. I know that i'm a good kisser and just when girls are starting to get into it, I break off the kiss. It drives girls crazy. I know that's not the original question, but that's just my reasoning behind kissing girls at a bar.

NaturallySmooth said:
you should be using plausible deniability, aka let's go back to my place and watch a movie.
You're right I'm probably being too direct. This usually works for me with older, out of college girls, but I guess in college girls want more plausible deniability because we're all living on the same campus

Hector Papi Castillo

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 2, 2013
NaturallySmooth said:
NaturallySmooth said:
You shouldn't make out with her before she is at your place, doing so will set off alarms in her head (e.g., Omg we're making out here. If we go back to his place, then what will happen?)
I disagree with this. I know that a lot of people say not to make out with girls until you get back to your place, but I try to use it to my advantage. I know that i'm a good kisser and just when girls are starting to get into it, I break off the kiss. It drives girls crazy. I know that's not the original question, but that's just my reasoning behind kissing girls at a bar.

Have you tested your success ratios for laying girls you kiss before bringing home?

Also, you're writing your own name in the quote boxes when responding; looks like you're talking to yourself ;)


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 14, 2013
Anatman said:
Have you tested your success ratios for laying girls you kiss before bringing home?

Good point antaman, i might as well experiment with this. Next time i'm out I will consciously not kiss girls at bars even when there is super high sexual tension and see if taking them home is even easier

Is that a better use of quoting? ;)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 27, 2012
not kissing a girl before having her home is not a hard and fast rule in my opinion. i don't do it, but i know if done correctly it wont do any harm and in some cases can even ramp up tension and desire by quite a bit. its all about giving her a little bit, then taking it away.

Hector Papi Castillo

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 2, 2013
Nova said:
not kissing a girl before having her home is not a hard and fast rule in my opinion. i don't do it, but i know if done correctly it wont do any harm and in some cases can even ramp up tension and desire by quite a bit. its all about giving her a little bit, then taking it away.

True. Remember, no rules on GC must be followed to the T, but when you're starting off, definitely do so, because you won't know WHEN they can be broken. I think the only two rules that should absolutely never be broken are: don't chase, and don't be bitter.

Experimentation will tell you how the rest of the rules work in real time.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Naturally Smooth-

Like the other guys noted, kissing's dicey early on. It's made dicier the earlier into connecting with a girl you do it (e.g., 1 hour in = less dicey than 5 minutes in). See this article if you want to keep using it: How to Kiss Girls in Public and Have It Go Great.

The faster the ask is after just meeting her, the more you've got to give her plausible deniability because the more likely she is to be weird about it. If you've just run into her, then made out with her, then "Let's get out of here"ed her, it's clear that ALL this is is a quick, random, drunken hookup. Unless she's completely sold on you from earlier and she's just been waiting for this to happen, it usually won't fly.

I'd stick with something like, "Hey, this place blows - how about you and I go hit an after party?" (the after party is your place, and no one else will be there but you and her). Or if you mentioned something earlier in the conversation, you can use this: "Let's go look at my travel souvenirs, you'll love them." Sounds stupid but you just need something like that that's enough for her to say, "Okay," to without her needing to say yes to hooking up with you outright.

Also, the less drunk and random and more in-control and chill you can come across, the easier a time you will have pulling off a fast pickup (assuming she hasn't just been waiting to take advantage of you - in which case, the rules reverse).

All the same stuff from the articles on-site applies to college girls as anywhere else (though significantly easier when they're out in 2s and 3s than when they're with the big mega-party groups where it's 8 girls and 6 guys and everyone's keeping tabs on everybody else - just get a phone number in that case, or try to join the group):



Dec 20, 2014
I think it depends on the girl. I've heard of some girls that want to go back to their place or yours. Some girls that are so adventurous that they want to
go straight to the motel (this I haven't heard of much in the US).


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 13, 2019
Are you experienced in seduction of girls


I am in very beginning of seducing girls world.I am looking for experienced person/mentor/wingman to boost my real hands on learning.Is there anyone from the UK?Especially London?Or anywhere from the world?

I really want to learn and so eager to achieve.

Thank you.