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Love Drop


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Not gonna detain myself for too long with this writeup.

Not logging this for the twat tournament, since it was pure social circle.

Basically a girl who has been in one of the social circles (the main one) that I am a part of here for a while, but is still a bit of an outsider (at the edge of the circle, as it were).

Cute curvy girl (slim waist, big tits, bubble butt). 24. With genes from various provenances. Despite coming to my birthday party last year, I don’t think she knows my real age. That was the first time I took an interest in her, as she was being sassy with me.

This social circle we had a dinner late last year during which I lightly flirted with her for the first time. I told her what my nickname used to be, “Love Drop,” (roughly translated from my native language) and she said, “like fuckboi?” lmao and I said, “If you wanna be direct, sure.” So that kind of set the frame… (It also helps that in this circle, despite my not really kissing and telling, but I guess just because of my vibe back in 2023 when I joined it, at a time when I was approaching almost every day for about 30 minutes to 1 hour, I’m known as a player).

I just hit her up recent following the standard soft close protocols and she seemed excited to meet again.

Took her to my usual bar (2 minutes walk from my place) and drank two 0% alcohol beers so was fully sober (got her two normal beers). Used this as an opportunity to run game on her. I first sexualized the convo when she said she was practicing for a marathon. I asked her about the feeling when she ran. Then I tied it to sex by calling it her way of having “mini-orgasms” during the week. She accepted the frame.

Later I asked her what dating was like where she was from. She explained that there was a hookup culture there. We talked about it for a while. She had some misgivings about it, which I agreed with, but the topic concluded with us agreeing that it was good also to consider the sexual dimension when assessing a potential partner. (Because you can have different types of connections).

She was telling me about her gay friend. I said there was one thing I liked about the gays, their sex-positive attitude / non-judgemental sexuality.

I asked her about what she was like in high school. She was a model pupil. She asked me what I was like. I told her about the constant trouble I kept getting myself into.

I told her about how I was sexualized young, and was already experimenting at a prepubescent age (all true btw), which led her to also make some pretty intimate revelations in that connection.

I asked her what her love languages were. She said acts of service and physical touch. I told her mine were physical touch and quality time.

I pulled her by asking her if she wanted to come and see my book collection.

There was almost no kino, like not even as we walked to my house. I just briefly touched her rings on her fingers during the date.

Back home, I got us some water, put on the jazz, and she was squatting before my small bookshelf. She straightened up as we talked about I no longer remember what when I got up close to her, to test the waters, and then just moved in for the kill. Once we were making out I picked her up and took her to the bed and the rest is history. (She actually, when the top portion of her garments was already off, still said “It’s late, I need to go home.” I looked her in the eyes and said, “Okay.” Then continued escalating (slowly but surely) until everything was off and things proceeded without a cinch).
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake