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I got flaked...now what?


Staff member
Nov 13, 2019
Ahh, the old conundrum...you schedule a date and she cancels.
Over the years I've seen a lot of advice being thrown at this very common dating situation, like:
- what to say;
- how much time to wait before answering or even;
- if it's better to go radio silence.

But before we proceed, let's take a look at some important pointers:
- where you met her:
a) if it was in person, your chances go up
b) if it was online, your chances go down
- how strong was the interaction up untill that point:
- did you open and hooked properly?
- If online, did your texts got a nice string of answers?
- how you led the conversation, preferably using a proven texting structure

That said, what is the root of a flake?
Basically, we have three main reasons here:
1) something really came up and she couldn't go...now that could mean a lot of things, like she is busy, or disorganized with her personal life.... or some random event came her way, like her getting sick, or having to help a friend or family member (less common, but happens);
2) she was not that hooked by your interactions/not that attracted to you in the first place;
3) you said/did something weird that she didn't like (see @Skills comment below).

What to do?
First and foremost, you should deal with flakes like minor annoyances necessary to get into women's panties.
Don't overeact, because it comes with the territory.
Just accept it as a fact of life and move on.

Second, pay attention to her behavior before the flake!
Was she being responsive? Were the convos good and fun?
Then the reason is probably someting came up.

If not, she was not that interested, and should be put in the backburner so you can use your energy on more responsive chicks.

What to say?
My take these days is it's not even worth the trouble to persist that much with more aloof chicks.
I just let them be.
Now, assuming your interactions were good, there are a couple of scenarios you could face:

A) you text her on the day of the meet and she doesn't answer
Then something came up.
What I like to do is this, I text her first in the morning to confirm the meet.
If by one hour before the meet she doesn't answer, I cancel it myself.
I just say:

"Hey X, as I'm not hearing from you, I'm moving on with my day...just let me know if you are all right"

That shows that you are busy, but not butthurt (and actually a little concerned about her).
When she answers, you proceed with some banter and probe for another shot using a soft close.

B) you text to confirm and she cancels herself
This is an easy one:

"Hi X
Thx for letting me know
I'll do Y with Z instead"

You acknowledge it, and tell her you are moving on with your day like it's a no biggie (because it isn't).
I'll repeat:
That's a weak move that shows she does not need to value your time.
Instead, wait to see if she suggests another time (usually that's what happens with me).
If she doesn't, I like to wait one or two days and start again from scratch (open, banter, soft close, hard close).

Of course if she has flaked 2-3 times in a row, you have to draw the line at some point.
But that's a conversation for another post.
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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
@POB excellent! Well put together... Yeah the biggest mistake I've seen is trying to re schedule right then and there which is biz arrangement territory, anti seductive and 0 leverage... Then the butthurt combined with blocking number... I really like the way you put it together... really good... I personally meet day, banter back and forth, usually she brings up the meet or if she doesn't i assume the close and throw a joke with a future projection hour before "k got a jump in the shower and blowdry my hair so when we meet later on"(i am bald guys) shit like that... But yeah 99 percent of best texters here you, topcat, t, dww etc they do confirm...

pob there is another flake reason that was not mention, and is when the dude says something during the texting that was weird, creepy, needy or i want to just bang you vibes with some girls(causes meet asd) etc.... I seen girls flip cause it start inserting negative doubts in her head and then amplifies meet anxiety... As a cause of flakiness...(thing is happens more to newer dudes, so we don't relate to that one much, but helping guys i seen it)
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
This is a good thread..

@POB when you act cool what is your personal experience with still getting with the girl? Do you still persist or..?

For me personally if after the flake I notice the girl doesnt attempt to reschedule or leaves big gaps at communication I let it go. 2 flakes consecutive is for me certainly done. I got no time for that and there is zero need to keep on trying there where I can meet easily new girls.

Recently a girl ghosted me because she autorejected.. because I had to postpone a date and tried to reschedule immediately. It is not just men who overreact. I saw her on the street and this confirmed my view. This was very unnecessary, but whatever.

For me personally girl flakes but tries to reschedule immediately -> I will reschedule or reschedule in 2 days. But anything beyond that and we are getting in low returns territory which I find a slippery slope and can detract from girls who are actually in my orbit and hot to go.

Also: anyone ever notice that when a girl flakes and you let it go for whatever reason , the girl enters autorejection? I never really got that. It is like your cool but friendlyness makes them believe you dont care.

Anyway flakes are a pain in the ass. Reframe it however you want, it always leVes a sour aftertase with me


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
anyone ever notice that when a girl flakes and you let it go for whatever reason , the girl enters autorejection? I never really got that. It is like your cool but friendlyness makes them believe you dont care.

Hmm interesting, never noticed a pattern there, but i suppose it depends on how id reply. Like, a cold, too-aloof answer to her flake would prob sound bitter.

Would be interested to see some text examples of this.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
Hmm interesting, never noticed a pattern there, but i suppose it depends on how id reply. Like, a cold, too-aloof answer to her flake would prob sound bitter.

Would be interested to see some text examples of this.
No I am talking about warm understanding replies, but not following up again.


Staff member
Nov 13, 2019
@POB excellent! Well put together...
Thx man!
Felt a post like this was missing here.
This is clearly a common roadblock for a lot of guys.
pob there is another flake reason that was not mention, and is when the dude says something during the texting that was weird, creepy, needy or i want to just bang you vibes with some girls(causes meet asd) etc.... I seen girls flip cause it start inserting negative doubts in her head and then amplifies meet anxiety... As a cause of flakiness...(thing is happens more to newer dudes, so we don't relate to that one much, but helping guys i seen it)
Awesome point!
Added to the OP
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Staff member
Nov 13, 2019
This is a good thread..
@POB when you act cool what is your personal experience with still getting with the girl? Do you still persist or..?
I persist of course!
In my book, you bail only after you tried at least three times and got nothing of value in return.
Also girls can change their minds/situations very quickly
Recent e.g.
I was trying to meet this redhead, she got a BF so I let her be...she kept seeing all my IG stories, so I kept texting her sparringly because she never said no or stop. Now BF is gone and she is super receptive again, we'll probably meet next week.
Stuff like this happens a lot with me!
For me personally if after the flake I notice the girl doesnt attempt to reschedule or leaves big gaps at communication
Then you need to fix something on your texting banther and patterns.
If the convos are great, she'll give you a honest and fair reason for the flake to try not to "lose" your attention.
I let it go. 2 flakes consecutive is for me certainly done. I got no time for that and there is zero need to keep on trying there where I can meet easily new girls.
Yeah, every guy has a personal threshold.
I like to give her three strikes.
Recently a girl ghosted me because she autorejected.. because I had to postpone a date and tried to reschedule immediately
This was a mistake.
Check the OP for the reason.
For me personally girl flakes but tries to reschedule immediately -> I will reschedule or reschedule in 2 days. But anything beyond that and we are getting in low returns territory which I find a slippery slope and can detract from girls who are actually in my orbit and hot to go.
Yeah, 3 days tops is desired.
But sometimes you gotta dance with the music.
Also: anyone ever notice that when a girl flakes and you let it go for whatever reason , the girl enters autorejection? I never really got that. It is like your cool but friendlyness makes them believe you dont care.
Because they have very fragile egos.
We don't give a shit about rejections, but for girls being rejected = a HUGE DEAL
This is why you can't be butthurt when it happens.
Just persist a little bit, using the right timing and structure, and you'll see the results.
Anyway flakes are a pain in the ass. Reframe it however you want, it always leVes a sour aftertase with me
Gotta work on those feelings man.
Flaking is not a big deal really.
Once you are pumping the shit out of her, it won't matter anyway.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
This was a mistake.
Check the OP for the reason.
No wait, I meant. I postponed the date, not the girl. So basically I flaked, because I had a genuine reason, not her. But because I flaked the girl went into autorejection. So she thought I was uninterested. I could not save that interaction as she went into autopilot and evasiveness due to her anger
Gotta work on those feelings man.
Flaking is not a big deal really.
Once you are pumping the shit out of her, it won't matter anyway.
Yeah I know, but I always feel they kind of kill the momentum. I know what you mean I get the long game perspective, still I don't enjoy it

Thanks for the input POB, congrats on the save with the redhead.


Staff member
Nov 13, 2019
No wait, I meant. I postponed the date, not the girl. So basically I flaked, because I had a genuine reason, not her. But because I flaked the girl went into autorejection. So she thought I was uninterested. I could not save that interaction as she went into autopilot and evasiveness due to her anger
Reason is the SAME.
Think about it...when you do that, you are just saying: "I'll meet you whenever"...even if it was not your intention!!!
This is super weak, because she was probably anxious to meet you!
Chances are high she was planning on getting all dolled up, scheduling hair and nails, etc.
What you have to do instead is start the convo all over, ask her about her day, make future projections, and get her on board with you again.
I get your train of though, but what you are saying is right for guys only
Women are not that rational...so catter to her emotions instead.
Makes sense now?
Yeah I know, but I always feel they kind of kill the momentum. I know what you mean I get the long game perspective, still I don't enjoy it
Its annoying, but some women need a bit more time to be in bed with you.
Unless you already have an harem (or don't care that much about the hunt), you'll have to persist a bit more.
Thanks for the input POB, congrats on the save with the redhead.
No prob, thx for your great points.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
Chances are high she was planning on getting all dolled up, scheduling hair and nails, etc.
What you have to do instead is start the convo all over, ask her about her day, make future projections, and get her on board with you again.
I get your train of though, but what you are saying is right for guys only
Women are not that rational...so catter to her emotions instead.
Makes sense now?
I get what you mean.. and tried this, unfortunately this one already slipped into AR realm and heavily so. So she was avoiding convos, and angrily avoiding me in the street. I had a bit of history with her where she was always a bit miffed around me so I figure she had build me up a bit too much. People are very fragile when they are interacting with someone they really like. Perhaps I can get her back in the future, but she needs to cool down first. As you say emotions.

Anyway not to derail your post further POB
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