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How to Make Girl chase After a Direct Opener


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 4, 2013
Witcher said:
Guys juts a little question, could anyone show me a field report who start with a direct opener and end well?

Just for my own learning, I glanced through the best of FR/LR sticky post, and almost all of them are pre-opening and/or indirect-direct. When I get some free time, I'll have to scan through the FR/LR section more for an example, as I'm also really curious. Is there a member that gets a lot of lays that almost always uses direct openers?

Anyway, Anatman has some pretty good ones, here's an example:

https://boards.girlschase.com/viewto ... f=5&t=4960

I noticed a few things:

In the 1st example (Ali), he opens direct with a compliment and then he disqualifies her (accidentally) by saying that biology sounds boring. He then uses this for her to explain her passion ("why is this your passion?") and for her to do the work to make him see why she's so passionate about it (and qualify herself).

In the 2nd example (Sylvia), he opens direct with a compliment and then later does a similar thing:
Me - Strange combination, right?
Her - Yeah, but it's cool! What do you want to do with that?

It's like open direct and then say something neutral-negative (but not directly negative) for her to then do the work on accepting your screen (qualifying) or on changing your mind about whatever it is.

I think I need to start trying this more myself after glancing through some of his reports.

It reminds me of negging or whatever that old PUA term is about complimenting and then saying a negative. I kind of like Anatman's style better: "That's kind of strange. Why are you so passionate?" As it's not a direct negative, you're just trying to understand it, or you can immediately try a screen, "I love girls that have an adventurous side to them", and see if she responds with a qualifier, "Yeah, that's why I chose biology: to travel!"


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 7, 2013
PinotNoir said:
Witcher said:
Guys juts a little question, could anyone show me a field report who start with a direct opener and end well?

Just for my own learning, I glanced through the best of FR/LR sticky post, and almost all of them are pre-opening and/or indirect-direct. When I get some free time, I'll have to scan through the FR/LR section more for an example, as I'm also really curious. Is there a member that gets a lot of lays that almost always uses direct openers?

Anyway, Anatman has some pretty good ones, here's an example:


I noticed a few things:

In the 1st example (Ali), he opens direct with a compliment and then he disqualifies her (accidentally) by saying that biology sounds boring. He then uses this for her to explain her passion ("why is this your passion?") and for her to do the work to make him see why she's so passionate about it (and qualify herself).

In the 2nd example (Sylvia), he opens direct with a compliment and then later does a similar thing:
Me - Strange combination, right?
Her - Yeah, but it's cool! What do you want to do with that?

It's like open direct and then say something neutral-negative (but not directly negative) for her to then do the work on accepting your screen (qualifying) or on changing your mind about whatever it is.

I think I need to start trying this more myself after glancing through some of his reports.

It reminds me of negging or whatever that old PUA term is about complimenting and then saying a negative. I kind of like Anatman's style better: "That's kind of strange. Why are you so passionate?" As it's not a direct negative, you're just trying to understand it, or you can immediately try a screen, "I love girls that have an adventurous side to them", and see if she responds with a qualifier, "Yeah, that's why I chose biology: to travel!"

Yes, interesting stuff, but as i can see in the field report, i juts say Booff, its not that very amazing.

The probleme with the direct opener for me, is not that it is hard to do, on the contrary i found that its easier to deliver that indirect, because you dont' fight congruence. But what i do'nt like :
-He give the girl the opportunity to quickly reject you.
-Give the girl the opportinty toi screene you from the start.
-Give the intreaction a sperfical start, so you talk to her because she's cute, she will do the same with you.
-Switch the interaction, she is the prize. Note her: i know that going direct doesn't mean that the girl is fully selected (most of the time yes :p ), but this is what she will believe and hwat the interaction will look like.
-Its kill abondance vibe- Same note here : Its not the case but this is what she will believe.
-It make the girl feel that she has to make a quick decision about you. This could be pretty hard for some girls.

I'm not writing this to discredit direct opener totally, i like it but want ways to make it more efficient. I live in a country where ASD is high and where pretty girls are scarce. But going too indrect will not help too. So i want to find a little balance.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012

-He give the girl the opportunity to quickly reject you.
-Give the girl the opportinty toi screene you from the start.
-Give the intreaction a sperfical start, so you talk to her because she's cute, she will do the same with you.
-Switch the interaction, she is the prize. Note her: i know that going direct doesn't mean that the girl is fully selected (most of the time yes :p ), but this is what she will believe and hwat the interaction will look like.
-Its kill abondance vibe- Same note here : Its not the case but this is what she will believe.
-It make the girl feel that she has to make a quick decision about you. This could be pretty hard for some girls.

This entire list is filled with false assumptions about what you think women will think about you when you open direct. I'll give short summaries for each one where your logic is incorrect.

He give the girl the opportunity to quickly reject you

  • After a direct opener, all a quick rejection does is filter out women who weren't interested in you to begin with. This is actually one of the ADVANTAGES of opening direct -- it makes you waste less time trying to seduce women who aren't interested in the first place.

Give the girl the opportinty toi screene you from the start.

  • Women are always screening men they talk to. They initially have a certain level of attraction for them, and that attraction is going to fluctuate based on the interaction following the opener. Opening direct lets a girl know you aren't looking to be friends, so it quickly sets you in either the Lover or Provider category instead of the Friend category. You eliminated one category in the very first thing you said to her.

Give the intreaction a sperfical start, so you talk to her because she's cute, she will do the same with you.

  • If she thinks your cute, then you should be glad you opened her. There's nothing superficial about a girl finding you attractive. Not sure what the issue is here...

Switch the interaction, she is the prize. Note her: i know that going direct doesn't mean that the girl is fully selected (most of the time yes :p ), but this is what she will believe and hwat the interaction will look like.

  • As the man, you have to open no matter what. If you number-close her and she knows you are interested in her (whether that was direct or indirect), then she knows you are after her. As to whether or not she thinks SHE is the prize is determined by your fundamentals and your interaction. There is no "prize" mentality right off the bat on her end unless your fundamentals are weak, and in that case, you don't have a shot with her anyway.

Its kill abondance vibe- Same note here : Its not the case but this is what she will believe.

  • Not true at all. As a matter of fact, it's the complete opposite. When a guy has the balls to approach direct and then have a "devil may care" attitude about how the interaction goes, THAT is when a girl knows that a guy has abundance. If she thinks that you can open any beautiful woman so easily, then she knows that you likely have beautiful women around you constantly.

It make the girl feel that she has to make a quick decision about you. This could be pretty hard for some girls..

  • Putting pressure on a girl to make decisions about you quickly is actually one of the strongest forms of attraction you can generate. Every time you get compliance in a quick fashion, a girl's attraction multiplies for you. She thinks to herself, "man, I just agreed to a date with this guy and I only met him 5 minutes ago! There's something different... and sexy about him."

Moral of the story here is, you need to get your head out of the books a bit and start approaching women. You're questioning things that you don't understand because they don't make logical sense to you, but the only reason they don't make logical sense is that you are lacking the in-field experience to parse the data. It's fine to get a good understanding of what the material is, but don't get in the habit of challenging the material until you've extensively tested it yourself.

Hope this explanation helps.

- Franco


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 4, 2013
Franco beat me to the reply, but I'm posting mine anyway since I wrote it up before seeing his haha. Here are my thoughts:

Witcher, you have valid points and this is a good discussion. Actually, if I recall correctly, this has been discussed on the boards before, but I don't have the thread saved.

Everything has pros and cons, and if you feel like the direct opener does not suit your style, then I definitely suggest using indirect-direct. Also, it's not a black & white answer. Sometimes a direct opener is best; sometimes a indirect-direct opener is best; and sometimes it doesn't matter. I wouldn't fret too much about it. The main thing is to approach.

Witcher said:
1. He give the girl the opportunity to quickly reject you.
2. Give the girl the opportinty toi screene you from the start.
3. Give the intreaction a sperfical start, so you talk to her because she's cute, she will do the same with you.
4. Switch the interaction, she is the prize. Note her: i know that going direct doesn't mean that the girl is fully selected (most of the time yes :p ), but this is what she will believe and hwat the interaction will look like.
5. Its kill abondance vibe- Same note here : Its not the case but this is what she will believe.
6. It make the girl feel that she has to make a quick decision about you. This could be pretty hard for some girls.
I added the numbers for answering purposes.

You're just calling a woman pretty; that's it. True, it gives the girl a chance to immediately say, "Ah, thanks, but I have a boyfriend." But, you can just counter with, "Oh, I'm not saying I'm single. Is your relationship pretty serious?" You can deep-dive into her relationship, and if it seems rocky, you can get her contact details and meet up as friends or be there for the rebound. As for single girls, I've approached a lot, and I very RARELY get this right after a direct opener: "Ah, thanks, but I'm not interested." It almost never happens. Instead, this comes up when I finally ask for her phone number.

This is a con, but the pro is that you know immediately whether she's interested/single and doesn't waste your time. Again, it just depends on your style, the scenario, the environment, the girl, what you want, etc. Just do what feels best or what your gut tells you at the time.

2. Same as #1 I think. The pro is that she knows right off the bat what your interest is. You're not some orbiter/friendzoned-/platonic- friend. You're a bold man that moves fast; that is best; and that doesn't like to waste his time.

3. This can be a con or a pro.

4. This is a con, but there are ways to switch this in your favor. During the day, so few guys have the guts to approach with a direct opener, I'd say that it comes off as equal. She's a "prize," but you're also a "prize" for being a unique guy. Most guys don't compliment her when sober during the day, and instead hide their feelings or don't approach. Of course, in a place like SoCal, I hear girls are pretty used to this from Chase/Franco, so the "prize" feeling for an aggressive man is less, so depends on where you live a little and on the types of girls you approach (conservative/loner vs wild/outgoing).

5. This can be a con. But, she may also think, "Wow, he's got a big balls. He must be getting a lot of dates being fearless like that." Most guys see a single girl as a limited hot commodity. A guy with abundance mentality knows they're a dime a dozen. So if he approaches with a direct opener and gets shot down, no big deal. It just depends on her viewpoint.

6. I humbly disagree. If you were to say, "Hey, you're hot. Want to go on a date?" Then, yes, you are correct. But, if you just give a compliment, and then begin discussing something and asking her about herself, i.e., having a conversation, then no quick decision needs to be made. She doesn't have to make a decision until you finally ask for her phone number (or, more leader-wise, tell her to give it to you, like, "Let's meet up for coffee. Let me see your phone so that I can put my number in."). Yes, in her mind, she'll be thinking, "This guy is about to ask me out," but you have plenty of time still to have a conversation and create rapport before she has to make the decision.

Even though I think you have good questions and it's good that you're thinking critically, you are probably over-thinking this. I do this a lot and have had recent questions related to me over-thinking things (see "sex rule" post). It's best to just do and then ask.

I'm not writing this to discredit direct opener totally, i like it but want ways to make it more efficient. I live in a country where ASD is high and where pretty girls are scarce. But going too indrect will not help too. So i want to find a little balance.

I think pre-opening plus indirect-direct is probably the balance. Look at any of the Best of Field Reports stickied posts, especially NJ's. He's a master.

For example, you and a girl are both in the hat section of a store. You stand near her side-to-side where she can see you out of the corner of her eyes (pre-opening). Then you put on a hat and ask her if the hat looks good on you (indirect and compliance). Then you begin talking about whatever. Then you give her a compliment like you just noticed how cute she is (indirect-direct), or a for a true example of indirect-direct, you say that you really just wanted to talk to her and don't care about buying a hat.

Openers are just a way in -- a first step, a beginning. Even if you deliver the best opener in the world, if your conversation/connection/rapport/etc. isn't good, she's going to turn you down.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 7, 2013
So many good answer her, i think we get closer to what i'm really looking.

First, even if my last post look like, i'm not doing a crusade againist Direct opener, far from this. I like, it and this is the way u want to use the most , or his little variant indirect-direct. For all the benefics that Fracoi and pointnoir stated about it. And because his feet my persoanlity, i'm very sincere guy, and select most of the time the direct approache in all part of my life, i'm a mediterannean so.And this si because i'm studiying it that 'im asking that question, to get better, if not i would not, 'im a very pratical guy.I discovered also that i have the balls to do go direct, and this make me ven fell better, axiety is replaced by motivation, and ialwasy say ti my selfn what the hell do i have to hide something seweet as a real genuine interestn this do'nt make sense for me know.

So i will make other comment about your specifics answers Franco and PointNoir :

Hope this explanation helps.
Yes, even more than you could imagine.

Moral of the story here is, you need to get your head out of the books a bit and start approaching women. You're questioning things that you don't understand because they don't make logical sense to you, but the only reason they don't make logical sense is that you are lacking the in-field experience to parse the data. It's fine to get a good understanding of what the material is, but don't get in the habit of challenging the material until you've extensively tested it yourself.
You touched something important, i'm becoming a knoweldge junky,with less application, not about pick up only but on all of the area i have interest it. This is due to littel laziness, a great curiosity and also location, i live in little village where everyone know everyone.But iwant to stop thta juknisme now but need little more motvation.

This entire list is filled with false assumptions about what you think women will think about you when you open direct. I'll give short summaries for each one where your logic is incorrect.
I'm just making my current observationafter little trying, i put this on the board precisely to have reflection from more experienced guys.

Point noir

You're just calling a woman pretty; that's it. True, it gives the girl a chance to immediately say, "Ah, thanks, but I have a boyfriend." But, you can just counter with, "Oh, I'm not saying I'm single. Is your relationship pretty serious?" You can deep-dive into her relationship, and if it seems rocky, you can get her contact details and meet up as friends or be there for the rebound. As for single girls, I've approached a lot, and I very RARELY get this right after a direct opener: "Ah, thanks, but I'm not interested." It almost never happens. Instead, this comes up when I finally ask for her phone number.
I think i need to use it more, for no its closer to 5 girls, i'm seeing guys here yelling after reading this , the ones who did 1000 aproaches ;)

6. I humbly disagree. If you were to say, "Hey, you're hot. Want to go on a date?" Then, yes, you are correct. But, if you just give a compliment, and then begin discussing something and asking her about herself, i.e., having a conversation, then no quick decision needs to be made. She doesn't have to make a decision until you finally ask for her phone number (or, more leader-wise, tell her to give it to you, like, "Let's meet up for coffee. Let me see your phone so that I can put my number in."). Yes, in her mind, she'll be thinking, "This guy is about to ask me out," but you have plenty of time still to have a conversation and create rapport before she has to make the decision.
Even though I think you have good questions and it's good that you're thinking critically, you are probably over-thinking this. I do this a lot and have had recent questions related to me over-thinking things (see "sex rule" post). It's best to just do and then ask.
Maybe you are right and i'm making assumtpion too quickly or just mentaly masturbating.But it just that i want to learn the to do things the right way.

Tha last think, that will improve my Direct opening is the fundamentls, betetr fashion, and hair style.
Note : even if i don't know if this matter, i'm quite good charming in looks and have a great athletic body, but i'm short 1m68, does this could be a handicap?Know that my social cricle skills are good, life style is ok so, and don't have too much of confidence or self-esteem issue.So??


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 4, 2013
Witcher said:
Note : even if i don't know if this matter, i'm quite good charming in looks and have a great athletic body, but i'm short 1m68, does this could be a handicap?Know that my social cricle skills are good, life style is ok so, and don't have too much of confidence or self-esteem issue.So??

Sounds like you're golden. Go out and do some direct approaches and tell us about it next week in a Field Report ;) Or, start doing the Newbie Assignment.

As far as living in a small town, there's a guy here (on the forums) who lives in northern Germany that travels to southern Germany because of this. Still, I say try in your area, and if it seems grim and you can travel easily and cheaply to another city, then do that on weekends.

Being short only matters if you make it an issue.

I'm 6' (or 1.83m), so I usually don't have this problem (except for Dutch women -- tall blondes). But, I have had girls say that I'm too tall for them. I've literally had a short girl say, "You're too tall. We can never date. I hate that you're so tall." For whatever reason, I still conversed with her and asked her out, and she agreed to a date, and we went on a bunch of nice dates. Girls are usually more concerned about their own shortcomings than yours. Instead of her thinking, "He's too short," usually they think, "Why am I so tall!" Just make a joke about it or even turn it into a compliment ("Ah great! You can reach the things I can't, and I can reach the things you can't. Perfect match." or "I love that I can see directly into your eyes" or whatever).


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 7, 2013
I wanted to make anothe point about the approaching, i originaly wanted to make another thread, but i hate flooding so i have other questions about subjects:

In the spirit of the seduction in general and girlschase particulary (crrect me if i'm wrong), we insiste a lot on makingf the girl chase, on investement and intrigue in the sense that the girl would always doupt of her chances with us. And even in the book on teh chapter "Making thegirl chase", the author insite on the start deep diving when the girl start demonstrating interest and never show it first (enven if he discuss the direct opener first).

Quote from the book page 335 :
The danger of letting a woman feel like she “has” you is that it removes both the challenge of the pursuit for her, and the intrigue of not knowing whether she will be able to get you or not. She “has” you when you tell her that you want to be with her, or be intimate with her, or kiss her, or make her your girlfriend. Once she “has” you, the fun and interest for her is gone.
This is why a true seducer seeks to maintain the intrigue and challenge that makes women desire him in the first place. It’s also the primary difference between a seducer and an average, boring man. The average man states his mind outright: “You’re so beautiful! I want to get to know you. Let’s go out on a date!” The average man removes intrigue and challenge immediately. It’s probably one of the primary reasons why the average man has such markedly less success with women that a skilled seducer – the average man is completely uninspiring to a woman.

So going direct doesn't contreditc this? Or The girl will interpret it like that ?

I'm not here to bash direct opener, as i said , the only times when i had teh courage to approache a girl a had a romantic interest into was by using direct opener, going otherwhise don't motivate me so much beacause i feel fake.
But when i go direct i always feel that the girl think "i had him alreadry pff, what a looser".

i'm doing it bad, or the direct is not very good in my environement when ASD is high and pretty girls are in high demande?

I'm rally confused about all that shit, please help!!!!
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

Have you ever had a really beautiful or really sexy girl walk up to you and compliment open you? Unless she was falling all over herself, you probably felt MORE intimidated, not less. "Wow - holy crap, this really gorgeous girl thinks I'm hot. What do I do?"

You immediately feel this great amount of pressure to look and be impressive if you like her and her directness was in a confident, non-needy way (her fundamentals are sound).

Then if she begins to pull back - even a little bit - you start to panic and chase hard. "Oh no, I'm losing her!" you think. "This cool, beautiful girl who liked me SO much that she walked right up to me and told me DIRECTLY! I've GOT to reinterest her!"

Works exactly the same way for girls.

Sure, you can look like you're chasing if you use direct improperly, just like a girl will look like she's chasing you if she walks up to you and she's goofy and ugly and grabby and needy and you go, "Eww, get her AWAY from me!"

But if she takes care of her appearance, seems poised, and compliments you an insightful, genuine way, it blows your socks off. And the effect is even more powerful with women, because confidence is women's #1 attractive trait, and if you do this right it exudes so much confidence you might as well look like Fabio in his heyday.
