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- Nov 7, 2024
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I was late for the meet, me and my wing went to new place which we did not know the exact location of.
I like to warm up socially before I get to the venue, so I was saying hi to random people passing by us, and explaining to him why he should be doing the same (He really struggles with opening sets, but he is good with kiss closing, completely opposite of me).
I like to warm up properly, meaning, I like to fuck around and open a lot of people in the short period of time, especially in the street or a bus (on my way to downtown), but I do not do that so often (I really should). Anyway, I opened first 2 girls of the night by doing this, and genuinely I hadnt had any intention with that set (partially because they were not that great looking).
They were actually coming back from the place we were headed to, because they could not enter, so that opened a nice convo topic. We got a chance to take them to some club, and they asked us where could we go together (but it was not direct like that). I tried to make convo outside of that, but simultaneously I was thinking where could we go. The plan was to go somewhere to warm up (bar), and then to go to club. I turned to my wing couple of times to signal to him to engage and to give me some support and suggestion. After all that ( 10 mins of conversation and negotiating) they said that their friends are headed to X place and that they are gonna go there, and that we can come. We agreed but my wing then talked me into going to our initial venue. I got prettier girls ig and we parted ways.
Then, I told him to acknowledge this nice set and chance that we got from me fucking around and warming up. I asked him to analyze this set, since this whole situation proved my point from before (warming up and opening). I was serious, he was not, and he did not have anything to say to my questions... ( at this point I am disappointed and frustrated by his lack of focus and determination, and I realize how low hes social intelligence is)
Anyway we get to the our destination, and we had to give 10 bucks to doorman, to get in (I only spend money on 2 drinks, ticket and taxi, so that continued my moderate frustration, but fuck it lets just get top work. We get in, I see a lot of older girls, but I know there are girls my age there so no biggie. First thing we did was we got in line for toilet and i talked to the girl ahead of me.
She was cute and completely open to talk, so I locked in. I found out she is form other town, so we talked about nightlife there, and I smoothly ig closed her. I touched her hand, I think I had my arm around her waist at some point but im not sure. I was not sure of her level of attraction and compliance, and I was short on time because she was up next in line. When she got out of toilet she saidgoodbye with both hands up and left. I didnt pursue her. I thought that if I want I will find her later. I need to be more aggressive!
Maybe I could have told her to stay, definitely needed to touch her more, but that is still something I need to remind myslef to do when in set, because I have a habit of not doing any touching... My wing wasnt doing shit all this time, and I even turned to him a few times again with the same intention to get him talk with her, or someone else.
At this point I had ig closed two girls from the first two sets so I was feeling good.
When I was standing behind this older 3 set, girl in front of me was turned with her back to me. Since it was thight space in the venue, her ass leaned on me a little bit, but she was dancing so she lingered in that position a little longer that i expected. Then again later she did the same thing but a litlle shorter and lighter, still dancing though. I thought that she wanted to get my anttention, or maybe to gind on me, but that is so out of my comfort zone that I just left it at that and moved on. I guess I got anxious.
But then, when I was looking for the next set, I realzed that there was not too many of them ( older sets with older guys with them and their table...)
After some time we decided to open this to younger girls, but of cousre my guy did not help me much, while I was doing quite good with the other girl.
Touched her a lot, without any resistance, she laughed, leaned to my, and I got to the infamous point in set where I shoulfd move things to kiss closing. Because her friend was bored, and have completely turned her back to my friend, I told him to keep her occupied , but he said he tried and he could not do it.
Then I felt that the vibe betwen me and my girl started to descend, and even though I knew I still had a chance with her, I did not know how to handle this situation. I dId not try to ecalate more, or isolate her, so I gave up and ejected.
Then, my wing started going on about how this place was too loud, full of old people, and how we should leave. I disagreed, (we just got there) and I saw several cute girls here. The problem was, its small space, and cute girls were at their inaccessible tables. I spent almost half an hour thinking and looking for girls, but I got frustrated again, aproached 3 sets, got 1 more ig out of very direct approach, (6 set) and left. Maybe I should have pushed more for that last girl, because she told me that only she at this table dont have a boyfriend, and told me to ask her questions, since I asked her friend some questions about the group. Funny enough, she still havent accepted my request on insta, but back then I thought that I have great chanches with her through texting.
On our way to the next club, we again had a discussion about his behaviour, and game. He promised that when we get to another club he will be diferent. He really wanted to go this place from last week, and I hesitated but decided to help him out and agree to go there.
The place was dead af. Half empty. Few sets, not that attractive. That annoyed me, but I did my approaches anyway, of course without enough of his support. I pushed him to work on his opening, gave him few of my best opening lines, but he refused to act and that was the climax of my frustration. That was that state when you are so provoked and tempered that you just fucking ACT without giving a single fuck. I had entered this state in my pickup journey few times, but usually it has 2 different tones. One is with with positive energy and second with negative (good and bad mood).
This was out of bad mood so it was not great although I think I was slightly more aggressive, which I really need to be more. One set was very receptive, the one I used to challenge my friend before my frustration peaked. I approached this girl who was in the big group, and said that my friend want to talk to her, and I turned to him, waiting for him to talk her. He of course got stuck and we ejected even though their body language signaled that they are fully open to talk.
Later that night, I started having negative thoughts about my friend/wing, this place, my game and even the purpose of this shit.
Then I saw this girl with her friend again, in some small separated room, and reopened. Again good response, this time my wing was not a fucking mute, and I gamed the second girl. She was sitting, I immediately grabbed her hand to read her palm to make sure she was not lying about something she said beforehand. She laughed in shock with her friend, especially when I started tapping the middle of her palm with my mid finger. Then I told her to stand up, to see how tall she is. We got close because we were comparing our heights. Started touching a little, hand, waist, my nose in her hair when talking.
Then her 2 dumbass friends showed up, blocked me with their bodies without saying anything, and I was left there with nobody to talk to since they had her occupied, and my wing was busy talking to his girl. When she took a picture of these 2 guys, I tapped her to turn and asked her:
do guys approach you in the gym? (she previously told me that she works out, and that she trains her ass (cant remember the context))
She saying that they do which I used to tease her, but she didnt get it so it wasnt that funny.
When these 2 guys were leaving, one kind of shrug me with his shoulder when walking by. Im sure I could kick both of their asses since they are smaller and younger than me, but I decided to let them go and give them the benefit of the doubt. I was in the isolation place with her, she was cute, and her friends gave up so I thought this is great chance, but I saw that she is kind of resistant, or nervous, and she told me that she really need to pee and that she will come back.
I had this situation happen in the past and it was always bad result so I thought that its over with her. Me and my wing went to the restroom ourselves, but came back to hang out to the same place since it had two armchairs. 5 min later again the same girl showed up, this time with some other girl friend of hers.
Astonished, she asked:
you two are still here??
Anyway I interpreted this as her winging me so I gamed her friend who was receptive, and she sat down across me. Leaned in, I leaned in, but it we were still not close enough to get intimate. We talked smoothly, I touched her knees, and her friend told me that they were celebrating her birthday. My wing congratulated her, and she was expecting the same from me but I was skeptical and I wanted her to prove it.
Here I saw opportunity to ig close her, gave her my phone, she thought about it but declined it, and continued to enthusiastically talking to me about something. She said listen to me, I said Im not gonna until she give me her insta. She got up, and playfully threatened to leave but she actually left. I think she was testing me, wanting me to tell her to stay, because she was looking at me with her eyebrows raised, but I was not expecting her to actually leave.
That was the end of the night when it comes to girls. Again I was not aggressive enough, I did not even try to isolate, to push thing towards kissing and getting intimate. I was pretty frustrated, wasted a lot of time, and I didnt have any fun almost the whole night.
I NEED to find a better wing, to think of some actionable steps to work through my kiss closing problem, push myself out of my comfort zone and to aim to hit my goals every night regarding this problem. I think this is where you can help me guys. Also as always feel free to comment and share your insights about this report.
Thank you.
I like to warm up socially before I get to the venue, so I was saying hi to random people passing by us, and explaining to him why he should be doing the same (He really struggles with opening sets, but he is good with kiss closing, completely opposite of me).
I like to warm up properly, meaning, I like to fuck around and open a lot of people in the short period of time, especially in the street or a bus (on my way to downtown), but I do not do that so often (I really should). Anyway, I opened first 2 girls of the night by doing this, and genuinely I hadnt had any intention with that set (partially because they were not that great looking).
They were actually coming back from the place we were headed to, because they could not enter, so that opened a nice convo topic. We got a chance to take them to some club, and they asked us where could we go together (but it was not direct like that). I tried to make convo outside of that, but simultaneously I was thinking where could we go. The plan was to go somewhere to warm up (bar), and then to go to club. I turned to my wing couple of times to signal to him to engage and to give me some support and suggestion. After all that ( 10 mins of conversation and negotiating) they said that their friends are headed to X place and that they are gonna go there, and that we can come. We agreed but my wing then talked me into going to our initial venue. I got prettier girls ig and we parted ways.
Then, I told him to acknowledge this nice set and chance that we got from me fucking around and warming up. I asked him to analyze this set, since this whole situation proved my point from before (warming up and opening). I was serious, he was not, and he did not have anything to say to my questions... ( at this point I am disappointed and frustrated by his lack of focus and determination, and I realize how low hes social intelligence is)
Anyway we get to the our destination, and we had to give 10 bucks to doorman, to get in (I only spend money on 2 drinks, ticket and taxi, so that continued my moderate frustration, but fuck it lets just get top work. We get in, I see a lot of older girls, but I know there are girls my age there so no biggie. First thing we did was we got in line for toilet and i talked to the girl ahead of me.
She was cute and completely open to talk, so I locked in. I found out she is form other town, so we talked about nightlife there, and I smoothly ig closed her. I touched her hand, I think I had my arm around her waist at some point but im not sure. I was not sure of her level of attraction and compliance, and I was short on time because she was up next in line. When she got out of toilet she saidgoodbye with both hands up and left. I didnt pursue her. I thought that if I want I will find her later. I need to be more aggressive!
Maybe I could have told her to stay, definitely needed to touch her more, but that is still something I need to remind myslef to do when in set, because I have a habit of not doing any touching... My wing wasnt doing shit all this time, and I even turned to him a few times again with the same intention to get him talk with her, or someone else.
At this point I had ig closed two girls from the first two sets so I was feeling good.
When I was standing behind this older 3 set, girl in front of me was turned with her back to me. Since it was thight space in the venue, her ass leaned on me a little bit, but she was dancing so she lingered in that position a little longer that i expected. Then again later she did the same thing but a litlle shorter and lighter, still dancing though. I thought that she wanted to get my anttention, or maybe to gind on me, but that is so out of my comfort zone that I just left it at that and moved on. I guess I got anxious.
But then, when I was looking for the next set, I realzed that there was not too many of them ( older sets with older guys with them and their table...)
After some time we decided to open this to younger girls, but of cousre my guy did not help me much, while I was doing quite good with the other girl.
Touched her a lot, without any resistance, she laughed, leaned to my, and I got to the infamous point in set where I shoulfd move things to kiss closing. Because her friend was bored, and have completely turned her back to my friend, I told him to keep her occupied , but he said he tried and he could not do it.
Then I felt that the vibe betwen me and my girl started to descend, and even though I knew I still had a chance with her, I did not know how to handle this situation. I dId not try to ecalate more, or isolate her, so I gave up and ejected.
Then, my wing started going on about how this place was too loud, full of old people, and how we should leave. I disagreed, (we just got there) and I saw several cute girls here. The problem was, its small space, and cute girls were at their inaccessible tables. I spent almost half an hour thinking and looking for girls, but I got frustrated again, aproached 3 sets, got 1 more ig out of very direct approach, (6 set) and left. Maybe I should have pushed more for that last girl, because she told me that only she at this table dont have a boyfriend, and told me to ask her questions, since I asked her friend some questions about the group. Funny enough, she still havent accepted my request on insta, but back then I thought that I have great chanches with her through texting.
On our way to the next club, we again had a discussion about his behaviour, and game. He promised that when we get to another club he will be diferent. He really wanted to go this place from last week, and I hesitated but decided to help him out and agree to go there.
The place was dead af. Half empty. Few sets, not that attractive. That annoyed me, but I did my approaches anyway, of course without enough of his support. I pushed him to work on his opening, gave him few of my best opening lines, but he refused to act and that was the climax of my frustration. That was that state when you are so provoked and tempered that you just fucking ACT without giving a single fuck. I had entered this state in my pickup journey few times, but usually it has 2 different tones. One is with with positive energy and second with negative (good and bad mood).
This was out of bad mood so it was not great although I think I was slightly more aggressive, which I really need to be more. One set was very receptive, the one I used to challenge my friend before my frustration peaked. I approached this girl who was in the big group, and said that my friend want to talk to her, and I turned to him, waiting for him to talk her. He of course got stuck and we ejected even though their body language signaled that they are fully open to talk.
Later that night, I started having negative thoughts about my friend/wing, this place, my game and even the purpose of this shit.
Then I saw this girl with her friend again, in some small separated room, and reopened. Again good response, this time my wing was not a fucking mute, and I gamed the second girl. She was sitting, I immediately grabbed her hand to read her palm to make sure she was not lying about something she said beforehand. She laughed in shock with her friend, especially when I started tapping the middle of her palm with my mid finger. Then I told her to stand up, to see how tall she is. We got close because we were comparing our heights. Started touching a little, hand, waist, my nose in her hair when talking.
Then her 2 dumbass friends showed up, blocked me with their bodies without saying anything, and I was left there with nobody to talk to since they had her occupied, and my wing was busy talking to his girl. When she took a picture of these 2 guys, I tapped her to turn and asked her:
do guys approach you in the gym? (she previously told me that she works out, and that she trains her ass (cant remember the context))
She saying that they do which I used to tease her, but she didnt get it so it wasnt that funny.
When these 2 guys were leaving, one kind of shrug me with his shoulder when walking by. Im sure I could kick both of their asses since they are smaller and younger than me, but I decided to let them go and give them the benefit of the doubt. I was in the isolation place with her, she was cute, and her friends gave up so I thought this is great chance, but I saw that she is kind of resistant, or nervous, and she told me that she really need to pee and that she will come back.
I had this situation happen in the past and it was always bad result so I thought that its over with her. Me and my wing went to the restroom ourselves, but came back to hang out to the same place since it had two armchairs. 5 min later again the same girl showed up, this time with some other girl friend of hers.
Astonished, she asked:
you two are still here??
Anyway I interpreted this as her winging me so I gamed her friend who was receptive, and she sat down across me. Leaned in, I leaned in, but it we were still not close enough to get intimate. We talked smoothly, I touched her knees, and her friend told me that they were celebrating her birthday. My wing congratulated her, and she was expecting the same from me but I was skeptical and I wanted her to prove it.
Here I saw opportunity to ig close her, gave her my phone, she thought about it but declined it, and continued to enthusiastically talking to me about something. She said listen to me, I said Im not gonna until she give me her insta. She got up, and playfully threatened to leave but she actually left. I think she was testing me, wanting me to tell her to stay, because she was looking at me with her eyebrows raised, but I was not expecting her to actually leave.
That was the end of the night when it comes to girls. Again I was not aggressive enough, I did not even try to isolate, to push thing towards kissing and getting intimate. I was pretty frustrated, wasted a lot of time, and I didnt have any fun almost the whole night.
I NEED to find a better wing, to think of some actionable steps to work through my kiss closing problem, push myself out of my comfort zone and to aim to hit my goals every night regarding this problem. I think this is where you can help me guys. Also as always feel free to comment and share your insights about this report.
Thank you.
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