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FR  Language and energy

Dorian Gray

Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 31, 2012

I go out to meet women in clubs almost every day, but I've been having troubles for some time now - I feel lik I'm at a plateau in my progression and I can't seem to get past it. I live in Korea, but I don't speak korean at all.

Heres what happend tonight:
Started at a club called NB: A dark Hip Hop club with loud music and quite high energy.
Opened two girls sitting on bar stools, my friend quickly swooped in to talk to my targets friend. My target was friendly, but we had a hard time communicating, and it was my first set, so I probably wasn't as charismatic as I could've been. Talked for a bit, and after a while she stood up for some reason. She was friendly up to this point, but didn't feel any attraction from her. That changed, however, when she stood up. She smiled and laughed a lot more, but I saw her whol body now and realized I wasn't attracted.

Tried to open s bunch more sets, but nothing hooked. Usually I go out sober, but tonight I had a few beers, so my calibration was probably off.
I try to use the pre-opener wher I put my hand on her shoulder and wait for to look at me. Sometimes it works, and sometimes the girl shuts down before I can talk to her. Once she sees me she turns away. I'm guessing this is because I'm foreigner and koreans don't really speak english and are emberassed about it.

Bounce to a new location, a dance club called MASS.
Opened a set of girls who turned out to be japanese. They were three girls, spoke maybe 10 words english.
The only thing I did with these girls was to say the few words of Japanese I know over and over again and give high-five. Because I failed to chose a target to focus on this set kinda died out after a few min.

Approached a few more girls, got the "no english"-response from most of them.
Talked to one girl who spoke decent english. She started out as very unresponsive, but I plowed a bit untill she opened up, and just when things were starting to go well, her friend turned around. I tried to introduce myself to the friend, but she ignored me and dragged the girl to the bathroom.

Now this is how a lot of my nights look like: I approach a bunch of different girls until I find on who speaks english, and I try to escalate things with her.
With the girls who don't speak english I have tried to just talk some non sense to keep her ears occupied and lead strongly. This works wonders to bounce them around in the club, but they stop EVERY TIME when I try to get them out of the door.

I have had some success here - 11 girls in 8 weeks - which I think is fairly OK, but my success is very inconsistent and it's usually only the girls who already have very high buying temprature AND speak english.

Any of you guys have any pointers?



Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

Dorian Gray said:
Approached a few more girls, got the "no english"-response from most of them.
Talked to one girl who spoke decent english. She started out as very unresponsive, but I plowed a bit untill she opened up, and just when things were starting to go well, her friend turned around. I tried to introduce myself to the friend, but she ignored me and dragged the girl to the bathroom.

See this article on this one:

Breaking Circle

Dorian Gray said:
Now this is how a lot of my nights look like: I approach a bunch of different girls until I find on who speaks english, and I try to escalate things with her.
With the girls who don't speak english I have tried to just talk some non sense to keep her ears occupied and lead strongly. This works wonders to bounce them around in the club, but they stop EVERY TIME when I try to get them out of the door.

I have had some success here - 11 girls in 8 weeks - which I think is fairly OK, but my success is very inconsistent and it's usually only the girls who already have very high buying temprature AND speak english.

Any of you guys have any pointers?


Korea's an interesting country. When I first got to Seoul I had a lot of guys tell me it's really hard to game there and you HAVE to know Korean, but I didn't find this to be the case - looks like you haven't, either.

I have a lot of my thoughts up on getting non-English-speaking women here:

Nonverbal Attraction and Getting Girls Without Words

Basically, it's down to a lot of very smooth-but-dominant leading. You may need to calibrate your approach - very sensual with high buying temperature girls, but softer and friendlier but still firm with girls who are lower buying temperature. You'll notice a lot of guys gaming in Asia have this kind of silly / childish way with women - while you want to avoid this with most of the higher status girls, with the less experienced and more timid ones, adopting a bit of this can help you allay some of their concerns and keep things moving with them if they don't speak English and aren't already raring to go for you.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 9, 2013
Hey Dorian,
Yeah I feel you man. I've been living in Seoul for 5 years and I remember my first year very vividly. Props on going out to NB and Mass - they're not the easiest places.

I agree with Chase that you'll want to calibrate your approach. The reason why I recommend 'childish / silly' is because most Korean girls respond well to that (in my experience.) It disarms them which is important initially. Afterwards sure you don't want to just be silly and childish because that is definitely a turn off (especially with "high quality" girls.) It's also fun!

I also agree with Chase that it's good to have non-verbal attraction game and how to get girls without speaking the language. You don't HAVE to speak Korean but you open up your market tremendously if you do. You also get a strong edge over other foreigners who can't be bothered. I know that I've been able to intimidate other guys who try to take my set just by going into 'Korean mode' with the girls and blowing the "no Korean" expat out of the water. I've also met a natural whose only tool was knowing their culture and language and he pulled regularly from the night club. Granted he was also a regular.

So you don't NEED it perse but it opens up your market and gets the girl more comfortable. In fact what my natural friend did (and I did to) was take a sentence or two in Korean and use it as an opener in the club. I started with "Hangukmal hallsu-eesoyo?" which means "can you speak Korean?" and worked my way from there. Why not give it a try and see if you get the same positive results that I did.

Expect nightgame's results to be a bit tougher. My batting average from nightgame cold approach was low also. I even went out with a solid MPUA from the US and brought him to one of the clubs called 'Eden'. I saw the frustration on his face to the non-responsiveness of Korean women. That being said it is possible and I have pulled SNLs with decent chicks from night game in Korea. Im sure you can to.

Keep going!

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take