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Openers  "Lifting heavy, huh?"


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
This is a situational opener I have been experimenting with in my gym with pretty good results.

The catch is that you need some proximity.

So when you see a girl you like training in the gym, what you have to do is start using a machine/bench that is close to hers and wait for her to drop the weight or moan, then you say: "Lifting heavy, huh?".

The girl usually replies saying it's too exhausting or that she feels she should be using a heavier weight but she is afraid. From there you can compliment or encourage her.

So far, it has worked better than any direct opener I have used because it puts almost no stress on the interaction.

The only times I have seen it fall flat is when the girl is using headphones (probably to concentrate deeply so no one talks to her).


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
You can point to the chicks to put down the headphones. I have done it a lot of times. I too use proximity and then pounce, but usually with a cheesy joke.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake