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Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 27, 2023
So yesterday I did 4 approaches in total.

1st, 3rd and 4th girl didnt seemed at all receptive but I did them anyways. I think it was related to me having an unkempt af beard and also them not being interested in me.

With the 2nd girl I had a fun interaction (she was a cashier at a drugstore) and I've even recorded it. Theyyre all in spanish unfortunately but basically with girl #2 I went in to buy some gum and she seemed receptive (it was even her birthday yesterday) and also told me i had a pretty name. At the end I ended up asking if she was single and told me no. Told her I had to try at least haha.

1st girl: https://voca.ro/19o0xbNcdSOo
2nd girl: https://voca.ro/15P2q60u76Nj
3rd girl: https://voca.ro/13VoSeYPLqlu

I wasnt able to record 4th girl appearantly but it wasnt a very long interaction.

For today I am aiming again for 4 girls.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 27, 2023
So today I did 4 approaches again in 2 hours. 2nd one hooked but the girl was mildly pretty.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 27, 2023
So today i didnt do anything, mostly bc i ran out of time and im a pretty scaredy cat when it comes to night anything. I was kinda trying to do the 4/day/30 days challenge. Since im a mathematician that comes from a family of lawyers ill just take it as an average of 4/day and do 8 tomorrow. I know its not the same and theres probably some consistency effect im losing for not doing approaches today but i did lay a girl from online and we really bonded so it wasn't a complete waste of a day.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 27, 2023
So yesterday i didnt do anything because i was feeling pretty bad. Even though i didnt get to my 4/day goal i still had some pretty strong progress this week, approaching 17 new girls directly. This week ill try and keep it up making at least 4/day


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 27, 2023
So i had a pretty good week. 1 lay, 2 igs from crazy hot girls and a lot of learning and toughening from rejections.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 27, 2023
Lots of good things happened today. In the afternoon i met with this weird guy from netherlands who was the most uncalibrated and poor fundamentals guy that I had ever seen. He had been gaming in general for 10 yrs but was very impatient and felt entitled to 8s and 9s without putting any work. It really helped me realize how good my mentors are and how good this forum and the material is. So im pretty grateful for you guys.

I only did 2 approaches but girls werent that interested. 2nd one was extremely hot af, she had a bf but instead of just saying goodbye and moving on i stayed for a little bit more while teasing her. Its the first time ive done it.

At night i went out with a friend and i approached 1 alone girl who turned out to be in a ltr and also from my very small hometown (funny coincidence). And also weve approached a set of 4 girls all ranging from 18-19 who where pretty hot. Ive experienced a lot of guys trying to amog me and my friend but we stood our ground. Its also the first time that this happens to me. I ended up getting the ig from the girl i was interested in and my friend also got the one from the chick he vibed the most with. I've also gained experience in acting as a wing.

Ive approached another set of 3 guys and girls and focused my attention on only one chick. She was pretty. Got her number too.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 27, 2023
Today ive learned what can happen with a shitty mentality and poor fundamentals, about being a good wingman and dealing with amogs. And also about going out when youre sick (i got a cold and also a pain in my legs)

Every week just keeps getting better.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 13, 2024
Lots of good things happened today. In the afternoon i met with this weird guy from netherlands who was the most uncalibrated and poor fundamentals guy that I had ever seen. He had been gaming in general for 10 yrs but was very impatient and felt entitled to 8s and 9s without putting any work. It really helped me realize how good my mentors are and how good this forum and the material is. So im pretty grateful for you guys.

I only did 2 approaches but girls werent that interested. 2nd one was extremely hot af, she had a bf but instead of just saying goodbye and moving on i stayed for a little bit more while teasing her. Its the first time ive done it.

At night i went out with a friend and i approached 1 alone girl who turned out to be in a ltr and also from my very small hometown (funny coincidence). And also weve approached a set of 4 girls all ranging from 18-19 who where pretty hot. Ive experienced a lot of guys trying to amog me and my friend but we stood our ground. Its also the first time that this happens to me. I ended up getting the ig from the girl i was interested in and my friend also got the one from the chick he vibed the most with. I've also gained experience in acting as a wing.

Ive approached another set of 3 guys and girls and focused my attention on only one chick. She was pretty. Got her number too.
good stuff for going for the tricky sets and really pushing yourself - Wingmen are a lot like daygame sets there will be some good ones/bad ones and 5-10 percent are exceptional ones that can really enhance your game . 5-10 percent that are extremely uncalibrated and can be detrimental to it . Good on you for keeping at it and really challenging yourself.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 27, 2023
good stuff for going for the tricky sets and really pushing yourself - Wingmen are a lot like daygame sets there will be some good ones/bad ones and 5-10 percent are exceptional ones that can really enhance your game . 5-10 percent that are extremely uncalibrated and can be detrimental to it . Good on you for keeping at it and really challenging yourself.
Thanks man, I appreciate the kind words
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 27, 2023
So these past 3 days I've been sick af because its winter where i live so i decided to stay home until i feel better. I was reading about FUs in the field reports board and realized that I almost never had one.

Let me explain: there were times where I did FU and didnt fuck the girl, mostly insta dates and nightgame approaches (ive almost exclusively fucked up in nightgame). But if I do have a proper date with a girl I always end up closing with her, though not necessarily in the first date like in my LR with the petite french girl. I think this is due to the fact that I have a lot of sexual experience and at different points of the date I get horny haha. I think that the girl can feel this so it ends up working in my favor. I was also always naturally good at sex, even the very first times I had sex (which were with some what experienced women) they were pretty impressed by my fucking. In fact, I know that if I can get a chick in my bed and we start kissing its game over for them hahah.

What i do have a problem with is getting dates and phone numbers because I struggle with building strong attraction in a very short span of time and im a pretty shit texter.

I also have difficulty escalating without recurring to physical touch. Sometimes ive used a seductive eye look or a sexy voice but i didnt do it consciously, it just came out of me.

This just goes to show that even though I'm pretty new to all of this and have spent little time thinking or practicing it there's already some stuff im naturally good at. As a beginner i would've thought that i had to learn everything from the first words i say to a chick up to how to fuck her but its interesting how much of this stuff is just hidden within oneself and how it can come up naturally at the right time.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 27, 2023
So yesterday I went out to my favorite nightgame venue, let's call it ML. I went out with 3 other guys, let's call them I, B and R.

I is a 16 yr old guy who is pretty new to this going out stuff but has had some gfs and is pretty smart. I envision him being leagues beyond any of us in the future.

B is a pretty smart and quickwitted guy who is pretty newbie to all of this but I believe that if he gets a handle on his anxiety and keeps practising he can get very far. Hes 22

R is a 19 yr old natural who has been gaming in one way or another almost his entire life. Seeing him gaming yesterday and speak on it was amazing because a lot of fundamental concepts that we study he already has incorporated naturally into his psyche. He has pretty strong fundamentals, is a really good active listener and also isnt afraid to move forward with a chick. I believe that instead of me teaching him a lot of stuff it is going to be the other way around with this guy.

1) 2set:
So we get into the venue and separate, I had already been with B to this place so we just started walking to look around. I find these two mature blondes and we start gaming them. It was a very rough start because B was pretty anxious and fucking up a lot and I wasn't also doing that good. I was worried about leaving our 2 other friends behind so after a couple of mins we ejected.

One of my mistakes was to not relax into the interaction, which is a common pet peeve of mine. It also didnt help that my wing wasnt all that good either.

2) 4set:
After finding our two friends and talking with them a bit I see this 4 set walking by and I stop them. Immediately B and R launch into talking with a girl each. I was logistically disadvantaged and had to wait for a bit before being able to interact with the remaining chick. B's girl ejected after some time to go buy something, R's girl hooked immediately (it was amazing to see it happening first hand) and I kept my girl somewhat interested until things died down.

I also made the same mistake of not relaxing myself with the girl. This is something that R pointed out doing with his girl and which was a determining factor in her hooking so fast, which is funny. I also didn't know when to advance or what to say at times and I was just deep diving into her.

Besides me fucking up and not really knowing what to do I think it was great how all of us latched into one girl immediately, we had a pretty good dynamic in our group.

R faced a couple of chodes trying to steal her girl but he dealt with them pretty efficiently, even calling one of them a dumbass to the girl's ear after the guy said some dumb shit. After some time I told B that we should go and help him by getting rid of the chodes and we did, after that R really hooked with the girl and they exchanged contacts with a promise of going to a date.

After this I went with 'I' and then with 'B' to handle a couple of sets but nothing was really interesting, girls wouldnt hook because I either had a pretty bad wing or I would just fuck up on my own.

However, the last set was pretty interesting

last) 2set:
I find B talking to these 2 cute chicks and so I go in, at first I introduce myself and talk with them but then I concentrate on the one i'm closest to and most interested in. My wing really fucked up a lot of things in this interaction, even going so far as to ask for both chicks' instagram (even when I had already asked for my chick's instagram) but what I think was very interesting in this set was how I responded to a couple of tests from the other chick.

Appearantly B had already been talking about me and so the chicks immediately started bombarding me with questions, a couple of them being loaded questions. My chick asks me at one point

Girl: Who were the chicks you were talking to back there?
I: Heyy we just met and youre making a scene, are you that jealous?

After she justs laughs and gives me a bombastic side eye. It's the first time that I joke around with a girl like this. I used to just rely almost entirely on my deep diving skills and my kino so it did mark and improvement.

We exchange contacts at the end of the night and we parted ways.

Overall it was a strange night, I am still recovering from catching a cold and being pretty sick for over 2 weeks and there were a lot of things that were particularly different about this night than others. Like my friends coming with me and me being a bit nervous and watching over them so they dont feel left out. It was also amazing how much strong fundamentals and general good mindset can make your night, of which R was the best example taking out 3 instagrams, 2 being very strong leads and one a mid to weak one.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 27, 2023
So im back, I decided to stop fucking around.
Im currently mildly depressed, kinda fat, socially inept and stagnant from isolation, without a clear purpose and without a job.

Ive stopped sugar dating, begun working out everyday, meditating, studying for interviews and decided to get back to cold approach.

Its only been a week and I cant guarantee it will.be a smooth sailing but at least im pretty determined right now.

I went out to the language bar on my own, it wasn't hard for me to start conversations but I did say weird things and people looked at me funny

It must be because I don't socialize that much in my day to day life but I'm going to change that.

I can go out every now and then and take advantage of all the opportunities I have to talk to random people

Mundolingo does help a lot but if I want to make a lot of progress in a short time I need something more powerful.

Positive aspects
- I was enthusiastic enough to talk to a lot of random people and I didn't have much anxiety
- I met guys I already knew from before and it helped me get into the mood
- I applied kino

Negative aspects
- The things I said didn't make much sense
- I couldn't talk 1 vs 1 with any girl I really like
- I threw out too many backhanded compliments

Another negative aspect was that a short girl complimented me on my name but I ignored it, and then I made fun of her height. That made several people in the group turn against me.
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 27, 2023
Just as future reference, ive been reading https://www.girlschase.com/article/social-life/social-skills-101-basic-social-skills-are-100-crucial

Which was shocking to read since ive made many mistakes tonight that the guys in the video made.

And also been reading

Which will hopefully give me some tips to level up my nonexistent social skills


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 27, 2023
I went out on my own, I went by Uber and arrived at 11:30
At first I started talking to the first person I met. We talked a lot and then we then talked to some girls.

Both the guy I talked to and 1 of the wo girls we talked to were very socially uncalibrated

I drank alcohol and mj. The mj hit me badly.

I'm not going to take mj again while I'm going out.

Following the advice of how-get-started-when-you-re-socially-hopeless , I learned 1 important social rule

Social rule #1:
When the other person is talking, don't interrupt. Take advantage of the silences to think an answer and come up with interesting open questions

At one point I talked to a girl that was on her own and that looked pretty similar to a girl I ONS'ed in that same bar before. I somehow felt pretty confident I have a nonzero chance of laying her if things work out even though Im nowhere near being consistent with my lays. Something to keep in mind

Positive aspects:
- I didn't have any stress all night, most likely cause I went out not looking to talk just to girls but to everyone
- I took advantage of most of the opportunities I had to socialize
- I met with some guys I know from before

Negative aspects:
- the mj hit me badly
- I talked to a lot of guys and girls with low social value in my opinion
- I still have to learn more socially