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I did a TERRIBLE thing


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 6, 2025
Tired and very upset after work.

I tried talking to this absolute smoke show that I've seen around the building a few times and she has always said hi and kept intense eye contact and a shy little devilish smile whenever we pass eachother.

We started talking a few days ago and she threw a couple shit tests at me and I shattered them with ease. She became touchy feely all of a sudden.

Today I ran into her again and asked for her number.

"I can't give you my number. I don't communicate with guys".

I said "Ok" and smiled.

"You won't be mad at me, right"?

"Why'd I be mad at you?"

She laughed and we parted ways.

10 seconds later I kind of woke up from my daze...

"I don't communicate with guys either. That's why I'm asking for your number."


I was tired and completely spent after work and tbh I was very unenthusiastic but still holy fuck am I a fucking idiot.

Jesus H Christ what the fuck happened to me...

I will see her again in the future... Please tell me there's a way to salvage this.

She knows I can pass shit tests and this was the most basic dumbest test she has shit me with.

Do you think she could excuse this as I've passed harder tests that she's given me than this?

How do I go about it the next time I see her? I'm absolutely fucking interested and she was all over me before this.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 28, 2022
If you made a mistake, it's probably not asking her out when she was "touchy feely", you may have missed an escalation window

This interaction you described is completely inconsequetial, just act as if nothing happened and next time you have a fun conversation, ask her out on a high point BEFORE taking her number. It's more natural and higher odds
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 6, 2025
If you made a mistake, it's probably not asking her out when she was "touchy feely", you may have missed an escalation window

This interaction you described is completely inconsequetial, just act as if nothing happened and next time you have a fun conversation, ask her out on a high point BEFORE taking her number. It's more natural and higher odds

Thank you brother. It's not that I'm attached to this girl or oneitis or w.e., it just KILLS me to think that she thinks I'm an idiot that doesn't get things and I'd rather get rejected for ANYTHING else except failing a shit test.

You think this is salvageable if I keep flirting and talking to her? Hopefully she hasn't lost all hope in me for failing that one lol.

I think it's a crucial shit test though... Don't you think so?

@Chase @Skills You helped me tremendously last time, what do you think about this?

I held the door open for her as she walked out and she laughed.

At least she knows I wasn't mad about it haha.

Did I blow it completely or is there still room to come back from it?
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Mar 2, 2022
Totally salvageable.

You did miss the early escalation window and then failed that shit test so you've definitely dropped a few attraction points.

The next time you see her, I'd keep the convo fun & flirty. BUT chill & laid back. The laid back is very important because you seem a bit too attached or worried about what she thinks. You don't want to give off that vibe that you care about what she thinks.

Your vibe should be chill, laid back, idgaf UNTIL she starts showing interest like she was doing before. Then you set up a date and take her number


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 6, 2025
Totally salvageable.

You did miss the early escalation window and then failed that shit test so you've definitely dropped a few attraction points.

The next time you see her, I'd keep the convo fun & flirty. BUT chill & laid back. The laid back is very important because you seem a bit too attached or worried about what she thinks. You don't want to give off that vibe that you care about what she thinks.

Your vibe should be chill, laid back, idgaf UNTIL she starts showing interest like she was doing before. Then you set up a date and take her number

Yeah I mean that's what I was thinking too.

My logic was she knows I can pass shit tests and I'm not an idiot, so maybe I can be excused for this one?

I don't want her to be thinking "OK he doesn't get it."

I'm fine with dropping attraction and maybe she takes a week or two off from talking to me, just didn't want this to be one and done you know. I've failed shit tests in the past when I wasn't as aware of them as I am now, and it usually took the girl a week or two to forget them and things would go back to normal.

I'm hoping this happens here.

It's going to be a pain to ask her out in person as I have to depend on running into her as I do not have her number, and getting her number would mean I get shit tested once more + possibly another shit test when I ask her out.

Atlas IV

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
May 21, 2023
You seem to view everything in seduction through the lens of "shit tests".

From what you described, this wasn't a shit test at all. She was just playing a bit hard to get.

Next time, don't ask for her number. Just chat her up a bit, qualify her, and say something like "you know, you seem like a really interesting girl. I enjoy our little run-ins. We ought to grab a coffee sometime."

If she says no, it means she's not interested and you can save yourself another rejection by not asking for her number.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 6, 2025
You seem to view everything in seduction through the lens of "shit tests".

From what you described, this wasn't a shit test at all. She was just playing a bit hard to get.

Next time, don't ask for her number. Just chat her up a bit, qualify her, and say something like "you know, you seem like a really interesting girl. I enjoy our little run-ins. We ought to grab a coffee sometime."

If she says no, it means she's not interested and you can save yourself another rejection by not asking for her number.

Yeah I live very close to work so we have mutual friends, I ran into her at another spot the other day, she cheered up as soon as she saw me and gave me a hug and we talked for a little bit.

"Who are you here with?" she asked, I assume checking if I would say I'm here with a girlfriend?

She shit tests me and drops sexual innuendos, she is very receptive to touch and twice now she's grabbed my hand and will not let go as she is talking to me until I pull it out of her hand.

She tried to make me jealous by hugging and touching this other guy a few days ago as we were standing out front, while looking at me right in my eyes haha that was funny. (nothing between them, the guy's harmless, that's why I found it funny)

I left this out of the OP I didn't want to drag it out but yes, she is interested, I just feel like a moron from our last interaction and I hope I haven't killed it by acting like a pussy with my tail between my legs.

I did laugh it off and hold the door for her right after if that counts for something lol.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 6, 2025
To add onto this, I tried recalling the situation and I think I know what threw me off.

I saw her the day prior and we were both touching eachother and leaving our hands lingering on eachother's arms/shoulders. She pressed her chest against me as she was showing me a video on her phone and we laughed and talked until a couple friends showed up and we had to act normal.

Yesterday the whole interaction had different energy from the beginning, she seemed a little colder/not as enthusiastic as usual. Still smiling and eye contact but a little different.
When I asked her for her number the way she responded with "I can't give you my number, I don't communicate with guys", it felt like she was very very exhausted/sad the way she said it and her whole demeanor was like that.

The energy was super serious from the get go when usually she would laugh and give me f*** me eyes with most previous shit tests where it would absolutely make it clear to me that she is messing with me.

The seriousness of the situation coupled with how tired I was threw me off.