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HyperActi7e's Journal


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 6, 2025
Starting this journal to document and reflect on my approaches. I made four daygame approaches today.


Girl I had to open from behind

I had seen this girl from quite the distance and decided to run after her. Running after girls is generally something I am quite bothered by (because I don't like the attention it brings on me) but for some reason I decided to go for it.

I know that I should be running up ahead of her and then turning and opening that way. But the thing is, this girl turned around as I was closing in on her (probably because she heard me) and it forced me to just open while I was behind her.

I told her I thought she was pretty and asked if she was single to which she said no and I let her go after that. Honestly, I'm just happy I approached.

Blonde fit girl that hooked
This girl had walked past me and I hesitated to open in that moment. But I decided to turn around and follow her until she stopped at a street crossing. I then opened her there and she was pretty receptive. I opened with a simple complement opener (she was pretty).

Funnily enough, I had planned on just asking for her number (I know this is bad) but it felt weirder to do that than just converse with her. So we talked for like 30 seconds about what it was like living in the city and then the walk sign turned on so she started walking. One thing I should have improved on here is leading the interaction. When it turned to the walk sign, I should have told her to cross with me but instead it was like I was following her.

We then (while walking) talked about what we both do for work before she asked me where I'm even going. Then I told her I needed to actually go the other way but I was only walking there to talk with her (lol). I then asked her out to which she hesitantly said yes and then said "actually maybe." But we exchanged numbers.

I sent an icebreaker text to which she responded positively. Let's see if I can get her out on a date.

Overall, not the strongest approach but happy I got the approach in. I was definitely nervous and there wasn't a ton of flirtation (I only teased her like once). I'd say the close was overall not too smooth either (which is why I think she was hesitant to commit to the date). I need to transition into this better.

Young, fashionable girl I had to run after
This girl was cute. I was able to run after her without her turning around so I got the approach angle right (from in front). Thing is I was still too nervous to actually talk to her so I just immediately tried number closing ("can I get your number?" -- yes I know it's bad) which she turned down politely.

Happy I did the approach but one of these days I'm going to have to go out without allowing myself to number close. I do this a lot just because I'm so nervous to approach.

Girl waiting at bus stop
I opened this girl who very nicely told me she had a boyfriend and told me to have a nice day.

I really like the girls here. The rejections are so kind haha.

I'm still really apprehensive about approaching. The biggest sticking point I need to work on is actually approaching (Approach Anxiety) and ejecting (probably related to AA).

I do think if I can actually consistently approach, I should be able to refine and iterate.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 6, 2025
Need to catch up on yesterday as well but there wasn't much.

Two approaches yesterday that were quick "I have a boyfriend" rejections.

Today I approached one girl and she did hook. But things did get a bit awkward after like 2 min. So I closed (which didn't work). I pretty much expected that.

Overall, I need to:
1) Approach more
2) Stop ejecting from my sets so early/closing unnecessarily early

Nothing new here tbh but I need to get a handle on my nervousness. If I can just do (1), then I believe (2) will follow naturally from enough sets within a short amount of time.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 6, 2025
Ok got a lot of catching up to do here. It is now Monday and I'll be going back all the way to Wednesday.

I made two approaches this day. The first one was immediately after arriving at my day game venue, I ran up and in front of this girl who was very stylish. She turned out to be Morrocan-Spanish and we talked for a bit. She seemed into the convo so I slowed down to see if she would slow down with me and she did. So I stopped and I was able to get her to stop and talk to me which was nice. After like 2 min of convo I asked for her number (basically another ejection) which I got. But I should have asked her out at least. She did not end up responding.

The second approach was me trying to open a girl who walked right by me. I think I was just talking too fast.

On this day, I'm happy that I approached immediately but there were tons of opportunities for me to open. I felt I could have talked to like 9 girls that so I feel two was a little underwhelming.

0 approaches (thanks AA)

This day I only made one approach. I opened this girl who was walking her dog and she immediately said she didn't have a lot of time and left. But another day where there were a lot of opportunities.

0 approaches (thanks AA)

This I made two approaches but nothing significant. The first one I opened with "Do you speak English?" She stopped and after she said yes I asked her if she was single. She said no so I just let her go.

The second one I opened indirect (asked for directions) because I was tired of walking around an not approaching.

Week's Reflection
Before I go onto today, I want to just reflect on that week. Overall, I was pretty stumped by AA and didn't have many significant approaches. Every day I went out, I felt like a fraction of the opportunities that were there for me to approach I actually took. But I am getting into more actual conversations.

In that first approach on Sunday too, I actually stumbled upon an Indirect-Direct approach: "Do you speak English? -- Are you single?"
Even though she wasn't, the reaction was pretty positive.

Ok now onto Monday (today)

Today I made 4 approaches.

The first one was so ridiculous. I opened the girl (and before I opened it looked like she was avoiding eye contact with me) and she responded with "Oh hey.." So immediately I was thinking that I had opened this girl already. Turns out, it was the girl from my first post (I called her "Blonde fit girl that hooked"). I had texted this girl asking her out and she actually ghosted me lmfaoooo. So this was random. Anyways, I just pretended she never ghosted and talked to her for a bit and even flirted a little. But then she just excused herself saying it was "great running into [me]." That was so fucking funny but I think it means I need to switch up spots lol.

Second girl was walking her dog and I opened with "Do you speak English?" to which she said no and I just kept walking.

Third girl I tried opening but she was wearing headphones and I think I was speaking too quietly so I don't think she even noticed me. But maybe she was ignoring me.

Fourth girl almost walked by me because she couldn't hear me but she was close enough that I tapped her on the shoulder before she fully passed me. When she turned around I opened with "Do you know English?" She said a little and then I said "Are you single?" and she said yes (I am loving this Indirect-Direct open btw). We talked for a bit. Turns out she was an Argentinian student who was visiting the city and she was studying English in a nearby college. I teased her a bit and then asked her out (mostly as an ejection, I don't think it was the right time tbh). I asked her if she wanted to get a drink sometime to which she bluntly responded "No" (lmfaooooo). She was a sweet girl but I don't think her English was good enough to soften it haha. Anyways I left after that.

Overall, I think I'm happy with the amount of approaches I did today. I do really need to switch up spots (even thought I love this downtown area -- lots of tall buildings, lots of anonymity).

Still need to improve on approach anxiety and early ejections. Once I start calming down a bit more, maybe I can just try working my way to gaining more compliance. Moving the girl around a bit before asking her out since straight asking her out has NOT been working lmao. But I bet that also has to do with my ask outs being ejections and not timed right.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 6, 2025
Ok catching up from last Tuesday.

Was really busy with work but still managed to get myself out for an hour or so. There were probably like 3 girls I approached but AA took over and I let them walk past me. :/ Quite unfortunate.

Approached three girls this day but none of them hooked. I tried opening and they either had boyfriend or walked right past me.

Thursday & Friday
Approach Anxiety won. I did not make any approaches despite many opportunities.

This day I made 3 approaches.

The first was a cute model / musician. She immediately thought I was very young (she was 29) and I tried to ignore those objections. She also asked me what I do and asked me if it made good money which I thought was a bit weird. The conversation was good but she kept trying to just give me her number or instagram. But I don't think it was in a way that she was interested. I kept trying to talk to her and she just took my number. After the number I tried to ask her out but she just hugged me and kind of left. I definitely don't think she was interested but she was just trying to use the number to get out. But she also didn't seem uncomfortable. I was really happy that I didn't eject out of this one tho.

The second approach was a girl who I thought was hot but then I'm pretty sure she (he?) was transgender. So I quickly ejected.

The third approach I tried opening this girl who was clearly not paying attention to her surroundings (deep in her headphones). She didn't hear what I said as she was walking by so I tapped her, to which she looked startled and just kept walking.

Two appraoches this day.

First girl was a girl coming from Ross who I had to run after. After opening, she was clearly disinterested and so I just left. Not much in terms of responses and she didn't even shake my hand.

The second approach was an older russian lady. Honestly I was mid-appraoch when I noticed. Right after opening, she said she wasn't interested but honestly neither was I (lol).

Pretty disappointing day since I didn't even get into a conversation.

Three approaches today.

The first girl was on a college campus. She was cute and I sat with her at her table. But it was quite a boring conversation and she was on her phone the entire time while we were talking. She eventually excused herself. I could have done a lot more here. Deep-diving is tough with girls of this age but asshole humor / teasing is what I should have gone for.

Next girl was coming out of a mall. I opened "Do you speak English?" to which (while still walking) she said yes. Then I asked "Are you single?" to which she laughed and said no then kept walking.

My final approach of the day was one that I thought was pretty good. I opened this girl who was 19 years old and the conversation was flowing and there was a good back and forth. It was overall friendly tho with some flirtation on my end but nothing back. Eventually, I asked her out to which she responded "I don't know..." Not great, but I took her number anyways. She probably won't respond but I'm happy with how the approach went from my end and that I didn't eject. I felt pretty calm in this interaction which I view as solid progress.

Also, the ask out I feel was pretty smooth even though it got a no. I think one thing that could have improved was asking for compliance at some point in the approach (I never did).

Overall, I'm not too happy with my inputs from last week. Everything beyond last Monday was pretty underwhelming from the side of my inputs. I started this week off strong (I'm saying the week starts on Monday I guess) and want to keep going for the entire week. A really successful week for me would look like at least 1 actual conversation with a girl per day. I don't wanna count these gets-ignored/blowout approaches since I don't think they actually help me improve.

I also have a business conference this week so should be pretty easy to talk to girls there but will have to take it lighter on the flirting.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 6, 2025
Alright catching up from Tuesday.

Approached 3 girls.

The first girl was an asian girl. Talked to her for a bit but after the conversation stalled out she excused herself.

The next two just ended up having boyfriends

Wednesday - Friday
Too busy with work to go out.

Approached 3 girls

I approached three girls all with "are you single?" and turned out they were not. Not all that eventful of a day.

I approached 1 girl this day that was supposed to be a warm up. It was in direct but then I never ended up finding anyone else to talk to.

On this day, I approached 5 girls somehow despite not having that much time due to work.

The first girl I opened indirect because I wasn't sure she was attractive. I didn't like her look so I just kept it indirect and asked for bar recommendations. It was acceptable for a warm up.

The second was like 15 steps after the first girl and she was very pretty. I opened indirect and followed it up with "Are you single?" She said she wasn't so I let her go.

I'm forgetting who the third girl was but I don't think it was anything significant.

Then I called it for the day and went back to wrap up some work.

On the way back from picking up dinner, I walked through a mall and saw a girl sitting alone. I approached again with "are you single?" to which she said she wasn't (seems like no one is single, damn).

Finally, the fifth girl was a girl who I had to walk up behind. She was walking her dog but just as I was behind her she turned quite suddenly and so I had to approach then and it was a weird open. I opened direct and she answered but just kept walking. It wasn't a very good opener and I think I should have let her walk past me and then turned around and circled back in front of her. Her turn caught me off guard.

I think one big issue with these approaches is they literally do not improve my conversational ability. As much as I'm happy to see myself approaching now this isn't going anywhere. Literally none of my approaches over the last week landed me in an actual convo.

As much as I love the Indirect-Direct opener with "Are you single?" I think it forces me to eject too soon (which is potentially a timesaver). But I think at the stage I'm at, it would be better for me to invest further in convos even if they don't go anywhere simply because there are things I want to test and can't when I leave set so early.

I want to work on specifically asking for compliance/compliance testing and using negative compliance busters (for when those arise). So I'm going to switch the Direct portion of my Indirect-Direct to a compliment for now.

Approach Anxiety wise, I still get apprehensive approaching when a lot of people are potentially watching.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 6, 2025
3 day summary here


Approached 3 girls today, they all had boyfriends :/


Nothing of note here. I did one approach and the girl was very rude / not receptive so I walked off before she really blew up. I had to run after this girl. I really hate running after girls but sometimes there really aren't many girls to talk to (my fault on picking the day game venue).


Today I approached 4 girls.

The first two had boyfriends so nothing of note.

The third one straight up ignored me and walked by me. But I think I could have done something better here. I approached her literally in this unlit spot and we were walking to each other for a while. I feel like she was probably scared or smth. If I had waited (subtly, so she couldn't tell) in the lit area beyond this dark passage maybe I could have opened more casually and in an environment that she could have been more comfortable. I'm pretty sure this is the first girl in this city that has just walked by me so I think it's definitely a little unusual (unlike some cities where girls ignoring an approach is pretty standard).

The fourth girl was wearing a red dress and was a great open on my end. But I opened indirect. I said "Hey, do you speak English?" She replied "Yes." She was dressed for an evening out so I followed with "You look like you go out a lot, do you know any good bars around here?" and she laughed a bit and got really close to me.

Some notes on this open, I felt my voice projection and tonality were on point. For once, it didn't feel overly suppressed. So this must be what a good open looks like.

Anyways she gave me my answer (with some small convo intertwined) before we parted ways. I didn't react fast enough to actually turn it into a conversation beyond the asking-for-directions open.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 6, 2025

No approaches (AA)


3 girls, nothing meaningful, all boyfriends.


One girl


3 girls approached, but nothing meaningful.

Tuesday (today)

Today I was getting pretty frustrated with my "Are you single?" opener because they just always said no. But still kept trying it today. I went out twice for day game today. In the first session, I opened 3 girls with that same opener.

I can't remember the first girl I opened but she said she wasn't single.

The second girl was really pretty and she was coming out of the gym. I opened and she did turn out to be not single but what I was really happy about with this approach is I opened in front of a large crowd. This is something that was making me apprehensive so I'm happy I did it even though people were definitely watching me. She also said she wasn't single so I just smiled and moved on.

The third and final approach of this session I opened a girl with are you single? and she actually said yes. But she wasn't interested so that convo also ended almost immediately.

And that's the end of the first session, nothing all that significant.

I went out again because I was pretty annoyed at the results of the first outing. No real conversations were had.

So in the second time, I found a girl walking towards me who was kind of cute (passable). I asked if she was single and she started laughing before saying no. So I let her go but at this point I was getting tired of this opener since that girl actually opened and if I had gone a little less direct maybe the convo would have lasted longer. Anyways I move on.

The next girl (5th girl) I saw from pretty far away but caught up behind her by speedwalking. But at the last second as she was crossing the street as I was right behind her, instead of opening, I turned right and basically didn't approach. But as I made my way around, I noticed that she sat down somewhere. So I devised a plan to go talk to her from going around.

First of all, I was tired of this "Are you single?" opener. I was getting blown out (although usually quite nicely) and I wasn't developing a convo. So this time I wanted to try something else. I turned off my phone and pretended I was on my way to a target. So I opened her with:

Me: Hey, do you know where the target is? I was following some directions but my phone died.

And I had her show me the directions on her phone (compliance!). After she gave me the directions, I didn't just leave, I switched it up and said

Me: Hey btw, you're actually kinda cute :). I noticed while I was coming up to ask you [for directions].

To which she actually responded quite well.

And then I asked her name and we began talking about what brought her to the city. What's nice is I ran out of stuff to say after a bit and she filled in herself and invested in the conversation which was great.

After a while I said

Me: My phone's dead but I gotta run to the target. We should grab a drink sometime.

To which she said she was down. And I put my number and name in her phone. Then she reiterated her directions to the target (lol).

So this girl I actually asked out and she said yes and we exchanged numbers. Now I have no idea if she'll actually come out. I sent an ice breaker text to which she didn't respond. I'll try to make plans in 2 days and see what happens but I think I really am going to stop using "Are you single" once I'm warmed up. But honestly not that great for warming up either.

What was really funny after I left this set is it turns out there were two guys watching me. They dapped me up cuz they saw me get her number (lol) and told me they were about to come up to my set (before I left) and say "Thanks for letting me borrow your lambo bro" (lmfaoooo). This shit made my day it was so funny. I'm happy they didn't because obviously I don't really wanna be associated with wealth but I'm sure the girl would have known it wasn't real (lol).

I do think another thing is I was still pretty nervous in the interaction. It was the first set that actually had me conversing so I wasn't warmed up. I really do need warm up sets that aren't just two seconds long so I can get going.

But also one thing is the fact those guys noticed me talking to this girl for so long and knew I was picking her up isn't a great sign. Truth is, people that know each other don't stand across from each other like that for so long so I should have moved beside her so it actually looked like we knew each other.

Also, I had this girl complying I really shouldn't have left. I think for where I'm at I couldn't have pulled her but I should have had her take me to the Target (lol). She knew where it was and she wasn't doing anything (just relaxing). Would've been great for the interaction.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 6, 2025

Approached 5 girls this day. I think only the last one was worth really talking about. It was a blowout but I felt really good about the open. Voice projection and tonality were solid and I moved next to her right on the open.


This day I only approached 1 girl but it felt like a really solid set. I opened direct and moved by her side right after. And we established an initial back and forth and the convo was flowing. I asked her to grab a drink sometime to which she said yes. It was a pretty light initial interaction. I think I'm going to try going more conversational on the texting because I haven't really been able to get Chase's format to work.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 6, 2025
No approaches


3 approaches.

Approach 1
First approach was a pretty significant approach. This girl was in my building taking a class (apparentely there was a small college in the building) for an MBA. She was a black girl who was very cute and seemed very friendly. I also tried to move her to the side bit. I first moved beside her and started moving backwards and told her to move to the side. So I was trying to get the compliance. Unfortunately, she moved away back to the middle. We exchanged a few getting-to-know-you questions before I closed and asked her out to which she excitedly said yes. Then we exchanged numbers. The following is the text exchange:

Me: Hey [girl], it was great to meet :)
Her: Likewise! (blushing emoji)

I texted her the next day with:

Me: Btw, how come you were in class on a Thursday.
Me: Btw, how come you were in class on a Saturday. (edit)

And then I got ghosted.

So no idea what happened. I'm guessing I didn't anchor her attraction for me since she did seem down when I closed in person.

One bad thing on top of the lack of compliance was I also closed off a low-point. One thing I'm realizing is I keep closing on low-points, may be contributing to my continuous ghosts. The most I can get is a response to my ice breaker messages.

Approach 2
Indirect ask for directions. Barely counts as an approach

Approach 3
I asked this girl if she spoke English but she said no. That was it.

This day I made 6 approaches

Approach 1
This girl I approached direct she said her boyfriend worked in the same industry I did and wanted us to connect (lol). So we exchanged numbers but not really ideal scenario.

Approach 2
Very pretty girl who was on a college campus. I reacted perfectly and opened. Wasn't a great interaction tho. She said she was in a rush so I immediately number-closed and she said she had a boyfriend (I don't think she actually did).

Approach 3
I ran after this girl after getting off the train. I tried cold reading but it just wasn't coming out right. I was mumbling and I could see she wanted to leave on her face. She was a college sophomore who was very fit and had a nice ass. Fundamentally, I'd say I just wasn't warmed up... unfortunate.

Approach 4
This was a chilean girl who I opened but she was never really locked in -- body language was trying to get away. I tried some cold reads to which she didn't even respond. Then, out of panic, I just asked her out to which she suprisingly said yes. Got her number but I know she isn't going to respond so won't even bother following up here.

Approach 5
This girl was kind of cute seeming. I opened but I don't think she understood me. But once she understood I was complimenting her, she showed me her ring (married).

Approach 6
I opened with what I believe was good voice tonality and eye contact. Unfortunately, she was married.


Below, I will identify my current sticking points. I will maintain these for every one of my following journal entries.

Sticking Points
- Speaking Quietly
- Speaking Too Fast
- Upwards Tonality
- Lack of Eye Contact
- Approach Anxiety in most situations
- I can easily approach if it's a very attractive girl with no one around to witness the approach
- The more people witnessing, the harder it is for me (busy shopping streets are impossible)
- The cooler appearing the witnesses (attractive couple), the harder it is for me
- Still nervous in conversations
- Closing on Low Points

- Not asking for enough compliance (and anchoring her attraction for me)

I will focus on Lack of Eye Contact and Upward Tonality on my opens. Within the conversation I will focus on Asking for more compliance. So those are the three main ones I will work on tomorrow. As a stretch goal, I will work on not Closing on low points. But don't want to try to eliminate too many of these at once.

Also I want to track another metric on a weekly basis. So far, I have been counting approaches. But now I want to track Meaningful Approaches where "meaningful" means I felt I actually pushed myself. I would like to hit four of these per week. This week I hit 3. So here are my stats for week and month so far.

Approaches: 23
Meaningful Approaches: 3
Numbers: 4

Month (Feb)
Approaches: 27
Meaningful Approaches: 3
Numbers: 4
Last edited:


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 10, 2017
On 1st approach Saturday you should have replied asking for her schedule for the week. She agreed to a meet, so you needed to set one up. The next day's text is a silly question which made you look clueless.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 6, 2025
On 1st approach Saturday you should have replied asking for her schedule for the week. She agreed to a meet, so you needed to set one up. The next day's text is a silly question which made you look clueless.
Yeah you're totally right. I realized this myself that I should have tried to schedule then and there.

But having forgotten, my hope was to try to start a conversation and build up to it. Do you have any thoughts on how to deal with the texting having not made the plans?

Also I realized there was a typo in the next day's text lol. What I actually said was:

Me: Btw, how come you were in class on a Saturday.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 10, 2017
Next day: Looking forward to meeting you, what is your schedule like for this week?

Your question is strange, since the obvious answer is class was scheduled then.
Look on the Text Board for Chase's discussion on texting (recent).


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 6, 2025
Went out with the hope of working on my sticking points but got taken over by AA the entire outing. At the very end of the outing I sped walk up to a girl and approached. Before I could even get my opener out, she waved me off. Honestly, I'm happy she did because I was coming off nervous (weak voice tonality). I just wasn't warmed up.

I was pretty frustrated with the effort put in this day but based on the one approach here and some of my approaches in the previous days, I was coming to the conclusion that I really needed some warm up approaches. Notably, these warm up approaches could not be high pressure (direct, running after a girl) or I won't speak well and it'll ruin momentum for me. So I decided this day that I would start with indirect warm ups.


A total of 7 approaches.

As per the conclusion from Monday, I started with warm ups. I approached 4 girls with indirect but turned out they didn't even speak (much) English. This was honestly perfect. I got to speak a little bit, build a bit of momentum and had the perfect excuse to leave (not that leaving is that hard anyways).

Unfortunately, due to work, I wasn't able to make it out until a bit later than usual to my spot so there were less sets for sure.

I approached indirect on two more girls (who I wasn't even interested in) to keep momentum. But by this point, I had proven the value of the warm ups. Most of the sticking points I highlighted in my previous entry fell by the wayside. I was speaking slowly, projecting my voice, tonality breaking rapport, not really even that nervous.

Finally, at the end of the outing I did find a girl I really wanted to talk to and I was warmed up. One good thing (at least for me) was that I approached with a guy standing right next to the girl (but far enough that it was obvious they didn't know each other) so he was watching me approach (and I didn't care). This is good because I am becoming more and more desensitized to people watching my approach.

I opened with indirect-direct. She was a Brazilian girl. I think my approach was solid (angle, voice tonality) but unfortunately my hook game wasn't tight. I don't blame this on being warmed up and it just being a skill issue. There was a small gap when I hadn't fully hooked yet and she used that to walk away and say bye and I let her go even though I should have persisted.

I'll update the list of sticking points to account for being warmed up.

- Break Rapport Tonality
- I still want to keep this to continue focusing on it
- Lack of Eye Contact
- I want to keep this not because I don't keep eye contact, but rather I want to up the intensity of my eye contact.
- Approach Anxiety
- Closing on Low Points
- Not asking for enough compliance (and anchoring her attraction for me)

I will continue focusing on Break Rapport Tonality, Intense Eye Contact, and asking for compliance. But also, I must warm up during my outings with indirect/casual approaches.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 6, 2025
Ok I haven't had the time to update my journal with my approaches but here's a short update of the last couple days.

Wednesday: 5 approaches
Thursday: 1 approach
Friday: 3 approaches
Saturday/Sunday: Approach Anxiety came back and I wasn't able to approach.

Just want to reflect on that week briefly. Overall, a pretty disappointing performance with no meaningful approaches. At least the previous week I had some approaches that went well but I wasn't able to convert into a date.

Starting off the next week, I was pretty busy Monday - Wednesday so wasn't able to get any approaches in. Finally, there was today.


I only made one approach today. Since it was the first one after five days of not approaching it didn't go amazing I would say. The summary of it was I opened, I was nervous, and number closed as a form of ejection. Not going to bother texting here.

Overall, I need to get enough approaches in the day so that I am actually warmed up. Otherwise, I'm not going to be able to get to the point where a conversation really develops.
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