New lay

thats 13 so far on campus.
(Read the part under the debrief. I literally cant catch a break

Havent gotten as many lately due to mainly me approaching less. Plus I think the “hoe-phase” of college has died down a bit since the first semester is over and the freshman kind of have their own circles now. I could probably be pulling the same numbers with elite social circle game tbh, but I’m definitely not at that yet.
At the same time tho, I’m becoming much more sniper-like. This is the only (daygame) approach I’ve done in about a month by just responding to signals and I still got the lay. Nightgame is still a bitch lol.
This is also the first time I’ve gotten past that particular form of LMR where she logically accepts my frame that sex isn’t a big deal, but still insists on waiting.
Was pretty convenient I got a new lay so fast after my last post. Im like 95% over that old one now. But now with this new one it almost feels like the same thing happened
Shes a cute girl and I was kind of treating her like a rebound, being super affectionate and whatnot. She was very affectionate too so I liked that.
I’m very good at getting girls to open up about their body counts and who they fucked, so very soon she was telling me she fucked another guy on campus and who it was.
The other dude she fucked is literally the highest status black frat guy on campus lol. Bro is the biggest party thrower and the mans instagram has pics of him on private jets with celebrities you’ve definitely heard of and shit. He has more status than football players tbh.
She said she fucked him 4 times on different occasions, and said he never invited her over and just
told him she was coming over. As if that made it better lol. She said they’re still cool and on talking terms.
I asked why they stopped and she said “I just didn’t really want him in a relationship, but I COULD have him if I wanted” (Yeah, right.).
I pretended it didnt sting but it did. I think it would have hurt way less if it was a random dude. But I imagined that dude looking at me walking with this girl and smirking in his head, seeing me taking his sloppy seconds that was
chasing him seriousl. (She t
ried downplaying it by saying she was drunk every time she called him and she knew him since high school, but I shattered that frame.)
I immediately X’ed her out for anything substantial in my head, while keeping my composure in person. Maybe I’d keep her as a FWB while I gain my momentum back
Fast forward>>> to a party last night this same high status dude was throwing (He literally throws all the good parties)
It was a Thursday so it wasn’t a super deep party but it was cool. I saw the high status dude as always in the center of attention doing his frat stroll.
I saw the girl and we flirted a good amount. She was giving me sexual looks, but it was loud so the conversation wasn’t too good. We split up and did our own thing the rest of the night like normal.
I hit her up after:
Me: you still there?
Her: Yea
Me: wyd after love
Her: going to an after party
Me: oh they throwing one?
That was last night immediately after her message at 1am. Its almost noon and no reply
It wasn’t until after I sent the text that I realized that its a fucking thursday lol. Who’s throwing an after party when there’s school tomorrow?
I asked my other friends and they said they didn’t hear about no after party. That frat throws girl-exclusive parties too, so I asked like 3 girls but they all said they never heard of anything.
I’m becoming increasingly certain she just lied to me to go fuck that dude

Still no reply from her. I replied immediately to her text, and if she was at an after party she would have time to reply back.
Obviously I’m not her boyfriend or nothing but… this shit just happened to me back to back. Just as I was gaining momentum again man.
I’m not even gonna hit her up tbh. Might just wait till she texts me since I ended with a question. If she doesn’t I know what it was.
I dont want to sound red pill at all, and I logically understand that they’re wrong and that theres good women out there. But emotionally… idk i feel like its becoming a lot harder find a woman that’ll stick to me.