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LR/FU: I can't catch a break


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
Hello all, here comes another field report.

Over my spring break last week I went to Canada with some fraternity brothers. It was a conference for our district so we went to the Carlton Chapter. Eventually Saturday rolled around and the Carlton brothers threw a party for us. It was kind of funny since apparently the Canadian girls were excited that a bunch of Americans would be there. Anyway after trying to talk to girls for a good duration and what not, this happens.

I am walking downstairs fresh from a conversation with some feminist who has a boyfriend. I get downstairs and enter the dance floor. I immediately see this girl dancing alone, I walk up to her right side, put my hand on the left side of her waist, look her in the eye and pull her closer. We start dancing and I start trying to talk to her, I ask her name , she tells me but I as usual immediately forget. I keep trying to talk but she then keeps saying that she cannot hear me. I then say lets go away fro the music we walk near the front door and she says lets go outside. We go outside but we do not stop walking at the front door and continue walking to some random place.

Heres the convo while walking

Me: Where are we going?
Her: I don't know
Me: Where do you live?
Her: Toronto(we were in Ottawa)
Me:(I think god dammit) I laugh a little

First kiss and sexual escalation

I then start leading and we walk to the side of the building next door(I would later learn that this building was a hospice). We start making out and I am also making sure to move my hands all over. I begin touching her pussy while we continue to make out. We then move back a little farther behind a tree and continue that, I get her to give me a blowjob. I am rather proud how I did this, I whipped my junk out and just lightly pressed her head down till she was eye level with it and wha la, BJ. She eventually stands up and we transition to fucking. It all goes downhill from here though... We stop kissing so I can put on the condom. When I begin putting it on I immediately start loosing what little of an erection I could muster from the bj....... I tell her to lay down on the ground because screwing standing up is just not going to work. So now she is laying down with her bare ass on the ice patch(poor girl). Barely manage to get my deflating junk into her and screw missionary style for like a minute before I say to myself "this sucks" lets try doggy style. But when transitioning to this my soldier taps out and I am unable to penetrate any longer. My penis succumbed to the canadian cold, the 40 ounces of malt liqour and six jello shots and the damn condom.... Things she said were "are you serious" and "this is awkward", o how cruel life is.

Not surprisingly for at least a half an hour afterwards I was in a depression and I just stood and sat around doing nothing. My logic of thinking was, "why bother anymore, my dick is incapacitated". A shame too, the dance floor was packed when we got back at around 12:15 am. Hell these two black girls came up to me and asked if I was alright lol. Some other funny stuff happens that night but it is not worth mentioning in this post.

So I have had sex a grand total of two times so far, both times I could not cum and the blow job was the best part of both experiences... This is starting to piss me off.

Edit- I just want to mention this all happened within like a 10 minutes period.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
Re: LR/FU- I can't catch a break

Maybe you shouldn't drink as much? That would solve your "performance" problem.

The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
Re: LR/FU- I can't catch a break

^agreed, stay off the booze and the drugs if you want to be more than "2 pumps and an apology". Your getting stuff down pat my friend im impressed with your progress.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 21, 2012
Re: LR/FU- I can't catch a break

Booze and the cold definitely played a role...could also be because you're jerking off too much. I'm not assuming anything, nor I am trying to be critical, but I've had a similar problem and noticed that it went away when I cut back on masturbating drastically. Try not doing it all for two weeks and see what happens.

But don't be down! You did a great job escalating, and that's a tough challenge in itself!


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
Re: LR/FU- I can't catch a break

I feel your pain. I too have had erection issues with newer girls I'm sleeping with and I've done a ton of research on the topic to master my body and arousel control.

Lately when I pull a new girl I wear a condom or atleast try to. Escalation either takes an extremely long time or too fast which are both killers for an erection. I usually cant perform if I've had more than 2 beers, known as "Whisky Dick." Which I'm pretty sure is a common problem if it has such a known name. The funny thing is if I've been sleeping with the same girl for a while like my fuck buddies, I can literally fuck them for hours, cum, and then fuck them some more in 30 minutes.(I had sex Friday through Monday morning this weekend, two of my FB's, only one slight erection problem which I overcame by relaxing and taking my time to get aroused) I remember the very first time I couldn't get hard.. It was new years eve, my very first SNL pull with a gorgeous Australlian chick in Vegas. Got back to her hotel and I couldn't get it hard to save my life, if my life depended on it I surely would have been killed that night. I have concluded it was due to Alcohol, Vicodin, huge amounts of pressure to perform, and lack of connection.

Here are some tips:
-Pomegranate Juice, 1 glass a day(search google for it's studied benefits)
-Workout, cadiovascular is the key. The days I run and lift I can go for 2 hours easily.
-No masterbating, three weeks ago I stopped this entirely and definitely have seen an improvement in random erections
-Practice turning yourself on throughout the day. Chase talks about viewing women as sex objects, you should be doing this on the regular. I like to practice when I'm out trying to bring on erections, this helps me practice CONTROLLING my arousel which eventually, I belive, is key to on the fly performance. I think most good PUA's eventually become aoroused extremely easily on almost an uncontrollable level, they see an attractive women and start acting like a harny dog that wants to hump their leg and literally cant help it.
-Take your time when escalating to give you more time to become fully aroused. I don't know about you, but when I hit a certain point of an erection it becomes SOLID. It's completely full, hard and almost painful as the skin and veins are tight and stretched to the max. I read an article recently that talked about performace pressure on men to escalate quickly go from nothing to rock hard in minutes and be forced to perform. It is difficult to do this especially when you haven't practiced, and it causes anxiety in a large amount of men. You should take your time and make sure you are completely turned on before putting on the condom.
-One thing I like to do is tease the girl and myself. Get my dick literally millimeters from the hole and hold it their while flexing it slowly like a PC muscle excersize, I'll say things in a powerful tone like "you want my dick inside you huh?" "I cant wait to feel you.." etc. After a few moments of this and kissing I can usually get a maintainable erection.

Good luck man, and like anything, practice makes perfect.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
Re: LR/FU- I can't catch a break

Thanks for the replies guys,

and thank you Tyme for all that useful information. I follow them all closely.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Feb 10, 2013
Re: LR/FU- I can't catch a break

Klassic Kappa haha. Sorry bud couldn't resist I've been waiting for you to post anything so I could say that no hard feelings could be worse you could be TKE haha.

On a serious note I have almost completely given up getting drunk. I am a fraternity man myself and I realized that my game is really good when I'm sober. So I only have a couple beers and this leaves me free to make intelligent decisions whether it be at a party, club, bar, etc. You might think oh man I don't want to give up liquor thats NF, but I began to realize I have more fun without it. Thanks to this site I got my first lay and followed up with several others and none have them have been while I was intoxicated. The one time I as intoxicated I messed up with a girl that was a 9 that I would later be told I should have easily had. Just something to think about. That being said I still get trashed at brothers only events haha.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
Re: LR/FU- I can't catch a break

hah, what Fraternity are you in exactly? Also there are a lot of jokes by me about TKE as well. The district leader who oversees all the chapters in my area always makes jokes about them, saying how he hates fraternities that have letters that rhyme with Geek and Teek. Never understood where all that came from.

Also, back to alcohol again... Man I really like getting buzzed and or drunk. I feel so much more chill when I have some in me and I wish I did not have to give it up :( At least when I am talking to girls anyway.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
Re: LR/FU- I can't catch a break

I agree with Corky. Have a beer or two to take the edge off and then go meet girls. If you like drinking, then drink a lot some nights, but be prepared for scenarios like this one to come up a lot. I'm guessing from your name you are a freshman and I can understand how drinking is new and exciting. As you get further into college, you'll get over it and it'll be easier to only drink a little.

As for the Kappa Sigma thing...I can't stand them on my campus either. But chapters are different at different schools so I won't hold it against you.

Basically, you can get drunk, but don't expect to get any really good girls or sex out of it.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 21, 2013
Re: LR/FU- I can't catch a break

So what was going on with you when you lost it? Were you not all there mentally from being too drunk/tired/performance anxiety, or were you just not able to feel very much?

If it's a lack of sensitivity/feeling problem then too much booze/masturbating are definitely likely suspects.

Anyway well done executing the pull!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
Re: LR/FU- I can't catch a break

Everything went downhill when I started putting the condom on.

To be honest I should of just said lets go back to the house and do this when that began to happen but I kind of just froze up and let it happen.

Next time I guess, I need to practice more over the summer