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First what is plausible deniability definition and why is good to use it:
^ above is a somewhat ok definition, she does not have to be in a social circle my only problem with the article, most of the time i use plausible deniability on isolation pre-pulling her home, example are "lets go to the after party" credit Julien, or let me show you at home ____________ fill in the blank, remember she needs to be a close deal this is just to kind of make her save face....
so what is a pinky swear/ pinky promise:
So when I told the story in the forum somewhere that i met a young 20 something smoking hot American Italian girl, she had a boyfriend and the sexual tension, vibe and chemistry was intense, she was really compliant as well and let me escalate all over the place. But, she was really in love and living with her boyfriend, so she brought up the boyfriend how he is a cook working too much not giving her attention, and make me "pinky swear" that i would not try to fuck her (she is also a teacher so it made sense the silliness).... Of course that pinky swear was just bs social construct for her justify her actions and defer the guilt (i am innocent, i told him about my boyfriend and i had hem made a promise with my pinky swear)....
Ok so i met some Brittney spears look alike girl, after doing my typically 3 bounce method stuff pre pulled at the park, she was ready to go, but she had that silly rule of "no sex the first time rule" even though i could tell she kind of wanted it.... instead of using my go to after party or lets me show you ___________ .... Both of those application did not feel right, for whatever reason or congruent in the situation i was in.... So i told her nothing has to change from what we are doing right now "i just want to get to know you, we don't have to have sex, in fact i don't even want sex, i tell you want, i promise you nothing is going to happened i pinky swear it and i want you to pinky swear it, here i put out my pinky and have the agreement" then i emphasize and repeat this a second time with a extremely serious, authority tone and facial gestures.... Then "just follow me home".... At home as i escalate to sex and undress her, i keep repeating that nothing is going to happened i pinky sweared it, as i am aggressively escalating to dick inside... "but i thought you pinky swore you broke your promise". "oh yeah my bad i am sorry".... There is also a post by velasco were he describes similar technique and the psychology behind why this works...
Plausible Deniability
by AlphaWolf & Co. December 27, 2008
Quick Definition: A social situation where a woman can believably deny any wrongdoing or obvious sexualization when interacting with a potential suiter. It can be seen in situations where kino escalating takes place. It is usually based on the PUA’s frame but sometimes can be from the woman’s initiative
Full Definition:
Because of society’s stereotypes of women and the potential social backlash (sometimes from a HB’s own social circle), plausible deniability is a skill many women learn at an early age.
In other words, sometimes a woman wants to go home or kiss the guy, but she is afraid of what others might think if she does. Her social standing my be in jeopardy, her friends may judge her, and any orbiters and male friends who are interested may react negatively if she display this affection publicly. Therefore is important for a good artist to give her plausible deniability to those watching, and sometimes to herself.
One can maintain plausible deniability by asking to walk her to the car, or asking for a moment alone. And always having a double reason for doing something. For example, if you go for a walk and her friend stops you, you can say, “we were going to look for her car”, which is true.
The effective use of plausible deniability means the woman is never put in a compromising position for wanting to comply, follow or lead with you in public situations or situations where her social circle may judge her.
Please note that plausible deniability means understanding implicitly her intentions but never pushing for something she doesn’t want.
^ above is a somewhat ok definition, she does not have to be in a social circle my only problem with the article, most of the time i use plausible deniability on isolation pre-pulling her home, example are "lets go to the after party" credit Julien, or let me show you at home ____________ fill in the blank, remember she needs to be a close deal this is just to kind of make her save face....
so what is a pinky swear/ pinky promise:
Pinky swear
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Pinky promise
To make a pinky promise, or pinky swear, is a traditional gesture most commonly practiced amongst children involving the locking of the pinkies of two people to signify that a promise has been made with in 24 hours [1] The gesture is taken to signify that the person can break the finger of the one who broke the promise. The tradition appears to be a relatively modern invention, possibly as a continuation of older finger traditions
So when I told the story in the forum somewhere that i met a young 20 something smoking hot American Italian girl, she had a boyfriend and the sexual tension, vibe and chemistry was intense, she was really compliant as well and let me escalate all over the place. But, she was really in love and living with her boyfriend, so she brought up the boyfriend how he is a cook working too much not giving her attention, and make me "pinky swear" that i would not try to fuck her (she is also a teacher so it made sense the silliness).... Of course that pinky swear was just bs social construct for her justify her actions and defer the guilt (i am innocent, i told him about my boyfriend and i had hem made a promise with my pinky swear)....
Ok so i met some Brittney spears look alike girl, after doing my typically 3 bounce method stuff pre pulled at the park, she was ready to go, but she had that silly rule of "no sex the first time rule" even though i could tell she kind of wanted it.... instead of using my go to after party or lets me show you ___________ .... Both of those application did not feel right, for whatever reason or congruent in the situation i was in.... So i told her nothing has to change from what we are doing right now "i just want to get to know you, we don't have to have sex, in fact i don't even want sex, i tell you want, i promise you nothing is going to happened i pinky swear it and i want you to pinky swear it, here i put out my pinky and have the agreement" then i emphasize and repeat this a second time with a extremely serious, authority tone and facial gestures.... Then "just follow me home".... At home as i escalate to sex and undress her, i keep repeating that nothing is going to happened i pinky sweared it, as i am aggressively escalating to dick inside... "but i thought you pinky swore you broke your promise". "oh yeah my bad i am sorry".... There is also a post by velasco were he describes similar technique and the psychology behind why this works...
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