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Karma: You Get What You Give!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Posting a Field Report for this experience, because I had a good laugh at the situation.

I saw this Asian girl on the beach today that I thought was pretty hot. I'd already seen her yesterday walking around somewhere else, but she disappeared in a building before I got the chance to open her. This time I saw her sit down on the beach somewhere on a little hill, again difficult to open because I'd either have to come from behind, or stand like 1m below her. So I didn't approach her right away. Also due to a mix of AA, and wanting to go for a quick swim first.

I jumped into the cold water. While I was swimming, I see the Asian girl walk towards where my stuff was and sit herself down like 10m up the beach. I come out of the water, I'm a bit cold now because of the wind and wrap my towel around myself. I wait a bit to let the wind blow me dry, then decide if I don't open her now she will probably either get away again, or some other dude will snatch her first. So I walk over to her to open.

I say "Excuse me? Quick question"
She sticks her palm out right away, and says "No thanks."
I persist and say "Are you from Germany?"
Girl: "No" (with a puzzled look)
Me: "Korea?"
Girl: "Yes"
Me: "I wanted to tell you, you look really stylish, I love your style!"
Girl: (sticks hand out again) "No thanks!"
Me (smiling): "No thanks? Okay, no worries!"

The girl smiles back as me as I say no worries. I walk back to my stuff and lie down to dry in the sun.

After a while some guy appears right next to me, sneaking around and taking pictures. I'm thinking is this guy gay? He keeps smiling. He appears to be Korean as well.

I get dressed, walk around a little, and the guy disappears. I lie down again (now fully dressed) and forget about him. I look over to the girl once or twice, she's just lying there on her back chilling, and not checking me out or anything.

Suddenly the guy reappears right next to me and asks, "Excuse me, I really like your style! Can I take a picture of you?"

I have to suppress a laugh and say "No thanks!" He insists and says "Just a picture with you in the background." I say "No!" but have to grin to myself. I'm still not really looking at the guy. He says "I love your style!", quite enthusiastically. I say thanks, but again without looking directly at him. He finally buggers off. I burst out laughing.


I found it hilarious how he used the exact same line on me that I used on the girl moments before! Why does this kind of shit happen to me? Are the pickup gods trying to show me something? "Here, this is how it feels when you get approached!"

Sometimes I think, I wish I could be bisexual. I'd probably get laid 24/7/365. At least!



So that was the funny part of the story. But I decided to give the Korean girl another go. She was a red from the start, but I wanted to tell her what just happened anyway because I found it so hilarious.

I get my stuff to leave, and as I do, I walk past her and reopen. This time she is much more receptive! Maybe because I'm grinning all over. I walk up to her and ask her "Did you see that?!"

She says no, so I tell her the whole story. I don't remember what I said exactly but it was probably something like this: "This guy just came up to me and told me he loves my style! He said the exact same thing to me that I said to you. And he's Korean! But I'm not even into guys! lol"

I'm not sure if she even understands me. She just sits there and smiles her mysterious Korean smile at me. She seems to be acknowledging, but later tells me her English isn't very good.

Anyway she's much more open now, so I sit next to her and get chatting a bit. Exchange names and shake hands. Find out she's been here for 5 days, and today is her last day. (Most tourist girls tell me it's their last day!) I ask her why? I don't remember what she answered. Probably something like I have to leave.

I try to find out logistics and ask her what she's planning to do on her last day. She says she doesn't know, so that's a good sign.

I ask if she visited other places in Europe, she say "No only here". I say this is an awesome place to be, tell her where I'm from and that I moved to this country. She asks me why, and I tell her I love the vibe here, the beach, the weather... looking around and gesturing at the scenery. She agrees.

I ask her what city she's from, she tells me some city name I never heard of. I tell a little story about my friend who's married to a Korean girl, he lived here before but now lives in Asia with his wife. Can't remember what her reaction to that was, I think she just smiled and didn't answer much. At some point she also tells me her English isn't that good.

I make sure to compliment her on her style once more, and compare hers to mine for similarity. We are wearing similar colors, black trousers, white shirts (top in her case). She's smiling. At one point she looks at her phone and I think she wants to show me something, so I get closer. But she sticks out her palm again and says "Bye!" (it appears she's getting a call). I say "Oh, you want to be alone?" She says "yes."

I say "Okay, it was nice talking to you. What was your name again?" She tells me, and I shake hands with her once more. Holding it a bit longer this time. Her hand is warm and soft.

Then I leave her to take her call.


Before I leave, I walk around the beach for a while just to digest the whole absurd situation. I have to laugh out loud several times as I walk. People probably think I'm crazy.

But I don't care. Good times!
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 21, 2023
Posting a Field Report for this experience, because it's so weird and I think it's quite a fun story.

I saw this Asian girl on the beach today that I thought was pretty hot. I'd already seen her yesterday walking around somewhere else, but she disappeared in a building before I got the chance to open her. This time I saw her sit down on the beach somewhere on a little hill, again difficult to open because I'd either have to come from behind, or stand like 1m below her. So I didn't approach her right away. Also due to a mix of AA, and wanting to go for a quick swim first.

I jumped into the cold water. While I was swimming, I see the Asian girl walk towards where my stuff was and sit herself down like 10m up the beach. I come out of the water, I'm a bit cold now because of the wind and wrap my towel around myself. I wait a bit to let the wind blow me dry, then decide if I don't open her now she will probably either get away again, or some other dude will snatch her first. So I walk over to her to open.

I say "Excuse me? Quick question"
She sticks her palm out right away, and says "No thanks."
I persist and say "Are you from Germany?"
Girl: "No" (with a puzzled look)
Me: "Korea?"
Girl: "Yes"
Me: "I wanted to tell you, you look really stylish, I love your style!"
Girl: (sticks hand out again) "No thanks!"
Me (smiling): "No thanks? Okay, no worries!"

The girl smiles back as me as I say no worries. I walk back to my stuff and lie down to dry in the sun.

After a while some guy appears right next to me, sneaking around and taking pictures. I'm thinking is this guy gay? He keeps smiling. He appears to be Korean as well.

I get dressed, walk around a little, and the guy disappears. I lie down again (now fully dressed) and forget about him. I look over to the girl once or twice, she's just lying there on her back chilling, and not checking me out or anything.

Suddenly the guy reappears right next to me and asks, "Excuse me, I really like your style! Can I take a picture of you?"

I have to suppress a laugh and say "No thanks!" He insists and says "Just a picture with you in the background." I say "No!" but have to grin to myself. I'm still not really looking at the guy. He says "I love your style!", quite enthusiastically. I say thanks, but again without looking directly at him. He finally buggers off. I burst out laughing.


This guy used the exact some line on me that I used on the girl, just moments before. Why does this kind of shit happen to me? Are the pickup gods trying to show me something? "Here, this is how it feels when you get approached!"

Sometimes I think, I wish I could be bisexual. I'd probably get laid 24/7/365. At least!



So that was the funny part of the story. But I decided to give the Korean girl another go. She was a red from the start, but I wanted to tell her what just happened anyway because I found it so hilarious.

I get my stuff to leave, and as I do, I walk past her and reopen. This time she is much more receptive! Maybe because I'm grinning all over. I walk up to her and ask her "Did you see that?!"

She says no, so I tell her the whole story. I don't remember what I said exactly but it was probably something like this: "This guy just came up to me and told me he loves my style! He said the exact same thing to me that I said to you. And he's Korean! But I'm not even into guys! lol"

I'm not sure if she even understands me. She just sits there and smiles her mysterious Korean smile at me. She seems to be acknowledging, but later tells me her English isn't very good.

Anyway she's much more open now, so I sit next to her and get chatting a bit. Exchange names and shake hands. Find out she's been here for 5 days, and today is her last day. (Almost all toursit girls tell me it's their last day!) I ask her why? I don't remember what she answered. Probably something like I have to leave.

I try to find out logistics and ask her what she's planning to do on her last day. She says she doesn't know, so that's a good sign.

I ask if she visited other places in Europe, she say "No only here". I say this is an awesome place to be, tell her where I'm from and that I moved to this country. She asks me why, and I tell her I love the vibe here, the beach, the weather... looking around and gesturing at the scenery. She agrees.

I ask her what city she's from, she tells me some city name I never heard of. I tell a little story about my friend who's married to a Korean girl, he lived here before but now lives in Asia with his wife. Can't remember what her reaction to that was, I think she just smiled and didn't answer much. At some point she also tells me her English isn't that good.

I make sure to compliment her on her style once more, and compare hers to mine for similarity. We are wearing similar colors, black trousers, white shirts (top in her case). She's smiling. At one point she looks at her phone and I think she wants to show me something, so I get closer. But she sticks out her palm again and says "Bye!" (it appears she's getting a call). I say "Oh, you want to be alone?" She says "yes."

I say "Okay, it was nice talking to you. What was your name again?" She tells me, and I shake hands with her once more. Holding it a bit longer this time. Her hand is warm and soft.

Then I leave her to take her call.


Before I leave, I walk around the beach for a while just to digest the whole absurd situation. I have to laugh out loud several times as I walk, thinking about how the Korean guy opened me with the exact same line that I used on the girl just moments before. People probably think I'm crazy.

But I don't care. Good times!
Haha. That was indeed strange. Seems like a coincidence.

But as far as Asian girls are concerned I have had some of my best interactions with them and some of my worst as well. They are rarely in the middle :D

I think there is a clear divide. There are the westernized and well socialized Asian girls who are awesome and then there are the opposite ones who stare blankly and seem in complete shock that someone is talking to them.

I have a very good Asian friend who told me that in some Asian countries there are people who talk to you on the street and distract you while someone else will try to pick your pocket or steal something quickly. They work in tandem like that.

She told me it took a long while for her to let go of that immediate stranger=danger response once she moved out to the West. She was even embarrassed about how she had behaved a few times when people tried to talk to her.

So after hearing that I understand a bit more and don't think too deeply when I get some absurd reaction from an Asian woman.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
I have a very good Asian friend who told me that in some Asian countries there are people who talk to you on the street and distract you while someone else will try to pick your pocket or steal something quickly. They work in tandem like that.
That's interesting! I didn't know that.

I mean, it probably happens where I live as well. You always got to watch out. That's also a reason I think some girls here brush me off when I approach.

But what fascinated me with this one was how completely she rejected me on the first approach, and how (relatively) warm she was on the reopen.
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you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 21, 2023
But what fascinated me with this one was how completely she rejected me on the first approach, and how (relatively) warm she was on the reopen
Yeah probably because she also re-assessed her initial response, realized you were not a threat and felt okay to engage with you.

But the great thing that I think you should give yourself props about is how you really "went for it" and tried everything to ensure that you had a real interaction and not just a drive by comment/compliment.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 8, 2024

That was some good persistence! However, this girl was salvageable. Let me explain.

Girl: (sticks hand out again) "No thanks!"
Me (smiling): "No thanks? Okay, no worries!"

When she presents a negative statement like "no thanks," try not to repeat this back to her. You're just emphasizing her resistance.

Better option: "Hey, relax, relax [calm down hand gesture]. I'm not a bad guy. I'm a [DHV]. I live 10 minutes away from here [point at a direction], but I'm originally from Norway."

Here, we try to lower her guard / address concerns, raise our value, and provide a little info about ourselves to establish baseline comfort levels. Perhaps, one part of this will stand out and hook her interest, with her asking you a question in return. Given the language barrier, we're opting for basic language that isn't overly complex.

Anyway she's much more open now, so I sit next to her and get chatting a bit. Exchange names and shake hands. Find out she's been here for 5 days, and today is her last day. (Most tourist girls tell me it's their last day!) I ask her why? I don't remember what she answered. Probably something like I have to leave.

I try to find out logistics and ask her what she's planning to do on her last day. She says she doesn't know, so that's a good sign.

I ask if she visited other places in Europe, she say "No only here". I say this is an awesome place to be, tell her where I'm from and that I moved to this country. She asks me why, and I tell her I love the vibe here, the beach, the weather... looking around and gesturing at the scenery. She agrees.

She's clearly signaling for you to move the courtship forward when she says she doesn't know what she's got planned. This is an escalation window, and as we see later, it doesn't remain open for long.

Instead of just sitting and talking to her, you need to show that you "get it" and move her. "Hey, the weather's awesome today. Let's take a walk by the water." Then, you can pivot that to an instant date (cafe / bar / whatever is nearby). This is your only viable option since she's leaving soon.

By escalating and inviting her to do something, you are showing that you picked up the signal she sent out earlier and making your intent loud and clear. You're trying to fuck her after all. This is a speed of communication thing, and it was not high enough on your end.

At one point she looks at her phone and I think she wants to show me something, so I get closer. But she sticks out her palm again and says "Bye!" (it appears she's getting a call). I say "Oh, you want to be alone?" She says "yes."

Well, unfortunately the window has now closed cuz you didn't pick up on her signal. She's doing the palm thing again, and we failed :(

In addition, try not to use these types of phrases going forward:
  • "Oh, you want to be alone?"
  • "Are you just gonna walk away like that?"
  • Etc.
First, they make it really easy for her to respond with a "yes" and end the set. Second, the way that it's phrased puts the dominant frame in her court (i.e., she's the decision maker and you're dependent on her response).

When you have some time, I would strongly encourage you to check out girl 4 here: https://www.skilledseducer.com/thre...onal-pua-elon-infield-footage-analysis.29964/

The scenarios here are almost carbon copies:
  • Both girls are culturally from East Asia
  • Both girls are tourists and leaving the next day
  • Both of you guys get blown out and re-open successfully later
What a coincidence, right?

However, he pulls her home, while you end up empty-handed. What gives?

This is why we learn game, to turn fantasies into reality.

Best of luck with your future beach approaches :)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Best of luck with your future beach approaches :)
Thank you, and thanks for the feedback!

I realized the escalation window, but wasn't able to use it. I'm not sure she'd have wanted to move with me, but it's definitely worth giving it a shot next time in a similar situation. Best to try and have her refuse possibly, than to not try and get blown out anyway!

I seem to meet girls who's last day it is here all the time, so there should be ample chances to field test.