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Insights from the field


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Hey guys,

So I'm not a big fan of the terms "tactics" and "techniques" because they smack of a certain degree of sociopathy - and I mean this with absolutely no disrespect to the knowledgeable wizards of seduction who share their wisdom amongst these pages.

But I can certainly stomach the word "insights" because I think if we all share "a-ha" moments and ways to deal with certain situations arising at different points in our conquests, the "hive" will benefit as a result. We will jointly advance the Casanova space. Feel free to use this thread for that. If there is enough adherence I might sticky it.

I want to start this thread out with a few thoughts from a recent experience.

New so far 100% successful soft close text

So I've been trying out different ways to text, incorporating some of Chase (such as his brilliant "talking is better than texting") but also coming up with a text that so far has worked 100% of the time in getting a positive response from girls (NG and DG) and thus upping the compliance and increasing chances the date will transpire.

And that is: "I propose we continue getting to know each other soon" (it gets her out of her automatic responses because she's probably never gotten it worded like that from guys before. It's also ASD-proof for this same reason)

As soon as she texts back: "Sure!" or "Yes" or whatever, I go

"What's your schedule looking like over the next days?" which I follow up with "I could do end of the day today (or whenever)" and "We could go watch the sunset at XYZ rooftop bar"

The first of these latter three texts is a large investment request, but once I break it down by saying I can do "today or tomorrow" and then specify "this is what I want to do with you" it makes it easier for her to respond positively.

Girl being restrained over text is super looking forward to seeing me

For the longest time, I was a bit lazy about sourcing snatch. I would just wait for hotties to show up on my tours (I am still passively benefiting from this twat source) or expect to meet babes at house parties to then smash.

But I recently realized that cold approach is superior. For two reasons:
  1. When done right, the girl sees you as an attractive, powerful, sexual man
  2. Because of the anonymity inherent in this space, the girl has more freedom to go for it, and you have more freedom to express yourself without restraint
It recently happened, as I narrated in Smash City, that I opened a tall, slim, long dirty blonde haired German during a night out with buddies (important to note that she was not all dolled up with her posse out to reject guys, she was walking along the street alone heading home without any of her revolvers in her holsters).

The brief interaction was sexual tension supercharged because I was close to her, I touched her (and she didn't move her hands away as I held them, ostensibly to inspect her various bling (plenty of rings) and those temporary Arabic tattoo things), and I gave her the mesmer eyes unblinkingly.

I also held frame when she kept trying to grab it and shit-test but fail in the process. And I can tell this girl tends to get her way with guys a lot of the time. She has thousands of insta followers so her ego is probs inflated to the wazoo.

I snagged her digits and later shot her a simple ice-breaker: "Fun to meet you earlier xyz" to which she instantly gave a thumbs up. I decided to remove her from my mind.

But the next day she texted me at 4 p.m. to say "Hey yes" lmao. Now, despite her restraint, the fact that she'd been thinking about me enough to write me (maybe she was expecting me to follow up after she thumbs-upped me but that is simply not enough investment for me) mid-afternoon the next day was all I needed.

And she kept giving (and keeps giving) me very curt answers. However, I kept sorting logistics, because I initially believed she wanted me. But, after some time, I started to lose my nerve. And then I was pleasantly surprised.

By sheer random happenstance, I went to an event on Wednesday night this week and who do I see in the hotel lobby waiting for the elevator behind me? Still, then, she didn't budge. As soon as I saw her I went up to her and said, "Hey" and she looked at me and went, "Hey!" super enthusiastic and came up to kiss me on each cheek (I'd done this when I said goodbye to her when we first met) and apologize that she hadn't recognized me.

Later, I lost her upstairs at the rooftop bar as she was with some friends of hers. But I went up to her and kept my eyes fixated on hers. Even though I was talking idle chit-chat for social frame purposes she gave me the sexiest eye contact, like we were already fucking, pure animal.

I didn't talk to her for too long, before telling her "You didn't follow me on insta." She said "What?" I said, "I told you to follow me on insta and you didn't." Then she scrolled down her WhatsApp and said: "I hadn't seen your text" and followed me on the spot. Now I have her looking at my stories, which suits me as this keeps us "connected" (her seeing I have a "cool life") while I arrange logistics for us to meet over WhatsApp.

So yeah conclusion: have faith in yourself, keep spinning those plates, and like Skills said don't delete her number. Every number is a lead, and every lead can be a new pussy.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 24, 2024
I'm not on social media anymore. It just kills my mind and saps a lot of energy.

I see a lot of guys use insta though. Is it any good or I'm too old fashioned to go the texting / WhatsApp route nowadays.

Tbh, good old WhatsApp and texting still works.
It's also very exciting to chicks when I tell them I'm not on social media. Sets me apart from 90% of guys right away.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Hey @Freakester thanks for chiming in with your thoughts! Yeah, I'd classify myself as a reluctant adherent to SoMe. I created my insta for my then business and slowly changed it to a personal account later. A friend has told me that my photos there don't do me many favors, but I think they're not terrible either.

And yeah, loss of focus is a definite consequence of aimlessly scrolling SoMe. But OTOH, especially for a certain subset of chicks, Gen Z, they like to use insta to confirm whether you're socially proofed. I agree though that it's attention whore central for chicks (and I suspect that it breaks some of them).

Re. the three chicks I was plate spinning with (3 numbers) they all ghosted. I did 5 approaches on 1 May and 1 today tho.

What I want to add to this "insights from the field" thread (cred. James Cruse for the name) today is simply the power that spinning plates has.

An example is your frame when texting girls, such as a girl you've recently fucked and will be fucking again in the future. As soon as you start flirting via text with another girl, and closing her, your attitude changes with the first girl. I would describe it as becoming less needy.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Just a few quick notes I wanted to remember:

  • When you're texting a chick you're already fucking, and in general when hanging out / dealing with her, don't brag. And when she tries to trip you into bragging, resist it.
    • A good example is a recent instance where this girl I met in April on a tour I led here and fucked the same night then the next night, and recently went to spend a weekend with her where she lives (in a neighboring country), texted something about me texting nudes to girls since 1988 (she'd asked me to send her something from my powerlifting days) and I fell for it, giving her a sleazy smile smiley, so acknowledging it, instead of saying something like "the only people who saw me naked in 1988 were my parents" to diffuse and change threads
  • Eyes on the prize. Spinning plates can be tiring, but the objective is to turn it into autopilot so you can do it without thinking


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
On abundance

Abundance is seeing your WhatsApp light up with several IMs sent by different chicks.

But abundance is also not needing to fuck any of those chicks to feel fulfilled.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 31, 2023
But abundance is also not needing to fuck any of those chicks to feel fulfilled.
So true! And let me add that if you don’t need to fuck most of them, but for some reason you need to fuck one, you have discovered at what level your abundance is, and with which kinds of girls you should go and improve it.


Aug 11, 2024
I don't understand not having IG. It looks sus not having it at all. Just make a quick profile and upload like 10 cool pictures to it. Very low investment, but something for a girl to see and build comfort from.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 27, 2014
I don't understand not having IG. It looks sus not having it at all. Just make a quick profile and upload like 10 cool pictures to it. Very low investment, but something for a girl to see and build comfort from.
Not necessary.
If someone doesn't want to have a social media, even more power to them.
Live life in the real world


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 13, 2024
instagram stories have helped me resurrect dead leads in the past - just have high quality photos on it and post interesting stories it can really help from my experience https://mindful-masculinity.org/202...ial-media-guide-for-dating-and-relationships/

some women won't be comfortable with just the whatsapp and other women i've dated said they examined my social media first before determining whether or not to date me

also match the app to the race
Chinese/Hong Kong/Taiwanese : Usually use WeChat - a lot of them don't use instagram as much as western women do
Korean- Kakao Talk worth getting it if you're gaming in a city with a high Korean expat community like California or in Korea itself
Line- can be very popular in Japan, Thailand, Indonesia and Taiwan so if you're gaming in these regions its worth using .
Instagram- Most of the Western World countries plus Australia
Snapchat - popular in the middle east so if these girls are your thing maybe worthwhile


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 12, 2024
"I propose we continue getting to know each other soon" (it gets her out of her automatic responses because she's probably never gotten it worded like that from guys before. It's also ASD-proof for this same reason)

"What's your schedule looking like over the next days?" which I follow up with "I could do end of the day today (or whenever)" and "We could go watch the sunset at XYZ rooftop bar"
Marvelous post.

I just want to bounce something by you real quick. I have an elevated vocabulary and often word things like this, but I have a friend who tells me that texting lines like these is what is messing me up. He says I should talk like everyone else, use bad grammar, and short abbreviations like hbu. He says it sounds "stiff" (he isn't sure about that word) and like I try too hard. Meanwhile, Girls Chase often recommends interesting wording, good grammar, and rather wordy gambits.

I'm new to game. My friend doesn't believe in it, but I value his opinion and consider myself too new to disregard advice. I lack the experience either way to draw my own conclusions yet. What do you think?


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Hey TwoNameGame, thanks for your post.

Regarding that text sample, I didn't end up managing to date close any of those girls, let alone fuck close them (the ones that I was spinning plates with during that April 26 post).

My current texting is very barebones, even if I'm playing the long game (for scheduling reasons, haven't been able to go on a second date with a girl with who I've already set the frame that you can have a strong physical connection without being in a committed monogamous relationship, so we text back and forth, but even there it is minimal (albeit with the odd photo, exclamation mark, etc.))

Generally, when I get a number I've already asked her out ("Do you wanna maybe get a coffee?") before I get it, and then I'll send Proper's patented "Hey xyz, wonderful to have met" as an ice-breaker, then after she responds I'll text something follow-up to when we met. After she responds I respond (if she's asked me something else) and then I go for the soft close. I go for the hard close only after she agrees to the soft close. Then I'll text her on the day of the meet ("See you in 2 hours" or whatever, and after she responds, "Let me know when you arrive"). After first bang sesh I follow Skills' template - I tell her to text me when she gets home, then I text her the next morning "last night was (insert positive descriptor), thanks for coming"


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 12, 2024
Regarding that text sample, I didn't end up managing to date close any of those girls, let alone fuck close them.
I'm not sure I follow. Are you saying the "100% success rate" soft close didn’t work?

My current texting is very barebones,
Mine is just awful right now. I lack texting experience at this stage. I'm not at the point where I get laid yet, so I still need texting for logistics. I just got my first number. I could have probably gotten an instadate, but I was honestly lucky she had the time to even talk to me long enough for me to pull the number.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
On SMV and attainability

Whether you have access to other girls can impact how you interact with a girl you are currently sleeping with. (It shouldn't, but, unconsciously, it can).

You don't want to make yourself unattainable since this will lead her to go cold, de-invest, and ultimately auto-reject herself.

However, you should keep a dynamic between you two where, in the back of her mind, she knows you can replace her at the click of a finger.

On Texting

The purpose of texting is initially to get her to invest enough to come out to meet you so you can pull her home and sleep with her.

After the first few such romps, the purpose of texting is to keep her investment levels up. This means that you should always text her a little bit less than she texts you. You should always take a bit longer to answer her than she does to answer you.

You should never use texting to substitute for having a conversation. When you text her, you want her to react (invest), and ultimately to look forward to seeing you again, and to see you again.

Girls are very savvy with this. I've noticed they will even send banal photos on WhatsApp in "view once" only, so that it doesn't look like she is investing a lot in the convo (because less space is taken up this way).