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How to stay sane in an increasingly crazy political climate


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
May 20, 2023
Ground yourself in what’s physically in front of you. Working out, walking, get physical hobbies like gardening or hunting.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 28, 2019
Lately I've gotten heavily invested in current US politics.

After 27 years on this Earth, living a life devoid of financial responsibility, for the first time I am financially forced to hold down a job so I can pay my rent.

If I can't make my rent money by May, I'll be homeless. I've checked out different lines of work, and came out of them angry and disgusted at how much employers want to take advantage of their workers, paying dogshit wages and begging for overtime. It just angers me. We are not people to these greedy sons of bitches.

It is not difficult to understand why many might seek change. Now more than ever the people feel the weight of the decisions from those in power. As civil unrest grows... so does the chance of a revolution. Only coordinated violent measures would truly change things. I would gladly participate as I believe the cause to be just, I have never been politically invested before this time around.

So even if you likely cannot control the future outcomes of our society, taking the time to understand how the world works and how that affects you, is something a man should be knowledgeable about imo.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

I completely agree for women you're gaming, but do you include long-term girl friends in that statement?

I can't imagine being with a partner that I can't even discuss politics with. I'd want them to at least know my general stance and accept my overall way of thinking, even if we don't necessarily agree in every detail. Never had a problem with that in previous LTRs.

When I have women I am in a relationship with venting about political positions I don't agree with, my default response is always, "Do you actually want to have a conversation about this or did you just want to vent?"

That cuts off the venting right quick. She realizes she's only going to get more frustrated talking to you (since you aren't going to just go along with what she's saying) and knocks it off. Or at least that's what happens with the kinds of girls I keep around.

I find it astonishing how many people nowadays seem to be in favor of prohibiting political parties, canceling elections, and even sometimes seem to be silently condoning political violence... all in the name of democracy! With justifications like "Because if we don't do it then the dictators will win"

As Plato notes, the end stage of democracy is always tyranny.

If you're currently living in a democracy, it is not a question of "will there be tyranny" but "which tyrant are you gonna get."

This is what you see with all the breakdowns occurring right now... different factions gearing up to support their preferred flavor of tyranny over the other.

As soon as mass democracy replaced republicanism in the West, the road to tyranny was inevitable.



Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

Lately I've gotten heavily invested in current US politics.

After 27 years on this Earth, living a life devoid of financial responsibility, for the first time I am financially forced to hold down a job so I can pay my rent.

If I can't make my rent money by May, I'll be homeless. I've checked out different lines of work, and came out of them angry and disgusted at how much employers want to take advantage of their workers, paying dogshit wages and begging for overtime. It just angers me. We are not people to these greedy sons of bitches.

It is not difficult to understand why many might seek change. Now more than ever the people feel the weight of the decisions from those in power. As civil unrest grows... so does the chance of a revolution. Only coordinated violent measures would truly change things. I would gladly participate as I believe the cause to be just, I have never been politically invested before this time around.

So even if you likely cannot control the future outcomes of our society, taking the time to understand how the world works and how that affects you, is something a man should be knowledgeable about imo.

Don't do anything dumb. Be cognizant of where you are.

Sudden crisis (going from "someone else pays all my bills" to "suddenly I have to pay my bills, but can't, and might be homeless") will screw you up. Survivors narrow their focus on what they need to do to get themselves out of that position. Non-survivors collapse into helplessness, blaming external circumstances, and get rolled by life.

We are far away from revolution in Western countries. The people are too fat, too sedentary, and too comfortable. No one wants to give up bougie restaurants and next-day delivery from Amazon for street fighting and jackboots. It's not at that point.

Will it get to that point at some point? Yeah possibly. But not until a much larger share of the populace is in much more pain.

Most of the people I see talking about not making ends meet/starving/etc. on social media posts are morbidly overweight. I don't know where they're getting all the food to maintain those enormous weights if they are starving, but somehow or other they're managing. Revolution happens when people can't manage anymore -- when everyone is skinny, dirty, and desperate, pushing wheelbarrows full of cash just to buy a loaf of bread. Even at that point of desperation, society usually limps on in that state for a lot longer than you'd think because revolutions are hard and scary (and often end up with tons of people dying, including many of the people who thought they were fighting for a better life -- they just end up fighting for a hole in the ground).

I'd suggest you turn off the politics; it's just making you helpless.

Focus on figuring out your own survival right now. That's where victory lies. Not in fretting over things out of your control that probably aren't going to really pop off for 10-20 more years or longer.



Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
When I have women I am in a relationship with venting about political positions I don't agree with, my default response is always, "Do you actually want to have a conversation about this or did you just want to vent?"

That's a fantastic response. Nothing like making her aware of herself!

Spyce D

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
Most of the people I see talking about not making ends meet/starving/etc. on social media posts are morbidly overweight

Future revolutionaries.