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Ken's Journal II


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 13, 2015

March 27

I saw a thick, Middle Eastern girl when I got out of my class. At first, she was far away, so I walked toward her to see what she looked like. She walked forward, so once I saw what she looked like, I turned around and walked in the same direction that she went in.

I debated about whether or not to approach her. At first, I didn't think that she was attractive enough to approach. Then I looked at her thick ass. Then, I looked at her face again and saw that she looked like a bunch of girls I approached in the past. So I approached.

Before I could preopen or direct open her, she looked up at me and asked me if I was gonna ask her something. I then used a direct opener on her. We introduced ourselves, then we talked. She works as an RA on campus, and I stated that I know someone who works as an RA on campus too. She assumed the RA I knew was a he. Then she said that she was going to meet her boyfriend in the campus cafeteria, the same place that I was headed to, and I knew that I had no chance with her. So I didn't bother asking her out.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 13, 2015

April 8

I saw her walk towards where I was waiting for the bus. She was a white girl with long, blonde hair. And an ass that popped out of her black jeans. She was wearing a black leather jacket with a green shirt underneath. I preopened her, then we introduced ourselves. She said she was going home, then asked if this was where the bus stopped. I said yes. Then, the bus showed up a few seconds later. Our conversation didn't end, it just stopped.

And this is last approach I have made so far. My approach anxiety keeps getting in the way.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 13, 2015

April 30

I saw a blonde girl walking on the right side of the Center of the Arts. She was wearing blue skinny jeans and a navy blue sweater. I saw her from behind so I wan't sure if I wanted to approach her. So I moved so I can see her face, and also to make sure that she's not someone that I know. Then I moved up and saw her face. She's attractive and she's someone that I do not know.

Before I could preopen her, she turned to look at me and was creeped out. I direct opened her.

I asked her a lot of logical/interviewer questions, but I also deep dived her and asked her about what she wanted out of life. She was visiting the campus that day, and she will start going here in the fall. I asked her things such as what she wants to study here, why did she want to study that, what do you want out of life outside of studying here, etc. I should have put her in emotional mode instead of logical mode.

She was about to give me her number, but then she told me that she didn't pay her phone bill, so she didn't give it to me. Instead, she scanned my Snapchat account and said she will add me on Snap once she connects to the school wifi. But the school wifi sucks.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 13, 2015

May 1

I got out of class. And as I was walking around campus, I saw a brunette girl with a pretty face walking in front of the library, so I decided to approach her. She had wide hips. I preopened her, then I direct opened her. Her name was AJ. She looked better from a distance.

I asked her where she was heading. Then, I asked her what her major was. She said it was Cinema Studies. I asked her why she chose that major. She said she likes writing and storytelling. I said, "same.". She asked if I was also a Cinema Studies major. I told her I was an English major for the same reasons.

Later, I asked her out in an awkward fashion. I was stumbling over my words and I was stopping mid sentence. She told me that she has a boyfriend, and that he was the jealous type. I told her to have an good day and I left.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 13, 2015

May 2

I saw this one girl drawing in her notebook as she sat on the hard seat around the fountain. At first, I couldn't see her face because it was down, focused on her drawing. Then, a few seconds later, she looked up, and I saw that she had a cute, young looking face. Also, I didn't know her. We made eye contact for a few seconds, before I looked away. I walked behind the hard seats where she couldn't see me for a few seconds, then I decided to approach.

I walked over towards her. I didn't want to creep her out, so I didn't preopen her. She looked up. I direct opened her. The way she said "thanks", she must have thought that I was a creep.

Her name is Rose. Rose did not ask me any questions. She was a creative type, and I tried to use that to establish common ground, but she didn't bite. Then she called someone. She was not interested.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 13, 2015

May 6

It took me an hour of walking up and down campus before I approached a girl. Before then, I was dismissing girls as not being "pretty enough" to approach, and one pretty girl was too busy talking to someone on her phone.

The girl I approached wasn't as pretty as other girls I approached, but she was cute enough. I hesitated, then I approached.

I preopened and direct opened her. Her name is Marissa. We were at the bus stop, and I asked if she was going home. She said yes. Then the bus came. Our conversation stopped a few seconds before then.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 13, 2015

May 7

After I got out of class, I saw a Hispanic girl walk by me. She had a nice ass. I didn't approach at first, but then I turned around and decided to approach her.

She turned around briefly, then I preopened her. She took off her earbuds, then said hello. A few seconds later, I direct opened her. Her name is Ashley.

I asked her where she was going. She said she was going to a nearby building where her next class was going to be. Several seconds pass and I am thinking of things to say. At last, she tells me that she'll see me around campus. Dammit.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 13, 2015

May 8

After nearly 3 hours of walking around campus, I walk behind a girl, far up ahead than me, until she reaches the shuttle bus stop. I saw her talking to her friend earlier before that and she had big titties and a big ass. I go in. I preopen her and direct open her. I ask her bunch of boring interviewer questions. She didn't ask me anything and made no attempt to keep our conversation going. Then I left.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 13, 2015

May 9

After a long day, I spot a girl leaving the bus. She had a nice ass. I had to approach her.

After walking behind her for a while, I preopen her. She has bright blue eyes. Then, I direct opened her.

After I direct opened her, she asks me if we had a class together. I tell her that I don't remember, and then I introduce myself.

I ask her if she's got class. She tells me that she is meeting her friends first, then she's going to class. She asks if I had a class, and I tell her that I don't and I am done for the day.

After a brief silence, I ask her what her major is. She said mechanical engineering, then she asked me what my major is. I said English.

We talk about her major and this is the first time that I heard about this college having that major.

We got in front of the library and she tells me that's where her friends are. I stammer as I ask her out, and she tells me that unfortunately, she has a boyfriend. I hug her and leave.

Today, I finally achieved a goal that I've trying to accomplish for the past 2-3 years: I approached a girl on campus everyday for a week. During most of my semesters in college, I have had a four-day schedule: Mondays-Thursdays. There have been exceptions to that, but for the most part I try to have this schedule every semester. This semester, I have a Monday-Thursday schedule, which means that a week of class is four days. So in those four days, I approach one girl each day.

I have attempted to complete this goal several times in the past. But they all ended in failure. This one nearly ended in failure too, until I saw the girl approached several hours later. I almost accomplished this girl last week, but I didn't approach a girl on Monday despite my best efforts.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 13, 2015

May 13

I saw her walking in the rain. After walking after her through campus in the rain, including through an entire building, I finally caught up to her. I preopened her. She said "oh". Then I direct opened her. She walked away without responding to me.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 13, 2015
Sorry for the long hiatus. I got lazy and I've been putting this off for far too long. These are the last approaches I have done as of today.


May 14

I saw her earlier on my way to the campus cafeteria. Then at the campus cafeteria, I saw her again. This time I decided to approach her. As she left the cafeteria, I approached her. I preopened and direct opened her. Her name is Alex. I asked her stuff. She asked me questions back. She left before I could ask her out.


May 14

I saw a girl walk by after my English class. I had to approach her. It took a while for me to catch up to her, but I did. I preopened and direct opened her. We made small talk. Then, she told me she was going to the parking lot and told me she'll see me around.


May 16

I saw a white girl with a nice ass walk by while I walked to my English Final. She went inside, so I followed her. Once inside, I approached her. I preopened her and direct opened her. She told me her name is Samantha, and that she has a boyfriend.


May 16

While walking to approach Samantha, I saw a girl with a fat ass in the building. But she was on the phone with someone. After I approached Samantha, I was waiting for her to get off the phone while I contemplated going to my final. She got off the phone, so I approached her. I preopened her. Then, I told her she was cute. She said thank you, then told me that she has a boyfriend. Literally has a boyfriend, she says as she shows me a pic of her and her boyfriend on her phone. Lol. I told her to have a good day and I left.


May 22

I saw a girl with ombre hair sitting in the seats to the left of the Library entrance. I approached her quickly. Before I could preopen her, she looked up. I direct opened her. She said "thanks, but I have a boyfriend". I then told her to have a good day, and she said "you too" as I left.


June 1

I was in the mall, and after I failed to approach an attractive girl, I saw a slightly less attractive girl. But she was still attractive. I wasn't going to let this one slip by. She was walking slowly, so I got over my anxiety and got to the left of her. I preopened her. She was looking over at my direction briefly, then looked at me after I preopened her. I looked straight forward until after I preopened her. I direct opened her. She said thanks and she has a boyfriend. I told her to have a good day.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 13, 2015
Months ago, Ambiance sent me a respond on here saying that I should figure out what I want from seduction after I asked him what to journal about. I had not gotten around to figuring out what I want from seduction because I have been lazy, and also I've been busy with school and other stuff. Also, I have put off writing on this journal for months. But here I am.

I want to be a man who is attractive to women. I want to learn how to be sexual with women with out getting in trouble for sexual harassment. I also want to be charismatic as well. In addition, I want to go from being a skinny twig to being a chiseled beast. I also want to learn how to emote like a sexy man.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 13, 2015
On Saturday I approached a girl for the first time in two years. I was in the mall and approached a blonde. I used the “I’ve got this rule that whenever I see someone attractive I have to say hi” opener from here:


She didn’t say thank you. Then after I told her my name, she said that she had a boyfriend and left.

A few things here. One, I originally wanted to approach three girls, but it took me hours to make my first approach and by the time I could get around to the other two, it was raining and I had to get home.

Second, I am extremely awkward around people that I don’t know. Especially women. I find making eye contact with strangers extremely awkward. I had these problems and more before when I cold approached in the past, but I experienced them all over again during my approach. To quote the book The 3 A.M. Epiphany, “We do not know what we’re doing until we start doing it again, making the same mistakes, finding the same pinhole of understanding in the ten-mile-long wall of brick.” The book applies this idea to writing but it can be applied to seduction too.

Third, I had Approach Anxiety. I am currently reading the book The Mystery Method, and on Saturday I was reading the chapter where Mystery takes about the A1 phase of The Mystery Method. In that chapter he talked about things that I was struggling with on the approach, such as tone of voice and overall vibe. I would go more in depth on this, but I am at a party right now.

So, how do I overcome Approach Anxiety? How do I stop being so nervous and awkward around people? How long should I wait after arriving at a venue before I approach a girl?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 2, 2018
Hey @Ken did you come out of a relationship recently and just come back into game? Or just not been that active recently? If not that's fine it took me a while to really dive into game. Some suggestions based on my experiences:

1. For your 2nd point about making eye contact with strangers I totally get it that's been me my whole life. I'm better at it now then a year ago,but even then I still don't think i'm great at it. I think subconsciously being afraid of holding eye contact with women as a man is us still trying to be a nice guy. We're worried of women thinking we're creepy/weird and making women potentially feel uncomfortable. You have to be WILLING to risk making a girl feel uncomfortable. You shouldn't give a shit if you approach a girl and she declines you or is bothered. Do not worry if the girl feels a bit uneasy or uncomfortable from being approached its gonna happen inevitably with some girls. You can start by making eye contact with random women you pass by and look them in the eye casually in a relaxed manner until they look away. They don't have to even be attractive,but if they are that's even better. Or if you catch any woman looking at you stare them in the eye until they look away. Train yourself to last longer and build up against that internal resistance.

2. Getting rid of AA in general is difficult. Some of the analogies i've heard is its like jumping off a steep cliff in to the water or charging forward as a soldier into battle into impending death. You're killing off your silly ego that thinks approaching women is bad,useless, whatever. I learned finally that the only way to overcome AA is to do whatever it is that you're afraid of. Because when you face your fears and are experiencing them in live time you realize it's not as bad as when you're thinking and analyzing it from a past point of view. When you come out of it you feel a sense of pride because your ego thought you were going to die,but you didn't. The sooner the approach the better. The longer you wait to approach the more anticipation you feel and the likelier you will psyche yourself out. Just be social to start and build social momentum so approaching a girl won't be as huge a leap.
Hope this helps.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 13, 2015

I've just not been that active recently. What is social momentum and how do I build it?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 2, 2018

I've just not been that active recently. What is social momentum and how do I build it?
Social momentum is just socializing and talking with several people as you go through the day and using the boost of energy and confidence you accumulate from speaking to people as momentum to propel even further and be more confident in your social interactions.

Some articles I could find that describe this include

An example of social momentum for me would be going to the gym and greeting the front desk people when i'm in and out,then greeting and shooting the shit with a worker I know from the vitamin shoppe when I grab my protein drink. After that if I see any girls I like to talk to it won't be as hard to open cuz i've already spoken to a bunch of people and i've exercised physically and am less in my head.

I use to say random comments to strangers whether I would mean it or not,but haven't done that recently. That can help even more just because you are prepared more to approach girls since you already spoke to strangers and maybe even said random weird shit. So your ego is already prepped to approach.