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LR  Labor Day Weekend


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
... Also, I'm curious, how did you enter her brown wonderland? You added all the lube, yet how did you initiate / what gave you the impression that you could get anal sex that fast / that she was into it that fast? Expanding on compliance, yeah, but did you finger her butt crack first, or what gave it away?

I'm curious because I want to do that to the girls I date ASAP, yet most don't allow me to : (

It's tragic, I know...

... ; )


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Feb 13, 2013
Landlord said:

Epic! Epic! Epic!

Please PM me whenever you post something new. You are a King among men!


Thanks man! Appreciate it. I am currently working on a 5'11" blonde bartender who has been quite the challenge so far. Being that she's been so difficult, I'll probably post a report whether I close her or not. Date (drinks) is 8 PM tonight, so wish me luck :)

Nuncle, Laowai:

I actually was really good with women when I was younger, but I've always been pretty good-looking, athletic, very social and love talking to people. So, I was probably getting by on just fundamentals alone back then. When I was 20, I got in a relationship with a girl that lasted for 3 years. Then after that, I immediately got in a relationship that lasted 8 years that included a nasty divorce (about 2 yrs ago now). I just turned 34 a couple weeks ago, and thankfully I look like I'm about 24 (even with facial hair). So that's good. Anyway, I think this allows me a lot more freedom with regard to women I date and how old they are. And that just gives me more options, really. Most of the women I date are in their early-to-mid 20's.

Anyway, being in relationships for 11 years straight really took it out of me. With my most recent ex, I wasn't really even allowed to go out with my friends, and when we were out together I was not really allowed to talk to other women. I mean I could have done these things, but it would have created a ton of stress and drama in my life. So anyway, a while after the marriage I started to realize how much I sucked with women even though I was a better version of the guy from 11 years ago (have money, nice house, nice boat, nice vehicles, and still good-looking but more mature). What was going on? I was a giant pussy, that's what was going on. I wasn't being bold and taking any risks, trying to get girls to invest in me or trying to get compliance, moving a girl. Blatantly showing interest. I was shy, un-confident, and most importantly- I was chasing them, and chasing them hard. You know, boring movie dates and expensive dinner dates. Waiting 5 dates to kiss them, because surely that will gain their trust... right? :p I look back on that and now realize how stupid I was.

Basically when I found this site I already had step 1 done: fundamentals. I mean, I have added a cool hairstyle but I've always dressed really well. I did work on my walk and my eye contact, however. And yes, for about the first 3 months I did do a ton of approaches at the mall, the park, the street, etcetera while I was really trying to push through the anxiety of being direct with a woman and not caring what she thinks. Once I had reached a certain level of abundance (as in I had a couple girls I was FWB with at any one time, and then several other girls texting me at any one time), there was no more need to go out and do 20 approaches every day. So as Nuncle put it, I just integrated it into my everyday life and when I see a pretty girl, I go get her :)

Then, sometime around July I met this girl at a tanning salon, almost fucked it up and totally turned it around just by being persistent, totally outcome-independent and un-phased by failure. She was probably the hottest girl (at the time) that I'd ever had, and bedded her within a 4 day time frame from meeting her, at that. It really changed my attitude toward all of this stuff. That interaction alone was a huge eye opener. I just all of the sudden knew what I was capable of and it really took me to the next level.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Feb 13, 2013

Laowai said:
... Also, I'm curious, how did you enter her brown wonderland? You added all the lube, yet how did you initiate / what gave you the impression that you could get anal sex that fast / that she was into it that fast? Expanding on compliance, yeah, but did you finger her butt crack first, or what gave it away?

I'm curious because I want to do that to the girls I date ASAP, yet most don't allow me to : (

It's tragic, I know...

... ; )

It was a heat of the moment type of thing! It's not like I asked and she said "ok", I just did it. I wish I had a plan for you, bro! :( lol



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 19, 2013
NJ! Love how you bring all the boys to the yard! ;)

Who could resist this thread?! Obviously not I. You and JB (James Bond) mentors for life.

NarrowJ said:
Anyway, being in relationships for 11 years straight really took it out of me. With my most recent ex, I wasn't really even allowed to go out with my friends, and when we were out together I was not really allowed to talk to other women. I mean I could have done these things, but it would have created a ton of stress and drama in my life. So anyway, a while after the marriage I started to realize how much I sucked with women even though I was a better version of the guy from 11 years ago (have money, nice house, nice boat, nice vehicles, and still good-looking but more mature). What was going on? I was a giant pussy, that's what was going on. I wasn't being bold and taking any risks, trying to get girls to invest in me or trying to get compliance, moving a girl. Blatantly showing interest. I was shy, un-confident, and most importantly- I was chasing them, and chasing them hard. You know, boring movie dates and expensive dinner dates. Waiting 5 dates to kiss them, because surely that will gain their trust... right? :p I look back on that and now realize how stupid I was.

Basically when I found this site I already had step 1 done: fundamentals. I mean, I have added a cool hairstyle but I've always dressed really well. I did work on my walk and my eye contact, however. And yes, for about the first 3 months I did do a ton of approaches at the mall, the park, the street, etcetera while I was really trying to push through the anxiety of being direct with a woman and not caring what she thinks. Once I had reached a certain level of abundance (as in I had a couple girls I was FWB with at any one time, and then several other girls texting me at any one time), there was no more need to go out and do 20 approaches every day. So as Nuncle put it, I just integrated it into my everyday life and when I see a pretty girl, I go get her :)

Then, sometime around July I met this girl at a tanning salon, almost fucked it up and totally turned it around just by being persistent, totally outcome-independent and un-phased by failure. She was probably the hottest girl (at the time) that I'd ever had, and bedded her within a 4 day time frame from meeting her, at that. It really changed my attitude toward all of this stuff. That interaction alone was a huge eye opener. I just all of the sudden knew what I was capable of and it really took me to the next level.

Very similar story for me, I totally relate to these sentiments. After the first couple months of reckless abandon, one day it just clicked. I'd got shut down harder, by the hottest 10's, then I'd ever been in my entire life. The 'worst' had happened, the ones I wanted most rejected me, but strangely I was fine. The sun still rose, my soul intact. It turns out the best was well worth any 'perceived' risk or loss. I've come to believe Chase is sharing some 'honest-to-goodness' wisdom gleaned from a journey too few in our generation have the courage to embark upon.

NJ you've got some courage on you, and my admiration for getting it done!
BTW, are you an author in real life? If not, maybe your next big commitment and risk taking needs to happen now.

Props brother.

ps. Sheath that bad-boy! Jump headlong into the fire, but at least wear a helmet! ;)


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Feb 13, 2013
Hey Charming,

charming said:
ps. Sheath that bad-boy! Jump headlong into the fire, but at least wear a helmet! ;)

1. Thanks for the the kind comments!


2. Yep! Definitely need to be safer. I just went and bought a box yesterday, actually :)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Apr 10, 2013
Short of time as I am these days -I miss the months on the dole already :D- if I knew how long the message was, I probably wouldn't have start reading it, but very glad I did :D, amazingly written!

Anyway, as I was reading, I could totally tell you were an attractive guy (still planning to open a thread: can attractive guys give PUA courses as people who take them are mostly not so attractive, but that's another topic and unconnected to you as you're not a teacher :) ).

Anyway we've already crossed our paths in this online forum and I have a question for you -and other hard working people- regarding your work life balance and free time: you seem to have an above average lifestyle, so I guess you must work hard: how can you manage to go out on a Monday and get drinks, or keep drinking for a whole weekend and still manage to work and keep in shape, and also to so fluently write and answer on this forum? :)
In this life situation I'm in right now, working 9-19:30/20 day in day out I don't think I could really manage...


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Feb 13, 2013

...how can you manage to go out on a Monday and get drinks, or keep drinking for a whole weekend and still manage to work and keep in shape, and also to so fluently write and answer on this forum? :)

Well it was Labor Day weekend, so I had that Monday off. And normally, I don't drink three days in a row either :p

I do work a lot, but get a lot of time off too. Work hard and play harder!

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012
Work hard and play harder!

This has always been my mantra! I'll be going to a pool party tomorrow, and I plan on drinking a fair amount. But of course, recovering from this is what Sunday mornings are for! ;)

- Franco


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Apr 10, 2013
Same as Berlusconi ehehe :D

My way of life is more like "take it easy" instead :).
I do enjoy parties, clubs and also drinking, but I'm more like don't work so hard, enjoy life, don't push the limits too hard too often and if you're too tired/stressed: stop, there's always tomorrow :).