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How to win at life AND women...


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 7, 2019

If I tagged you in this post it's because I think you have great value to add to the following questions that a lot of guys struggle with:

1. What time efficient techniques do you use to successfully juggle : working out, increasing your income, getting new girls and maintaining romantic/social relationships?

2. Is the above (nearly) impossible and men are better of focusing on 2 areas max for a year at a time?

Long Version:

Why am I weirdly asking this question on a seducer forum?

As we wrap up 2021 and plan for '22 a big question on my mind that's been shared with a lot of guys I speak to both on and off this forum is...

How the fuck do I do it all?

I love this site as it's a special side of the internet that focuses on real life results and not making excuses.

What I've not seen fully answered yet (and it seems to be the same for other intermediates I know) is how do I maintain my current success with girls while successfully improving on other goals?

Eventually once you get to a certain level with girls there's diminishing returns and your time is better placed mastering another skill. For many of us we dive into money as it has the biggest ROI in it's usefulness for improving all areas of your life in some shape or form.

Focusing on money instead of girls

I got my first real taste of online income last year during lockdown when I had more spare time. I also learnt about investments, macro-economics, crypto-currencies and I carried on with the momentum and made even more money this year but I'm performing way below my potential.

What I tried (1/3)- De-prioritizing seduction

Cut off my rotation of 3, kept one fb, then when she faded away my horniness took over and I found myself hunting for new girls. Like this online girl here, night game girl here and others I didn't write about.

What I tried (2/3) - being more efficient at getting girls

  • Online game - I've got a process down and if I hit apps consistently can get 1-2 new girls a month. I hired a virtual assistant to reduce the time spent by me and got okay results. I'd have to spend a lot of time upskilling the person. I then got annoyed at myself and thought what absolute silliness to hire an assistant for a Tinder profile when adding similar systems to my existing business would give much better ROI

  • Nightgame - Some of my easiest and efficient lays have been from nightgame but the late nights (even when I don't drink) are not sustainable for me. They make me a lot less productive the next day and as I'm working 6 days' a week right now I need to stay sharp and properly rest on my 1 day off.

  • Daygame - I focused on just daygame for 3 months'. I got a good amount of dates but my lay % was terrible in comparison to online or nightgame. I could work on optimizing this but again this will take more time investment when I'm trying to reduce the time I spend in this area.

What I tried (3/3) - Only focusing on what actually matters

  • The only social media account I have is LinkedIn. Probably use it for 1 hour every 2 weeks'
  • Watch 15 hours worth of Netflix a year (usually when I'm with a girl) a lot of people hit those numbers in a week
  • Watch 2 hours' a week worth of news and sport highlights so I'm not socially retarded when making conversations with people
  • I map out my whole year in advance using Sam Ovens War calendar template and set checkpoints for what to achieve by when
  • If a topic isn't related to: fitness, finance, business, seduction or very general pop culture chances are I know 0 about it.

Things I need to improve
  • Daily to-do lists where I pick out 3 most important tasks- being honest I'm not as strict on this as I should be
  • I'm guilty of "self improvement" porn where I'm listening to content not relevant to my current situation I.E some random Youtube video on re-programming your subconsciousness at 1am when I should be fucking sleeping lol
  • Building 1 habit at a time with a tracker.

Potential Solutions (Mainstream advice)

General mainstream media advice is:

1. go completely single/cut girls off
2. get a reliable sweet girlfriend

I tried 1 and think I'd go crazy.

2 is an option I've considered but seems unfair on the girl as I'd get rid of her in a year or 2 once I've levelled up. She'd have to be younger say 20/21 so I don't get moving in/baby pressures which I'm starting to enter now I'm 25. My gf standards are also super high so getting a valid candidate would be a task within itself.

Another issue with option 2 is if I've been accustomed to so much sexual variety am I really going to be satisfied with 1 girl?

Red pill advice is:

1. Go no fap and "transmute" your energy. I quit porn like 3 years ago but last time I went nofap I started getting wet dreams and my ability to concentrate on anything other than sex lowkey deteriorated

Potential Solutions (this forum advice)

@YS. has this great thread on "How to do everything at once". To summarize you add areas in maintenance while focusing on 1 area for 3 months' at a time

@POB mentions all men should focus first on money, while bringing in a few women before fully focusing on women after finances are handled here. Any expansion of how to do that is very welcome! Think a lot of guys are struggling with it

Tagging people who I've seen contribute useful things to these topics

@DML & @Train - saw a post on both you sharing your ideas here

@Lofty is also going on a hiatus as mentioned in his journal to start an online biz. Think you're going for the GF route but again any expansion of your ideas would be great

@Warped Mindless have your own biz/ team of salesmen and mentioned in private your income doubled when you took a break from women. Would love to hear your thoughts on this... As well as your long awaited post on building a social circle v2 ;)

@Skills as reading between the lines you run your own biz and you give top tier advice

@Grand Pooba think you also have a good career/biz going based on your posts and also solely focus on daygame so be sweet to hear your perspective too

@Chase Trying my luck but would love an article on this (or will read one if something exists already!)

Thanks if you read it this far. Be as blunt and to the point as you must be. I'm hear to learn and improve.

If the answer is: "Grow up DWW and stop being unrealistic... Life comes with sacrifices" I'll accept that answer too.

All the best,

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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Sep 1, 2019
I will try to keep this very short, and therefore write it in bulletpoints. Otherwise, it will be a VERY long post. What works for me, and works for you will probably not be the same. Don't try to implement all of this at once, but take one aspect and slowly implement it. Use what you think will help you.

* Focus on max. one big area at a time or two small.
* Productivity is not about getting a lot done but about getting the right things done. Focus on the 20% that generates 80% of the results.
* Measure productivity by important tasks finished, and not by time spent working.

We can't talk about productivity without talking about learning:
* Always seek to expand your horizon. Observe who is doing well in the field and try to learn rules and strategies through your observation of them
* Talk with as many different people as possible in the field. Both at a lower level, at your level and people a lot better than yourself
* Get a mentor thats better than yourself in each field you want to improve in.
* Always keep a beginner's mind and be open to critique from people around us. Once we think we know something or feel like we have mastered it, our motivation to learn will stop. By keeping a beginner's mind, we will always learn.
* Always be outside of your comfort zone. Nothing grows inside it. Always move towards your weaknesses, resistance and pain. This is where you really learn and push your results forward.
* Learn through trial and error, and make it okay to fail. Failure is such a big part of the progress, and people should rather see failure as an opportunity for improvement, rather than something negative. Failure will guide you further towards your goals.
* Push yourself towards a full understanding of the skill rather than just recipes or tools. You have to know how thing fully work and why they work in order to become great at them.

* Have CLEAR goals of your tasks and goals. In the absence of clear indicators of what it means to be productive, people do lots of shallow work that aren't working you towards your goal. For each task think - What question do you want to answer or what problem do you want to solve?
* Be effective, not efficient. Spend your time on the 20% that gets you 80% of the results.
* Set unrealistic goals because they are often easier to attain than "realistic" ones. People often overestimate what they can achieve in a day, but underestimate what they can achieve in a year.
* Set goals for your life in 5 years, 3 years, 1 year, 6 months, 3 months using SMART goals.
* Every sunday sit down and write down your weekly goals that will take you towards finishing your 3 months goals with smart goals + evaluate your previous week.
* Seduction specific - Break down your weekly approaches: In which transition phase did I lose most girls, and what went wrong? https://www.girlschase.com/content/how-master-transition-phases-and-be-smooth-women
- Which advice, tactics or techniques can I use to overcome my problem?
- How can I make the advice, tactic, or technique actionable?
- Once you know what to do in order to make it actionable, you add it as a goal for next week.
* Use time-blocks to structure your day. Parkinson's law: "work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion". Lets say you are new and have AA, if you only set 1 hour for 5 approaches, you will make them happen.
* Every night before the next day structure your day with time blocks and evaluate the day you just finished.
- Create blocks of 30 min to 2 hours
- Finish your most important task before 11AM
- Work on one thing at a time, and remove all distractions around you while doing so.
- Emotions run through the same cycle every day. Place the right type of tasks at the right time where you feel like you have the right energy and are at the right mindset to complete the task. E.g. some people are better at analytical tasks at morning, others at night.
* If you did not finish your tasks, reflect on the following:
- What did you feel like held you back?
- What need improvement and what concrete steps can you take in order to improve and making reaching your goals easier?
* Use the pomodoro technique while working + noise cancelling headphones and brain.fm/or similiar https://todoist.com/da/productivity-methods/pomodoro-technique
* Stop doing unimportant things (social media, netflix) and do more important tasks.
- Identify the activities you use to avoid doing difficult/important things
- Ask yourself often - Am I inventing things to do to avoid the important?
- Don't waste time and energy on this you can't define or influence
* Outsource what isn't important towards your goals and cannot be eliminiated.
- Never outsource what can be eliminated and never delegate something that can be automated

"Success is the product of daily habits not a once in a lifetime transformation"
As said above many people think they lack motivation when they really lack clarity.
When implementing a new habit think:
- How can I make it obvious?
- How can I make it attractive?
- How can I make it easy?
- How can I make it satisfying?
* Pair an action you want to do with an action you need to do
* Surround yourself with people where your desired behavior is the normal behavior
* Focus on taking action. Habits is the process by which a behavior becomes progressively more automatic through repetition.
* Use an accountability partner.
* Law of least effort - we will naturally gravitate towards the option that requres the least amount of work. Create an environment around you where doing the right thing is as easy as possible. When friction and disctractions is low, habits are easy.

The right habits + deliberate practice = mastery.



I structure my daily tasks in Todoist, and my weekly + monthly/yearly goals in word.

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Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 13, 2021
Love these kind of threads

So to give some background about me and if my advice may be useful
  • I run an In-home Personal Training Business
  • I run a successful Fitness Youtube Channel
  • Have a Fitness App
  • Shoot and edit my own videos
  • Focus mostly on online and night game and on average pull about 2-4 new girls a month
  • Always have 2 steady girls in rotation, plus back ups
I think most of us on this board are extremely ambitious, and one problem this brings is the we tend to WANT IT ALL

But even-though living a life of abundance is possible, in order to get there it is wise to use a methodical approach

And this is how I personally do it

At the beginning of every year, I will create 3 categories in my life that I want to improve. And in this case it would be

I would then divide the year into Quarters and pick 1 or 2 categories that I would like to invest the most amount of time for improvement, while the others will be set at maintenance levels
  • Q1 - Women & Income
  • Q2 - Fitness & Income
  • Q3 - Fitness & Women
  • Q4 - Fitness & Income
For me personally, my fitness and income are higher priority so I focus on those for 3 quarters of the year, while women for only 2. Your split might look different depending on what category needs the most improvement

I will then create specific targets for each goal every month. This gives me a better idea of how to manage my time effectively

Women - 3 lays, add 1 new girl in rotation
Income - Increase income by $1,500

I would then lay out how many hours per week, I think would need to achieve this
  • Women - 12hrs per week (swiping, messaging, dates, night game sessions)
  • Income - 36hrs per week (Training Clients, Creating Youtube Content, Creating App Content, Social Media Marketing)
Of course the more experience you have with each category, the better idea you will have of how much work is realistic to achieve your targets. And the more often you do this, the better you will get at doing more quality work with less time

Now here comes the interesting part. In order to get the biggest bang for your buck when it comes to time, its important to aim for efficiency and not busy work.

So for example when it comes to women, I noticed that the best times to use online dating apps are between the times of 7-10pm on
  • Sundays
  • Mondays
  • Tuesdays
  • Thursdays
This is Online Happy Hour, were girls are most active. So instead of swiping and messaging all day, I will carve out time in the evenings during those days to do all my swiping, messaging and setting up dates.

And when it comes to night game, I only go out once per week on Saturday between Midnight and 2AM. This for me is the Pussy hour. Because from my experience, this is when women are the most horny and receptive to fast pulls... again all about efficiency here

So by optimizing my woman time and only focusing on putting in effort when they are the most receptive, I free up more time to focus on improving my income

Now the funny thing about optimization is that you need to work hard first before you can work smart. Meaning that the beginning is always the hardest because you lack the skill and awareness to know where your time is best spent.

So you will need to put in a crazy amount of work at first before you will start to notice successful patterns. But once you start to observe results... double down on what is working and get rid of tasks that don't yield a favorable return

Listen to your logic, not your emotions

For example for Women
  • Screen for receptive girls and only go for first date, and same day lays
  • Only keep girls in rotation that are low maintenance and chase you
  • Don't text girls just to text them, and use a minimal texting style to setup dates
  • Only persist to setup meets with a girl twice
  • Follow the same process that is proven to work
Or Income
  • Get rid of lowest paying clients and focus on high ticket ones
  • Switch some In-Home Client to ZOOM (Cuts out commuting time to their homes)
  • Outsource mundane tasks like checking email which doesn't generate Income
  • Only post content that is proven to work.... you can experiment more when you're in maintenance mode
  • Create a scalable products that generate recurring monthly revenue (like I did with my fitness app)
You get the gist. Set hard rules for yourself, work hard with the goal of later working smart and you'll become more efficient

Hope this helped
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Hey DWW, great to see you back and nicely done with the recent lay! I was LOLing when she intentionally missed her coach to go home with you.

Looks like there’s been some great, actionable advice given here already, and I think there's certainly many posters who could make fantastic contributions to the thread. I also agree with the sentiment that what works for some people may not be the most optimal solution for others. Or maybe it is. Just about continuing the process of learning and refinement. After all... do what works, right? :p

So I’ll try to answer your question about what I’ve been doing and thinking about these subjects. For organization purposes, I’ll separate this into a couple of different categories.

Relationship Approach While Building My Business

@Lofty is also going on a hiatus as mentioned in his journal to start an online biz. Think you're going for the GF route but again any expansion of your ideas would be great
Yes, I went the GF route. Though, there were a couple wrinkles in that decision apart from the factor of spending less time in-field:
  • Largely was doing ONS before and I wanted to gain more relationship experience, which is something that Bacchus had also recommended to me. Specifically, this relationship provides an opportunity to work on Witch15/relationship control type of tech that will be massively beneficial to my future goals.
  • Decided to move home in order to minimize my living expenses while I build my business (as you know I’m also on the younger side, so it's all good in that regard too).
  • The town I’m living in now only has a few thousand people. Some people talk about low volume in cities with hundreds of thousands…so... yeah.
  • Laid a girl I really liked and greatly enjoy spending time with.
Accordingly, these were all things that impacted my decision to go this route. Otherwise, I’d probably allocate some time each week to cold approaching. But based on my situation, I thought this was the best decision for my development – really happy with how it’s worked out so far.

And like you...

1. go completely single/cut girls off
2. get a reliable sweet girlfriend

I tried 1 and think I'd go crazy.
I’d also be very unhappy if I went extended periods without sex. In my experience, consistent sex is something that boosts my baseline state, and I find that taking this away is unnecessarily masochistic. Though I do see how smaller breaks from the field do make sense, just not voluntarily cutting access to sex for extended periods for me personally.

To ensure that managing the relationship doesn’t take up too much time and is operated efficiently, I recommend Gunwitch’s Witch15. It’s been a massive help to me so far in helping to optimize my time spent on the relationship.

A big point that he discusses is to always have her initiate the sex. Also reward her with praise about her actions/behaviors (and NOT her looks) when she does things that you like.

All of this helps keep the drama to a low, unless it’s intentionally created such as with an occasional ghosting like how Gunwitch explains in the material. The relationship time-wasting is minimized.

Also, I shared more of the concerns that you’ve had about maintaining a relationship while busy with business. Here are how my thoughts on it have developed:

Another issue with option 2 is if I've been accustomed to so much sexual variety am I really going to be satisfied with 1 girl?
This turned out to be not as big of deal as I imagined. What really helped here is experimenting a lot with her sexually and making our sex have a lot of different variety. It’s given me the opportunity to explore my kinky interests in ways that we can’t calibratedly do on a ONS.

Keeps her highly interested as well plus continually increases her compliance/investment/overall enjoyment of our time together. Lots to get creative with even if not necessarily “kinky” too. I’ve read your LRs so I know you get pretty creative in this regard so I’m sure it wouldn’t be an issue haha.

2 is an option I've considered but seems unfair on the girl as I'd get rid of her in a year or 2 once I've levelled up. She'd have to be younger say 20/21 so I don't get moving in/baby pressures which I'm starting to enter now I'm 25.
Again, another thing that I’ve been concerned about. We can reframe this, though. Why not think of it like aspiring to give her the best relationship she’s ever had, letting her have something to always think fondly back upon, and setting her up for future relationship success?

We can make it a beautiful relationship and allow her to live her fantasies with us. It may be emotional in the end, but as long as the relationship generally has a positive, uplifting, mutually-beneficial vibe, any negativity will likely fade away and the intention is for both sides to have happy memories forever.

Okay, that’s the relationship side of things.

Aspects of Time-Management and Business Growth That I’ve Found Helpful

For general time-management and business growth, I’ve found the following useful:
  • Devoting as much time as possible to the most crucial area in life until it’s mastered, such as business. I mean, that's also what I did with seduction. This is pretty related to MJ DeMarco’s philosophyon being willing to work 7 days a week for business growth in order to eventually work 0 days per week (due to selling a business or a livable passive income). He’s really the only business personality that I like… but definitely don’t listen to his take on women, only for business hahaha.
    • So also reading his books Unscripted and The Millionaire Fastlane should help to refine an overall action framework. But as we all know, it's a fine line between reading for real utility and action-faking. It's more about having a general lifestyle/business framework and then learning from experience as you go while not thinking one specific book or material is the absolute key to transcendence. While accepting that you won’t know everything before doing things and will build your skillset as the situations are presented to you.
  • Also playing into that philosophy is one of “business monogamy.” Only focusing on ONE business and pouring all available time into doing whatever you need to grow it, which may be learning a new skill for a specific purpose of your business, developing a new product, building customer relationships, etc. Generally approaching the business with a mastery-oriented approach of constant refinement, just like seduction.
  • Removing the possibility to engage with any possible distractions. I don’t have a TV or any streaming subscriptions – and I wouldn’t want them anyway. I sold or deleted all the time-wasting video games that I’ve wasted too much time on. Life is much better for it. Also, stripping down your workspace so we only have things around us that are conducive to our good progress. Nothing to distract away from that. Looks like you have this covered already.
  • Related to this is using an awesome software called FocusMe. This allows you to set restrictions on what your computer can access for certain amounts of time. If you can’t access a distraction, well, you can’t access a distraction. And you can stay locked into whatever you need. It additionally helps for internalizing these healthy habits over time. I've also used this to permanently block porn-related keywords to ensure that issuedoesn't ever pop up again (but make sure to whitelist GC/SS/whatever other websites before doing this).
    • Additionally blocking any time-wasting websites on my phone as well
  • Time blocking with Google Calendar as mentioned by others and syncing it across devices. I set the basis of my schedules one week in advance as anything further out may have more variability. Personally I haven't seen the benefit of setting precise schedules too early only to waste time readjusting them as it gets closer... and that would disrupt a trusted system. I also like having desktop notifications set for 10 minutes prior to the next time block.
  • Building in my workout times for right when I wake up. This ensures that I can’t put it off if something else comes up or if the day is stressful.
  • Making sure to build in daily time to promote a healthy mind and body (in addition to working out).
  • Generally limiting random idle time. Always having something productive to read or listen to while prepping food, travelling somewhere, etc.
These have all been some of my thoughts and tactics on these topics.

So my overall answer is yes, we can simultaneously make big progress across multiple dedicated areas. I’ve seen it and I know you can, too.

I think it’s not even as much about discipline or balance as it is harmonizing your lifestyle with the process of achieving your goals.

And when you really hit your stride in the process, a beautiful momentum kicks in. And when a beautiful momentum kicks in, the growth across your life really explodes in a truly wonderful way.
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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 7, 2019
Thank you for detailed & very useful contributions!

@DML, @TomInHo & @Lofty

Planning out ‘22 aims/game plan this week and I’ll be referring back to your posts.

Common theme appears to be focus on the key tasks that give the majority of the results and rotate your focus depending on your current goal(s)

Once I figure out a system for me I’ll definitely be reporting back :)


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 7, 2019
As promised - coming back with my aims for this year.

Was inspired by the posts above, especially the quarterly breakdown.


I'm very inefficient with my time and I can accomplish more with less stress and certain tweaks. Cutting girls off 100% is unrealistic and I'm good enough to iron out a (nearly!) automated system. To accomplish this I'm going to:

> Run nightgame x1 a week either on Friday or Saturday exclusively in my local area. I'll restrict myself to 2 drinks and be in bed by 2am if I don't have a solid pull option.

> 4 apps. Focusing on Tinder, Bumble, Thursday and Feeld. Ditching Hinge because I noticed it attracts more less sexually experienced boyfriend hunters. It's also "slower moving" and can't easily be automated like the other 4 can.

My automation will be 1. using "BlueStacks" to access the app on my laptop / 2. Macros to swipe on my behalf / 3. VA to send messages or just copy and paste openers in specific evenings

> Sporadic daygame. I actually realised that I yo-yo between online and day game because I get annoyed at the drawn out process of online (swiping,matching,talking) and decide to just talk to girls directly. But then I miss the volume of online and flick between the 2.

Ultimately my aim is to get a rotation of 3 again then switch off the new girl machine.

High Level Goals

Goal 1 (Fitness):
Get to 70KG and 13% Body Fat. Currently at 63KG and 16% Body Fat.

Goal 2 (Business): A) Have a $500 revenue month in my online business (by June 2022)

B) Create and launch my very own SaaS product (between July - Dec 2022)

Goal 3 (Finances) : A) Save 6 months' of expenses in cash/liquid investments by Dec 2022
B) Aggressively apply for jobs in Q3 2022 and aim for a 30-50% pay increase for Jan '23

Key habits to make the above possible

Create more time - wake up by 7am 6/7 days a week.

Kill procrastination - stick to time limits set on my phone & PC. No more than 1 hour of phone usage a day (which is surprisingly difficult). I also waste way to much time on Youtube and use Newsfeed eradicator chrome extension to address this.

Remain focused - Write 2 main tasks that I must do each day in the evening (1 career related and 1 business related). With blocked out time e.g. accomplish task 1 between 9-10am.

Layer 1 habit at a time - each month I'll focus on adopting a habit. Only 1 to keep it simple as I've over complicated it in the past. For January it will be waking up at 7 am 6/7 days a week. The next one will be reading for 30 minutes a day in Feb.

Quarterly Breakdown

Q1 -
Gym (set up routine and habits) and business (500 revenue month focus)

Q2 - Women automation (set up system) and business (500 revenue month focus)

Q3 - Career (aggressively search for 30%-50% increase jobs) and business (Build SaaS Product)

Q4 - Gym (fine tune goals) and business (Sell SaaS Product)

Happy new year everyone - hope you smash your '22 goals. Let's get it.
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the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 7, 2019
As we're more than halfway through the year I thought I'd revisit this. What a journey 2022 has been.

I'm way ahead in some of my goals and way behind in others:

Ultimately my aim is to get a rotation of 3 again then switch off the new girl machine.

I went on a relentless ONS streak early in the year to get over a FB lol. Then ran into rotation struggles before finally settling in the last month with x2 FB's I see every 2 weeks' and a 3rd I see every month.

To be honest spent too much time on girl's in relation to my goals. Currently sitting at x16 lays this year.

Goal 1 (Fitness): Get to 70KG and 13% Body Fat. Currently at 63KG and 16% Body Fat.

Way behind. Need to pick a start date I.E September (as summer winds down) and buckle in with diet and regular exercise routine.

Goal 2 (Business): A) Have a $500 revenue month in my online business (by June 2022)

Killing it. Hit double my target by June and currently sitting at almost triple.

B) Create and launch my very own SaaS product (between July - Dec 2022)

No longer a priority. I pivoted to a marketing agency model. Will re-explore this after 12-24 months of building capital

A) Save 6 months' of expenses in cash/liquid investments by Dec 2022

Behind. Badly spent a chunk of savings on entertainment and the other on Biz coaching that paid off.

With my new earnings I'm thinking I can play catch up and get close to it if not exceed if I budget well and keep pushing for new clients.

B) Aggressively apply for jobs in Q3 2022 and aim for a 30-50% pay increase for Jan '23

Got an internal promotion at work with a sizeable increase in pay. With recession looming I'm playing chess and don't want to be the last one in a new company when the lay offs inevitably come. Instead focusing on building cash savings and staying in a place I'm politically liked.

Onwards and Upwards x

P.S curious to hear how other people are getting on in 2022


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 7, 2019
TLDR: 2022 Review:

My goals in 2022 were commendable but unnecessarily complex. Hence the 2/3 failure rate.

Saving grace is the one goal I hit (business) was a big life milestone that I've been working at for a long time.

2023 Goals:

Goal 1 (Savings)
x6 months saving by Dec '23. Have set up an auto-saving schedule on my bank account so confident I'll hit this

Goal 2 (Business) $1,000 profit every month. I'm much better now then when I started so this is a stretch but achievable goal

Goal 3 (Health) 10% bodyfat. I know what to do just need to stay consistent.

What I'm sacrificing??? Game. I'm okay with only laying x4 new girls in 2023. Complete retirement is unrealistic lol.


Long Version:

2022 Goals Review

Goal 1 (Fitness):
Get to 70KG and 13% Body Fat. Currently at 63KG and 16% Body Fat.

>>> Failed miserably at this but have got into a flow towards end of the year. Simplifying this goal in 2023 to just be get to 10% bodyfat.

Goal 2 (Business): A) Have a $500 revenue month in my online business (by June 2022)

>>> Only target I hit (and exceeded)

B) Create and launch my very own SaaS product (between July - Dec 2022)

>>> Failed too complex, will be scrapping this

Goal 3 (Finances) :
A) Save 6 months' of expenses in cash/liquid investments by Dec 2022

>>> Failed - went too hard on x2 holidays I had and lacked discipline in my day to day budgeting.

B) Aggressively apply for jobs in Q3 2022 and aim for a 30-50% pay increase for Jan '23

>>> In light of the looming recession don't think it's wise to move jobs so have scrapped this.
Going to push for another promotion or good bonus at the very least.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Sep 1, 2019
Sounds like some decent goals for 2023. But have are you gonna reach them? What are you forcing yourself to do on a daily/weekly basis? Which habits are you creating that will help you reach the above goals?

I hope it's OK that I push you a little here


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 7, 2019
Appreciate the challenge @Toby2030

Few points I didn't mention:

Have existing habits that help me: Work on my biz most evenings. Cut out getting drunk and going out on Fri end of last year. Also work on Biz every Saturday too.

New habits

Daily: Tech off at 9pm on work nights (I sleep better when consistent), measuring food/counting calories again, to-do lists vs mindlessly working

Weekly: Limit myself to x3 a week nightgame inc. dates/social catch ups, workout Tues, Thurs and Sat (to set the routine rather than being random like now)

Monthly: Have x1 habit that I'm focusing on building. This month is the tech off as resting and getting more energy will make everything easier.

Any more challenges or suggestions welcome.