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Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Apparently cowards too. The 3 of em said that I was the one catcalling women. Interesting...

Good thing their FB Livestream accounts say otherwise

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Reading the old article about being a challenge to women. So basically I've been no challenge at all and attainability too high overall
--> think this is why the turbo virgin women ended up liking me, because that's kinda what they were looking for in a man. However it's also somewhat validating in a way as well. And I say that because I still come off as attractive, just not a challenge and too-high attainability. The reason I say this? Because I still ended up on dates with these women and talked to them. They still complained about how some guys are too nice or not their type and all that jazz

So the mindset shift that I wanted to try out I think is a real winner, I believe. Even before finally succeeding with this new girl I wanted to take a 2 week break, which is almost over (and now I gotta adjust to a new schedule and crap anyways) because of that bad reaction on the same day from an accidental re-approach. It doesn't bother me anymore which is nice (however I wanted to take a month off from even going back to that spot, so I'll need to find other spots), but the ole bank account still looking awfully parched after getting my car fixed with tires, oil change and etc. But it's cool, I got another interview tomorrow for an easier job for more money. Thank god I've worked on my charisma lol

Anyways, I was reading GC's article on being a challenge to women and there's a point in there that Chase makes that I absolutely need to remember for when I start approaching again next week: Scarcity, point number 2 here: https://www.girlschase.com/content/being-challenge-women-really-turning-them

Contrasting myself with others. There are a lotta different ways that I can do this:
1) creativity
2) the fact that I'm approaching at all
3) most people don't have direction in their lives
4) most people are lazy
5) I can cook
6) I have passions and have learned a whole bunch of different and varied skillsets

Chase recommends throwing out a remark or two similar to this and I think I can weave it into a challenge towards the girl as well. I believe that I accidentally did this with (I'm just going to start calling her brunette because it's shorter) when I talked about her being sweet. It wasn't meant as a way to showcase myself or even her being different, but there was a bit of an "us vs. the world" framing there, 100% accidental at the time but still.

It was something to the effect of most people get jaded and become mean so I like that she was nice, even if it sometimes means that you overinvest because people don't appreciate you. Something I can relate to. --> probably not exact but it was something like that

So when I start approaching again in a week, possibly two depending on how this next job wants to schedule me, I'll want to keep in mind the 'impress me' mindset as well as:
1) are you as beautiful on the inside as you are the outside --> or similar questions, like what else do you have going for you in your life
2) creating scarcity and contrasting myself through remarks like the above but weaving them into cold reads/qualifiers for women
3) related to the 'impress me' mindset --> normal approach, but then cool off within a minute or two and put the work on her to bring me back in (something more concrete to aim for in case I forget what this means later)

I was watching The Behavioral Arts by Spidey (highly recommend btw) and there's something else that I sometimes do with people, but not really with women (I dunno why, I need to change that) that I wanted to write down as well:

Labeling them as something positive to then trip consistency in their minds. So if someone does something for me "oh, you're so kind" and then ask for them to do something a little bit bigger for me within a minute or two. I dunno how I'm going to use this on the approach right now (since most of my approaches are walking around) but I'll figure it out. In the mean time I wanted to write it down to remember
-- Benjamin Franklin Effect is also another name for the technique

But yeah, I always do this when I call up a business or talk to an employee and I usually end up getting them to help me far more than they help other people. I... feel kinda dumb for not doing this with women to tell ya the truth o.0
Last edited:

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
In regards to the "impress me" mindset, Chase pointed out in the 1st daygame lay post that a cold read saved the day. The part where she was going to brush me off and then I hit her with the cold read and she melted

Chase made a good point that I also want to remember in regards to balancing: if I was doing things correctly then there wouldn't have been a need to save the approach with a cold read

So while I think the impress me mentality is a winner, I need to qualify a little bit faster. Qualifying could be the key to balancing out the challenging aspect of it. That, or my initial idea of weaving the contrasting aspect of the linked article into a cold read/qualifier about her. I think I'm onto something here overall, just need to test it

But yeah, a week or two I'll hit the streets again. Depends on if I get this new job tomorrow and how they want to schedule me

Side note: don't forget to label the interviewer in a way that benefits me and will hopefully make him more compliant to any requests that I may have

"Oh thanks for being so considerate and helping me out during those phone calls. Really appreciate you being flexible and helping me out"
--> could be the key to getting what I want which is basically all my hours bundled up into as few days as possible. It's open from 11-8 so if I could just get that in like 3-4 days I'd be pretty happy

Side, side note; because the hours would likely be 10-9, with an hour or two in between of a break, I could give revisit the idea of going to lounges for women. It was something I was considering but the job I currently have and am about to replace wants me there at 6:30 am and my body is already adjusting to it :'(

Looking forward to dumping that. Although I feel extremely confident about replacing this current job. Place is filled with snakes in the form of people, the job itself sucks and it's early-as-ballz-o-clock

Don't like the people. Don't like the work. Don't like the time

But I know that I can replace it even with my unfortunate circumstances. Why did I even accept this job in the first place? What was wrong with me...

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
About the mentions: I'm confused on my own energy/state of this approach and would like your guys' opinions on it please

I've been bitten by the success bug and had to try and keep it rolling. Decided to do more approaches today, no hooks but that'll happen while out playing PokemonGo this morning

Went back later and one of two did hook, although I don't feel like it was the best approach for a few reasons (but I am trying something new so it's to be expected and even with that she seems interested)

1) fundamentals --> 6-7/10 (relaxing my stomach while standing is difficult since I've got well over a decade long habit to break). Also felt like my walk was a bit lacking. Posture was great though
2) opener --> 8/10
3) Conversation was normal stuff, topics overall I felt like were: 8-9/10 (delivery of said topics however, 5-6/10)
4) my energy --> ??/10 (more down below)
5) close --> 5/10 but possibly better
6) my goals with what to work on 8/10 (they need work but I count this as a 8 because I'm actively working on new things, didn't see an appropriate opportunity for a cold read though)
Delivery of said goals to work on needs work though lol


It was a repeat opener. She was skating and something in me thought this was a good idea: off-hand comment about her skating since she was cleeeaaarrly new at it
Good job!

Let it go until we 'coincidentally' cross paths again while I'm on my phone. I don't remember what I said at first (probably how's your day or something) but then as she started rolling away I told her to slow down for just a second

She did, slowly walked back up to her and delivered the opener. Introduced ourselves and then kinda went into the convo. She's very happy at this point. Said something like

"Since I don't know much about you other than you're cute tell me about yourself. Are you as good a person on the inside as you are the outside?"
--> I need to find a better way to deliver this but it's still new so I'm not gonna be too harsh on myself

Challenged her a bit more and also related to her wanting to help people is close to my wanting to help people (different paths but same reason). Also talked about the person we helps reaction because I felt like she could relate

My energy was lower today for some reason. It wasn't bad nor negative. It was positive but it was definitely lower than normal. Not sure if this is a good thing or not

Her energy matched mine so I didn't think it was going well

Ended up also qualifying her on trying new things. It's scary to try new things but I think it's cool that you are and it's going well

I honestly didn't think the approach was going well so I even told her at the end

"Before I start walking back that way is there anything else you'd like to know about me?"

"Your phone number?"

Put first and last name in my phone so I guess I did a better job than I thought I did? Not sure, time will tell

She mentioned her schedule being pretty open so that's also a good sign. Though I took that initiative to go for later tonight but she said she was getting dinner with her roommate. Decided to not push the issue and will instead reopen the possibility within the icebreaker

She seemed genuine in wanting to get a coffee with me. So I think I'm almost there...

Total approach in my mind: 6/10
How happy I am with the approach: 8/10

Things I'm actively working on:
1) Cold reads
2) Challenging her/adding pressure to then qualify
3) Finding ways to show how I stand out compared to other people without bragging (chase's showing scarcity section in the challenging article is currently my go-to)
4) relaxing my stomach

Things I lacked a bit:
1) walk, c'mon bro this should be a 10
2) voice --> it's the habit that I'm trying to break. Takes time
3) obviously stuff I am working on
4) compliance --> because she was skating didn't see an opportunity except on the open

Things did well:
1) I truly believe that the double approach/off-hand comment worked well
2) I commanded her to slow down and she did on the approach

Question Marks:
I'm not sure if my energy being lower is a good thing or not. On one hand it lends itself to some more sexuality but it could come off as boring. So I honestly have no idea if this is good or bad

Again, my energy was positive. It was just low overall. @ulrich and @Will_V thoughts please on the energy/state/vibe I'm talking about?

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
There was a point where I was really low to accept a job that I hate. Just interviewed for a better job, better money, staff seems nice and I got it easily

Got the hourly I wanted and the hours I wanted. Have to give up weekends but I'll only be working 3 days a week which will leave plenty of time for game and business (even though it's only 3 days a week my weekly hours will be around 32-34 or so, plus a nice pay raise). Can't wait to not go into work at the warehouse tomorrow

Plus, since it's a restaurant my food bill just got slashed lol. Never worked in a restaurant yet where everybody working there didn't nomnom everything while working lol


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
"Since I don't know much about you other than you're cute tell me about yourself. Are you as good a person on the inside as you are the outside?"
--> I need to find a better way to deliver this but it's still new so I'm not gonna be too harsh on myself
Yeah, that one always felt a little forced for me too.

I would go:

Me: “Hey, I didn’t notice at first but you’re very cute! What a good surprise.”
Her: “Oh yes/no, blah, blah, blah”
Me: (thread-cut) “So what do you do for fun? / Are you here looking for fun?”

The thread cut will feel make her feel like you’re evaluating her while sounding less rehearsed.

Question Marks:
I'm not sure if my energy being lower is a good thing or not. On one hand it lends itself to some more sexuality but it could come off as boring. So I honestly have no idea if this is good or bad

Neither good nor bad, it’s one of those things that you want to calibrate as much as possible.

If you were feeling tired, it would be incongruent to try to push for a hyper-animated interaction, you would come as weird or fake.

Just realize your energy is a factor and do what you can to calibrate as much as you can to the specific scenario.

You will not hit home 100% of time… it’s OK.
Your fundamentals and the rest of your game will still be there to help.

Again, my energy was positive. It was just low overall. @ulrich and @Will_V thoughts please on the energy/state/vibe I'm talking about?

Overall, I think it’s a decent approach.
There was a point where the girl was doubting you would follow through so she gave you clear indications of her interest.

Now, the thing that concerns me is that I don’t see that you had seeded the date or excited her significantly, also if she went skating, there’s a chance there will be disconnect in her mind due to the physical activity, so follow up is going to be crucial.


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
About the mentions: I'm confused on my own energy/state of this approach and would like your guys' opinions on it please

I've been bitten by the success bug and had to try and keep it rolling. Decided to do more approaches today, no hooks but that'll happen while out playing PokemonGo this morning

Went back later and one of two did hook, although I don't feel like it was the best approach for a few reasons (but I am trying something new so it's to be expected and even with that she seems interested)

1) fundamentals --> 6-7/10 (relaxing my stomach while standing is difficult since I've got well over a decade long habit to break). Also felt like my walk was a bit lacking. Posture was great though
2) opener --> 8/10
3) Conversation was normal stuff, topics overall I felt like were: 8-9/10 (delivery of said topics however, 5-6/10)
4) my energy --> ??/10 (more down below)
5) close --> 5/10 but possibly better
6) my goals with what to work on 8/10 (they need work but I count this as a 8 because I'm actively working on new things, didn't see an appropriate opportunity for a cold read though)
Delivery of said goals to work on needs work though lol


It was a repeat opener. She was skating and something in me thought this was a good idea: off-hand comment about her skating since she was cleeeaaarrly new at it
Good job!

Let it go until we 'coincidentally' cross paths again while I'm on my phone. I don't remember what I said at first (probably how's your day or something) but then as she started rolling away I told her to slow down for just a second

She did, slowly walked back up to her and delivered the opener. Introduced ourselves and then kinda went into the convo. She's very happy at this point. Said something like

"Since I don't know much about you other than you're cute tell me about yourself. Are you as good a person on the inside as you are the outside?"
--> I need to find a better way to deliver this but it's still new so I'm not gonna be too harsh on myself

Challenged her a bit more and also related to her wanting to help people is close to my wanting to help people (different paths but same reason). Also talked about the person we helps reaction because I felt like she could relate

My energy was lower today for some reason. It wasn't bad nor negative. It was positive but it was definitely lower than normal. Not sure if this is a good thing or not

Her energy matched mine so I didn't think it was going well

Ended up also qualifying her on trying new things. It's scary to try new things but I think it's cool that you are and it's going well

I honestly didn't think the approach was going well so I even told her at the end

"Before I start walking back that way is there anything else you'd like to know about me?"

"Your phone number?"

Put first and last name in my phone so I guess I did a better job than I thought I did? Not sure, time will tell

She mentioned her schedule being pretty open so that's also a good sign. Though I took that initiative to go for later tonight but she said she was getting dinner with her roommate. Decided to not push the issue and will instead reopen the possibility within the icebreaker

She seemed genuine in wanting to get a coffee with me. So I think I'm almost there...

Total approach in my mind: 6/10
How happy I am with the approach: 8/10

Things I'm actively working on:
1) Cold reads
2) Challenging her/adding pressure to then qualify
3) Finding ways to show how I stand out compared to other people without bragging (chase's showing scarcity section in the challenging article is currently my go-to)
4) relaxing my stomach

Things I lacked a bit:
1) walk, c'mon bro this should be a 10
2) voice --> it's the habit that I'm trying to break. Takes time
3) obviously stuff I am working on
4) compliance --> because she was skating didn't see an opportunity except on the open

Things did well:
1) I truly believe that the double approach/off-hand comment worked well
2) I commanded her to slow down and she did on the approach

Question Marks:
I'm not sure if my energy being lower is a good thing or not. On one hand it lends itself to some more sexuality but it could come off as boring. So I honestly have no idea if this is good or bad

Again, my energy was positive. It was just low overall. @ulrich and @Will_V thoughts please on the energy/state/vibe I'm talking about?

Don't pay attention to whether energy is low, it doesn't matter. Point is that skater girl can smell pussy on you now and you're finding it a bit easier than before. That's good.

Low energy is also not a bad thing. Especially when you find yourself evolving you will end up in weird states where your energy feels low but everyone else feels a strong effect. I believe this is because the new experiences and the input of new information break out trapped mental energy from the subconscious and cause it to float up toward the surface where it comes through in your self expression, even though you are somewhat unaware of it. This is a good thing, and something to encourage.

Also, seduction is not about high energy in the normal sense. It's not about cheeriness or happiness or what have you. It's about having all your energy at your fingertips. It's like if you are close to cumming, it doesn't make you appear any more energetic, but everything you do, every movement, has a life of its own, it becomes a release rather than an effort. It's like dancing to a powerful slow tune, the music moves you of its own accord, you don't catch up with it by effort and you don't meet its energy by bouncing around.

Zan Perrion puts it in an interesting way, often saying that sexual energy is low whereas social energy is high. I don't think he means high/low in terms of energy amount, but in the sense of its mass, the way it finds its expression in silences and moments of tension, and in the anticipation of things rather than the thing itself.

Another way to think of it is, seductive music is always slow and deep, the lyrics more of a murmur than a clear speech. That's low energy in a sense, but in another way it's far more condensed, focused, penetrating energy. Think of Wicked Game or something like that.

The best thing someone can do is simply pay attention to themselves, a little bit of attention combined with intuition can teach you a lot of things in ways that are very difficult to learn by rote.

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Hmmm good points, thank you so much! I'll have to have a think about it: Ulrich and will

Skater girl texted back and we have a date set up Wednesday. Was going to text today to set up the exact place

And yeah I didn't seed the date at all because I didn't think I was doing well lol

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Skater girl replied to my date confirmation text... I guess she's going to show up after all later today? I really didn't think the approach was worth half a shit so I'm pleasantly surprised lol


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
Skater girl replied to my date confirmation text... I guess she's going to show up after all later today? I really didn't think the approach was worth half a shit so I'm pleasantly surprised lol
That’s the nice thing about fundamentals.
They can save a not so great interaction. ;)

Go at her, tiger!

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
That’s the nice thing about fundamentals.
They can save a not so great interaction. ;)

Go at her, tiger!
Lol that's funny


We had the date but she's the super logical type and also seems a little passionate about politics. She said that she wanted to see me again so we shall see

I ended the date after about an hour and a half. Conversation wasn't flowing, she was tired so no energy from her side. Aaaand I wanted to go approach in a nearby area to hopefully find someone with a better connection lmao

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Also while walking back to my car I accidentally told a guy that his daughter was hot

But in my defense this guy HAD to have been cheated on! He was busted and she was hit af AND a different race!

Also I noticed him staring at her when she got out of her car so I assumed he was a worker taking a break and looking at a hot chick

Lmao my bad

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Decided to only approach women who gave me an AI yesterday.... I made 0 approaches in like 3 hours

Decided to only approach women who seemed open to the world/people/an approach... in around 5 hours I made like... 2 approaches. And one of them was a straight up loon. A happy loon, but still a loon nonetheless

Holy cow people are closed off. Shit is depressing

Side note; old women actually seem open to the world. They have open body language, they'll even smile as you walk by and some will say hello. Kinda nice

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Decided to just say fuck it and go back to approaching. But now I'm finding it difficult to approach now that I've started trying to gauge how open people are

They're probably just in their head but I feel like I'm starting from scratch again or something. Getting nervous again

This is dumb. I don't get nervous and I'm annoyed

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Thought maybe I was being too black and white with my looking for openness + nerves for some ungodly reason (fuck you nerves)

Decided to try and open a girl with a cute face but was kinda mean mugging a little bit. Didn't even get the words out of my mouth before I got the ice cold ignore lol

Approaches another girl whom seemed more open. She was, nice but boyfriend

So I'm thinking that I need to try and think of it on a spectrum. Going to make a game out of it "she's a 2!" Etc

If I had to put a number on it though, I would say cute face was a 2 (on the approachability spectrum, not the hit spectrum) whereas boyfriend girl was like a 6-7

Going to try and play around with this a bit

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Logical girl from last week update --> I never texted her, she never texted me. I don't like those super logical types and she wasn't hot enough for me to want to push through

So after playing around with trying to gauge a few things about women before the open, saw a girl and concluded that she wasn't super open, but that's because she's the shy type and probably not super man-confident

Think my read was pretty spot on

She seemed extremely into me. I didn't do anything challenging because I wanted to dial up the warmth with her. I believe this was the correct call. We shall see. I would detail the approach but I don't really even remember what we talked about

Probably like a 5-10 minute interaction.

One thing that stood out was when I tried to move closer to her I noticed that she backed up. She was extremely open body-language wise and fully faced me whereas I turned at a slight degree. She was happy and clearly nervous
Thoughts about not wanting me to get close: probably just nerves

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Ugg.... starting to get annoyed again

Walked around for FOUR HOURS today. Only a single girl/approach and I accidentally scared her so of course that didn't go well. Been beating myself up over that one but it's my fault... fml

But still, I've gone out every day this week that I've been off. I scheduled myself for 12 hour shifts specifically so I'd have more time to approach and could work as few days as possible. I have one number to show for it, and while I still think it's kinda solid that' still like... 15 or so hours for a single number. Starting to feel fatigue and burnout again

I think I need a new place to go to. Parks suck

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Ok, I've got a new plan. Next week we'll see how it goes
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Got a text today that she's stressed with life and blablabla... so apparently dialing up the warmth and down the challenge was not the move....

If it wasn't the move with her then it's not the move with anyone. Noted