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FR+  Intense kiss


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 24, 2012
I keep seeing a few girls here and there alongside the other girls I see regularly - its fascinating to see how much easier/less affected you are when you have this abundance mentality - must maintain this

I went out with this girl I met at an event - got her number - texted 3 times - then sealed meet - I was totally unattached to the outcome of this - not really that into her but I wanted to up my "quantity to get quality" - practice.

So on the night I show her a really great time - show her some real hidden gems in the centre - amazing view - its very on- very smooth running - I keep sexualising convo and she complies. Its clear she wants to kiss. When we get to the view I grab her an just kiss her - then take total control and end it before she wants to. This works really well - can tell she wants more. Get on bus to bar near my place - its closed but she doesnt want to come up when I suggest she comes up for a nightcap. I say fine I'll take you home to the station - she really wants to go to a boring pub instead - I push hard for the pull to my place - but she is adamant - "I never go home on a first date" I give all the typical responses ("lets live life", "things get in the way" "you can leave anytime you like - just 10mins - its too early to go home" - good sequence?), and she just repeats that so I say fine.

I let her take me to the bar and buy me a drink - she wants it - we kiss HARD - like she is seriously into the kissing full on tongues and real groping - I basically had given up on getting her home so thought it would be fun, it started getting inappropriate for the bar so ended it- yes this did remove some mystery maybe.

We planned to meet in a weeks time (today) but when I texted her yesterday to ask if shes still free she sends me a long sweet text telling me she thinks we "dont have enough in common afterall"....

odd - I deep dived as much as I could - and she really wanted it.....


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
Re: FR+ Intense kiss

BRO! Holy crap you had this and BAM! Auto rejection!! She wanted to go up to your place and of course she would! You think a pro would have let her take him to a shitty bar?? No way man!!

A suggestion for getting them up is coming up with an excuse and this logical excuse can be ANYTHING ie "I have to go to the bathroom real quick, come!" "While we're here I want to show you fishtank, youtube vid, music collection, fav song, WHATEVER" then add to kill her objections "we will only be a sec then we can go" Get inside and escalate to sex passed LMR.

THIS is what she wanted from you!!

Lol sorry for the intensity, you had this in the bag. I take all girls back to my place first date, somehow they all come inside.. I don't necessarily close all, but you cant close in the shitty bar down the street.

I would have grabbed her hand and walked her inside no matter what. All in a swift motion saying something to keep her logical mind occupied. If she would have forced me to let go and threw a fit I would have gave chase's ultimatum speach. I like you, I like hanging out with you, you can come in now or go forever... Not exactly but you get my point. Either way you knew it was blown so why not push the limit.

Next time I'll bet you push that shit though, this is what game is all about.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 24, 2012
Re: FR+ Intense kiss

Tyme2k said:
BRO! Holy crap you had this and BAM! Auto rejection!! She wanted to go up to your place and of course she would! You think a pro would have let her take him to a shitty bar?? No way man!!
yeh the bar was a waste of time - thats why I very nearly just walked her to the station and said bye bye when she refused - I had actually walked her to the station but she persuaded me to let her buy me a drink...
Thats exactly what I did dude! - I had the perfect logical excuse that has worked so many times - but I think my delivery was a little off, maybe just a little bit of hesitation and I hadn't brought up the idea till then so it might have come as a little bit manipulative and out of the blue (wow look, we're right next to my place what a surprise!)- maybe that part of my game is a little rusty since I've had girls that were less into me happy to come to my place before. I need to get more girls out! Any favourite places to meet girls to fill the funnel Tyme2k?


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

girlsfollow said:
Get on bus to bar near my place - its closed but she doesnt want to come up when I suggest she comes up for a nightcap. I say fine I'll take you home to the station - she really wants to go to a boring pub instead - I push hard for the pull to my place - but she is adamant - "I never go home on a first date" I give all the typical responses ("lets live life", "things get in the way" "you can leave anytime you like - just 10mins - its too early to go home" - good sequence?), and she just repeats that so I say fine.

I let her take me to the bar and buy me a drink - she wants it - we kiss HARD - like she is seriously into the kissing full on tongues and real groping - I basically had given up on getting her home so thought it would be fun, it started getting inappropriate for the bar so ended it- yes this did remove some mystery maybe.

We planned to meet in a weeks time (today) but when I texted her yesterday to ask if shes still free she sends me a long sweet text telling me she thinks we "dont have enough in common afterall"....

odd - I deep dived as much as I could - and she really wanted it.....

Only happened to me a few times early on - I learned pretty quick - but when you try to advance a seduction, the girl refuses to comply, then attempts to move things backwards in the seduction and YOU comply, it's over.

In this instance:

1. You invited her home
2. She refused
3. You invited her home
4. She refused
5. She invited you to come to a bar with her
6. You complied
7. Makeout "for fun"
8. "I don't think we're really a good match"

What happens is she looks at the situation and says, "I've got this guy by the balls." What you want to do instead is if she refuses to come up despite your persistence, you wish her a good night. She asks you to do something else - you wish her a good night. In a very socially chill way - e.g., "Nah, I'm really tired. I just want to chill and have a relaxed drink. I'm going to head back to mine and unwind a bit." Don't invite her. Just casually decline. About half the time, you'll find you've called her bluff - and she'll relent and say, "Okay, maybe I'll come join you, but JUST one drink!" And then it's on.

The other half of the time when she ups and leaves, it's always a battle within her where she emotionally wanted to stay with you, and respects you even more for being a strong dude where most guys will chase after her to the bar, but logically she's trying to talk herself out of it because it goes against the rules she's set for herself. You'll get these girls chase you sometimes a bit afterwards to meet up - you've always got to make the next meet up as low key and one-on-one as possible to make it clear that this is a "we're still making progress toward being alone together" type of deal.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 24, 2012
Chase said:
What happens is she looks at the situation and says, "I've got this guy by the balls." What you want to do instead is if she refuses to come up despite your persistence, you wish her a good night. She asks you to do something else - you wish her a good night. In a very socially chill way - e.g., "Nah, I'm really tired. I just want to chill and have a relaxed drink. I'm going to head back to mine and unwind a bit." Don't invite her. Just casually decline. About half the time, you'll find you've called her bluff - and she'll relent and say, "Okay, maybe I'll come join you, but JUST one drink!" And then it's on.

The other half of the time when she ups and leaves, it's always a battle within her where she emotionally wanted to stay with you, and respects you even more for being a strong dude where most guys will chase after her to the bar, but logically she's trying to talk herself out of it because it goes against the rules she's set for herself. You'll get these girls chase you sometimes a bit afterwards to meet up - you've always got to make the next meet up as low key and one-on-one as possible to make it clear that this is a "we're still making progress toward being alone together" type of deal.

Brilliant as usual Chase! This yet again proves that the "quantity over quality" rule is SO true - I wouldn't have had a chance to reinforce this mindset if I hadn't bothered with meeting up with this girl because I didn't find her too attractive. It also shows that even the not so hot girls follow the same sequence - (I had got into the mindset of thinking that only hot girls put up lots of resistance - making no so hot girls too easy and a waste of time) which means they are all great experience providers. I've also experienced the chasing you mention afterwards.

I've also realised SIMPLIFY YOUR DATES. I went to 3 venues with this girl, it was great but unnecessary - and clearly proved to be a big waste. The final venue with the vue has a bar area and an observation area - essentially 2 locations - so I might just use this from now on and then back to my place close by. Only concern I have now is that after 10months in this awesome place I've finally found the perfect venue and now I need to move out in 12 weeks! Starting from square one....


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

girlsfollow said:
Brilliant as usual Chase! This yet again proves that the "quantity over quality" rule is SO true - I wouldn't have had a chance to reinforce this mindset if I hadn't bothered with meeting up with this girl because I didn't find her too attractive. It also shows that even the not so hot girls follow the same sequence - (I had got into the mindset of thinking that only hot girls put up lots of resistance - making no so hot girls too easy and a waste of time) which means they are all great experience providers. I've also experienced the chasing you mention afterwards.

Oh yeah. I find it amusing the reactions of inexperienced guys who want to act like they've got women's number... a lot of guys will tell you, "That doesn't work with hot girls, only with not-hot girls!" or, "That only works with 7s and below," and things like that.

Once you get out there and you start meeting real women in the flesh, you quickly find out that there are girls who are midrange in looks but act like they're practically debutantes... and there are debutantes who act more like what you'd theorize that midrange girls would act like.

Looks affect how a woman acts about dating and sex and her choice in men to an extent, but guys who are thinking that a woman is nothing but her face and her body are ignoring the single biggest influences on how she actually behaves: past experience (things like her social history, her upbringing with mom and dad, what her friends are like, what her past boyfriends and lovers have been like). Past experience has a far larger impact on how she comports herself on dates and in escalation situations than something like her looks (which is important, but takes a backseat to past experiences overall). The experiences she has in life are influenced by her looks too, of course, but there's a lot more to it than just that.

girlsfollow said:
I've also realised SIMPLIFY YOUR DATES. I went to 3 venues with this girl, it was great but unnecessary - and clearly proved to be a big waste. The final venue with the vue has a bar area and an observation area - essentially 2 locations - so I might just use this from now on and then back to my place close by. Only concern I have now is that after 10months in this awesome place I've finally found the perfect venue and now I need to move out in 12 weeks! Starting from square one....

Well, you've still got 3 more months there... make 'em count! Now that you know what you're looking for though, I've no doubt you'll be able to find something close to where you move to. Just spend a few days scouting the area out, and you can probably find a chill bar or a laid back café that works perfectly for this.

By the way, in case you hadn't seen it, I referenced this report in the latest GC article, "No Going Backwards."
