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Last Year of College: CollegeSenior's Journal


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
Hello everyone,

It's about time that I setup a journal. As I begin to really refine my game and move up to the upper echelons, it is necessary for me to really analyze my fuck-ups, fix them and move forward.

A little bit about myself. When I first got to college as a freshman I was extremely awkward, hell I even earned the title "Awkward Brandon" on the floor I lived on.

After fucking up with the girl I got my first kiss from I discovered GC from a google search. From then on I've been steadily improving myself but it seems that now it is all compounding since in less than 2 weeks I've fucked 4 girls now. Compared to 6 girls during last semester in total.

This year is a big year, I not only want to meet more women but I want, no, I must set the stage for my successful career. A career that will give me the freedom and the money so that I may live my life in a way I see fit. As I battle my own procrastination/demons, I am determined to succeed in the end and live a life relatively few get to enjoy.

So stay-tuned for updates every time I go out, especially since I found my first wingman who has balls to make things happen.




Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
New results from some of my daygame

Met two girls, one was in class, the other was on a cold-approach

The first girl I made small- talk with, deep dived a little about what she wants to do and then grabbed her number.

The second girl, I did a direct opener here's the conversation from what I can remember.

Me: Hi! Listen I just have to say.. you're really cute!

Her: O wow thank you!

Me: so.. ah.. usually I'm pretty witty but i'm sucking right now

Her: haha its ok,

Me: So what's your major?

Her: I'm neuroscience

Me: Cool!

"deep dive about why she chose it

Her: Hey I'm gonna be late for class...

Me: Oh, we'll then let me...(I pull out my phone)

So I grab her number and I say goodbye, smiling and maintaining eye contact

I sent them both messages today, since I grabbed their numbers yesterday and no response..... Here's what I sent....

Girl 1

Me: Hey Girl 1, cool running into you today. -Brandon

Her: Sweet. Nice to meet you!

Me: Hi Anubha, how's it feel to not have to go to the career fair? :)

Her: I went Pretty sure I saw you. I was dressed down so that felt good

Me: Oh cool. I was dying of heat haha. Hey I was thinking we should meetup soon, when are you free?

No response...

Girl 2

Me: Hey Dija, cool running into you today -Brandon

Me: Hey Dija, hit up the career fair today or did you dodge that pressure cooker :? :)

Her: Lol dodged it. How was it?

Me: Hot, crowded, lots of fun haha. Hey I was thinking we should meet up soon, when are you free?
No response......

So was my text game garbage or is it something in the original approach?


Grand Pooba

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 6, 2012
CollegeSenior said:
Me: so.. ah.. usually I'm pretty witty but i'm sucking right now

Qualifying yourself and also being unconfident. Instead of focusing on you (especially focusing on you sucking...she probably wasn't even thinking that until you brought it up and made it a reality) focus on her. This forced her to tell you it's ok...not something she's gonna be saying to a sexy strong and confident guy.

CollegeSenior said:
Me: Hi Anubha, how's it feel to not have to go to the career fair? :)

Her: I went Pretty sure I saw you. I was dressed down so that felt good

Me: Oh cool. I was dying of heat haha. Hey I was thinking we should meetup soon, when are you free?

No response...

Seems you're jumping into the date request way too soon. You need to connect a little more, which you didn't. She told you that she saw you and that it felt good for her to be dressed down. You ignored both of these things from HER and chose to talk about yourself, again in an unconfident way. "Oh cool" is a boring response, you are not engaging her in what she had to say about 1. seeing you, and 2. her dressing down. In the first you have an opportunity to banter and be witty, and in the second you have an opportunity for a chase or sex frame. Subtlety is key.
It's also the way you're doing the date request....don't use "I was thinking we should..." it's couching language and you're asking for her approval. Instead be a confident man and present an opportunity to her directly. More akin to "Let's meet up over coffee soon, what's your schedule like?" Simple, direct. I think you need to build a better connection over 2-3 messages before you do the meet request.

CollegeSenior said:
Me: Hey Dija, cool running into you today -Brandon

Me: Hey Dija, hit up the career fair today or did you dodge that pressure cooker :? :)

Her: Lol dodged it. How was it?

Me: Hot, crowded, lots of fun haha. Hey I was thinking we should meet up soon, when are you free?
No response......

Same thing. You ignored an opportunity to ask her why she dodged it and connect with her over that. It could be a reply that leads into a sex frame, or it could be something witty.
The attitude you presented to both these girls is being needy and selfish - the bad kind (because there's also a GOOD selfish). Not sexy. Focus on her and connect.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
Here’s what happened last night.

It wasn’t fun, that’s for sure haha.

It seems I still don’t see pick-up as a fun thing. I was putting pressure on myself to go and perform last night and my approaches were garbage. I had no energy and I didn’t know what to say. Mistake after mistake after mistake.

Last night my fraternity threw a party at the house so a bunch of different people were showing up.

The night was slow going at first. I did a couple of approaches, one went like this… I can’t remember the specific dialogue but it went like this

Me: “deep diving about her major/ joking about stuff
Her: Responding blah blah
Me: Come on, lets go grab a drink
Her: Where?
Me: Where the alcohol is of course
So I lead her upstairs to my room, she uses my bathroom… and then god damn leaves haha!

So that was a bust.

I talk to this other girl Victoria for a little while, but the entire time she is facing away from me. And when he friend joins the conversation she chooses to exit. (maybe when I was making jokes I was not being congruent?)

Later, what I think is a great opportunity arises. A group of people who are friends with one of my fraternity brothers arrive and head to his room. I follow and see what the commotion is where I met this girl called Alex.

We joke about how freaking hot the downstairs is and how we both hate it. I get to know her a little, she’s neuroscience and I ask her about her motives. However our conversation is cut short when her friend group heads downstairs and she follows.

Later I would try and reengage with her, especially after I see her looking at me through the corner of my eye.

However my strategy fails, I go up and her friend is next to her, I strike up a convo with her and then Alex introduces me to her friend that is visiting her(a dude) and then goes fucking away from me to the other side of the circle of her friend group… No go here.

After these defeats I was deflated, I did one approach outside the bars but I was so incongruent the girl was on edge and left with her friends. I will control my emotions more. Perhaps I will use NLP anchoring to anchor positive emotions to me clenching my fist or something

I didn’t go to the bars the rest of the night because I didn’t want to pay money for it but I will tonight.
Wish me luck gentlemen,


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
Tonight I learned about what I really don’t know what to do.

This night was all in one bar essentially.

I had some good conversations with friends however I realize that I have no idea how to approach hot girls who are in a circle talking with their friends.

I was getting looks from multiple girls in multiple different groups.

But they were in the middle of the room, in their respective friend groups and I didn’t know how to approach the situation.

How do you guys approach groups of girls? Do you just talk to that girl alone or....

I witnessed some interesting things as well. I met this girl through my fraternity called Isabelle.

Throughout the night she was with her 3 friends, and the one. We would past near each other a good deal. Then when I passed her pretty close she said…

Her: Hey. I know you, we met through Kappa Sigma,
Me: O ya, probably at a party
Her: What’s your name
Me: Brandon, yours?
Her: Isabella

At this point I didn’t know where to take the convo, her friend was right next to her…. Do I say, “lets go somewhere quieter”?

Later I see her making out and dancing with one of my fraternity brothers, they stop then continue later. Then they disappear, I’m not sure he fucked her… because late at night at 4 am she’s at another of my fraternity’s brothers room chilling(he took her to wine tour) and he’s being very possessive of her(they are sitting on the couch together and hes touching her)

I know I missed some sort of opportunity here.

Other than this I brought one girl from the street to my room, but she was weird. Never orgasmed, believes its bad for people to just have tons of sex. Blah blah later.

Any suggestions and critiques would be fantastic guys.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 1, 2013

The majority of my time, recently, has been spent reading books. A lot of them recommended to me by a mutual friend of ours, and they have been metaphysical, philosophical, etc. and there's something I picked up in these books that's helped me in my life immediately.

You're far too invested in the process instead of the target. The book uses the analogy of a golf swing where you think that, in order to hit your target location on the field, you need to go through your mental checklist:
-Are your feet properly spaced?
-Is your grip perfect?
-Don't forget to shift your weight through the swing.

and so much more. Basically, you feel that in order to hit your target you need to muscle your way to it and control every variable to hit your target. This applies to everything and it's a bullshit idea that people have blindly bought into. The easiest way to hit your target is to focus on it and let yourself naturally get there.

So, if we take that back to the golf swing; instead of focusing on what it takes to hit a clean shot, you focus on the target area and the rest falls into place and you naturally create a clean shot.

The same is true in pool (which I am very conscious of and have been for a while). When you have a target in mind, you're natural ability takes over and finds a way to get you there.

and most importantly, for you, the same is true for pick-up my friend. I know what kinds of mental obstacles you've struggled with for a while and they stem from a core-belief you have about yourself that extends into your pick-up and social life. Deep down, you're afraid of something in the social arts - whether that be failure, embarrassment (which is my case), fear of not measuring up to where you want to be, whatever the case is, and when you are afraid of something, you fall back into your mental checklist of trying to muscle your way to your target.

So, because you're afraid of something socially you try to control every variable when you talk to a girl and you lose the part of yourself that intuitively knows what to do and your interactions become much more forced and that's why they don't feel like fun to you. The first thing you need to do is understand what it is you're afraid of and accept it as a part of who you are right now; only after that can you focus on your target and let yourself take over.

We'll talk about this more next time we're on the phone with one another,



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
Interesting point.

You know another thing I've been saying to myself for a while is that " my looks have outpaced my game".

I should use NLP to get rid of this. However at the same time I feel there are still some skills I lack.

Anyway I look forward to talking to ya buddy.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Feb 13, 2014
At this point I didn’t know where to take the convo, her friend was right next to her…. Do I say, “lets go somewhere quieter”?

I wanna throw tons of stuff at you in response to this.

First, "Let's go somewhere quieter" is quite a bit of investment/compliance. If the vibe is right, it'll probably be fine, but you'll usually kind of have an idea if that's right.

Second, the bar is pretty fucking low. You could literally say "herp to the derp" and probably be okay. The main point is to bring her into your reality and get her reacting to you, as well as let her build comfort with you over time.

Third...although the bar for keeping it going is low, if you want to be efficient/move things forward, asking a personal question (not as in private, just as in "about her") or making an observation about her is usually pretty good. People are interested in themselves, and she'll feel a bigger tug. You can even stall for time a bit and be like "I noticed something interesting about you." and then kind of staring at her without continuing. How fucking hard is it to not ask "What"? Even I would feel compelled to respond.

Four...here's the biggie...
It's actually about you. The whole interaction is about what you want primarily, and secondarily how she can be a part of it, if she wants.

So, maybe you think that the black bic pen in her pocket is fucking sweet, so you say that. Because that's what you want. Maybe you have been reading a lot of Camus and want to know what the random pretty girl who probably doesn't read philosophy at all thinks about Absurdism. Doesn't much matter. What matters is that you are steering the interaction so that she doesn't have to.

That's my $.02. Hope it helps.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
Thanks for the input Haraklus, all of these tips make a lot of sense and I'll definitely put them to good use next time I head out.

Good luck with your 90-day challenge, I'll be gaming with ya!

Anyway on to my day...

I had a lot of work to do so I only made one approach and it was ah... well let me show you.

I got off the bus and I see this pretty sexy girl walk in the opposite direction. I hesitate for a little while before I say fuck it and run over to her. I open like this

Me: Hey!(I pre-open by touching her elbow) You really cute!

Her: Aw that's sweet(god dammit)

Me: I'm Brandon

Her: Name

Me: You know the weather here weird, about a week ago it would be cold in the morning and then you'd be sweating in the afternoon

Her: Ya, usually im pretty prepared but now I brought this jacket and i'm not wearing it

Me: You one of those people that stay warm in the cold?

Her: No, but I have a friend who just wears basketball shorts throughout the whole winter, its weird

Me: Haha, its funny, my legs don't get cold either, I could do that too

Her: Its a bit weird(or something like this)

We talk some more about this before....

Me: Say why don't we grab coffee sometime?

Her: (chuckles) coffee huh

talking about whether she's a coffee fiend blah blah

Me: How do I keep in touch with you? (I pull my phone out at this point, stupid little mistake but the pooch was dead already)

Her: Let's just leave it to fate

Me: Ya... no

So that was a bust, looks like my attainability is way too low, need to straighten things out some more. Till tomorrow.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
So on Richard's advice I forced myself to go out tonight even though I was tired and didn't really want to haha.

I said I would stay out for the most an hour and 15 minutes and I set my timer.

I dicked around fro the first half-hour or so. I just hate the hot, cramped enviroments of bars.

My first approach would actually occur outside the bars...

I'd seen this girl the other night, she was damn good looking and I really want to fuck the shit out of her. We'd made eye contact too and I'd noticed her looking at me.

He friend walks off and I make my move..

Me: Aren't you cold right now?

Her: haha I'm actually not

Me: You know there's that shitty trade off, either stay warm outside and then die inside or the other way around

Her: haha ya

Me: I'm Brandon

Her: I'm [name]
There's kind of an awkward silence,or so I think, I then say

Me: You know I was reading a book the other day
Her: That's cool
Me: You don't even know what the book is...(very bad on my part)
Her: huh well,
Me: There's bad books you know(realizing im fucking up) It was a self-help book (trying to use what haraklus told me)
Her: You know most of them are bullshit right
Me: Ya a lot of them are full of crap and they just take peoples money, have you read any
Her: No because they are bullshit, I don't read much, I'm one of those people
Me: So where do you get your knowledge from
Her: From the internet, mostly articles
Me: From where?
Her: Mostly from Al Jazerra
Me: They're pretty unbiased
Her: ya pretty much

At this point her friends who are all fucking hot come and say hi, one introduces herself to me, and they talk about going to a different bar and then they leave us alone(horay for dressing well)

Me: all you friends disappeared haha
Her: blah blah no the didnt, swapping fakesblah blah
Me: Ah fake id's

we tell each other our ages, she's a freshman and 18, I tell her I'm 22 and joke that I'm an old man

Her: Are you going to JT's(the place their going to)
Me: I just might be, still deciding
ME: Say wait what is your major(or I ask some other question about her

Then her friend takes her into JT's

The next approached happened outside of an another bar actually.

Me: You look like you're having so much fun

Her: What?

Me: You're looking like this(imitate her)

Her:(smiling) o haha I'm waiting for my friends...

We have a good conversation, I joke at first/be witty about once again being cold/hot and also underclassman since this girl is a junior. She seems into me, keeping eye contact and other good signs. I learn that she is a neurscientist, I say we should meet up sometime, grab her number, talk a bit more then say goodbye when her friends come to pick her up.

Not a horrible night
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
I feel the walls closing in.

As my senior year continues to come to a close I can't help but be angry at what I'm not accomplishing right now. I don't want some garbage job that won't teach me useful skills.

And yet, at the beginning of September I set my mind to preparing a bunch of different projects like an information product, getting copywriting gigs that actually pay me and some other stuff.

I tried to get some gigs but it didn't work out, the product is gonna start on the 28th due to this thing called gumroad's small product lab, its a community of some sort but then the next problem... is my idea good enough to make into a product?

Now with classes taking more and more of my time, like this spanish test tomorrow and Finance 311(which is completely worthless to me).

I guess all the writing above is just me complaining about shit. I've got a lot to be happy for, no student loan debt, a good car, my health, there is still 6 more months until I graduate.

But I'm not sure if I'm making the right progress, especially since I just got denied from a place I would have liked to work for. They'll be at my school again in the spring, perhaps if I change how I market myself, I'll get that job out of college and if I change how I work each day, maybe I'll see the results I want.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
Screw whatever I wrote before.^

Instead of whining, I'm gonna write how I actually going to begin to implement the changes I want

There are so many different ideas/concepts and strategies in it, it boggles my mind how I'll ever stuff it into my head. Lately I've been on/off handwriting ads, but the lack of visible results has been demoralizing the living shit out of me. So the solution is to actually be writing and be heading towards being paid for it soon... but how do I do this?

1. I'll continue to hand-copy ads every day, however at the same time I'll start writing email copy for the NLP/Hypnosis club I want to start.
2. Every time I write I will pick a concept/words/subject to incorporate into my writing, this will I will start actively using this shit.
3. I'll get off my ass and once again start talking to local binghamton businesses, offering my services/providing value.

$250,000 by my birthday(August 11th, 2016)
This one is a toughy... I don't have a job or any income atm... So I gotta do something to change that!

1. One thing that will make me the big bucks in the long run is information products, starting on the 28th I will begin working on the first

2. I need to hone my copywriting chops enough to get paid, I also need to get a regular job to hold me over until I am a copywriting superstar

Fuck 20 girls and have 4 girlfriends by August 11th, 2016
For this one I'll need to do something every day so...

1. I'll do at least one approach every day

2. I'll also choose a part of my persona to work on every day like "move slower" or some other aspect like that

Become more debonair/devil may care/ personable/other personality traits
This will need a similar kind of work like seduction, each day or a week at a time I will focus on a certain trait

1. Commit to daily personality trait to focus on for that day/week

Healing my body/ growing stronger

Ever since I've hurt myself and had surgery, my body has not been the same, And I've been neglecting to do physical therapy every other day so...

1. At least 4 times I week I will go through all the physical therapy exercises for my right shoulder.

2. I will also avoid junk food and heal whole/healthy food

Beating procrastination and general mind-health

One thing that has always caused me problems is procrastinating on the stuff I know I need to get done. Furthermore when I don't get shit done, It wears on me in the worst way so...

1. I'll meditate for 10 minutes daily to clear my mind

2. Every day in the morning I will write a to-do list for that day to keep me focused on what I must get done

Becoming Fluent in Spanish by August 11th

I'm taking a spanish class right now and another next semester and this current one is kicking my ass. It's hard, but I know I can succeed if I...

1. Attend the spanish club meetings and talk on a weekly basis

2. Go to the teachers office hours so that I can talk with her and understand stuff better

3. Relearn the older more basic chapters of the book so that I can understand things much better

Well, now all I have to do is apply this.

Thanks Ozzie. I started writing this last night, just got lazy and didn't finish it.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
Tonight was the first Toga party I've ever been to haha. Now that my fraternity is in a kick-ass location we're so much more popular and so many new things are happening.

During the party I made small talk and had fun with my friends. Then I spotted this smoking hot girl, I positioned myself by it and asked one of my brothers(who's gay) to wingman for me. He was god damn awesome and kicked a lot of ass.

This gave me to open the gorgeous chick and it started like this...

Me: (she was holding three cups) What are in all those cups
Her: She explains the three different drnks she has
Me: Damn you really came prepared haha
She: Ya, you know I actually don't go here
Me: oh ah o wait DO YOU EVEN GO HERE ????

There is instantly a rapport between us and we talked a bout a range of topics, like traveling, her major, where shes from(her ethnicity was Iclandic... god damn) I guess I teased her telling her that I read that Icelandic people believe in feries haha. And all this time I'm being witty while deep diving to lighten it up every now and then. Also I'm consistently touching her, eventually just resting my hand on her back. Our faces were getting closer and closer, so close that I could of easily kissed so I decided to pull...

Me: Hey lets go grab a drink together

I don't wait for a reply, I grab one of her drinks as we're walking, eventually grabbing her hand and interlocking it

I banter as we head towards my room and when we get there a friend is contacting her on the phone. I offer her a drink and tell her to sit on my bed with me but she doesn't comply.

Then her friend calls, and off we go to go meet her....

My educated guess is that I didn't turn her on enough, she was definitely attracted to me but I didn't spark that lustful state.

I definitely need to work on my sultry vibe and learn how to really turn women on better. We'll see what the future holds. Good night gentlemen


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
I'm writing this as the night is still going on.

This fucking theme keeps happening and happening.

I talk to girl, we vibe for a while, I led her to my room, she doesn't want to do anything with me. It is pissing me off right now.

What am I doing wrong? Am I not declaring my intent to these sluts enough or what? I want to figure this out fast, it is especially acute with upper classman like myself.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
Did a direct approach today.... did not go well haha!

I passed by her as we were sitting down...

I put my bag down a little farther down and went up her and said...

Me: Hey this might seem right out of left field(I look off the right while saying this.. NOT GOOD) but you're really cute.

Her: Oh thanks. I was actually just leaving<<< lol

as she is getting up to leave
Me: Hey but why don't we get coffee sometime

HeR: No thanks

Well that was a complete blowout haha. Gonna screw my old standby tonight, the hunt for the haram continues evermore.




Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
Yesterday wasn't so bad.

I was dressed very well so I noticed a couple of stairs going my way but for the most part focused on getting my own work done with school and more importantly my side projects for my future career in copywriting.

Anyway later in the day I went to a networking event since I'm trying to find a job that will hold me over while I get better at entrepreneurship/consulting/copywriting and at the end while waiting on line I met this cute black chick...

I forget how the conversation started but she talked a lot and had this perky personality to her....

Here is one part I remember

Me: So what would you do if money was no object?

Her: hmm I'm not sure, "goes off into tangent about some people doing silly things"

Me: O I know... you should be a motivational speaker

Her: O no way haha.. "goes off into another tangent"

Me: Wait maybe a stand-up comedian!
She touched me a little later in the interaction(we were in an event meant for networking) and we exchanged numbers... here was the text convo.

Me :Hey Deborah, it's Brandon. Save my number :)
Her: Hey Brandon!!! Ok. Thanks!
Her: Hey if you don't mind what's ur last name for contacts. Or ill save u as Brandon cool guy on line lol
Me: Lol, it's "last name"
Me: Though I might prefer the other name....
Her: Lol yes I see ur happy about that lol
Her: Thank you.
Her: Have you been in Bing. Since freshman year?
Me" Yup, for better or worse. You?
Her: Aw how loyal. No ima a transfer.
Me: Where from?
Her: Syracuse!
Me: Cool beans
Her: Ok good night don't let stress bite.
Me: You too, good night

Looks promising, we'll see what happens when I text her today.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
Did one approach today but I think it was weak plus I didn't sent the ice break until 6 hour later... stupid stupid stupid.

Anyway in general I need to be more aggressive and approach more beautiful women. I'm dressed nice and there are some real dime's.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
I was sitting down, doing work in a public area when I girl from my sophmore walked by and spotted me.

Back in the day I had fucked it up with her because I was still a boob but it seems the time lapse has reset things.

She sits down across from me and I can tell immediately that she is attracted. She mentions my new hairstyle immediately and after telling where I live down town(right above one of the main bars), she says we should pregame at my place sometime.

We banter and talk about our travels abroad and haha prostitution and funny stories about that. I grab her number an she is warm on the text conversation. Here it is if you're interested.

Me: Hey Emily, cool running into you and you better not be procrastinating :) -Brandon

Her: Hey Brandon :) yeah it was good to see you again. Hehe well I wasn't! But now...

Me: Oops. My bad on the negative command haha(she's a psychology major)

HeR: I don't mind :)

Cheers gentlemen

EDIT: I actually forgot one thing too.

Last weekend I saw this girl that's in my class that I saw looking at me. I said hi to her when she was with her friend. Made some small talk then dipped as to not be a nuisance.

Today she saw me in class and struck up a conversation with me. She gave me a business card with her number on it actually haha.

Then later after class was ending she came by me and chatted some more. Lots of investment on her part. She sent me a link for class and we chatted about the TV show Rick and Morty which is awesome.

At the end of our convo I was packing up to leave and she saw this and kind of abruptly said "ok, good talking to you, good bye" weird.

I sent her this text to her(I think this is her number, her card had two numbers, one with P: in front and one with F: in front. I choose the P:)

Me: Hey Kristen, cool seeing ya again -Brandon p.s. I know who to go to for real estate now(her card was for a real estate company she worked for, perhaps no the best joke?)

no response...

Later I replied to the email she sent me with something about rick and morty.

I wonder where this one will go?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
Well gentlemen I have about 4-5 different dates coming up as well as an interview for a full-time position in some executive development program in Macy's.

I don't intend to work at macys for very long however, only until my copywriting/online businesses kick-off haha.

Anyway, I've been really focusing on my fundamentals, slowing down all my movements and making sure my voice is always deep/resonant.

I'll do this for two more weeks. With the dates I'm gonna make sure to touch a lot, really move in close and be sensual. I don't want to draw this shit out, I haven't gotten laid in a while and this is the week I am going to break my dry-streak!

