Slim Shady's back boys.
Didn't crop your photo Drex. Dude, it takes five minutes to find the link you posted, put it in an IMG tag while writing, and discover it's too big to fit the page. It's not my fault you posted a big picture or that the way the forum is set up, your picture crops automatically.
See for yourself. Also fun, trying zooming out on your web browser. Whoah, the other half of the picture magically appears!
Here is the original link so you can test it yourself:
Put it in an IMG tag and see how it comes up.
So wait... how was I dishonest? Uh oh brah, that conclusion that I'm dishonest is well... not conclusive.
But you're right, and I agree, people who are dishonest usually project that others are in fact dishonest. Let's check that here. For this post let's stick to Drexel. Let's go over links and sources for Drexel's companies, affiliates, and practices then if I'm such a liar.
"The Release Technique"
First, let's start with the least credible problems: credit card scamming. ... 93676.html ... ane-670566
The reason I say least credible is because RipOffReports and ComplaintsBoards have a history of being paid off to take bad reviews away amongst other stuff. Take the info there for what you will.
Moving on to the crazy shit. It's about to get good
"The Release Technique" Drexel posted is by a guy called Larry Crane. In the link Drexel posted to his program, you see the name
Lester Levenson.
Larry Crane states in the link:
"The Release Technique is an original system discovered in 1952 by physicist, Lester Levenson."
That name Lester Levenson... wait that sounds familiar to me...
He was the guy behind the Sedona Method:
(Note: to save you money on Drexel's program then, feel free to check out Levenson's work at Stillness, Google it with Lester's name, and you'll find a free PDF you can just read. Personally, I recommend you don't take it seriously, but that's just me.)
Sedona Method has some odd relationships with Scientology as well.
For one thing they certainly knew about each other's organizations. Levenson was placed on the enemies list against Scientology in 1992:
Even more odd, why does Levenson's advice come so close to Scientology? His PACMAN model mimics Hubbard's Tone Scale, or it's the other way around: ... ale-origin
And just like Scientology, Levenson and Larry Crane are selling "belief" or "enlightenment." To be free of negative feelings (just like Scientology, ... etics.html).
But enlightenment costs a pretty penny, $200. You also need to go on retreats. And for some reason there are so many teachers and so many price tags and programs to go through. I can go through Drexel's Release program or if I want to go vintage I can just go through the old one:
Another name that pops up on these cult/New Age forums, especially in relation to the Release technique, is Hale Dwoskin, the CEO and Director of Training of Sedona Training and Associates.
He was another student of Lester Levenson, just like Larry Crane ( ... 0971933405)
Crazy how these guys splinter off to sell their own product isn't it? If you read that HuffPost link you can see that Hale Dwoskin was featured in the world famous book, "The Secret." That book The Secret? It's bullshit: ... 8dedc456ff
Oh and funny enough, The Secret was all about the "Law of Attraction." Guess what I found in the Sedona Method? The Law of Attraction:
Guess what I found in The Release Technique? The Law of Attraction: ... ttraction/
And remember, Drexel's The Release Technique is just the Sedona Method repackaged ( ... ue-review/). And the Sedona Method and all this crap is The Secret repacked, and vice versa. You see this pattern everywhere, repackaging and repackaging. They even hired marketer Christopher Payne to repackage their bullshit: ... od-course/ ... epackaged/
Some questionable shit in there. Payne states: "I was always looking for new products to promote to my list of 50,000 buyers, so I spoke with Hale and proposed a new product: a set of 6 books each containing one sixth of The Keys book, with the same introduction in each one, and the same conclusion."
Wow strong business practice there. Let's take an old product, cut it into pieces, and sell those pieces. Furthermore, let's sell the idea that enlightenment is free and comes from within, but charge up the ass for it. You can't just get enlightenment from one product, you need retreats, books, programs, DVD sets, and more. Oh and those retreats? Yeah they cost $2400: ... llionaire/
Enlightenment ain't cheap boyos. But most curious is this: If all I need is the one product to get enlightenment then why are there so many other things I need to buy? And I thought happiness was free Lester Levenson? ... 0971933405
So what is the Sedona Method/The Release Technique? It's an affiliate bullshit program where students become teachers, teachers become salesman, and changing your mindset is a hundred to thousand dollar endeavor. Want to become a millionaire? We'll teach you the "mindset" of a millionaire in just 7 days! Only $2180: ... llionaire/
But wait, shouldn't the Sedona Method or The Release Technique be good enough on its own?
And let's ask: if The Release Technique was so fucking successful, then why the fuck is it a repacked version of the Sedona Method or The Secret? Why the fuck is this bullshit rebranding itself under so many salesmen? ... -compared/
Suddenly those claims of credit card fraud aren't so cooky sounding. Scientology and these spiritual bullshit groups are known for poor practices. It doesn't shock me at all that they are fraudin in other ways, repackaging their bullshit, chopping up books for resale, etc.
So how does this carry over to NLP, Dave Riker, Ross Jeffries, and PUA?
PUA is a Scam Too. And Who Was Dave Riker?
Let's see if we can find parallels based on common sense.
New Age Spiritual programs: has expensive retreats/bootcamps, sells new programs constantly, the program is good but now we have a new one that you need to buy, you're not reaching enlightenment, products are expensive, and there are several offshoots of the same teachings repacked and rebranded to sell the exact same thing.
PUA companies: has expensive retreats/bootcamps, sells new programs constantly, the program is great but now we have a new one that you need to buy, you're not reaching mastery, the products are expensive, and there are several offshoots of the same teachings repacked and rebranded to sell the exact same thing.
In the New Age Spiritual section, we have Freedom Now that became The Sedona Method/The Secret that became The Release Technique. Of course the order is all over the map depending on where you look. Links for this are in those Christopher Payne links mentioned above.
Oh wait, that kind of parallels Mystery and the various offshoots from PUA, like from
The Game, or Ross Jeffries' Speed Seduction or RSDTyler's RSDNation or Vince Kelvin's Casanova Crew. Who off-shooted from these? David Riker came from Speed Seduction and surprise, Kong from SimplePickup who came from the Casanova Crew (
All continuing to sell bullshit

Do you that pattern of rebranding and repackaging bullshit, students become teachers to continue selling, whether it's in their own company or part of the same one?
The parallels is fucking outstanding. Too anecdotal though, yes.
Let's get concrete. Although in the meantime check into this Ross Jeffries guy for yourself:
First, Speed Seduction (Ross Jeffries) paid for fake testimonials: ... ZFwm3gghlU
He then created a fake anti-PUA blog ( to capitalize on the trend while using his own profile to bash other PUA companies except hit own: ... loves.html
Sound like a good businessman?
Next, he had a book
How to Get the Women You Desire Into Bed that has a chapter with the title, “How to fake like you are warm and friendly.” Good teachings there.
It gets worse with his "Speed Seduction" course ... g-courses/
"Get All Of The Amazingly Wonderful, Smoking Hot Women You Could Ever Desire, No Matter What Your Looks, Age, Social/Economic Status Or Previous Experience"
Wow, well someone on the Internet said it so then it must be true. How on Earth is this possible? Oh, the "Blowjob" NLP pattern, that's going to be the key: ... tterns.pdf
Get real Ross.
So this brings us to NLP, and Dave Riker who worked with Ross Jeffries:
Dave Riker now teaches NLP, just like Ross Jeffries did.
If anyone wants to just write everything off before as "anecdotal evidence" and wants hard science, I will now start citing dem scientific studies for the fun of it. ... 0008-0.xml
"The article presents the concept of NLP in the light of empirical research in the Neuro-Linguistic Programming Research Data Base. From among 315 articles the author selected 63 studies published in journals from the Master Journal List of ISI. Out of 33 studies, 18.2% show results supporting the tenets of NLP, 54.5% - results non-supportive of the NLP tenets and 27.3% brings uncertain results. The qualitative analysis indicates the greater weight of the non-supportive studies and their greater methodological worth against the ones supporting the tenets. Results contradict the claim of an empirical basis of NLP." ... p57-63.pdf
Today, NLP is big business with large numbers of training
courses,personal development programmes,therapeutic and educational interventions purporting to be
based on the principles of NLP.This paper explores what NLP is,the evidence for it, and issues related to
its use.It concludes that after three decades,there is still no credible theoretical basis for NLP,researchers
having failed to establish any evidence for its efficacy that is not anecdotal. ... &q&f=false
Page 166:
(Heap, 1988; Sharpley, 1987) [...] Sharpley's response was:
"The basic tenets of NLP have failed to be reliably verified in almost 86% of the controlled studies"
"In the more than 20 years that elapsed since the aforementioned article, to date there is no convincing empirical evidence on the efficacy of NLP."
So Drexel supports a fake science and Dave Riker, who worked with scammers like Ross Jeffries. Perfect.
So, The Release Technique is just a repackaged Sedona Method/The Secret, the founder of the Sedona Method being Lester Levonson. Larry Crane from Drexel's program is a student of that guy and one of many students who continue to sell the New Age spiritual program that it is (Hale Dwoskin, David Hawkins, etc.). The program also has parallels to Scientology and was placed on the enemies list for Scientology, probably due to competition.
With these programs, you have to pay for enlightenment, there's always another DVD set or program, students become affiliates and teachers become salesmen, the brand gets sold by another guy, etc. at a pretty steep price might I add.
And the Sedona Method and The Release Technique have fake reviews errywhere boys: ... ue-review/ ... ue-review/ ... ue-review/ ... -what.html ... e-you-want
Drexel is an affiliate of that program. He also claims to be a practitioner of NLP and supports fellow practitioner Dave Riker. Not only is NLP not based on any actual science/results (nor will it ever be), but Dave Riker is connected to PUA coach Ross Jeffries, who sells multiple programs and events at heavy price points with the line: ""Get All Of The Amazingly Wonderful, Smoking Hot Women You Could Ever Desire, No Matter What Your Looks, Age, Social/Economic Status Or Previous Experience"
Ross also believes in NLP and teaches it. Ross Jeffries is a scammer and fraud.
(PS. Does anyone honestly believe Ross Jeffries' Blowjob pattern shit where you: 1. Ask her about anything she really, really loves to eat 2. Describe the sensation of eating that food and amplify with gustatory gusto 3. Link it to your dick using a "dick point".)
So tell me boyos of Girlschase, who's seeming more trustworthy at this point. I don't even have a program to sell you by the way.
Fun links:
Want to be more aware of bullshit in PUA and Internet marketing?
Just found this video, and it seems interesting. Can't say for the quality as I haven't watched it all, merely skimmed and found some interesting parts. Even if it's shitty as far as proof, it's funny to hear Internet marketers say one thing and then go back on what they said later: